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Post on 06-Feb-2015






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Topic : Modernism, Diaspora, Almkara School.

• Name : Makwana Ankita m.• Paper No :7.• Roll No :2.• Year :2013-14.• Semester : 2.• Submitted to : Department of English.


It is a new branch of literature and it was a established after first World War(1914-1918)Bases on western culture in general.

Supported traditional modes of social organisation.

Some historical locate the beginning of the modernist revolt as far back as the 1890s.Modernism also rejected the certainty of Englishment Thinking and many modernists rejected religious belief.

“The modern artist is working with space and time and

expressing his feelings rather than illustrating.” -Jacknson Pollock.

• “In the glad old days, before the rise of modern morbidities...it used to be thought a disadvantage to be misunderstood.” ― G.K Chesternton , Heretics.

Diaspora• Birth of Diaspora Literature• However, the 1993 Edition of Shorter Oxford's

definition of Diaspora can be found. While still insisting on capitalization of the first letter, 'Diaspora' now also refers to 'anybody of people living outside their traditional homeland

Often diaspora the body of Jews or Jewish communities outside Palestine or modern Israel.

Etymologically, the term Diaspora coined from Greek word Diaspeirein - "to scatter about,disperse“.

European diasporas

Africans diasporas

Asian diasporasDiaspora


Indian Diaspora

Voluntary Migration

Forced Migration

• 1.Forced Migration to Africa, Fiji or the Carribbean on account of slavery or indentured labour in the 18th or 19th century.

• 2.Voluntary Migration to U.S.A., U.K., Germany, France or other European countries for the sake of professional or academic purposes.

Indian diaspora

Alamkara School.Various definitions of Alamkara.The original meaning of alamkara is

ornament.“ Kavyalamkarasutra ”, “ Saundarya

Alamkarah ” – Vamana“ Kavyadarsha ”-DandinUdhbhata , Dandin , Rudrata.


Sabd-alamkara Arth-alamkara

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