owbc chapter 7

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 OWBC Chapter 7


  • 8/8/2019 OWBC Chapter 7


    And Bonus is here to welcome you back to another Yazoo

    family update! He really does love the Spore interaction.

  • 8/8/2019 OWBC Chapter 7


    I decided to start this chapter off with a really quick spare

    update since not too much happened this rotation other than

    aging. We start with Oras house where little Olmec became

    a toddler.

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    And little Birch grew into a full grown plantsim by the end of

    the rotation. *sniff*

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    And he is one handsome devil too. Jo your custom brown eyes

    really look great on a plantsim. And he has elf ears! I had no

    idea that plantsims had elf ears until Birch aged up and then I

    did some reading. Needless to say I was one happy simmer.

  • 8/8/2019 OWBC Chapter 7


    Meanwhile over at Oxfords mixed family Samantha finally

    started to show she was expecting.

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    Oras daughter Eureka became BFFs with Sharla the day of

    her teen birthday.

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    I personally think Sharla grew up to be quite pretty myself.

    Okay a unique pretty, but thats the best kind. She rolled

    Popularity with the LTW to have 20 best friends. Shes already

    half-way there since her new family is rather large.

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    Sharla spent every evening helping brother Tommy with

    homework since her mom and dad were caught up helping

    the twins.

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    Speaking of Oxfords twins I think Larry and Amita grew up

    quite cute. White really is Amitas color.

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    And we end the spare update with the birth of Oxford and

    Samanthas son Oswald. He got Samanthas blonde hair and her

    blue eyes. For those keeping track that brings Jo and Chunkys

    grandchild count to nine.

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    Back at the main house Little is in quarantine. I had to do

    something to get rid of the cold that was plaguing my main


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    She spent most of her imprisonment writing in her diary

    mostly about her cousin Larry.

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    Luckily by morning, Little had gotten over her cold. However,

    she was none too happy about dragging herself out of bed to

    go to school.

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    Our current heir decided to have a pajama day and play pool.

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    Our current spouse Gem spent the day doting on baby P.K.

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    Meanwhile the eldest child of the generation Leland

    decided to stat his day by cleaning houselets enjoy

    some Lee picspam.

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    After making his own bed, Lee went and made his

    parents bed.

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    Then he trotted off to clean the toilet. (Yes, Gem is

    pregnant with child 4 at this point)

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    Even with all his cleaning Lee still found the time for a

    quick pillow fight with twin sister Little before school.

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    As the twins headed off for school, Oktoc had moved into the

    living room to feed and play with the invisible fish.

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    The old folks were engaged in a pillow fight and Gem

    was still cuddling P.K. (Ill give your simself credit Gem

    for a pleasure sim she is a very devoted mom.)

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    As long as she can get the baby away from Chunky and Jo

    who love having grandbabies.

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    After helping the twins with their homework it was time to spinbaby P.K into toddlerhood. Oktoc decided to take up the spot

    behind the fridge preventing his mother Jo from taking her usual

    spot for birthday celebrations. It should be noted that this did not

    prevent Jo from closing her eyes through most of the ceremony.

  • 8/8/2019 OWBC Chapter 7


    But Jo didnt need to worry as P.K. turned out to be

    adorable. Yes, P.K is a boy and like all the rest of the kids

    in the main house he has Jos eyes. Okay, lets have some

    P.K picspam!

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  • 8/8/2019 OWBC Chapter 7


    He played with big brother Lee a lot. Of course, Lee spends

    a lot of time with almost everyone.

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  • 8/8/2019 OWBC Chapter 7


    Im almost doneI swearbut I mean look at him. Hes

    adorable! Go ahead tell me you could resist taking tons of

    pictures of him.

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    Yep, theres Lee again playing with Grandpa Chunky. See I

    told you Jo and Chunky love the kids.

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    But by far P.K spent the most time with Gem. I think hes sim

    Gems favorite based on how much time shes spent with him.

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    Okay, this is the last one. And this ones really more of

    Lee who played with his baby brother all the time. It was

    so cute.

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    But even though Gem gave little P.K a lot of attention dont

    think the other two didnt get some too. Gem and Little

    seemed to like playing Rock, Paper, Scissors more than

    anything else.

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    But Little here seems to keep to herself most of the

    time. Shes the quiet one in a house full of playful tub-

    pirating pleasure sims. Poor girl.

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    In fact, more often than not youll find Lil outside playing on

    her bicycle or reading a book in the quarantine room than in

    the main house.

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    Hey look, Oktoc finally decided to wear his pirate gear this

    chapter. He seriously kept rolling wants to stay in his PJs

    so I let him.

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    I had to force Lil out of the quarantine room when Chunky

    here decided to come down with a cold.

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    Lee managed to nab her before she ran off to ride her bike and

    engaged her in a game of cops and robbers.

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    Saturday morning brought the birth of the fourth and last

    child of generation two. (Yes, Jo the gender sign is in fact

    right next to the text box when it pops up. Silly me has

    just never noticed it until you said something.)

  • 8/8/2019 OWBC Chapter 7



    had a very pretty picture of Gem holding her new babygirl that showed off the fact that she has Gems blue eyes.

    Anyway, this little lady is named Redstar and she spent any

    moment when she wasnt being doted on by one of the adults

    (which wasnt often) playing in the new bouncy jump I

    downloaded from Mod the Sims.

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    And since it was Saturday, I decided to let all the kids come

    over to the main house. Lee decided that if we were going to

    have company then he had to clean every surface in the home.

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    Lee I dont think anyone is going to take a bath while theyare here.

    Cousin Birch might.

    Heh, yeah okay. Of course thats if they can find it when

    someone isnt trying to give your brother a bath.

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    And since I didnt want daily chores to get in the way of the

    kids fun, Lee and Lil took care of the garden before I

    summoned everyone over.

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    Jo spent the day entertaining P.K.

    Lee spent the morning playing cops and robbers with cousin


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    Despite the fact that there were plenty of cousins to choose

    from Lil spent the day alone or with one of her parents.

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    Cousin Birch was causing trouble showing that the mean

    streak lives on.

    You cant take their gnome!

    Ooooh Im telling.

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    Birch, you wouldnt know what happened to our gnome would


    Course not Aunt Gem.


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    Birch must have decided not to push his luck anymore because

    he spent the rest of the day drinking water from the sink.

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    Lee, come play with me!

    One sec Eureka. I need to throw this bottle away first.


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    But dont worry Lee loves people and was more than happy to

    spend the afternoon chasing his cousin around the house. But

    six oclock finally drew and the kids had to go home.

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    As the sun set Gem decided to introduce the family to the


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    Oktoc and Chunky even tried their hand at the bonfire dance. Gem

    seemed to approve of their attempt.

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    It wasnt long before these two were making out.

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    Ughmom, dad get a room.

    I dont think Lee appreciates watching his parents make


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    And Gem decided that her favorite child needed another bath

    before putting him to bed. Never mind the fact that hed

    already had four already.

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    Before Lil went to bed she surprised me by taking off and

    stealing the family gnome back from Cousin Birch.

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    Sunday saw the first few specks of snow fall from the sky, but

    that didnt stop the elders from having a water balloon fight.

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    And Sunday was also baby Redstars birthday. I decided

    to let Gem toss and twirl her into toddlerhood. So lets

    close the chapter with a look at the youngest of

    generation three.

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    Uh well shes different. Im sure shell grow into those cheeks

    and chin. Join me next time to see all the kids grow up and

    head for University.

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