p a g e | 2€¦ · east are in the roll out sites there are many clients outside of these regions...

Post on 28-Jun-2020






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1. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT 2016 .............................................................................................................. 3

2. TREASURER’S REPORT 2016 .................................................................................................................. 5

3. DIRECTOR’S REPORT 2016 .................................................................................................................... 6

4. ABOUT MANSFIELD AUTISM STATEWIDE SERVICE ............................................................................... 8

4.1 History ........................................................................................................................................... 8

4.2 Vision ............................................................................................................................................. 8

4.3 Mission .......................................................................................................................................... 9

4.4 Core Services ................................................................................................................................. 9

5. Organisational structure ..................................................................................................................... 10

6. Our Committee of Management ........................................................................................................ 11

7. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE ACTIVITY ................................................. 13

7.1 Decision making responsibilities ................................................................................................. 13

7.2 Number of meetings held ........................................................................................................... 13

7.3 Annual General Meeting ............................................................................................................. 13

8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR 2016 .................................................................................................... 14

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Since the AGM last year I have had the privilege and honour of serving as Chairperson of the board. It

has been another busy year for the board and for MASS. The Department of Health and Human Services

had requested an external review of MASS, which was conducted by the Nucleus Consulting Group at

the start of last year. The recommendations and implementation plan have spanned most of 2016,

working closely with DHHS, and I am pleased to say that this has now been completed. It was a valuable

process to go through and has brought about positive changes in some of the ways we function as a


In mid-2016 we were required to assess our compliance with the Child Safe Standards. MASS’ already

existing commitment to create a safe and nurturing environment in which children can thrive is now

strengthened and explicitly embedded in all aspects of the organisation.

The board and staff recently participated in strategic planning workshops with Veronica Schilling. The

discussions were lively and ideas were flowing! It was an exciting evening, and we look forward to

working through this next plan. A huge thank you to Veronica for facilitating this.

There have been a number of staff changes at MASS over the last year. As most of you would know,

Jenny, our CEO, retired in December, after more than 25 years working for MASS. Jenny, on behalf of

the board, we would like to once again say thank you. Thank you for your commitment to MASS, for

your passionate work and dedication to children with autism and their families. Thank you for your

leadership of this incredible team, and for always remaining focussed on what is best for the clients and

their families.

The board were then charged with the important task of appointing a new CEO, and it was with great

pleasure that we offered Simone the position, and that she accepted! We are thrilled to know MASS is in

such good hands, and we enjoy working closely with you. In early 2016 Narelle and Tony joined the

admin team, and they are both true assets to the organisation. The board would like to especially thank

the whole admin team, Marty, Wendy, Narelle and Tony, for all their hard work with the board.

We have also had a number of changes on the board. Since the last AGM we have welcomed two new

board members. Stacey Manoglou’s daughter is a day student here at MASS, and her representation of

parents of children with autism is invaluable. We also welcome Melanie Green, who has a wealth of

experience in governance. We have two long standing board members who are retiring from the board,

Doug and Kerryn. Doug has been on the MASS board for more than 25 years, and has been chair and

vice chair numerous times. Kerryn has been on the board for 10 years, and has served as treasurer for all

of that time. I would like to thank both Doug and Kerryn for their commitment and hard work for the

board. You will be very missed. Thank you!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Mansfield Community for their ongoing support,

including Marks Supermarket and the Lions Club of Mansfield.

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Thank you again to the Friday Foundation – it is great to see the work at the residence now completed.

Thank you to the Fairley Foundation who sourced funding to enable two students to commence at

Dookie this year.

Thank you to the HV McKay Charitable Trust, whose donation of $20,000 has gone towards the purchase

of new vehicles. Thank you to the Mansfield Community Fund for their donation of $10,000, and to the

Dyson Bequest for their very significant donation to assist with the purchase and implementation of new

software. This new client management and quality management system will talk to the NDIS portal and,

from what I hear, it will actually be life-changing for the admin team and for many staff.

Thank you also to A Third Hand, who have presented their donation of $5,000. These funds will be used

to fence a new play area for the students at the residence. Thank you!

I would like to finish with some feedback from a family that attended the Family Camp in December last


“Thank you for the most incredible week. We have loved every minute and soaked up every

second. Your wealth of knowledge and abundance of support was invaluable and we feel

empowered now not just being taught but being visually shown how to handle difficult

situations. You are all amazing at what you do and the genuinely caring attitude you have is so

sincere. You go above and beyond what we possible ever expected and have loved being with

people who just care and have a mutual understanding. We hope you have enjoyed working with

our family as much as we have with you. Thank you!!!”

This fantastic feedback really highlights the brilliant work everyone here at MASS does, and the impact

that work has on people’s lives. To quote MASS’ founder, Joan, “the autistic child’s family are their most

important teachers”. MASS works to uphold this philosophy by working alongside families, educational

settings and service providers to instill understanding, confidence and determination to create the best

outcomes for people with Autism. This feedback is an outstanding example of this in action.

The board would like to thank Simone and all staff here at MASS – you are a truly amazing team!

I would also like to thank all board members for volunteering your time, and for your commitment to

MASS. It is a pleasure working with you all and I look forward to the year ahead!

Thank you.

Emily Ploshke – Chair

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I have pleasure in presenting my 10th and final annual Treasurer’s report. I will be handing the reins of

Treasurer over to the very capable Matt Currie, who is the Manager of the Bendigo Community Bank.

MASS achieved a profit for the Calendar year to 31 December 2016 of $225,548, compared with a loss of

$16,449 in the previous year. This is attributable to an increase in revenue of $377,000 with a lesser

increase in expenses of $134,000, testament to the fee structure that has been put in place.

Of note are a number of significant donations we received including:

• $80,000 from the Dyson Bequest towards our new ProSims software for NDIS

• $20,000 from the H V McKay Charitable Trust towards the purchase of new vehicles

• $10,000 from the Mansfield Community fund also towards our new ProSims software

• $10,000 from The Harry & Clare Friday Foundation, who are regular donors

Total donations for the year amounted to $125,986 and a list of donors is attached.

The balance of our bank accounts, including term deposits, at 31 December 2016 was $1,966,175, with

the following provisions set aside:

• Leave provision $460,000

• NDIS transition provision $1,100,000

• Asset upgrade provision $231,648

Our Land & Buildings were revalued this year, contributing to our increase in Equity to $3,216,379, up

from $2,990,831 in 2015.

The National Insurance Disability Scheme (NDIS) is to be rolled out in our region later this year and as

funding under the NDIS is retrospective, the Finance Committee previously estimated that we needed at

least $1m in reserve to service our wages and costs. It is my pleasure to say that we have achieved this

goal and are in a great position financially to tackle this new challenge. The Board will continue to

monitor the finances and maintain the conservative approach we have adopted to ensure MASS remains

viable into the future.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Narelle and Tony for their great work this year and their

wonderful support of the Finance Committee, to the Finance Committee for their enthusiasm in tackling

the challenges that have been presented to us this year, to the Board of Management for their

dedication to MASS, and to Jenny and Simone for their wonderful leadership.

I wish everyone involved with MASS a bright future and feel confident that MASS is in very capable


Kerryn Gooding CPA - Treasurer

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We had an emotional start back with the first day of term most staff attending the funeral of Dale

Bennett, Judy’s husband. Judy has been involved with MASS for over 30 years and all staff have great

respect for her so it was lovely that everyone could be there to support her. Judy will take some time

off and is looking forward to her first grandchild in March.

With Jenny gone and Judy off it has been an incredibly hectic time in the office. We are fortunate that

Mercia has accepted the position as Manager of the School and Residential programs and Sophie the

Manager of the Adult programs. Sophie is also working at updating and maintaining our website, she

has also been designated as our Child Safe Officer and is keeping staff and families up to date on all

requirements The appointment of these positions are in line with the new restructure – not replacing

the Assistant Director position but having others in the organisation step up into leadership roles.

We have continued to work with the Residential Award and I have decided to, whenever possible, keep

the Junior Residential Facility open 50 weeks of the year including most weekends. One of the staff

major concerns was the shutting down of the Residence, which means no work for them, during school

holidays and every second weekend. This appears to have settled things with the staff. It does,

however, mean increased workload in terms of On Call and increased costings. Both Mercia and Sophie

are prepared to share the On Call with me and with the NDIS we can charge the true cost of the

Residential Service – including the respite we provide.

I met with Cecily, DHHS, on 15th February. Our Quality of Service Review has finally been closed off.

Emily and myself are meeting with Paul Knowles on 1st March to hopefully close off the Nucleus Review,

however, there will be 2 items that may need to remain outstanding- that is the completed Strategic

Plan and implementation of ProSims.

Mike from Autism South Australia has been to visit to gain a better understanding of our needs

regarding ProSims – we are feeling confident that we will be able to engage him as a short term Project

Manager. While we were looking at going live with the software on July 1st we now think August 1st is

much more realistic.

We are continuing to receive increased referrals through the NDIS. While only Barwon and Inner North

East are in the roll out sites there are many clients outside of these regions that are going through early

transitions and having their plans approve our services. We continue to recruit new MAPS and are only

just keeping ahead of the referrals.

We have appointed Stephen Ahern as a classroom teacher – as you may be aware this has been a

difficult position to fill. Steve comes with great experience, including being the former Director at the

Autism Training Institute.

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We now have a Speech Pathologist and Occupational Therapist working with the staff at Mansfield on

Tuesdays. Dr Evelyn Ferris is the OT who has exceptional expertise in ASD – we all feel very fortunate to

have her here. Evelyn actually approached us as she so values what MASS does. Kristy, Speech

Pathologist, has been employed through a collaborative model – local schools and hospital have pooled

funding to employ her full time.

We are currently in the process of employing a Speech Pathologist and OT as MAPS and have a Speech

Pathologist in Melbourne, who was a previous Travelling Teacher, that will work one day a week

conducting Access Interviews. It is important in the ‘NDIS world’ that we have a multidisciplinary team

approach so I am pleased to have these professionals join our team.

Please find attached an outline of the feedback we received from our December family Camp. As you

can see, this is an extremely valued component of our service and one the NDIS is funding – we have

never been able to secure funding for this in the past.

Simone Reeves – Director

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4.1 History

Mansfield Autism Statewide Services (MASS) is a not-for-profit organisation that has been

providing practical, intensive behavioural and educational training for people on the

Autism Spectrum for over 45 years.

We have campuses in North East Victoria at Mansfield and Dookie and our unique

Mansfield Autism Practitioners (formerly known as Travelling Teachers) provide training

and education in the family home and to the student’s local school.

4.2 Vision

MASS is highly regarded independent organisation that delivers innovative educational

and training programs for people with ASD from infancy to adulthood. We empower

the individual and their families to live independent, inclusive and productive lives

through the provision of individually tailored programs.

MASS is committed to:

• Upholding and protecting the rights of all

services users, especially children, to act in

their interests and ensure they are provided

with a safe environment that protects

against abuse and neglect, and respects

their cultural diversity and heritage.

• Complying with all relevant legislative

obligations and maintaining a financially

sustainable organisation

• Continuous quality improvement. We will review the performance of the

organisation on a regular basis and all staff and encouraged to contribute

energy and ideas to our improvement processes. We will review our policies,

procedures and practices on a regular basis and be open to scrutiny to ensure

we provide the highest quality service

• Providing opportunities for service users, their families and advocates to be part

of the decision making processes for the organisation’s direction and the

programs it provides.

MASS is also committed to equal rights for all before the law, freedom of religion,

freedom of speech and association, and the values of openness and tolerance.

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4.3 Mission

Mansfield Autism Statewide Services is a unique and highly regarded, skilled service in the

field of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

It exists to provide expertise, education and empowerment to individuals with an ASD,

their families and other service providers.

Through the provision of education, consultancy and support, in homes, schools and

community organisations in Victoria.

It will achieve recognition and acceptance by governments, families and professionals

as a proven and sustainable model of excellence.

4.4 Core Services

Our broad range of holistic, integrated services include:

Mansfield Autism Practitioners (MAPS) (in - home family and educational support for

students over a period of 12 months for students aged 2 - 18 years)

Short-term intensive residential and educational therapy at the Mansfield Campus (single

school term placements for up to 12 students aged 5 – 18 years)

Family Camps (up to 4 camps per annum providing 5 days of intensive therapy for up to

15 individuals on the Autism spectrum. One on one support is provided for the child and

there is a program of recreational activities and respite for siblings and parents/carers)

Secondary schooling for highly functioning individuals in the Shepparton area at the

Dookie Campus (short to medium term placements for up to 12 high students aged 10 –

18 years)

Respite (Short term respite for up to 8 children during school

holidays and occasional weekends for children aged 3 – 18


Consultancy (professional development for independent

schools, respite service providers and other organisations)

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5. Organisational structure

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6. Our Committee of Management

Emily Ploschke, Chair

Emily Ploschke has been a member of the MASS Committee of Management since


She is a speech pathologist and has worked extensively with children and their families.

Emily has a keen interest in helping children with Autism, and has worked for a number

of years at the Mansfield Campus. She is able to bring to the board her experience, as

well as the perspective of an allied health professional.

Emily moved to the region eight years ago and, in addition to her speech pathology

work, she owns a local business. Emily enjoys being an active member in the


Doug Galbraith, Deputy Chair

Douglas Galbraith have been on the Board of Directors for twenty years. He has a

strong connection and familiarity with the school through both family and friends.

He has worked as the Maintenance Manager for a boarding school in North East

Victoria for thirty years, so has a very sound knowledge of building and infrastructure

that is necessary for the support of a school.

Doug is an active bush walker, cross country skier and tennis player.

Kerryn Gooding, CPA, Treasurer

Certified Practising Accountant and Tax Agent

Qualifications include: Diploma of Education and Training from Melbourne University

and a Master of Professional Accounting from Deakin University

Hobby: Horse riding

Matthew Currie

Matthew Currie joined the MASS Committee of Management in October 2014.

Along with his wife and 2 young children, he moved to Mansfield in January 2014.

Matthew is the Branch Manager at the Mansfield & District Community Bank. He holds a

Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning) and is currently completing the

Alpine Valleys Community Leadership Program. He brings with him his experience in

business planning, banking and finance and people management.

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Dr Joan Curtis

Joan was born in England. She trained at Kings College, Westminster, London, 1953 MB,

B.S. 1960 MRCOG. She married Humphrey Esser 1960, migrated to Victoria, Australia

1961. Joan worked in a group practice in Mansfield, specialising in O.G. and surgery.

She was elected FRCOG. She retired from medical practice in 2004.

Their second son, Jonathon, born in 1965, is autistic. Joan founded Mansfield Autism

Travelling Teacher Service in 1970 and Mansfield Autistic Centre in 1976.

Joan served as Director of MAC 1976 – 1991. Continued as Co-ordinator of MACCRO

(adult program) until 2011. She has made 3 films and written a book.

She has talked, by invitation, to many social and professional groups in Australia, United

Kingdom and South Africa.

From necessity, not choice, Joan has had considerable experience of fundraising and

lobbying Government departments.

Rowena Sladdin

Rowena Sladdin has been a voluntary board member of Mansfield Austism Statewide

Services since 2012. She has a background in journalism, media and marketing.

Rowena has also been a small business operator in both media and retail and has

many years of experience as a media advisor and Electorate Office for a State

Member of Parliament. Additional experience includes social media, community

engagement and policy.

Rowena is currently a school council member for Mansfield Secondary College and has

held this voluntary position since 2010.

Martin Hunt

Board member for the last 9 years

Janet Haensel

Board member for the last year.

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7.1 Decision making responsibilities

The Board is set with the task of setting the strategic direction of MASS and keeping an

oversight on its financial position.

The Finance Committee meets monthly prior to the Committee of Management meeting

and is tasked with the detailed review of MASS finances and for recommending key

strategic financial decisions to the Board.

It is comprised of the Board Chair, Treasurer and Managing Director.

The Committee is supported by the Accountant and Business Manager.

7.2 Number of meetings held

In total, 10 Board of Management meetings, including the Annual General Meeting,

were held and 10 Finance Committee Meetings.

7.3 Annual General Meeting

• Joan Curtis was re-elected for further 3 year term at the 2017 Annual General


• Emily Ploshke was elected Chair for a further 1 year term.

• Melanie Green was elected Deputy Chair for a 1 year term.

• Matt Currie was elected Treasurer for a 1 year term.

2 new Board Members have been appointed during the year :

• Melanie Green

• Stacey Manoglou.

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APRIL 2017

Thankyou for your interest in Mansfield Autism Statewide Services, if you require any further

information please contact me at the school on 57752876

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