overlooked, underloved & unknown analytics - smx london 2012

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Overlooked, Underloved & Unknown Analytics

Anna Lewis

New Google Analytics Features (2011-2012)

Multi Channel Funnels

Real Time Reporting

Flow Visualisation (Visitor, Goal, Social)

Site Speed

Webmaster Tools Integration (SEO)

Social Reports


1. How to find social2. Social Reports3. Sub-Reports4. Dimension details (URL/Network)5. More Metrics for analysis6. Extra Reports7. Breadcrumb 8. Data and Graph choices

Social Summary

Social > Overview

Stats Per Socially Shared URL

Social > Pages

Which Shared Pages Are Successful?

Social > Pages > Compared to site average

Off Site Social And Link Activity Per URL

Social > Pages > URL > Social Network and Action

On Page Social Activity

What social buttons are clicked?

On Page Social Activity

Social > Social Plugins > Social Source and Action

Which Pages Have Good Social Interaction?

Social > Social Plugins > Compare to site average

Social Media ROI?

(Conversion Value – Costs)

Costsx 100

Which Social Networks Convert?

Social > Conversions

Social Media’s Share Of Conversions

Social > Conversions > Percentage Pie

Social Media’s Share Of Conversion Value

Social > Conversions > Percentage Pie > Select value from drop down

How Social Media Assists Conversions

Social > Conversions > Assisted vs. Last Interaction Analysis

How Social Media Assists Conversions

Social > Conversions > Assisted vs. Last Interaction Analysis

Digging Deeper Into Social Journeys

What other visits have social users made?Where in the journey does social fit?How valuable are your social media visits?Are you attracting quality users?

Utilise Secondary Dimensions

How Social Fits In To Conversion Journey

Social > Conversions > Secondary Dimension = Keyword (Or Source/Medium) Path

Social Reports for Outreach & Brand Monitoring

Who’s been interacting with your content?

Track Mentions Of Your Content

Social > Pages > URL > Activity Stream

Links, Bookmarks And +1s Of Your Site

Social > Pages > Any URL > Activity Stream > Breadcrumb ALL > Events

+1s Of Your Content

Social > Pages > Any URL > Activity Stream > Breadcrumb ALL > Events > G+ icon

Social Dashboardhttp://kooz.ai/socialdash

Social Monitoring Dashboard

Visits from Social NetworksVisits and ConversionsGoal Value by Social NetworkData Hub ActivitiesData Hub Activities by Social Network and ActionSocial Visitor Loyalty (Visits Count)Interaction by Day of the WeekVisits and Pageview by Social NetworkData Hub Activities and Visits by Shared URLSocial Actions by Shared URL

What To Do With The Data?

Calculate ROIUnderstand usersCapitalise on what worksStop or improve low ROI methodsIdentify and outreach to usersIncrease profit


Anna Lewis




Further Reading, Custom Reports & Dashboard

Social Reports Exploredhttp://kooz.ai/socialga

Social Interactions by Day of the Weekhttp://kooz.ai/socialbyday

Social Visitor Loyaltyhttp://kooz.ai/socialloyal

Social Media Dashboardhttp://kooz.ai/socialdash

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