outline of sociology.sarogdhad

Post on 16-Apr-2015






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university of sargodha, saroghddfdfa


Annex II

New course of English and Communication Skills (credit hour: 3) has been added in semester one.

Methods of Social research has been shifted from 1st semester to 2nd Semester.. A new subject of Advance Research Methods has been proposed to offer in 3 rd semester. A new

code MS 608 is generated for Advance Research Methods In 4th Semester subject of NGO Management has been introduced as a compulsory subject

rather than an optional course. Subjects titled as ‘Sociology of Education’, ‘Sociology of Social Work’, ‘Sociology of Health and

Medicine’ have been shifted to the optional group Three credit hours Internship has been introduced in the revised study scheme of M.Sc.

programme. Consequently, the degree of M.Sc. Sociology, in the revised scheme of study will be of 72 Credit hours instead of 69.

It was decided to abandon the optional course titled as “Rural Urban Sociology and Human Ecology”.

Some latest optional courses are also added in the category of optional subjects and the outlines are incorporated accordingly in the revised study of scheme.








Applicable from Session 2012-14

M.SC SOCIOLOGYScheme of Studies from 2012.

Program Credit Hours: 72

FIRST SEMESTERCourse Code Title Credit HoursSOC-511 Principles of Sociology 3



SOC-512 Cultural Anthropology 3SOC-513 Social Statistics 3SOC-514 Application of Computer in Sociology 3SOC-515 Development of sociological theory 3SOC-516 Academic Writing & Presentation Skills 3

Sub-Total 18

SECOND SEMESTERCourse Code Title Credit HoursSOC-521 Contemporary sociological theory 3SOC-522 Population Dynamics 3SOC-523 Sociology of development 3SOC-524 Social Psychology 3SOC-525 Gender issues 3SOC-526 Social Research Methods 3

Sub-Total 18

THIRD SEMESTERCourse Code Title Credit HoursSOC-611 Sociology of change 3SOC-612 Criminology and Sociology of Deviance 3SOC-613 Advance Research Methods 3SOC-614 Internship 3

Any two from the optional coursesOptional-I 3Optional-II 3

Sub-Total 18

FOURTH SEMESTERCourse Code Title Credit HoursSOC-621 Community development 3

And social mobilizationSOC-622 NGO Management 3SOC-623 Thesis 6Any two from the optional courses

Optional-III 3Optional-IV 3

Sub-Total 18Total Credit Hours 72



List of Optional Courses

SOC-555 Sociology of Social Work 3

SOC-603 Sociology of Health and Medicine 3

SOC-604 Industrial Sociology 3

SOC-605 Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management 3

SOC-606 Social Problems of Pakistan 3

SOC-607 Sociology of Religion 3

SOC-652 Sociology of Education 3

SOC-654 Sociology of War and Military 3

SOC-655 Globalization 3

SOC-660 Qualitative Research Methods 3

SOC-661 Sociology of Peace and Conflict Studies 3

SOC-662 Urban Sociology 3

SOC-663 Rural Sociology 3

SOC-664 Political Sociology 3

SOC-665 Corporate Social Responsibility 3

SOC-666 Local Government Institutions & Rural Development in Pakistan 3

SOC-667 Statistical Package for Social Sciences ( SPSS) 3






Nature, scope and subject matter of Sociology Brief historical development of Sociology Introduction to Quranic Sociology Society and community Relationship with other social Social Interaction Processes The study of social life Exploring the global village Sociology as a science The Sociological imagination The development of Sociology Pioneers of Sociology

Social groups Definition and functions Types of social groups

Social institutions Definition Structure and function of social institutions Inter-relationships among various social institutions

Culture and related concepts Definition and aspects of culture Elements of culture Organization of culture Other concepts, cultural relativism, sub cultures, ethnocentrism, cultural lag

Socialization and personality Role and status Socialization Culture and personality

Deviance and social control Definition and types of deviance Juvenile delinquency Formal and informal methods of social control

Social stratification Approach to study social stratification Caste class and race as basics of social stratification

Concept of social movement Theories of social movement Social and cultural change Collective behavior Definition Characteristics Causes Types Social movements Mob and crowd behavior

Social and cultural change Definition of social change Dynamics of social change Impact of globalization on society and culture Resistance to change

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Kendall, Diana, (2001), Sociology in our times, 32nd Edition, Wadsworth.2. James. M. Hensline, (1997), Sociology, Needhan Heigwb, Massachusetts, USA.

3. George J. Brgjar, Michael P. Soroke, (1997), Sociology, Needhan Heigwb, Massachusetts, USA.




What is Anthropology? Branches of Anthropology Relationship of anthropology with other social sciences, Relation between sociology and


the nature of culture the evolution and growth of culture universal aspects of culture Levels of culture Globalization and culture

The concept of human race and diversity: Race is biological or social phenomena Social Race and concept of racism in America (Hypodescent)

Language and Communication: origin of language Structure of language socio-linguistics nonverbal communication

Economic organization Production Distribution and exchange Types of societies based on the Economic production: (i) Hunting and Gathering Societies,

(ii) Horticulture Societies (iii) Agriculture Societies (iv) Pastoral Societies (v) Industrial Societies (vi) Post Modem Societies

Marriage Kinship Types of Marriage Concept of Incest Taboo Kinship systeSOC, Rule of decent types of decent system

Political system kind of political systeSOC political system and economic system

Religion: Origin, functions of religion religion and cultural ecology Religion and social control Kinds of religion

The modern world system: Emergence of world system Industrialization Stratification open and closed clan system World system today

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Bodily John H. (1994) Cultural Anthropology, California, Mayfield Publication Co.2. Harris Marrier (1987), Cultural Anthropology, Newark, Hanper & Co.


Introduction meaning and definition of social statistics use of statistics in modem sociology grouped and un-grouped data

Descriptive and Inductive Nominal, Ordinal and Interval Scales Frequency Distribution Tabular Organization and Graphic Presentation,



Measures of Central tendency Location Mean Median and Mode Percentiles, Deciles and Quartiles,

Measures of dispersion Range mean deviation standard deviation Variance. Quartile deviation.

Probability Basic concepts, Rules of probability, Theory of probability in long rang interpretation of data.

The normal distribution curve: ForSOC of the normal curve Area under the nominal curve.

Test of significance: Single sample test involving means and proportions Two sample tests Difference of means and proportions.

Non-parametric test: Chi- square test Non- parametric test.

Correlation and regression: Method and forSOC of correlation Pearson correlation Partial and multiple correlation Regression analysis in sociology

The analysis of variance: One way analysis of variance Two way analysis of variance.

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Cramer Duncan (1994), Introducing Statistics for Social Research, Step by Step Calculations

and Computer Techniques Using SPSS, London, Roudledge.2. Elifson, Kirk W, Richard P Runyon and Audre Herber (1990), Fundamentals of Social

Statistics 2nd Edition, Singapore: McGraw Hill Book Company.


Introduction to Computers, Concepts, Functions, Applications, Hardware. Types of Computers. Input! Output Devices. Software. System Software. Application Software. Customized Software. Word Processing. Spreadsheet. Tools of Statistical Analyses Using Computer. Database Application. Internet Browser. E-mail: Personal Organizers. Multimedia Applications. Business Applications. Accounts.

Payroll. Production. Market Planning.

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Peter Norton's (2000), Introduction to Computers. 2. Long and long (1999), Introduction to Computers.




Introduction Theory and Knowledge, Process of theorizing, Historical development of sociological thoughts Sociological theory between 1600-1800 AD

Classical Theorists Ibn-e- khuldun Imam Ghazali Shah Wali Allah Functionalist theorists August Comte Emile Durkhiem Max Weber Conflict Theorists Karl Marx

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Turner J H (1987), The Structure of Sociological Theory, Homewood Illinois; Dorsey Press.2. Ritzier George (1988), Sociological Theory, Singapore, McGraw Hill3. Coser, L A (1971), Master of Sociological Thought; Ideas in Historic; Social Context, New

York, Harcourt Brace.4. Dubin Robert (1978); Theory Building, New York, Maxwell, Macmillan.


Use of grammar in context, Phrase, clause and sentence structure, Reported speech, Modals, Oral Communication Skills (Listening and Speaking), Comprehend and use English inside and outside the classroom for social and academic purposes, Reading and Writing Skills, Distinguishing between facts and opinions, Recognizing and interpreting the tone and attitude of the author, Recognizing and interpreting the rhetorical organization of a text, Generating ideas using a variety of strategies e.g. mind map, Developing an outline for an essay, Writing different kinds of essay (descriptive and narrative), Vocabulary building skillsAcademic Reading and Writing:Read the lines (literal understanding of text)Read between the lines (to interpret text)Read beyond the lines (to assimilate, integrate knowledge etc.)Writes examination answersWrite well organized academic text with topic/thesisStatement/supporting details; writes narrative, descriptive, argumentative essays and reports (assignments)Advanced writing skills and strategies building on Foundations of English I & II in semesters I and II: Report writing, assignments/term-papers, examination answers.

Recomended Books:1. HI Eastwood, J. 2004. Oxford Practice Grammar. New Ed., with tests and answers. O

UP2. Goatly, A. 2000. Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Course. London: Taylor

& Francis3. Murphy, Raymond. Grammar in Use. C UP4. Collins COBUILD Students’ Grammar. London: Longman5. Thomson & Martinet. Practical English Grammar. O UP

6. Wallace, M. 1992. Study Skills. C UP7. Yorky, R. Study Skills8. Aaron, J. 2003. The Compact Reader. New York: BedfordAxelrod, R. B and Cooper,

C.R. 2002. Reading Critical Writing Well: A Reader and Guide9. Barnet, S. and Bedau, H. 2004. Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing:10. A Brief Guide to Writing. 6th Ed.

11. Gardner, P. S. 2005. New Directions: Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking



12. George, D. and Trimbur, J. 2006. Reading Culture: Context for Critical reading and Writing. 6th Ed.

13. Goatly, A. 2000. Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Course.14. London: Taylor & Francis Grellet, F. Writing for Advanced Learners of English. C UP15. Jordan, K. M. and Plakans, L. 2003. Reading and Writing for Academic Success16. Jordon, R. R. 1999. Academic Writing Course. C UP.17. Smith, L. C. 2003. Issues for Today: An Effective Reading Skills Text withrow, J.

Effective Writing. C UP


SOC-521 CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGICAL THEORYNeo- structural functionalist:

Talcoot parsons Robert K. Merton.

Neo- conflict theorists: Ralf dahrendorf

Critical conflict theory: Thorstein veblen

Frankfurt school of thought: Jurgen habbermas

Rational choice theory \ Exchange theory: Skinner and behaviourism, G.C. Homans, Peter M. Blau

Social behaviourism and Interactionism: Phenomenology (Alferd Schutz), Systamatic social behaviouism ( Max weber, George simmel) Symbolic Interactionism (C.H.Cooly, G.H Mead)

Ethnomethodology: Introduction, Contribution of H Garfinkal.

Evolving contemporary feminist theory: Feminism Historical development Gender theories.

Resent developments\ integration and synthesis: Micro\ macro integration Synthesis in sociological theory

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Turner J H (1987), The Structure of Sociological Theory, Homewood Illinois; Dorsey Press.2. Ritzer George (1988), Sociological Theory, Singapore, McGraw Hill. 3. Coser, L A (1971), Master of Sociological Thought; Ideas in Historical Social Context, New York, Harcourt Brace.4. Dubin Robert (1978); Theory Building, New York, Maxwell, Macmillan

SOC-522 POPULATION DYNAMICSA demographic Perspective

Introduction to the world's population Demographic data Demographic perspective Population processes Mortality Fertility, concepts and measures The fertility transition

MigrationPopulation structure and characteristics

Age & sex Population, aging and life course Family Demography and life chances The urban transition

Using the demographic perspective Population and the environment

Population policy Demographics



Demography of Pakistan: Birth rates Fertility Mortality rates Migration

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Weeks John R (1992), Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues. Belmart

California, Wadsworth Publishing Company.2. Peterson, William, (1975), Population, New York, Macmillan.

SOC-523 SOCIOLOGY OF DEVELOPMENTDevelopment and related conceptsDevelopment and ModernizationTheories of Development:

The modernization school Marxist and socialist perspective Development and underdevelopment Dependency Developmentalism Structural adjustment

Social change and Development The politics of development Economy, policy, culture, and ideology, corporations' classes and consumerism,

Gender and development Transitional practices in the third world Socialist societies in the global system Problems of Development Models of Case Studies of Development Problems and Prospects of Sociology of Development The role of development aid in development The role of non-government organizations in development

Demographic transitional theories related with developmentDevelopment in Pakistan: a case studyBOOKS RECOMMENDED:

1. Auty, Richard M. (1995), Patterns of Development Resources, Policy and Economic Growth, London, Edward Arnold.

2. Booth, David (1994), Rethinking Social Development. Theory, Research and Practice. England, Longman Scientific and Technical.

3. Gardez, Hassan N. (1991), Understanding Pakistan the Colonial Factor in Social Development, Lahore, Maktab-e-Fikr-O-Danish.

4. Webster A. (1990) Introduction to the Sociology of Development. Hongkong, McMillan Education Ltd.


Definition and scope of social psychology Historical development of social psychology Methods and framework of social psychology

Human Behavior & Personality:

Psychological dynamics Socio-cultural dynamics Man as a psycho-bio-social unit. Personality Development: Socialization and personality development Theories of personality development

Theorists Sigmund Freud C.H. Cooley Skinner G.H. Mead.

Cultural and Social Development:



Universal cultural patterns Cultural values and inter-personal adjustment

Individual in Society: Interpersonal behavior Attitudes (meaning, formation, and change) perception Language (communication and change) motivation

Group dynamics: Group life Formation of groups Dimensions of group effectiveness Dynamics of Leadership: Leadership Role and status, psycho-social factors underlying roles Types of leaderships Group morale and leadership

Stress in Social Behavior: Social behavior Physically, psychologically, socially stressful situation, tension, frustration, stress, tension

reduction.Psychological problems of Pakistani SocietyBOOKS RECOMMENDED:

1. Worchil, S. (2000), Social Psychology, Australia, Wadsworth. 2. Lindesmith, Alfred R. Straurs Anselm L. Perzin, N.K, (1994), Social Psychology, London,

SAGIE.3. Baron, R. (1998), Exploring Social Psychology, Allyn, Bacon.

SOC-525 GENDER ISSUESIntroduction

Feminism The Sociological Feminism

Major Feminist Perspectives First wave Feminists Second wave Feminists Third Wave Feminists

Culture vs. SexualityTheological Perspective on Gender: Islam.

Readings: 1. Excerpts from Women and Islam" by Maulana Maududi Excerpts from Women and Islam" by Mazaharuddin Siddiqui. Excerpts from Imam Ghazali' s "Book of Good Practices As Regard Marriage" Sacred text as a political weapon Feminist Islam and Sexist MusliSOC Gender, Politics and Islam

Theological Perspective on Gender: Hinduism. Excerpts from Upnishads Excerpts from Geeta Excerpts from Ramayan

Gender and developmentBOOKS RECOMMENDED:

1. Hegedorn, R: Sociology, Helt, Rinehart SL, Winston, Toronto, 1983. 2. Cox, Frank D, Human Intimacy, West Publishing Co. New York, 1990. 3. Archer, J & Loyd B: Sex and Gender, Cambridge Role in Perspective, John Wiley, Toronto,


SOC-526 SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODSRESEARCH METHODS -I I IntroductionScientific Method and Social Research, Theory and Research, Research Orientation: Basic, Applied and Evaluative, Purpose of Research: Exploration, Description, Explanation

II Language of Research



Concept: Development Process, Definition: Nominal and Operational, Variable: Types, Hypothesis: Univariate, Bivariate, Multivariate, Characteristics of a Testable Hypothesis. Nul Hypothesis. Alternate Hypothesis III The Research Process Stages of Social Research, Circularity and Replication IV Formulation of Research Problem Choosing the Problem and its Significance, Review of Relevant Literature, Theoretical Framework, The Derivation of Hypothesis, Measuring the Variables: Operationalization, Validity and Reliability, The Time Dimension: Cross-sectional Studies, Longitudinal Studies, Approximating Longitudinal Studies, Unit of Analysis: Individuals, Groups, Organizations, the Ecological Fallacy, Reductionism, Population and samplingBooks recommended

1. Baily, K.D. (2000). Methods of Social Research, New York: The Free Press.2. Baker, Therese L. (1999). Doing Social Research, New York: The Free Press. Ackoff,

Russel, L. (Latest ed.) The Design of Social Research, Chicago; Univ. of Chicago Press.3. Bailey, K.D. (1982). Methods of Social Research. New York: The Free Press.4. Baily, K.D. (1978) Methods of Social Research, New York: The Free Press.5. Baker, Therese L. (1994) Doing Social Research (2nd ed.), New York:6. McGraw Hill, Inc.7. Baker, Therese L.(1988). Doing Social Research, New York: McGraw Hill8. Benjafield, Jhon G. (1994). Thinking Critically about Research Methods. London: Allyn

and Bacon.9. Blalock, Hubert M. (Revised), Methods of Social Research. Chaple Hill, University of

North California Press.10. Hyman, Herbert et al (latest. ed) Interviewing in Social Research, Chicago. University of

Chicago Press.11. Miller, Delber C. (1977) Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement 3rd ed.

New York: Mckay and Co.12. Miller, Delbert C. (1976) Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement, New

York: David Mckay Co.13. Rosi, Peeter H. et al (eds.) (1983) Handbook of Survey Research, New York: Academic

Publishers.14. Senter, R.J. (1969) Analysis of Data: Introductory Statistics for the Behavioural

Sciences, N.J.: Scott, Foresman and Company.15. Warwick, P.B. and C.A. Liminger C.A. (1975). The sample survey16. Theory and Practice N.Y. McGraw Hill, Book Co. Weisberg, Herbert F. and Bowen,

Brnce, D. (1977). An Introduction to Survey research and Data Analysis, San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company.

17. Young, Pauline V. (1961). Scientific Social Surveys and Research, Tokoyo: Charles E. Tuttle Company.

Reference Books1. Loraines, Blaxter, Christina Hughes and Malcom Tight (1999). How to Research. Viva

Book Pvt. Ltd. Mumbay. 2. Senter, R.J. (1969). Analysis of Data - Introductory Statistics for the Behavioural

Sciences. Illinois; Scott Freeman and Company.3. Young, Pauline, V. (1990). Scientific Social Surveys and Research, Tokyo: Charles E.

Tutrttle Co.


SOC-611 SOCIOLOGY OF CHANGEThe normality of change

The contemporary chaos Order and change The amendment of functional theories The ubiquity of change

Causes and directions The myth of singular theory of change Note on detection and measurement The direction of change

Small scale change Social action in cycles



Changes in group structures Relations among preclusive group Normative inconsistency

Change in societies Change producing tension The tensions of inequality Acculturation

Modernization The forSOC of modernization Industrialization: conditions Industrialization: concomitants and consequences . The dynamics of industrial society

Social evolutionBOOKS RECOMMENDED:

1. Swansen, G.E. Social Change, Glenview, III, Scott, Foresman and Co. 1971. 2. Lapiere, R.T. Social Change, New York: McGraw Hill Book Co., 19653. Elzioni, A, and E. Elzioni, (eds), Social Change, New York: Basic Book Inc, 1964.4. Moore, W.E, Social Change, Englawood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice Hall Inc, 1974. 5. Smith, A.D, The Concept of Social Change: A Critique of the Functionalist Theory of Social

Change, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973.

SOC-612 CRIMNINOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANCE(Part 1 criminology)Introduction

Criminology and its scope Criminology and its law

Related Concepts Deviancy Sin Vice Crime as a social and cultural phenomenon Crime and social organization Crime as a social problem Crime and social structure

Theories and Approaches to Criminal Behavior Biological and environmental factors Psychological and psychiatric determinants Sociological and economic approaches Islamic point of view

Crime and Criminals The occasional criminals The habitual criminals The professional criminals The white-collar crimes The organized crimes

Corporate crimes Custom based deviance and crimes

Juvenile delinquency Juvenile delinquency and crime Delinquency prevention at juvenile level Juvenile reformatories Probation Other preventive measures/programes with reference to Pakistan

Crime Statistics Sources, difficulties and need National crime statistics and its sociological interpretation International crime statistics and its sociological interpretation Problems of reliability and validity

Detection of Crimes Agencies of detection formal-informal Techniques of detection Problems of detection

Trail and conviction of offenders



Agencies: formal/informal criminal court Types, problems and procedures

Punitive and reformative treatments of criminals Corporal punishments, Capital punishment, Imprisonment, Prison and related problems,

Probation, Parole, Rehabilitation of criminals, Specific study of Islamic laws with special emphases on Hadood, Qisas and Tazir

Prevention of Crime Long term measures, Short term measures

(Part 2 Deviance)Introduction

Definitions, Nature, Relative phenomenon, Difference between deviance and crimeDeviance and Types of Deviance

Social stigma, Mental illnessSocial Factors and DevianceFunction of DevianceTheories of Deviance

Biological explanation, Psychological explanationSociological explanation

Functionalist theories of deviance Conflict theories of deviance Symbolic integrationist theories of deviance

Controlling DevianceDeviance in global perspective

Debating social policy Some Important Case Studies.

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Aulak, An Mafid. Criminal Justice, Martin, Ramdy, 1991. Criminological Thnought-

Pioneers, Past and Present. Macmillan and Co.2. Jupp. Victor (1989), Methods of Criminological Research, London, Macmillan and Co.3. Hagon, John Modem (1987), Criminology, New York, McGraw Hill.4. Resen Berg M.M.: An Introduction to Sociology, Methven, New York, 1983.5. Curra, John, Understanding Social Deviance: From the Near Side to the outer limits, New

York, Harper Collins, 1994.SOC-613 ADVANCE RESEARCH METHODSI Formulation of Research Design Types of Research Design: Experimental Research, Survey Research, Field Research (Observation and its Types, Participatory Rapid Appraisal, Focused Group Discussion, (Case Studies). Unobtrusive Research (Content Analysis, Analyzing Existing Data, Historical Research), Components of Research Design

II Gathering of Data Instruments of Data Collection: Interview Schedule. Questionnaire, Interview Guide, Guidelines for the Construction of Questionnaires and its Administration, Guidelines for Interviewing III Analyzing Data Measurement: Scores, Indexes, Scales, Getting the Data to the Computer (Introduction to the use of Computer), Table Presentation, Qualitative Data IV Interpreting Results Hypothesis Testing, Interpretation of Qualitative Data, Discussion, Report Writing (Mechanics, Footnotes, References)

Books Recommended1. Baily, K.D. (2000). Methods of Social Research, New York: The Free Press.2. Baker, Therese L. (1999). Doing Social Research, New York: The Free Press. Ackoff,

Russel, L. (Latest ed.) The Design of Social Research, Chicago; Univ. of Chicago Press.3. Bailey, K.D. (1982). Methods of Social Research. New York: The Free Press.4. Baily, K.D. (1978) Methods of Social Research, New York: The Free Press.5. Baker, Therese L. (1994) Doing Social Research (2nd ed.), New York: McGraw Hill, Inc.6. Baker, Therese L.(1988). Doing Social Research, New York: McGraw Hill



7. Benjafield, Jhon G. (1994). Thinking Critically about Research Methods. London: Allyn and Bacon.

8. Blalock, Hubert M. (Revised), Methods of Social Research. Chaple Hill, University of North California Press.

9. Hyman, Herbert et al (latest. ed) Interviewing in Social Research, Chicago. University of Chicago Press.

10. Miller, Delber C. (1977) Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement 3rd ed. New York: Mckay and Co.

11. Miller, Delbert C. (1976) Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement, New York: David Mckay Co.

12. Rosi, Peeter H. et al (eds.) (1983) Handbook of Survey Research, New York: Academic Publishers.

13. Senter, R.J. (1969) Analysis of Data: Introductory Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences, N.J.: Scott, Foresman and Company.

14. Warwick, P.B. and C.A. Liminger C.A. (1975). The sample survey15. Theory and Practice N.Y. McGraw Hill, Book Co. Weisberg, Herbert F. and Bowen, Brnce,

D. (1977). An Introduction to Survey research and Data Analysis, San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company.

16. Young, Pauline V. (1961). Scientific Social Surveys and Research, Tokoyo: Charles E. Tuttle Company.

Reference Books4. Loraines, Blaxter, Christina Hughes and Malcom Tight (1999). How to Research. Viva

Book Pvt. Ltd. Mumbay. 5. Senter, R.J. (1969). Analysis of Data - Introductory Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences.

Illinois; Scott Freeman and Company.6. Young, Pauline, V. (1990). Scientific Social Surveys and Research, Tokyo: Charles E.

Tutrttle Co.SOC-614 INTERNSHIP 1. Field work & Report 2. Viva Voce


SOC-621 Community Development & Social Mobilization

Conceptual Framework of Community Development: Meaning, scope and subject matter Nature and characteristics of developed communities. Needs and problems. Possible solutions and desired goals.

Community: Stages of community evolution. Historical development of less developed countries.

Historical background of community development as a world wide movement is Pakistan.Definition, Concepts, Principles and methods:

Definition: philosophy and concepts of Community Development. Aim, Goal, nature and scope of Community Development. Community Development and related TerSOC: Community Organization; National Development and Adult Education (REFLECT). Social, political and economic implications of community development and its role in

National Development. Principles and methods of community development.

Working and Community: AiSOC and Goals, Process and stages of work. Methods and techniques for brining change and introducing New Ideas. Community planning-community Survey and needs-Planning in process and planning into

Action. Working with different groups and eliminating group conflicts. Role and functions of Social Organizer.

Organization and administration of Community Development Program: Types of Community Development PrograSOC; Characteristics and Analysis of each.



Rural and Urban Community Development; similarities and differences, nature and scope. Communication and co-ordination in community development. Stimulations of voluntary action and development of local leadership. Participatory Reflection and Action (PRA)Progress and Evolution: Review of Rural Community Development and Urban community Development in Pakistan. (Village-aid, Basic Democracies, Orangi Pilot Project, Comilla Projects, IRDP). Role and functioning of Rural Support PrograSOC in Pakistan Comparative Study of

community Development and Evolutions of the experiences of other South Asian countries.BOOKS RECOMMENDED

1. lan, Ikramullah. and lan, Abidullah. Social Organizers. 60- The Mall, Lahore. Mavra Publishers.

2. Khalid, Mohammad. (1996). Social Work: Theory and Practice. (2nd ed.). Karacahi: Kifayat Academy, Educational Publishers.

3. Ross, Murray G. (1955). Community Organization: Theory and Principles. New York: Harper & Row Publishers.

4. Skidmore, Rex A. and Thackeray, Milton G. (1964). Introduction to Social Work. New York: Meredith Publishing Company.

5. Warburton, Diane. (1998). Community & Sustainable Development. London: Earthscan Publications Ltd.

6. Khan, Akhter H., (1985), Rural Development in Pakistan, Lahore, Vanguard Books Ltd


Introduction What is NGOs

Strategic management of NGOs Management ofNGOs NGOs and social change

Involvement of NGO in civil society Role ofNGOs in global civil society

NGOs and democracy Regulations to corporations Government NGO co-operation NGOs in planning and development

NGOs and global governance Role ofNGOs in sustainable development

Advocacy of NGOs NGOs advocates of good governance

Financing NGOs Risks of bank-NGO relations Funding NGOs Role of IMF Financial and technical activities of IMF

NGOs: issues and opportunities NGOs' policy towards international criminal court

BOOKS RECOMMENDED1. Goel, O.P. (2004) Strategic Management and policy issues of NGOs Blank. 2000. The

natural laws of leadership. Royal book company, Karachi2. Khan, Imdad. A. 1998. Changing pattern of rural leadership and their characteristics.

Pakistan academy for rural development, Peshawar, Pakistan



What is Social Work Relationship with Sociology Historical development of social welfare in South Asia



Social Work Services Psychiatric Social Work Medical Social Work Social Work in the schools Public welfare Child Welfare

Social Work Processes with reference to Pakistan Casework Group work Community Organization The enabling Process

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Ferguson, Etizabath A (1963). Social Work: An Introduction, New York, J.B. L. Pincott

Company.2. Fink, Arthur E. ed.a!. The field of Social Work, New York, Holt R. Nehart and Winston.

3. Fried: Amder. Watter A. (Ed) Concepts and Methods of Social Work. Englewood CL. Ffs. NJ Practice Hall Inc. 1958.

4. Martin, Davis (1991) The Sociology of Social Work, London, Routledge.5. Skidmore Rex A, Miltong Thackery. (1994), Introduction to Social Work. New Jercy.

Prentice Hall International Inc.


Defining Health Contrasting ideas about Health and Social Behavior

Imagining Health Problems as Social Issues Social Production and Social Construction of Health and Illness Deconstructing Health and Illness Major Sociological paradigSOC and health

Indigenous and Cosmopolitan Models of Health Care Health Care: The Indigenous Version Health Care: The Cosmopolitan Version Towards Integration: Problems and Prospects

Social Roles of Care Seekers and Care Providers Cultural Construction of Health and Illness

Indigenous Health System and Health Beliefs Role of Indigenous Healer Role of Cosmopolitan Doctor

Epidemiology Epidemiological Measures The Development of Epidemiology The Complexity of Modem Ills: Coronary Heart Disease Disease and Modernization

Models of Health Medical Model Bio-Psycho-Social Model Human ecosystem Model New Public Health Primary Health Care

Social Stress Symbolic Interaction: Cooley, Thomas, and Goffman Functionalism: Durkheim Stress Social Factors and Stress

The Body, Medicine, and Society Beliefs about Health and the Body Medical Encounter, Power, and the Illness experience



Body Maintenance and the Disciplined Body Distinctions between Bodies

The Sick Role Illness as Deviance Functionalist Approach to Deviance The Sick Role Criticism of the Sick Role Labeling Theory Sickness as Social Deviance Being Sick and Disabled

Doctor-Patient Interaction Models of Interaction Misunderstandings in Communication Cultural Differences in Communication Patient Compliance The Future of Doctor-Patient Relations Doctor-Patient Relations and Technology

Hospitals The Development of the Hospital as a Social Institution Hospitals in the United States The Organization of the General Hospital The Hospital-Patient Role The Rising Cost of Hospitalization

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. David Tucket (Ed), An Introduction to Medical Sociology, London, Taritocl Publication,

1976.2. David, Mechanic, Medical Sociology, New York. The Free Press,

1960.3. Moward E. Treaman at. AI. Handbook of Medical Sociology, Englewood Cliffs, NJ

Prentice Hall, Inc. 1963.4. Moon, Graham (1995) Society and Health. An Introduction to Social Science for Health

Professional. London. Routledge.5. Shah, Ilyas (1998) Community Medicine. Karachi.6. Bauggartner, Teda (1994), Conducting and reading research in health and human

performance. England, Brow and Benchmarn Publishers.


Sociology and industrial, Work, occupation' industry, organization, factory, and management. Industrialization Antecedent of industrialization in west. Process of industrialization theories of industrialization

Formal organization Bureaucracy Trade union and theories of unionism.

Work ethics in Islam Division of labor Work ethics Distribution of wealth,

Industry and sociology Industry and social change

Industrialization in Pakistan Historical view of industrial development Problems and prospects of industrialization in sociological perspective Industrial relationship in Pakistan.

Trade unionism in Pakistan Labor movement



Trade unionism Union leadership and collective garaging.

Labour policies in Pakistan Historical perspective Analysis of current prices.

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Smith J H. (1981) Industrial Sociology, New York, UNESCO. 2. Rizvi BA Sarwar, Industrial Labor Relations in Pakistan, Karachi, National Institute of

Social and Economic Research, 1973.3. Government of Pakistan, Five Year Plan, I, II, III, IV, V.4. Labor Policies, Government of Pakistan 200 1.


Introduction: Meaning and difference between social organization formal and informal organization Characteristics of formal organization.

Theories of Formal Organization: classical organizational theories neoclassical theories System approach to organization.

Organizational Structure and Human Resource Management: Meaning and interrelationship of organizational size Complexity and formalization.

Organizational Processes: motivation, power and authority leadership Communication Conflict decision making

Human Resource Management Role of human resource development in organization and socialization of employees Training and development of employees Career planning and human resource development Meaning and problems of performance appraisal.

General problems in organization of Pakistan: Structural problem Operational problems Behavior problems

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Ahuja KK. (1993). Management and Organization Dehli CBS Publishers and

Distributors.2. Davis, NewstoSOC (1992), Organizational Behavior. Human Behavior at work

New York. McGraw Hill Inc.3. Peterson R.B. and I. Tracy (1979), Systematic Management of Human Resources. UK.

Adison-Wasty Pub. Co.4. Weihrich and Koontz (1993). Management: A Global Perspective 10th Edition, NewY

ork: McGraw Hill Inc.5. Luthans, 1998,Organization Behavior, McGraw Hill


Definition and Nature of Social Problem Approaches to Social Problems Characteristics of Social Problems Classification of Social Problems Role of Sociologists in solving Social Problems

Population Problems High Population growth: causes and consequences Over population



Economic and Agricultural Problems

Industrialization Agricultural credit Unemployment and underemployment

Drug and narcotic addiction Drug addiction-factors causing its spread, socio-economic psychological and other

effects on individual and the family, remedial measures Narcotics measures of control in Pakistani society

Problems of health and environment Mental health Physical health and sanitation environmental problems

Orientation to culture of Pakistan Value conflict in a changing society National unity and integration Problems of national character

Major Social Problems in Pakistan Beggary Child labor/ abuse Bonded labor Bad governance Gender discrimination Illiteracy Family violence

BOOKS RECOMMENDED 1. Ahmed, Akber S. (1990). Pakistan: The Social Sciernces Perspective.

Karachi: Oxford University Press2. Birkhead, Guthrie S. (1966). Administrative Problems in Pakistan. New York: Syracuse

University Press.3. Joshi, S. C. (2005). Social Problems: Genesis, Causes and Magnitude. India: Akansha

Publishing House 4. Korson, J. henry (1974). Contemporary Problems in Pakistan


Definition Elements of religion

Theories of Religion Introductory theories How religion evolve Sociological explanation Sociological theories Psycho-analytical theories

Sociological consequences The sociological functions of religion Universal order of religion Pragmatism in religion Integrating power of religion Religion and social ideals

Sociological analysis of world religions systems Judaism Hinduism Islam Christianity Buddhism

Types of religious authority The prophet Clergy/organization of religious groups The reformer



The saint/priest/moulvi The magician

Religion as Agency of Social Control

BOOKS RECOMMENDED1. Thompson. Ian. (1988), Religion, Sociology in Focus Series. London Longman.2. Johnstone, Ronald L. (1975), Religion and Society in Interaction. The Sociology of

Religion, New Jersey Prentice-Hall.3. Vernon, Glenn M. (1962), Sociology of Religion, New York McGraw Hill.


Introduction The concept of education Origin and development of education

Institutional Fabric of Education Education and religion Education and polity Education and economy Education and social mobility

Forms of Education Formal Non-formal Informal

Contemporary Educational System Semester system Annual system

Education in Pakistan Educational statistics Education policy and reforms Private and public sectors of education Education problems

Quality of education Investment in education Access to education Teachers' training Dropouts and wastage Students' problems

BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Ballantine, Jeanne H. (1993), The Sociology of Education. A Systematic Analysis. New

Gercy Prentice Hall.2. Best, John W. (1992), research in Education, New Delhi, Prentice Hall. 3. Singh, Dr. Achyut Kumar, (1992), Education and National Character. New Delhi,


Introduction What is war? How was the life of the nation-state connected with changes in warfare?

Role of militaryImportance of sociology in militaryGenocide and War

The gendering of war. Late militarism: mediated war. Civil war: Revolution and war, State crisis and formation

Global era 'new' wars: eth~icity and political economy Ethnic 'cleansing' and genocide gender and refugees.

Humanitarian, intervention Ncfos, media and global justice The future of war



BOOKS RECOMMENDED: 1. Carl V onclause witz, on war (ed.Peter Paret and Micheal Howard). Everyman's library,

London, 1993.

2. Avinen, S. 1992.Hegal's, Theory of the Modem state: Combridge University Press. P .194-207

3. Gallie, W.B. 1978. Philosophers of war and peace4. Sumner, W.G.1911 war.P.3-42, war and other essays.


Globalization and its discontents. Meanings History Nature and existence of globalization Characteristics Anti-globalization Pro-globalization (globalism) Marketization Mundialization Westernization


1. Ellwood,w.(2001) The no-nonsense guide to Globalization 2. Frank, T (2001) One market under god, Anchor Books3 Sklair, L (2001) The transnational capitalist class, Blackwell

SOC-660 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODSI What is Qualitative Research? Varieties of quantitative research, Criticisms of quantitative research, Varieties of qualitative

research, Criticisms of qualitative research, Conclusion, Summary II Tools/Techniques Interviews, Ethnographies, Texts, Audiotapes, Videotapes, Multiple methods, Summary III Selecting a Topic Simplistic inductivism, the ‘kitchen sink’ gambit, Grand theory, Strategies for kitchen-sinkers, Strategies for grand theorists, Concluding remarks, Summary IV Theory in Qualitative Research What is theory? , Theories, models and hypotheses, Generalizations and theory building, How to theorize about data, Conclusion, SummaryV Choosing a Methodology A case study: HIV counselling, Multiple methods? , Concluding remarks, Summary VI Selecting a Case Generalizability in qualitative research, Combining qualitative research with quantitative measures of populations, Purposive sampling, Theoretical sampling, Generalizability as present in a single case, Concluding remarks, Summary VII Beginning Data Analysis Kick-starting your analysis, Interviews, Field notes, Texts, Transcripts, Concluding remarks, Summary VIII Developing Data Analysis A case study: observing heart clinics, Field notes and data analysis, Transcripts and data analysis, Concluding remarks, Summary IX Using Computers to Analyze Qualitative Data Clive Seale, Advantages of CAQDAS, Limitations and disadvantages, Mainstream packages:, ETHNOGRAPH, NUD.IST AND ATLAS, Theory building with CAQDAS, Hyperlinks to postmodern readings of text, Summary X Validity and Reliability Validity, Reliability, Conclusion, Summary




1.      General Overviews: Sociology of Peace and War, Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies, War and Possibilities of Peace2. War and Violence: Explaining War and Violence, Cultures of Violence, Sociology of Violence and Nonviolence, religious traditions violence and non-violence3.      Social Problems: Aggression, Psychology of Aggression, Social Conflict and War, Forms and Causes of Conflict;  Variations Among Social Conflicts4.      Conflict and Conflict Management: Conflict management and resolution, Conflict theory,5.      Military Sociology: Militarism, Military Institutions and war, The Military and Society, War and the Military, Civil-Military Relations, Militarism and Development in Underdeveloped Societies, History of Revolutionary Warfare, the Case of the Pakistani Military,6.      Sociology of Terrorism and Genocide: Perspectives on the Holocaust and Genocide, Inequality and  Conflict, Gender and Conflict (Violence Against Women ),7.      Building Cultures of Peace in Pakistani Society: Race, Class and Gender, Nonviolence and Popular Movements, Nonviolence and the Ethics of Social Action, Nonviolent Strategies and Conflict Transformation, 8.   Peace Rhetoric: Peace, Peace Building, peace enforcement, peace keeping, 9.   Nonviolence in Literature and Media, Peacemakers: Nobel Peace Laureates and Social Action, Reconciliation vs. Revenge: Transitional Justice; Recommended Books

1. Barak, Gregg. 2003. Violence & Nonviolence: Pathways to Understanding. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

2. Kurtz, L. and Turpin, J. (eds) 1999. Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace & Conflict, Academic Press, London

3. Kataria, P. 2007. Conflict Resolution, Peep and Deep Publications, New Delhi4. Agarwal, P. 2006. South Asia: Peace Security, and Development, Kilaso Books, New Delhi5. Parrillo, Vincent N. (ed.) 2008. Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Sage Publications, Inc.

London6.      Miller, Christopher E., Mary E. King 2005. A Glossary of Terms and Concepts in Peace and Conflict Studies, University for Peace.7.      Fouda, Y. and Fielding 2003. Mastermind of Terror, Arcade Publishing, New York


1. Introductiona. Definition of Basic Conceptsb. Urbanization and Urbanism, Community, Town, City, Metropolis and Megalopolis.

2. Urban Sociologya. Scope and Field of Studyb. The Rise, and Decline of Citiesc. Origin of Urban Life

3. The Rise of Modern Citya. Growth of Citiesb. Factors in Urbanization and Urban Growthc. Growth of Cities-planned Development.

4. Trends of Urbanization in Pakistan.5. The Ecology of the City

a. Human Ecology-meaning and Relationship with Urban Sociologyb. Location of the City.

6. The Social Relations in the Citya. The Small Groups - Their Functions and Role Structureb. The Urban Attitudes, Ideals and Values,

7. The Urban Economic System, Rest and Recreational Activities in the City.8. The Disorganized Areas

a. Slums, Katchi Abadies and Their Developmentb. Lack of Coordination in Various Social Systems in the Cityc. Juvenile Delinquency and Street Crime in the City.

9. Main Social Problems of the Cities, Their Origin, Causative Factors and Remedial Measures.10. Welfare Agencies in the City - Their Structure and Functioning, Adjustment of migrants in the

City, Town Planning, Social and Welfare Planning, Meaning, Need and Scope, Planning and



Development of the City, House Planning, Neighborhood Planning, Voluntary Associations, The Future of the City.

Recommended Books:1. Bardo, John W. (1982). Urban Sociology. New York: MacGraw-Hill, Inc.2. Berry, Briyan (1977). Contemporary Urban Ecology. New York: Macmillan.3. Brenner, Neil & Roger Keil (ed.) (2006). The Global Cities Reader. Routledge, London &

New York.4. Fitzpatrick, Kevin, & Mark LaGory, (2000), Unhealthy Places: The Ecology of Risk in the

Urban Landscape, Routledge: London.5. Gottdiener, M. & Leslie Budd (2005) Key concepts in Urban Studies. Sage, London.6. Khan, Mahmood H., (1998), Climbing the Development Ladder with NGO Support:

Experiences of Rural People in Pakistan, Karachi, Oxford University Press.7. Lamba, P. S. & S. S. Salanki (1992). Impact of Urbanization and Industrialization on Rural

Society. New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited.8. Lamba, P.S. and.S.S. Salanki, (1992), Impact of urbanization and industrialization on rural

society. New Delhi, Wiley Eastern Limited.9. Nabeel; Hamdi (1995), Housing without Houses. WCIB 4HH, UK.10. Parker, Simon (2004) Urban Theory and the Urban Experience Encountering the City.

Routledge, London11. Quim, James A. (1995), Urban Sociology, New York, America Park Co.12. Unders Tanding, Karachi, Arif Hassan, 2001, City Press, KarachiSOC-663 RURAL SOCIOLOGY1. Introduction:Field of rural sociology, Rural sociology as a science, Rural sociology and other social sciences2. Basic concepts and processes: An understanding of rural social system, Caste and baradari, Structure, factions, dispute and We-groups, social stratification and social differentiation.3. Basic concepts and action: Group, role and status, Norms and values, folkways and Mores, Social system and Sub- systems.4. Social change: Acceptance and resistance to change, Role of Extension worker as change, Relationship between technological and socio-economic aspect of rural society.5. Gender and development in rural set-up:Role and status of rural woman.

6. Pattern of rural settlementRural resources, Land Tenure system, Size of landholding, Other institutions of rural society, health, education, sanitation. Books Recommended : 1. Chaudhary, Anjana. Rural Sociology, (2004) Dominant Publishers and distributors, New Delhi. 2. Chitamber, J.B. “Introductory Rural Sociology”, 2003, 2nd Edition, New Age International (P)

Limited Publisher, New Delhi.3. Dalal, B. 2003, Rural Planning in Developing Countries, New Delhi, Earthscan.4. Social Policy and Development. 2000. Social Development in Pakistan, New York, Oxford

University Press.5. Chitamber, J.B. (1975). An Introduction to Rural Sociology. New Delhi:6. Balley Eastern Ltd.7. Akbar, S. Ahmed. Pieces of Green. Karachi: Royal book Co.8. Loomis and Beegle. Rural Social System. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.9. Bertrand, A. L. Rural Sociology. Asian Book Co.10. Bertrand, Alvin A. (1958). Rural Sociology: an analysis of rural life. New York: MacGraw-Hill.11. Connel, John (1976). Migration from Rural Areas. Delhi: Oxford University Press.12. Hunter, Guy (1969). Modernizing Peasant Societies. London: Oxford

University Press.

SOC-664 POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY        1. Meanings and scope of political sociology.2. The study of social and political behavior.3. Social classification-social stratification: status power, symbols.4. Political Socialization Role of family, tribe, race, education and religion.5. Political communication: Information media, press, modes of political communication and control.



6. Rural urban cultural patterns: Socio-political sociology.7. Public opinion: nature, formation, role, measurement of public opinion.8. Individual and collective political behavior; Determinants-modes, including anomic political behavior.Recommended Books 1. Michael Rush and Philip Althoff. An introduction to Political Sociology.2. W.G. Runciaman, Social Science and Political Theory.3. Oran R. Young. System of Political Science.4. Karl W. Deutsch. The nerves of Government: Models of Political communication and control.5. Lucian W. Pye ed. Communication and Political development.6. Parsons, Talcott. The structure of Social action.7. Parson, Talcott. Theories of society; two vols.8. Weber, Max. The theory of social and economic organization.


a Corporate Social Responsibility meansb The value proposition of Corporate Social Responsibility

2 What is CSR and Where are We Now? a Definitions, capital market influences, rating organizations, recent studies b CSR competencies c Emerging guidelines

3 Who are the Stakeholders and What are Their Needs?a Governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) b The voiceless stakeholders c Geo-political influences

4 What are the enablers?a Corporate governance b Enterprise risk management c Guidance from many constituencies d Linkage to internal audit standards

5 What is the Triple Bottom Line?a Economic viability b Environmental soundness c Social responsibility

6 How are Organizations Approaching?a Climate change challenges b Environmental health and safety concerns c Supply chain issues d Social responsibilities

7 How do you manage the reporting and assurance issues? a Reporting challenges, dos and don'ts b Assurance emerging practices

8 What is the Appropriate Role for Internal Audit? a Competencies required

Recommended Books:1. David Vogel - Business & Economics – 2005. The Market for Virtue: The Potential and

Limits Of Corporate Social.2. Jan Jonker, Marinus Cornelis de Witte, Marco de Witte 2006.Management Models for

Corporate Social Responsibility -3. Muhammad Yunus, Karl Weber. 2008. Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business

and the Future of Capitalism 4. Philip Kotler, Nancy Lee. 2005. Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for

Your Company and Steve Kent May, George Cheney, Juliet Roper -2007. The Debate Over Corporate Social Responsibility

5. William B. Werther, David Chandler 2006. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Stakeholders in a Global Environment


1. Areas of Rural developmentAgriculture, Health, Education, Home economics Co-operatives2. The choice of an appropriate development strategy



Industrial development in rural areas, Increase in agriculture production, Increase in GNP3. Participatory strategiesPrefer large farmers, Encourage small and medium farmers, Include farmers in development process4.Basic need strategyNutritional improvement and development of rural peole5. Meaning of institutionsCoordination among different institutions, the principle of self sufficiency of an institution6. Rural development7. Local self governmentLocal government, Features, Objectives, Strategies8. Development planObjectives, StrategiesPractical:The students are required to visit rural areas and collect information regarding areas of rural development under the local government system and submit report.Books Recommended

1. Tariq Banoori, A.R. Kamal, Shahrukh,R.K. 1998. Just Development. Oxford University Press, Karachi.

2. Ali, Hamid and Z. Ali, 1998. The Local Government Manual. The Ideal Publication, Karachi.

3. Jamil, M.M. 1996. Local Government in LDCs. Feroze Sons, Lahore.4. Berger, Guy. 1992. social Structure and rural development in Third Worlad. Cambridge

University Press, Cambridge.Course outline will be provided by the respective instructor.


1.1 Introduction1.2 Getting Help1.3 Data Entry

1.3.1 The Data View Spreadsheet1.3.2 The Variable View Spreadsheet

1.4 Storing and Retrieving Data Files1.5 The Statistics Menus

1.5.1 Data File Handling1.5.2 Generating New Variables1.5.3 Running Statistical Procedures1.5.4 Constructing Graphical Displays

1.6 The Output Viewer1.7 The Chart Editor1.8 Programming in SPSS

2 Data Description and Simple Inference for Continuous data: The Life spans of Rats and Ages at Marriage in the U.S.

2.1 Description of Data2.2 Methods of Analysis.2.3 Analysis Using SPSS

2.3.1 Lifespans of Rats2.3.2 Husbands and Wives

2.4 Exercises2.4.1 Guessing the Width of a Lecture Hall2.4.2 More on Lifespans of Rats: Significance Tests for Model 2.4.3 Motor Vehicle Theft in the U.S.2.4.4 Anorexia Nervosa Therapy2.4.5 More on Husbands and Wives: Exact Nonparametric Tests

© 2004 by Chapman & Hall/CRC Press LLC3 Simple Inference for Categorical Data: From Belief in the Afterlife to the Death Penalty and Race

3.1 Description of Data3.2 Methods of Analysis3.3 Analysis Using SPSS

3.3.1 Husbands and Wives Revisited.



3.3.2 Lifespans of Rats Revisited3.3.3 Belief in the Afterlife3.3.4 Incidence of Suicidal Feelings3.3.5 Oral Contraceptive Use and Blood Clots3.3.6 Alcohol and Infant Malformation3.3.7 Death Penalty Verdicts

3.4 Exercises3.4.1 Depersonalization and Recovery from Depression3.4.2 Drug Treatment of Psychiatric Patients: Exact Tests for

Two-Way Classifications3.4.3 Tics and Gender3.4.4 Hair Color and Eye Color

4 Multiple Linear Regression: Temperatures in America and Cleaning Cars4.1 Description of Data4.2 Multiple Linear Regression4.3 Analysis Using SPSS

4.3.1 Cleaning Cars4.3.2 Temperatures in America

4.4 Exercises.4.4.1 Air Pollution in the U.S.4.4.2 Body Fat4.4.3 More on Cleaning Cars: Influence Diagnostics

5 Analysis of Variance I: One-Way Designs; Fecundity of Fruit Flies, Finger Tapping, and Female Social Skills.

5.1 Description of Data5.2 Analysis of Variance.5.3 Analysis Using SPSS

5.3.1 Fecundity of Fruit Flies .5.3.2 Finger Tapping and Caffeine Consumption.5.3.3 Social Skills of Females

5.4 Exercises.5.4.1 Cortisol Levels in Psychotics: Kruskal-Wallis Test5.4.2 Cycling and Knee-Joint Angles5.4.3 More on Female Social Skills: Informal Assessment of

MANOVA Assumptions© 2004 by Chapman & Hall/CRC Press LLC

6 Analysis of Variance II: Factorial Designs; Does Marijuana Slow You Down? And Do Slimming Clinics Work?

6.1 Description of Data6.2 Analysis of Variance6.3 Analysis Using SPSS6.3.1 Effects of Marijuana Use6.3.2 Slimming Clinics6.4 Exercises

6.4.1 Headache Treatments6.4.2 Biofeedback and Hypertension6.4.3 Cleaning Cars Revisited: Analysis of Covariance6.4.4 More on Slimming Clinics

7 Analysis of Repeated Measures I: Analysis of Variance Type Models7.1 Description of Data7.2 Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance7.3 Analysis Using SPSS7.4 Exercises

7.4.1 More on the Reverse Stroop Task7.4.2 Visual Acuity Data.7.4.3 Blood Glucose Levels

8 Analysis of Repeated Measures II: Linear Mixed Effects Models; Computer Delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

8.1 Description of Data8.2 Linear Mixed Effects Models8.3 Analysis Using SPSS



8.4 Exercises8.4.1 Salsolinol Levels and Alcohol Dependency8.4.2 Estrogen Treatment for Post-Natal Depression8.4.3 More on “Beating the Blues”: Checking the Model for

the Correlation Structure9 Logistic Regression: Who Survived the Sinking of the Titanic?

9.1 Description of Data9.2 Logistic Regression9.3 Analysis Using SPSS9.4 Exercises

9.4.1 More on the Titanic Survivor Data9.4.2 GHQ Scores and Psychiatric Diagnosis9.4.3 Death Penalty Verdicts Revisited© 2004 by Chapman & Hall/CRC Press LLC

10 Survival Analysis: Sexual Milestones in Women and Field Dependency of Children.10.1 Description of Data10.2 Survival Analysis and Cox’s Regression10.3 Analysis Using SPSS

10.3.1 Sexual Milestone Times10.3.2 WISC Task Completion Times

10.4 Exercises10.4.1 Gastric Cancer10.4.2 Heroin Addicts10.4.3 More on Sexual Milestones of Females

11 Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis: Crime in the U.S. and AIDS Patients’ Evaluations of Their Clinicians

11.1 Description of Data11.2 Principal Component and Factor Analysis

11.2.1 Principal Component Analysis11.2.2 Factor Analysis11.2.3 Factor Analysis and Principal Components Compared

11.3 Analysis Using SPSS11.3.1 Crime in the U.S.11.3.2 AIDS Patients’ Evaluations of Their Clinicians

11.4 Exercises11.4.1 Air Pollution in the U.S.

11.4.2 More on AIDS Patients’ Evaluations of Their Clinicians:Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis

12 Classification: Cluster Analysis and Discriminant Function Analysis; Tibetan Skulls12.1 Description of Data12.2 Classification: Discrimination and Clustering12.3 Analysis Using SPSS

12.3.1 Tibetan Skulls: Deriving a Classification Rule.12.3.2 Tibetan Skulls: Uncovering Groups.

12.4 Exercises12.4.1 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)12.4.2 Nutrients in Food Data12.4.3 More on Tibetan Skulls

SOC-623 THESIS1. Field Research and Report2. Viva Voce



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