outline the role of the health care assistant

Post on 13-Apr-2016






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Outline the Role of the Health Care Assistant


1. Outline the role of the Health Care Assistant (HCA) in the day to day provision of care for the

older person.

The Health Care Assistant (HCAs) duty in the daily provision of care for the older person is

significant and usually necessary. One of the more important role for the HCAs is providing for the

personal needs of the older individuals. The elder will need assistance with bathing, using the

bathroom, dressing and personal grooming, and many more aspects of maintaining personal


Another aspect of care is mobility. This is important to the elderly, even if it is just within their

own surroundings. Proper mobility leads to safety and prevention of falls and injuries. HCAs make

sure they are properly fitted for either a wheelchair, motorized mobility chair, walker or cane. HCAs

can encourage the installation a wheelchair ramp, hand rails and wider door wells to make getting

around the house hassle-free. A hospital bed, shower chair, lift or tripod bar may assist with getting

up from bed or staying safe in the shower.

Moreover, majority if not all senior citizens need proper medication to remain healthy. This

begins with adequate medical care, such as doctor's visits, dental care, foot care, eye care, physical

therapy and psychiatric therapy, if needed. Health Care Assistants can assist with taking their pills or

giving shots of insulin, and many more tasks related to medication administration. HCAs can aid in

preventing the medication to be taken the wrong way, mixed up, or abused, because consequences

can be fatal and life threatening.

Last but not the least, the elderly needs help in maintaining proper nutrition and exercise to stay

healthy and enjoy a comfortable life. Meals can be prepared by Health Care Assistants weekly so it is

easier for the senior citizen to heat and eat a warm meal every day. HCAs can also plan for an

exercise program suited for the specific elderly. Regular exercise protects from chronic disease,

improves mood and lowers chances of injury.

2. Explore the range of the older person’s needs in relation to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

The elderly’s needs in terms of physiology are the same as everyone. All people, no matter their

age, start with the most basic of requirements which include food, drink, shelter, sleep and

treatment of illness and injury – are all fundamental to living. According to experts, although

essential, meeting physiological needs is more about survival and does not necessarily ensure quality

of life for the aged. The second level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is the need for security and for

the elderly desire a sense of security but also independence. This is a dilemma that many adult

children of aging parents worry about and often the source of conflict because older people tend to

react with anger at being treated like a toddler, especially from their offspring. Sensitivity is needed

when discussing security concerns. It is wise to replace that loss through transportation services and

in-home care. Next in the hierarchy is social needs. Due to health issues or lack of ability to get out,

the older person often find their social opportunities diminishing and they spend more of their time

alone. Being connected socially becomes a key quality of life concern for the elderly. They need

opportunities to become involved socially with family, friends, and the community. Attending

functions at the local senior centers, volunteering or connecting through social media can help them

feel like a contributing member of society. The fourth need according the Abraham Maslow is self-

esteem needs. The loss of self-worth from a limiting illness, disability, or frailty is devastating to an

elder’s wellbeing and can be linked to depression and increased mortality. Caregivers need to add to

their loved one’s quality of life by working together on project that boost self-esteem. Enjoying

hobbies or pursuing projects such as writing memoirs, or constructing a legacy album or recording

family stories can elevate self-esteem. The final human need based on Maslow’s Hierarchy is self-

actualization needs. This is the highest rung of the hierarchy and only a few people reach this state.

With all the experience of life and maturity, the elderly should be prime candidates to reach self-

actualization. Yet the process of aging often strips our elders of the higher levels of the self-

actualization, self-esteem and social connection, leaving today’s aging just hanging on to the lower

levels of survival.

3. Explore the role of the HCA in the promotion of positive aging.

Health care assistants have a great chance to promote positive aging among the elderly. There

are a number of ways to prevent, delay or manage some of the physical, psychological, social and

personal challenges people face as they age, the first is having a positive attitude. HCAs can help the

elderly have a positive attitude by allowing them to make choices and have control over important

aspects of their care and life, and encourage them to take part in and enjoy activities with friends

and family. This allow them to feel good and positive about themselves and get more out of life. The

second key management the HCAs can provide to achieve a positive aging is by Encouraging social

networks through membership of clubs, engaging in group activities, keeping in touch with family,

interaction with others which prevents isolation and promotes good mental health and physical

activity. Social involvement and relationships with others are associated with positive ageing and

feeling optimistic about life. HCAs can also help promote positive aging by keeping the brain active

by encouraging reading a book or the newspaper, learning a new hobby, or problem solving (for

example doing crosswords). Keeping the brain active, alert and flexible can promote good mental

health and positive aging throughout the lifespan. Another way to reach a positive aging is by having

a healthy, balanced diet. Eating a healthy diet is important to maintaining a healthy weight, which

will help to reduce the likelihood of developing conditions such as diabetes. A healthy weight will

also improve energy levels and make it easier to participate in daily activities. Last but not the least,

HCAs can help promote and achieve a positive aging for the elderly by encouraging physical activity.

Exercise is a great way to maintain good health, helps them thinking positively, recover from illness

and reduce the risk of disease. It has been demonstrated that physical fitness is more important than

weight loss. Plan with the elderly to undertake at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, such as

walking, every day.

4. Explore the role of the HCA in the recognition of cultural differences amongst older people.

Our heritage influences everything from our values and beliefs, to our thoughts, communication

style and behavior, including beliefs about health and care. Health Care Assistants have a great deal

of responsibility in recognizing and genuinely embracing cultural differences amongst all level and

ages of society and most especially amongst older people. Many older people may not share the

same values, beliefs, attitudes or experiences. HCAs need to be sensitive to how they interact with

and respect others. HCAs must accept someone’s behaviors and decisions about health and care

without judging it based on what that behaviors and decisions mean in his or her own culture.

Health Care Assistants must actively listen with empathy and understanding to the person’s view of

the situation and then clarify through asking culturally relevant questions which also shows a

respectful interest in the person’s beliefs. HCAs must acknowledge that there are similarities among

cultures but there are also differences, sometimes, vast differences in beliefs. Rather than question

the rightfulness of the actions, HCAs can be resourceful and research and learn and try to

understand why such actions are done by the person with the different cultural background and

heritage. And then Health Care Assistants can explain to the older individual what their actions and

behaviors mean in his or her own culture. For example, be aware of differences in etiquette in terms

of personal space, physical touch, eye contact and hand gestures vary from one culture to the next.

HCAs may then demonstrate or describe his or her culture’s behaviors for similar feelings or

meanings, so they can learn new behaviors that will them function in the HCAs’ culture. Avoid trying

to be funny by making jokes or insensitive comments about others because it can be hurtful and

offensive. Being more sensitive to people who are culturally different from can help HCAs render the

best care for and support them in ways that are consistent with their values, beliefs and


5. Outline the requirements for effective communication with an older person.

Effective communication is generally complex and is the key in building a solid rapport between

care givers, most especially in cases between a caregiver and an older person. The first requirement

for effective communication with an older person is to understand and empathize with them. They

have been brought up in a very different era with difference value systems and traditions, which

results to a different set of ideals and expectations that may not be the same or accepted by care

providers of today. Communication can also be hindered by the normal aging process, which may

involve physical, psychological and social changes, the elderly have to adjust too with their bodies.

First thing in the morning, it is important to make older people feel important, Staff members should

greet patients warmly and should introduce themselves by stating their name. Another requirement

is having patience, allow extra time for older persons. Because of their increased need for

information and their likelihood to communicate poorly, to be nervous and to lack focus, older

patients are going to require additional time. Care givers must not appear rushed or uninterested or

else older people will sense it and shut down. Another requirement for effective communication is

talking face to face and keeping eye contact at all times. Eye contact is one of the most direct and

powerful forms of nonverbal communication. It tells them that the care giver is interested in them

and they can be trusted. Maintaining eye contact creates a more positive, comfortable atmosphere

that may result in additional information from the older people. It is always vital that the care staff

must speak slowly, clearly, and loudly. The staff must also be ready to physically escort and assist the

older persons anytime. The staff must make sure the older person is comfortable and that any

immediate needs are filled to keep them relaxed and focused. As a result of effective

communication, care will become easier and more effective as well.

6. Explore the needs of the care staff who work with Older People.

There are many needs by the care staff who work with older people. Caring for the elderly is a

highly skilled occupation, though it is not always recognized as such. Caring for the elderly requires

patience and compassion and the ability to see the person, rather than a resident or patient, or less.

Care providers must have moving and handling skills. Caring for the elderly almost always

involves some moving and handling. Elderly people frequently have mobility problems, some quite

severe. They may need help to mobilize, to stand or to bathe. Moving and handling often involves

the use of equipment. This equipment must be checked before using and operating safely. Proper

techniques must be used to move residents if injuries to them and the care provider himself or

herself are to be avoided.

Care staff must also be skilled in helping older persons to eat and drink. Meeting the nutritional

needs of the elderly person is paramount. Many elderly people have difficulties eating and drinking

as a result of illness or frailty. Lack of adequate food and drink leads to further problems, and must

be avoided. The elderly person may just need a little help, perhaps to cut up his or her food, or may

need to be fed. The care provider should maintain as much of the older person’s independence as

possible, and always maintain his or her privacy and dignity. The person should be fed safely, and

helped to tidy himself or herself afterward.

A care giver must possess communication skills because effective verbal and nonverbal

communication is important when providing care for the elderly. Having patience is also key. Trying

to hurry or rush will likely cause frustration and nervousness. If assistance is needed, only help with

the steps the individual finds difficult, and allow him or her to do the rest. Moreover, an effective

care staff member needs to have organization skills. Good organization is needed for proper

medicine administration and scheduling.

7. Discuss services available to the Older Person in Ireland.

The Health Service Executive (HSE) provides public health and social care services to everyone

living in Ireland. The HSE provides a wide range of services for people growing older in Ireland. Also,

the HSE provides a broad range of services for older people in our community, including in-patient

acute services, step down and convalescent care, day services, rehabilitation, community services,

home care and home helps. The Health Service Executive have Home Care Packages that help an

older person to be cared for in their own home. The services, for example additional home help

hours, nursing services, therapy services, might be needed due to illness, disability or after a stay in

hospital or following rehabilitation in a nursing home. These extra services and supports are over

and above the normal community services that the HSE provides. Another program for an older

person in Ireland is Nursing Homes Support Scheme, it is a scheme of financial support for people

who need long-term nursing home care. Under the Nursing Homes Support Scheme, the older

person will make a contribution towards the cost of care and the State (government) will pay the

balance. This great program applies whether the nursing home is public, private or voluntary.

Another program available in Ireland is Nursing Homes. Respite care and public and private nursing

and residential care is usually needed after a spell in hospital, where the older person is ready to

leave the general hospital, but not quite well enough yet to manage at home alone. It can also be

the best option when an older person becomes unable to live alone, through illness or disability.

Another service for the elderly is the Elder Abuse Service. This service is for victims of elder Abuse,

are concerned and have questions about abuse, or if a person suspects someone they know that

may be a victim of abuse. Another program provided by the HSE is the Health Promotion services

which give advises on maintaining healthy lifestyles and preventing illness and injury.


1. Boehlke, J. (2013, August 16). List of Daily Needs for Elderly Care. Retrieved July 3, 2015, from http://www.livestrong.com/article/36889-list-daily-needs-elderly-care.

2. “The Handbook of Live-in Care” by Kathy N. Johnson, PhD, CMC, James H. Johnson, PhD & Lily Sarafan, MS. 2011, Home Care Assistance, Inc., Retrieved July 14, 2015, from https://www.psychology.org.au/publications/tip_sheets/ageing.

3. Johnson, K., Johnson, J., & Sarafan, L. (2011). The handbook of live-in care: A guide for caregivers. Palo Alto, CA: Home Care Assistance. Retrieved July 14, 2015, from https://www.psychology.org.au/publications/tip_sheets/ageing.

4. Putcha, C., & Fitzwater, E. (2011, October 3). Aging and Ethnicity: Embracing Cultural Differences. Retrieved July 4, 2015, from http://nursing.uc.edu.

5. Robinson, T., White, G., & Houchins, J. (2006, September 6). Improving Communication with Older Patients: Tips from the Literature. Retrieved July 15, 2015, from http://www.aafp.org/fpm/2006/0900/p73.html#fpm20060900p73-b14.

6. Wainwright, N. (2010, June 27). What Skills Are Needed to Take Care of the Elderly? Retrieved July 15, 2015, from http://www.ehow.com/list_6675123_skills-needed-care-elderly_.html.

7. Services for Older People in Ireland. (n.d.). Retrieved July 15, 2015, from http://www.hse.ie/portal/eng/services/list/4/olderpeople.

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