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Post on 15-Jun-2019






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if you want tq :.:-ave ~:) &pntc; hut Y04 an' J(I~illg morf' than Yournight.'s 8J.eep hy trying tp,' save a quarte

b, ¥ou!are losing I healtfi,

Rtr"ngth ond vitality a~I1':vheo th" fi"st t'''' "f , I ..

, ~ Our ~~t~ ~:eL;1~~a~l. 'i'

would g-ive you T('lief ir one hour and ~jop tho wor:-:;t ('()1Jg'h inI' thrpp day~, '

WA 1

< lijE I iiL) ,==::::±:R===;!-!- ,_~.±1 ~ ----.P < A.~D~ .

'~~':"":'+-L.--,----'-.:--'-'-!..--,-R_"ep~1_b~1~'c:.e-~-'~-+-'+-~'-.:..!-'~+-=lp:C:R'E-LIMI AY--c-o!'dT1~'~s::orl~~HNEE":..LD~~~;j;d;[:~~::· FE~U:f:9~. __ ~__=-_~~_no==#c-_-I

to the ente regt11it~ons WhICh are I I~ I ,, ), _ in fore in h B diBt ·1t. Mrs, C. J. NfJn was ailed t9) COU

, Manydisp nsatio s have been d'- Hlalr Wedne'rlm Nv the rJew, h "rher

I TO SELECT CONTESTANTS en rela~lIlg 'the strenUOUS)ll "gl am uncleI that m~ed tol be m et1pcl throughout Chas Archcl," sohl hH, fartn south-

A"th IH" hS hI" J J1 R thecathOlie~W~d'IIBYVirtueOfan west of town Im!t week hTAntonet e J • C 00 AIRS m~ y nom IndUlt~gran ed In rrCh, HJU5, tl,nd l-'cterSiCn. rI I : riday EVeni1g I valid or t n y a working men . ~ ," I and w rkin worn may eat meat May. the httle fi~e year 01 dj!ugh.

I I ~ on all the ays of the year t'xcPpt t~r of M;r. and rs. John ,,-ylvanus,Whi e ! ere was ~ ~~ attend- Friday' AB~ Wed sday Wedn~s" dIed Monday n~ the fun ral was

ance t ~ e High. hobl bUl,~nlf day an i Sat rday holy 'week, ~nd held WednesdaY,1Frida e~ mng t? hs en ~.o t~~ exer- th~ vi il of bristm . This displm· Here IS proof that rao values

parent" a~l~d older patron:; of lhp uaJ members ()f th{" chuleh, but £lISt) mg. Jt J~ lep()l~ed that J ~ta~~'C~001 pr s~nt that~ther~e should applies to 11 the ~*mb,,!,s uf their ton was 'otfereq , ISO an acr Mondayjlav~ .ee* The oee 19n Was .the ho"se~ldS' , I for his fine farm east of to n and hepreh m~ dec'amat on leo test and frhe ordi ary p~ ctlCe of devout refuRed it I

1deba:t to elect three contestants C~thol cs, e en th who are stdct-I __-+'.-+.__Ion¢ I ea<!~ class-dr~matlg, orator-Ilylspe kmg,not rJ uired to fast' is 'J E G d I f t'l F II

II~aiI, nd I humorouR as le~pre~enta-Itol f'bs ~n rom ~I e use of ti~sh: .~, ;for o~ 0 I gel' 'e,tIV~S of the Wayne sc,'o I, !n th" m$t n the Wedn~ ays and Satur-, Pilger, Feb 1;: . E. (;ordon, ~


,~trt'k~ "!.e~jlO~t ~sl,¥l\tr IdIS 0' len~as a nil .k of devotion Iaged 87. who Sli!ped, and ~11 on ice I;~'l::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~e~~~~.I~t ~e ..~~~gh 01910 . e d' I trorelect larl. pennan e, A thel much fol-1while wane wal lng l hom from a --~-- '--'--._-, I ir------a d~b tin team 'oi

nth~ ti~t~ ,smeet 110 ~d custo. ,arno g ('at~oltc pe9- Imeeting Tue~da night,.. and was I ~ I, :

ot~er te~ " of a like c a aeter at Ip IS to aRSI t 10 t sac,lfice of the Ip~ralyzed, died la81 mg t at 11 : '

Ith etl glofthe Nort ebraskal m s dally, or as a~ytlmeslOthe o clock, Mr. 90 ~onland sdaugh- N .e. e e~ UP to hp ld at th~ wll,eek as thf't can c$ verllently do sy tel Wflre wallhn,g hOllw rom the ew G ' ds em·n

~:~~tI~ifne ~nd pJu('e ,):-, the fIrst Tht, leU<:l, WhIClI t'xplamR m fulll llH(·tmg, CallYlrtll<!: ,t ],l11tqrn, 'fhel, o~ "1 '. O. .i. I",." p'"

Imention~q meeting. Tb~1 eontesls I t.~e l'eg UlallOlIs ,ryd dl8pensatIOnr I1a,n tern . wllnt I()~ a~d M1 uordonI ,- . ' ~are' a goqd thing for tl> develop- f1110ws: 1 Ishpped m t~e d rk ~nd f I on the

1IIL"----,~-+--!-'----'--+1_~~-.-:c."_+:7_++_+-_+-"mentof~.mory, the abl ity to ap-I_' "LINCOLN,! Nebi, Feb"h, I91U.-lllbcyrhoadf',bjell,IHgc IIlP!~.LehlYj aralYZeddl A'imlos',t.Ev-e'.ry: D'a'ype-ar in flit b1i~ hpf()~fl an alldif'nl'e, H1ev, Dear Sir: TH \holy "eal':;un of Vtea:. ~ ~s~iR' ~Y stee~eand the ~ bates tend tO~h~rpen the I~nt begrusl this l! ar on the nmt~ Im thlR commUlllW and hiS eath IS a

,.wiW.o-!,llilli.-----~......---~-++-.,. ......_....;..,;..-tf+....;./-.-+--I--.,.r... lintCI1Ce~. promote thou ilt in the d y of Feb~uary, I hlrhWlll bc AS1 Rhork to the town: He I,vrd tW(~,individ ~and other eh r~ctensticg i

ledn,eRdaYI The f6110~'lllg regulal imlleR north. : II ' , ' I

to Ithe a vantage of t o~e taking t ODS In.reg I'd to the fast to be obt I '" 'I

Ipatt infh m, and thurd r~ arp well s'rved me ereby 'nrornulgatt'd fat Merchants Savel by CO-reratioll This is'jus~ the ti e of ~ear when it pay.~ to b~ ~irst lIt theworthy ~ I thp asslstan'e and en- ~IS diocese, I I ~ I I~ I., stOJ;e. because you ge' your choice of the new thing{s that, are

Icourag n\ nt. I 'I "I All he da~slof I,'nt, Sunda Ohe of the tHing< In hl~h Ne· arrlvin~.:for the sp'ri ~ wear, II Thf> e c ililg program ,r." opr'fl('d ceptf'rl a {' fast (~ays, upon WhIt' I bra.",ka m(>rehants arp ta mg the ~ 1'>

by a voral s~l() hy j{uLh Sht 1 hahn, but nTH' fu~l 11lP,tlls a\II)\'.,;erl Th!:; ]l'dd 1,<': '\o-oPPlatlvl' .... tU! e manage- We are beginnink nicely on our spring- sellin~ and are led toBeSSIe C O~kCtt. VIC::;ldlpg at t.he I .full meall~~ the u~e whwh IS genelr I mt'nt By LhIS~)lan It IS ui:>tlmated believe that our cUMoh,.ers'feel Sure that they alwayslget' hoh~

I piano IT e declamation:;.' were first qlly taken a Jout n9dntimc that a g'cnPral crchant doing an 'in orde~1 n those in th~1dramatIC II ";t An Imost jumversal CUs~o1 average busmes, can save apout ,est :.values at this sto' e. i,

r class h d t e first try d.. t. There makes it la ful to trke in the m9rn $~50 per monthta~d at the S3J!le quri.ng the year t9 0 w.e~rhall endeavor t.o.incease. oU,r b. ul5j~ ,

Iwe"e fi e entered In thIi:>I'lass, Lut ing a cu!) of c01e~, tE a, or ~hi bme gIve custpm f.':\{: bcttlir serv.lCe I.J l ~. 'I r;h I h II d I h Pdt neSs by following the polic . upon which it h'as ooen bull....etI,.MargiE? K hi and Clemen~ ,Crossland t9cO at€l, it sma piece 0 an ower prlCe ., P, 1'€ era. JODI ,.. .Iwere n tl ble to particIP3it,e. LouJsa I read or a racket.. I of Nebr.aska Re~lld"S I;:" ~o g~.l~tol by givin,g i,ho:nest v tues 'and bacRing up evt:tything '!'.er s,eH'IWehdt w the first spea){er ill this "3 A Ji ht r~flr~~hment~)f, ~s,it the subJec~ thoro ghly at Itf meetmg wi~h an honest guar etee. 'f,I,cll,,,s al ,) the litl,' of hell declama'lls called, a DilatIOn,' IS permlttedl III \0 he bel~ m Om ha Marchl.~' 9, a~d,tion w J "The Father'~ Pr~yer." the evening but t~i~ collation O1ust ~O. Pres~dent D erHlof MatllS!?n ~nd

I11ho yo"ll lady did hersei~ credit m not ex~~~d I qua~tl~y the fourtfu o~ !ther officets or the as~oclatl?n,,' . ' .the r;h ition of the oductlon, an ordmary meal. I I J ave prepared a schedule showmg S' T N A' , 1

IAllthony Agler hali fOI' b elfprt,,' "4, All the f~ilrful whu hav ow $~O to $10 c~n br~av monthlyI ee ese ~W r:,·.,ri V;),'. SI"!lay B~'II "and did very ell. "The IldomPleted their ~I\.!enty-first yeat I n dehvery; $25 tb ",0 oJil prpduee :1'Polish y" by Ina II hes was and who ar not 13W{UlIY dbpensed, IjOSg~S; $17 td $~I) 6 "adJacedu.nts;, ,:' I ' '1-

I" I I I I S Imo~t a irably rendere , RO well are hound t obs<' ellills holy fast. as high_as $50 on II pr mill,? schemes, . I ., C

I I indeed Ii t the judgc~ th ug-ht thtlt I H!). Th(' u::;p (f fbh and nesh and $2:) to $fiO ~n andh go IhItter j WHilE GOOD PERCALES' G'INGHAMS'Leahy's Drui! t ,I.. \\as til(' olle to Il'pll'" " W"Vll(' n[(',11 I' 1'0 'd,ofl'ld al thl' Sdllle and "f';!!;S ~1'Hluot, , h" ha,,' ' , , .

J ~ : 143 - I' I, ' f' I iJ AHJ r~~\~lk~O {1f:;~:r:~.'~~~;' i~~;~Y~ ~~~;t:~lt~ve~~:~ 1~~~~~li~}ifl:~ft~: I thl~i't ~~~~~i~~~e~r':"J °11


\\111 tell'll DRESS GOO"Q~ SILKS i 'WA''l5llNGi ·sI"one I' I • 'I who h~ f~r his theme" he POSSI- vegetables and s la~s, also butter, ,I Road Nolice IJand wners • .'. " .

II l!lhtf,S I~ the American oY," and cheese, nul and eggs, 11 11 I I

'"!!i;;!";gI)"';:;"'~=="";'==",f",,.,,.~"'-;'*,..f.:;=~-:==I=I=f-+,1",,;,~'" Nell e Ju lin, who recite "Reinze ' "7 -The u.e dlff lard inRteaH 01 To All Who l~t M~\y Conc~rn: I• I '~ _. -I --- -I to tel ulans." Miss elhe did butter IS ~IIO\"ed fpr' cookmg pu~t Irhe com a pomt d to View, 'I' ~·---'---+I---4I---,." -'tr~~~!=#:#::F=====:R===!?:=::;:;::i=~==:::;FF:F=:::j:=iI rem rk y well and has he ability poses, I ,a road ("otnrmm 'in .tt OHlhwt'~t,I _, I Iof g~od ork along that Ime, but I "H. - The use o~ ft~sh and meat it I~orner of soulh est, quar er of sec" Watch th,is ,space r,.r the'a.nnounce~e,nt of .our spe,'cl,'aj

G~ r=' II the jlu~ . thought that aVid was allowed by dIspen/,ation at all m('al lion t.wC'nty~elgIt. I ~28) lownship', I', the ~t e orator of the wo and he 011 sundaY'fand ance a day on ~on ItwcntY-SiX \2fi) an~e thr e (3) eaot EMBRO "DER,Y OFFE.:~,lNGS ,.I I i IwiII e r sent the school a Norfolk, days, Tues ays ahdl ThlH'sdaY8 an )0 Wayne colun y, INebr' kf,l, and It I In humorous ('laRS here were on Saturda s eXcdpt the Hecond Rat running- tHenc'f' lIP north 't di:'itancp


~ E foureont'slaots. 1"ledOtN",tl,WhO lJHlav,.>lI,ot,mll IInly SatuIlJ.lY ,0ftWO(~)lllll",u,d "'1'1m 'llll'>:"t ' i''\' l/JJ(')e 11~U"-l 1\ pp JlLinn," a "q The follow Ill,\.( pet <;ons arE' I Ull' !lot thv.. (>,.;L I\OflIET III h(' nlll'! h~ I ,iI

! I n<,g-fO dlaj1<·('t s(,lpl'tI()I1, (' (,(,(·dlfwlv nol obll~('dllo 1ll:ili All pl'r<.:n!lS un I\\('sl qLI,nLl'! ul>('( (WII l (njJ-l)nl S,leCI"a'I' Sail:> of Relnnants~ , '1 w,IL H,'SR'" LaUlll,lll, \\hOIPPII',dldPIl,,,nlYjnnC;p,,,ofa>:e.,tllll<r- 1~llln\\n,hll'tWpnl\"lx ~hllan>:"1 t' ,- "I- '

II '1"lltY. d,Hl hiS Bl'tSl'Y ~all ouL "ISOT!SOV('I sxty y('ar~ofage, all IJ('r- thlee' (l) ('astJn~I""d.}l,IC e unt,Y. Ne- , '~ "

, 1 ' , , I I 1 IThis w ,I German dialee sel<!£ti9n sons who h ve to.te~form hard manl-l,hraSka, has rep rtGP In f Of of the, y du shoulil I "ok thrangh this lot <if remna.~ts as t.heteI ,I 1 and I v r good o~, You ave heard' lual labor; he 81 k and those recovr ,opening thereo I' and all hJection~

~, To make rOIDml for ctl,r 10 0 the ~y ,"lost fot want rf a word, ermg from sever' "Iekness; wo e~ ,thereto or claim~ fqr daml'g~s must, ar~.,. sure to ~llenths here.that yo\' are looking fo~., an.;J'111'1111+'" Ii" ,I. n ' Thatlw the trouble of B~sBie, • She nursing ch Idren; apd finally t os~ be fiied in th~ c unly cler,k's office r

ca? be pure 9sed at a great saving/ On' sale b~gin-

I' I . 'I morel tthalf a dpzen w~rds when It.y or wea ness cannot fast wlt~ou~ IIApnl 1910, or sa~d rpad W~I be open·, 'n F'd F b 11 h •I' ebruary 15th e ill I rna e, 're her rye ry failed her e*tirely aM injury to t eir he~Jth. ' ed without I~fel 'nc~ ther to , m g nay., e ruary t. . i '.

I' '. II r',' I ~" she eo~ not get the hne~f tho~&1ht "lO.' Pe sons Ilunder twent~-one 'I' Vated this lOth day of February, ,I : Iii . .. I

II ·'i.!~ t" III . • I • at all a was callen fro thE'stage years of ~e, as al~o those who al'e uno. elI \~ vr Rr~\, OLDS, IuC lon on a ur It~e ur~ I Ly Sup, Kemp, After, he others ovel slxLy ears {>f ~ge, are aL Jib~r·II(Seal) 'I I Co Ilt~ Clerk, I : I i. '. . I'JA'NU'ARY , 'Nh ' E- h U" R ' were t t ugh she was giv tl arlother ty to eat m at thtee times a day or I FlO w-,I, C'~ ~'d ' . I W

~ '1.J .K. 'I I 'tryatl nd rendered th~selcctlOn all Monday', Tu>sqays andThur~-1 'I _ ; I J equr -'~cery epartme~ta{na, eli

II " J I "I I' I RW lin an ~d irable manner,I"lt is s~ld days and II Sa urdays efcel.\t tli~ ,I FORO 'Into FR~E' make it a bJe to never let an item go out

I0HNSON& 0 N th.lt photiC" mahs P"~I f,~cl. and ,ec"nd S" Uldays "I Lenl and Hoi, 1 I" ii, ,, I MI~l':; '1e~Sll:' hd.::> thc abIhly to make SalUI day I ExceIlt to the p('r~unsI ---- of our sto~e' unless we are sure :it will be

~good 'I! ~le futule. Kell 'y Go",ard 'h"remafle~ mentIOned the uoe of I \'10 Strings t p ')JTc\' Made Ily SIOUX i' ,

II". I ~ ! i made very good lm~eSSlOn m Illesh mea IS not, alI0o/ed at ,I apr I City Daily New~ rati~.facto I

II III I I I M "Me a d Bab," hut the best meal on W 'dnesday durmg Lent I I

fURNITUR C PA Y III thl~cla~s, III the l'SllmatlOn l "11. g VIrtue of an (ndulll One of the llIo .... t Unique olfcis ~:, I ', I. uf the J dges, and It w· certamlY'lglanted uy the, !'joly See M~rch, lever made b~ a le'l:spape~ has Just OR,R &li·MO "RS 1'0" W·.ayne, ,N:.'eb,

I I h I fine w Laura Barnett »0 recited 190n, and valid fCPr~en years, work- been announcet by Thl~ ioux City "

I"M 'Doughnuts." If MiSS,!lllg men and Wfk ng women ImayIDally News, which ~as slated Its ,Ii HHO~E 247 I i I'

It' I I "I La inclination () turn her eat meat on all h days of theJ,ye!ar intention at g "i9~ al\' Y a Forg. I I i' , I'--, I ~ _.- - to that hne oheadingsit except Friday, sh Wednerd:!y, touring car'fQly, qui e4, wort\, 'Th I h' t '11 P d l '·-r·-t~'G' ·n SUi:l'e~~usth~t she ca not fail tn'I~:~~r~n"J ihr;,dii~iltt~FCh;i~I~I:'ln~)~(~rt~ow~t~(tJ'~'ik~al b~~S;;ffe~~1 .. e V?rr· 19 Ies. P:t: 1

cepalrfOr • r9 p.~e

'E AfO'S' Ii'i·.·· I I I At t cloBe of the ree tals Willis: This dispcnsatio i~granted no~ only of this kind th re will b po losel~ ,IT "I Fleet 0 d sang a fine b ss solo in 10 indiVidual wo kirg men and wo~k- and those who m~ke a effort tp -'-1--' ..--.---.---.• --..--

I I his u I pleasing man l¢r, Then ing women, but itl,~s to be extende~ win tqe car w 11 not ha e to spen\:i BU ~D - T LES'S. s '.. I came hi debate, The qU:cHtion for I to all members of their households. j any mlmey, I II I -.Lehigh w r Ip I (hS(,lI~SI n WLlS "J{('~olv ,tI, thal til(' 11{(,('tor" and e()n[(>~sors v.,.dt be cal'C'-1 TIll' ,tutoOloillll' Is ,t It,wd t1l'W I "l-~--=-=-

I' labor~ 1Il0ns are, on he whole'l~ul,toobservethat~whereas, byv/r· 1910 model ofl20: horse ower, and , I LBo.wstell PterriC,ae.ls ' .' Ibeiefi i I." 'Dbe deba ers on the ue of this iudult and of the lelilen will be g1V~n tu the erson who '/

W' fro tt- I affirm ivl';" W('rp I .lam Britton, I Isponsation worki g men and work- turns In t.he ladief>( amount of paid- WEIL Q i k '5 . COSTan~ ,I I g I Tr' cy oill, and Ih'rbcrt W,'leh, Imill women may1eat me~t th,ee Im·advanee IlIal1€;ub'C!lPt OQS to, Th~, I LU C es srYlc~e .-

, 'w~\le I' a~y Gllderslee e, Jas MC"I hnJes, stih the l rmbers of Ithelr News betwe~n eQ,' J4 a d ,April 16, : ' adr~est I tOtCh


" F,acheh a d Rollie Mill r had "the households who 're bound to the at 10 a, m ' 10 hds who articipate an no n, for your ewer conn ctio s, at negwlv, The debate as not to law of fasting ar allowed tp eat, in the cont"f't ~ ill he s 'nt a check : Tr st. , ..__' _";'~_~"!'I

. I 'I' 1 I I" I I see h ad the best 0 the argu- meat but once dn ~he lays coVered lot a hber~l psh gom ission on .. .. t I I ~ I.', I I I I 1'1 I I \ men t e ques~ion u det discus- Py these induIts, IIn onside~atfon every subscrip ~on they s~ure, so Hutldreus f. pe0r'! ID t~IS star....any 0 the... )'our el.h~., I,I I I • I • , Hion I ) t for the; purpo e of select-r pf the great r('laxfltlO 1 thus Intro- t hat every pal IIcipant III pam a are ready to teallfy to t" e wents ~f he HAFER IPLAN- ,

. \~re h<l\lF fi~ed thei iLuDlber and Material orfdetli with be~••., &o~~

W'I' " , I • ' ': I I: i' I" ~, and J dges, declc!el tqat these ~llle~ce, the.",faIth~ul are to be {ld- m tr~lpg to, w n ,the a~ or ThIS 18 tQ quicker III e at .r price. than their I cal de 1 co~m g've: ii,')"':: .,' " '. I' ,: ,I '!'.J shoul Ibe James1J.3rlttn,IHer?ert momshedt.op~rfo~moth~rwork~Of eertaInIY8;n'Un,~mallY 11 era! offer " I 'I I aen ','" I.If.......... "~~~. Wel~, n Harry Gilder leeve, I·,acll penance pleasmg ~o A!nughty, God. an~ explamp t e Ifruwth, ~nd popu- :LElARN IfHE HAFER PO' N NOW' ,

',,1 'I , I,"· . '. ,II, ' on.e. 0 ,he de\Ja~~rs hr. ught out a cas for example,a~stmcnce 'frtm,aII lartty of Th~ N \j'S" ',' ., I' " , I' , ,,! 1 I,' r" ~'""'"T'-'I' '-r l;" 'p,ur,nb f gOO~ thou~ts on, th~ ,in~?xicatin'g driqk.j , I', , , I You ha.,e ofver had as :oed II chance to bu]' th but at iright,. ~r~~ea. ,H'" ' ' quest 0 nd all ere W II receIved, , , 12, -In. thost:' ~ chu~ches of the Take Tim hy, the F relock Our in~ependent (llicy will save you mo ey, You CaJll.Le~ a be~te~L " ' , Tracy' 0 I wasseiecteq alternate, IdlOaese which ~V~ reSIdent relctors.. I I I II' ',I t,·


l·.1"10 Commissi~n8' Wh.i1 he ju~ges~retire' .to ~ork.up devgtions and i s,ructions suitaPle,' It IS, cleaNr.no

f,that tht; c?ntest. f?r aasortment ,~f h;igh q~t lity: material. thaD .10U c u :fi~HI ifI fiftYflin~ ya da,,:,

II' : i ! th~i,r ore ca.rd, Bes.l~ Croc~ett to tne holy Be 0$ shall be ~l~ at the n~xt ~b ask~ legl l~tur.e WIll w. are In~epend ~t of the trust, llnd sell at price!! which Qur grra.t','I'r' favor tjhe aud ence , Ith a plano least once a wee .: The faithf I are b~ one of the mo~t ex tm~ III the buyinf(' m t1llfactllrifi b..d shipp· f 'I't' k 'hi 'rap,'te Works solo, ( I d ~JI1 hping encor 'd repeated ,to be reminded ~hat the seas II of hl~tOl'Y of t.h state., I WIll ~e a ' it , ~ ~ In~ aCI I Ie!!. Ia e pOSSI c'. '

the f rma.lIcel to th

1PI.eao.ure of lent is i~ an esP¢e~'al manner ia sea, ~omple.x of ,,'s u~s·l. Cou tr optIOn, ThIll lis Y,C R Grea~ BuildIng opp~rtlinE .,

I, I " , , all. ,e board ,pf edu a~lO~ act~ son of prayer an ,of good ~orks,: 1Dsurg~ncY'J If!" pa~ guaranty Get YOI1~ !odal deal r'. bid-then g;ct ~urs. .The prices Wi.lllbe,~o"er.'.'=""""",~=H=:fI,-,~L.c"""b=~'==== as th u ges for jthe ev nmg. J and therefore, ~ yare to s unla!}; ano 8 ?' cloc\< ~9SI,g .WI 1¥ll pl.ay a quality better, J.rvice or~ uti15(aetclry, ,'!

Th ix youl')g people who are tOI worldly amuaeme ts "to c st orr' part. PreJu Ices, WIll be stirred , ~I ' Irepr "nt the W~Yneh~ghSCqOOlat ,theworksofda~kl~e~andto1Put~on Whereyer~~e.Y~nbe.lrea'h.fd.. Par~ WRllTE' US \Ve wantl to to!'ll you about ourNor! re Laura B.a nett' In t~el the ,armor, of !Iight '" * ~ tol, w~l~ ty loyalty,. w n. be wro &jht upon I j --meth(.lo ,d dqiug- hU"lil)!'S~ .Dlr.c~._

'.hU~. I u ,class;1 Davl Mee~er Inl.honestly as III th~ i8Y, not in ruot~.,ngl whe~e'fer .lIt XIS~. B t ,the con~. i I !.. I .. " I I Ithe, tI',t rleal; Ina Hu ~es In thel ~~d drun~~nnesE1 ... "'. '" not in irnpur~ trolhng ~lem nt in ('on rol of the , If .v0U wlll (\ome h "an~'b\1Y a carlnar1 w", ,will 1'<.I~ you ,round tripd'l'am I e and Jf.mes rl.tt~n, Her-I Ibes, not m con~' hon and envy.' II n~xt legIsl,at~ e, ~,Il pe h~ person- railroad fia,e up to 1 mllea each ;>Hl.y:, als~Yl.l1Jr hflel ,bi 10. We paylbert el hand arry Jldersleeve (Rom. xiii, 12, 1: .) I allty of th~ ca dtdates. t IS a good 'freight on 'c,arload .hip ent., Remember 01lr,ti utll OllJ.ha b a~ch offi,,;e.asM te s, and, II of he&e young


. "13"~A colle t~"on shall b~'ta]erJ timenow,.IJ'0 ths'~hea ofthepri- , , , SEN FOil OUR NEW CAT LOGUE 'peopl w II give a got acdouritof up in all the eh r hes of the iDe se maries, to. re. i~d I~\>.o.th. ow.rs and , . ,",them Iv s. ' on the first Su d y of lent r he party workers of t IS fa t, Strong C, HAF.ER LU BER COMPA"'Y COU'N" BLuFro,'

'~IiI=::===:!=±:±:~=±i±:ii=t::=i===:I;::=;:i:::;==:::;=r:::;:==i ~ '" I negro 'and Indi n missions wit in me!l n~ed t~1 h.c ,Iname ror each t.... , fOW_A,_. H I ,"" W E Y the territory ~f t~e United States, legIslative dl~rlc".. .It Will be a -r'.:: I'" . ,LEN EGA~ ON SOA 'onGood Friday tr onanYSUnd~y poortlmetop ypbhtlcald~bts\Vlth 1 .,. ·'·1 ._......_~_..•'I,;~:~~~~·_-" : ~"r ,t'L.Q;"'-~(~~~~~~ 'I "'I~I, .~,' - I ,', .., II ~~lrJ~ ~fm~~~~Jrt e~ia~tr~io~~, t. t ~e~d~a;tv~o(~ i1~~~~~~~ i~~ri~~:h fe. rs:t ' N.tatl·onal' I, t ti if In ? I. SliJRV'C S TO BE HELD IN, collection is al~ 0 be taken up f r favors, Ther are men 'n each dis- , I ~u

i'CTA i Jo; B ~ I;;: .WAY N·F "\ . I" HOLle! CHU tCHES : the preservation ~f the holy pia strict who. can poll. sever I. hundred , I' t.'0 ' "I L r , I I I' ~ a .r . I ?nd for the mp.ll~lfnan~eof m~SSI~S' votes, more '~'~n theIr . a~ty,. In " .1, OLDB T BANK IN W'A.YNE fOUNTV""I' 'I i" ., .-, " II . , :' 1 :,i 'I, m chrge of the FranCiscan th s not every .el: ~'a~e the ot<t-j[ett~rs:'·. ' , :,.._ ':

'... " ':'."" .. . .'. . f I..' I ", BiBh I 'sues A nuar tterGlving' in Palestine, a d on the und Y. the strongest !nen for legislative Frank g, STRAHAj<, Pr s. JOliN T. BRE1"~LE:R, Ice Pres., I" F. WILSON, ~ IH•.N'VL"'IPr.'ld.llt,C.~. a.... ~O.h."lttnt.'R.w.,LEV,O••hl·1· 1r 1 t' f. Sf' withinthlioctav OfS.S.Pet~r a d, duties. 111m n.,~casest eyare. As iashiefH'S'RINGLA.ND'ASs~Clishier. I"7+.4,- :.~' ~ I , 'I 'J u a IODS or 8Hon 0 : I Paul for the Holy father. ' it now, looks lie party ~iCh will ~ 1

: ' liND! IDUAL E PO IBllI" '$200,000.. .. . Fort Day i "THOMAS BqtCUM, D.P'", . organj~e IlI1elegiSlature ill be the Capt al nd Surplu $100, 00'II :" ,I 'WI "" I :' !,.~, . ,: 1 III ", j' , .i I 1'I,B shop or tillco} ."! one ~hJch use most o«:a 1 ,the per· t' ._ ' 11 do. g neral DanklnR ,n.lD~·hIO'.'"i'e·'.r"~D' ..t'1"e depoe t. I Sup a every. past9r In the L.. 'n., "GEORGE AGJr' \ .D.. V,; ". .' ",onahty I. o.f ts candid tes,-State DIRECTORS: ·Fra k E. rahan, H. S. Ringlan.d George Bog rt,' R

w .. •· .. l·P..wm' cOlndoc,sewllllreadaCOm\TIUmTI- cretary., 'l'IJournal•• I ' I IMelor.JonT.Br....t~l... H.F. loon. ,: ..·r:~:·llwi':,I····:·I'II,I'I· I'· I' ':1 I :,1' '. ,"I.' . .,,"',. 'J I" ': '. ··.!'.l,~,1;~~}'~,~~lnth'~::'~!,:': "", 1'1 '1,,:,.' ,.(;~·!·l,,': ~I i"1 ,'; ,..I' ,~': '! t.!, , .' ~.'!'I' ", . 'I, I" , I', " ." I iii,'." ',:J'd'·':.l~

"Vilhat s U~ t~l'II:/II~l.l~t"ttbOUt bo)cbt­tlng Dick B tllnerm,tn I

Haven t J ou hUlrd? He was seenkisslog tIl" look"

1be cook' WJJY, g00d gracious,man, Dick 5 wIfe does ht r o>\n cooklog

Does she? I dIdo t ktlOw tbat Butthat doesn t let him out

Why not?~n our Het It Ie consldpred VNY

bad form tor ~ent1cmen to kids theIr,"jv~s --Cleletlud ,PlaIn Dealer


Tbe Sapply Co.~. froID Foocl

If we get power trom ,food why notarrlvo to get all tte po"e~ v;e enn?That fs only possl Je hJ u~e of skll(lilly $<:"!ectl d food hett \ xactly fits tberequh ement::l oC tllel bOlly

Poor tuel makes a poor fire and apoor fire Is not a good ste tm producer

!"rom not knowing how to selL"Ctthe right food to fit my n('('(I!'l r SIlt

f('red grievously tor a long time tromflttlmach troubles" wrlles a lady fromL ltWe to\' n :In :\f1ssonJl

It seemed as If( I would ne\er beI ahle to .find out the sort ot t06d that

Iwas best for me II mj]) anythlllg til ItI could Clat would stay on my atom l( hEvery nUE mpt g we me heal thurn andfilled my stom tt h With gas I got thinner and thinner tI~t1I I Uterally be\:flme n living skeleton and in time wascompell('d to keep tq my bed

to ;~y r~~'lJ~~~:lltt: :o~tl \;;Bl:~:~l:~~;:'{ood erred from the very beginningThat I ha,e kept up Its use ever Rlll('CI \\:1'1 surprised at tIl(' I n<:e wHh whichr dfgested It It prOH'd to be JU9t"hat I needed

"All ID'~ u'npt('osa~t ~1\mptnrns theheart~urn, the :lnfia~ed feelIng \\ l~icb~vc me so much pain dlsapPNlredMy w,?lght gr Hlually increased ....from98 to 116 pounds my figUl'e roundedout my strength came back and I amnow able to do my housowork and enjoy It Grape Nuts did It ..

A ten days' trial \\ Ul show anyoneBome tacts about roJd

"T~P~O~ ~~~ei~:ltl~b.~ 1!~~er~80~Reason

Ever read the above letter? A.Inew one appears from time to time.Tbey are genuine trt~&. and full 01....mil" Idle"';O'.


Sloans, "Lini'ment

and U!'led it five Of six times 'I'JefoNI "'cut to bed1and the next dll' •was ,I.UIe til gil to work and use mJbaud as usual,"

Sloan's Linirocatis an exc('llent and­septic .lnd g enn

~~;~'I~~~;ll\~;~;:io,c::n~contusioll", and will

t:oa; I~~~~li~fi~son0t+<; insects.

25c.,~Oc.and$U."'11\11'. be ...hnr.t· ...aut" ....

Rnd u .. ltry __!f1'C'C, Addr<-_ •

Dr. lilarl s. 51.....Bosto , Mass•• U.s.&.

Anotb r l'oMn o' It.VIBltor-Con~e'l!ertt, my de.u; wh se

I 'V btu' "'U;jI\ Yet pntt\ Httk 1:'1[1 Inl ~()ll"He wus :til old darl,y He wore no JIUllS('n1.\ld- ''-ill :Hrs I Jlml,sf • h~

overcoat, and the Icy wtn,'d twisted hi!:! courts '3.vcn't uu:hl' t1 y~t ~

threadbare clothes about his shriveled I",::;;;;::;:::::::;~;;;::::::=:r::~=:~=:=+=:====::r=::::::::::;;;::=!bO(J~

"Wind," h. demanded, whlmlRc,dly, 'T'f..e



t V.,._.,."war wuz you dis tlmo las' ~Tuly?"_ III ,I, E U' /e I."W"R;I-Everybody's I t

It WtlS onc of hese experimental farmers, who P~ "..~pectllclcs on 18 cow and fed her shavings. His C:heorr'was that it d:*.'t matter"" hut tb~ cow ate 50 long _ .."as fcd, The Questions of dlf,estlOD and nou.nsluneDt ....:.,

I Dot entered 10 a his calculatlOns, ~

I I dJ~:pe~i~e:t f~~hC:~~~~" :ur;n~~&':~re:t=ulf regllrdle~of tJigestion ond nut 'tion. He rmitht almoat 88 w<UJ cat~ioga for all t e gbod hF gets out 0 his food•. The result is that the.~grows "well .. Hllo action of th~ or os of digestioD and nutrition ere impai....and the mao1 uffcra th~ miseries 0 dyspepl\ia wad the ..allies ofne~

To at "lIthe" Itbe StOlll1l b, restoN OJe aeUrrlty 01 the lor.-Jlana I dllJe!!JtloD aDd D 1"1t1oD aad bra".,,,,, the nerFe6IJ

;:;Il:J·':~~e,":;:tJa:;/f:: :~:~IJ~~:,r:7"'::a:;1::aa:well a~ tbe Pl"s'se 01 tbOll lids bfa/ed ~y Its ulse.

,La the 8tri*~tl Rl;'s~ u!Jold~ edioat J)i!lcoveri''' i. a l temperanoc ,... iClDCI. It con lOS DCltbpr lIltODcaa DOl' narPotic. and i ... free from ......~9 from.opiu • c9cainQ' IiUld ether d gerous drug8.' AU iogredients printCl4..It9 outllide wrpp~r, I I

Donit le,t de8ler delu~~ you fo Ilia own profit, Thcre ill no mediciu ....atottUlClh, live aDd blood I Just liS g " QS "Goillen Medic:s.t Discoveq-.n

l' ·1

IIi III; 11:1 /'111 I,~

L, ,ST~A b~own Arlgora' m. e cat_) They began. pabidng... u.p '; th.'e fix•.i' trhe aoctor~-~Stanton c~u~lty Th '\\ ---:---~---"'----1~\---,----...-"'---.-- 1F

· \ t'f J; J F J ff . th ddl hk: ttl h . e.N€b.r;liska telephone c:omrany _ ',Land .v:alues are incr~a~ing"a-ro-u·nd. 'In er p,ease no 1 y ~rs..., e· tures m , e rei e saloon building '. 1ive.got toge er.ra.nd notified t .. ~. dOes no: ~~tend to employ rija ried La~re1. One fal'm has been sold for

ries nd r.eceive reward.. . i" ,yesterda;r..... They lare. to be sent to I p. bIle that,. afte.r. M.. a.r~h l.. st all medl.~ women In Its offices hereafter: If a $130 per acre ,and one man has re-~ - ,,', South D~.O\a. "I • .'. 'c~\ att~~d~~e.~:~B'~.W~.I~_,.b:advan~~.(l.,g(rl rnarrl.' I Sh.. e lo.ses.. h.er. p..OBitil'.n.. ius.e.,aa like ~,um for q.i.S..f"arm.,

, ELLj:vUE, EB" IFeh. 2, 910. " L G J .". ~th' tb ' . '. , .. . I

, e recent d ciBiol\,'reached' by the MrB. Minnie S rk of Ndrfoik haB L' ra r~~~ PllILns . at pervahdeth· e Ah 1h '>k:--' ' "Suffered;day ,and ~i;ht' the tor-Syn d's Commission I on C He"es ....' '.: en Ire S,s",m, a rlppe coug s .at ea t man IS a 109 In h' t f 'h' 'I N htha Beuevuefcoue '''e shall be\e: filed Bm;t In, dlstr~t co~rt of :PIerce rack anpstrain, ~re quickly cUHd 'h Ith' I" own'i men 0 lte Inll" Pi e±; ot ing-J from 'B nodictJ contr J and county ~gamBt J liuB"h?- fO." $10,- b,YF~leY.'BlH.oney and T~r.. ls mildly P; 11:~eun ~~rd~eka~)~~n~~hap-I hellJed me until 1 used !:Ioan'sOint- .

e an in ependent Pre byter- 000 ~amageB fo, alleged,breach of laxatlve. safe and !eertam In resutts. buHds up $ound he~lth O(t<, ,ttetB) ffie;nt. It cured ,me permanently."yJ. h h promIse' ;Felber's Pb&.rmacy well I lC'el1s ~ou: ,.Han. John R. Garrett, Mayor,


i--'~o'LAN'D-~'- BREID·~~rar~SAla·OW"SIbe ai.ed, The ree~i~t by t eCol." " '. ,leg Board in New~' York large I

do ti0J18 for educa ional p rposes I I I

dung·thepMt~~ma~ilieco.1 ~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~'~~~!~~~~~~~~'~~~~I~~~.~,~.~~.~'~~~~~op ation of that body with B llevueCO,1 ege a VerfYlslsig~imf1ealnt ffac~ The ,_co ge~ow a m me 0 recog- I' J I ~ .nit n by the Carne ie FOll natjon ' I I ; li'~' I 'I "

~~P~~~!~~ p.·N.I~ IlE. ~.·.IN.,.p.TO.N.:.'.S.... '. (i.'AT.I. O.FFER.. lN:G.i.E~~~b::::::~::::=~~~f~~~~=::::===:_:,:.1.1 Be evu C~~n 'i, . . : In Pavillion on Farm Ne r .,.1 . . I ,ule~ Bold at O'wens\ theCou~tyc~urt of ,Wayne ' I, i "I I . "',.J .I . I I'

_for_",.~ ;, ~~~£~~~~, TE~~~A~,:NEe., I: ~ES'i' lFE~r 15n readingl the: petition of Wi!. i,' I..~ .I' 'I I I I' .

R~ li~~t~:~~~~x':{n~tr~llot:a':i~~go~ II! 40 llead:~2.','ln, atllre SOWS:,, 10 fat, S,'ows, 1.8.: ,S.pri.rug·..· Gi.1 S'I~h f8jhUd~)i~f~~fh. rJ~~1 ~l~~~~dl '. T ~~i,. rr;~.iiO~.eepftn;t he~~gy O~.d.rd~r.~j , " ..I.".::·t,,'.\'I.<.I.. ,·'. :.•'". ~M:Y g.rea..:.test 0 ,.,.enn

g., Da.u.gh.ter~ o.f MOG.U.L'th t you and ~1I ~~ sons interested :' !~~r',. CH EF PRICE I ~ LO,NG KING, I~EcuMsim

~1 ~~ pn,;~~11 Coli\a~~ i~ ~~fdej~ :·r~"' y·1 ID AL, CHIE.FI OF ALL,CH~EF' PRICE,an ,for said countr on the 28thdai~f,~ "~': W EELER!S PR~ZE, bred to BIGI uAD'LEY'Sof ;Fel)ruar~ A" ,D" 1910, at 1 f IJ-0' bCk.' a. m,(.' ,to.show.cause if any MODEL, IDEAL ')rECUMSEH: and MODEL TE-th re be. w'rY thl prayer of the 'pe '.tioner should JOt he ,l(ranted, CUMSEH. It's the greatest lot of sows I've evera II tnat, notice 9 the pendency of I ' isa ,petition and the heating there. offered.'! .,of 1lJe g:iven to all p~rsons.'interpsted Iin : id matter byi ~ublishing" a copy p-:="o this. order in We', Wayne Herald. COMMENT ON OFFERING BY' C. R'AY MOOREa eekly newspaper pr!'nted in said i'-'....c pty, for tbree, SllCcq'Rsive wf'eks i i LpI or ~o said day oil heatllng. ' IThi:.; oll'ning- is witr,out" d'JU!'I, I third;, 111(:' hp,.;t ('\·('r :-.;old

SEAL) iJ~MFf:S·BRITTON, " fl'Ol~l {{emington's SUnJb,· y!ope Farm: Tiw grf!,at ..,lze and .. t>.\-

f, 0-3r 11 90unty Jud,~e. rECUMsJ~ ·\UE"~ ,~'t!~: ~re~eIYI heav;~}onear~ ,c~mbjned with ;an UI u~ual degreeLd(,. __'~~~~-:.'-".~";"~ -~~N~:,=~~~, ' '" ,I .-, / ... "I.",; q,U~ht.V~ .and lll!gen~~al_luniformexcellenee thhi' lot, of ~owrwill

,~c,l,"'I.•c-.TC..•I"~'~;!l.,".',';:~..~~,'!"::.,'--,J:c' • . ,I / I . .' 1 ','. ~afce,,~ be exe~lled thf year. Big Hadley'" Model the goodnY;. ~f~"p . _ ~;~{~ l"- son.O,f. Bigl.. ; H....!a.dl,~y, ~'.S prO.Vin~, ..ia Sir,e O~.~...~.~cep~l.'.'.P., naily s.~rorig bone,~' ~t.ro..ng.-ba.ike .PJlan.ds .a~~ his g l~.t.s. in this sa.h" l~.r'e.(i {I ~(~l'al' .Techins.(~.h..


'.".".p;.'•.~~~ ..r ...,,:'T_....":: ....., ....w .....,1"'.,..,',.,"',nJ., and Mode~ T~cumseh, two highly proO)1smg :r<;lUng boars, should be hIghly pro table In any her. Several special attr etlOJ1,s ar(~ found:;.¥~:·~:ft.~~~~~6~r -~':::~;:::::iSt,":.:,~,·, '~, among. th~'~ature sows, including Lady Wonder 6th, the great,960-pound dau hter of Chief'R ptire and Lady Wonder Rt. Ht'eci to Big

trlll.'I:.: .'.C~Pit.1l11 $60 000 I, idi ' Had!:'y';I ¥o~el, sh~ should top the sile. She h already prod*ced herd boar, for herds in Iowa, Mi.~,ouri; Kmi,',as,. Ne rIi.'ka and ""nth

!!::~li\'.A dulktr, ' . iillil'I'.I' Dako . P1t a'eat~log?e afd huy! 0+ of the~e ows. , i. :

lii'I'I,':i H. c:H~f~.~:eSid.ntj!III!:11 I _Ii. j ';' I" :~ ' I I

11~ljIIJil ..D', C. ~fi~(r:::::Jii!i!11 I I I.. . . .1 FUR,! ,eATA~liO.•.G./ UE, ;A.,DDR.• E~.'", .•. '. '. . I

I, II H.'B, Jol.J, . ii','i!!1 0 I I, , ' i I • i,l"i'.'.'T e'ib"ri"'" I.," ~tcashi:;~~ilJ;1 • 'iN. R...,e"m,· i",'ngto,n", ,eka ah, .I!~

~~:~rb;:jL~~:i~· "'. I

1t:t!:,:~!l':~\Ir II! " ' ~'T IC I ' .

.i~~::;P:~~,~._~~~~~. -.. -~±I-'-,.-.-c: ! i ~,_S. DuN AN, :


1 h." Only Doe. the Animal TrainerDare Put His Head In th~

6oaat's Mouth.


Ten'nYlon'l Crltlo. Charming Awey TllIela. IHere Is a Tennyson aneo'dote whIch No woodeutter will go ahout hIe' . Muolc. Sird. and Snake.

we recently lound In a French IIlerary task In the Indl~n forssts unleBs he I Bxcevtlonal lo"e01 music wo~tdp8uer. and which we belJev8 wlJJ be \8 accompan\ed by a tak\r~ wbo 18 BUp.l dClUnd ,() the credIt of any other JjV}~e-­new to a great many of OUT reade"a posed to exercJRe t!ower over tigers \ f;1'8atuTe as lndk"'l\'€ ! fi ~ IIThe laureate. of course, was in th~ and ~l~d animals generally. I but j~ the mall~ned B~a~: ~~~ t~~e.habit of receivIng a large :,Dumhev of BerOl e work \s cornmeneea tbe faklr; art1.'t5\\1'. a\\r'l''rHlt", j<; a ma'rk f dn I.tequesta tor hts autograph.', As a rule a8Be~ble8, all the members or hisIHon. Our Own (.)"Ul.kp.ra r 0 eroga­be did ll~t reply, But one, aay he was pa1'tt (u a eleara.nce at. the e:da;e ot the,' take up and rn"do'l'.e "th~ ,1~;a:~~mPI ••much f.mpressed by the letter of the forest and erec::ts n number of hut.s I Eplphanlu'B aga\nst .the .~' ~ 1: I e o~, '1 f hi h h 'I "Ob . "'M'p ~yefl)1 Dung daugbter of, a coun.tTY genUe- n w c e t'JaC€8 Images or ~ertain . serve the ftgllr(~. that th Iman, and he sent her not dnly hIs au" IIslll••, Alter ollerlngs have ~een IDl~k¥. !n hiowing. \)0•• ·he ~o~ ~:e~tograph, but an or1g1nal quhtra1n. The presented to the IplUjt88 the partlcu. himself ,up and down to' th~ rl ngirl was naturally delighted. Her ta< ,.lat ,forest IS, dec}ared to be free or hand and !the' \~rt, like Ulltu th'e :::tber, btlwever, did npt allow her, tp, t1&e~~an~ tbe woodcutters, in vIr. p_ent! Thes.e_ forms hath the Dethank the poet, but 88sumkd tbat r60 .t\'l_e () the_ 'Pl'esents they have made used to .-nanlfefl·t -hili b\a~P\l~;,t1eponslLillty himself. He se,nt the f91- to t~e JeA~ are ~HlJlPosed to be un· against tbings hea, f~nly, to lJe~tro"lowing letter: I I , der :thetr 2p~clal protection., thinls upOn earth, :to en~om.p~8S thY

"Dear 8fr: 1 bav,e shown your It arterl all these precautions a l world,,, c8pt~r\.ng right ~n(f: left sue:1'ers.es to tbe, 8ch~olma~teri He ftn~B tlge~ ,Refz~s ODe of, the party the, fakir; all lend an' ear t('l his seductions." Andthat the tans of the g's and the upper I!rpef'tllly tak~A hif! departure wlthout! 80 on. BU~ Dot a ·word do Wi<' hear Inpart of the h's are very, irregular, and waiting to otter RuperftuouB explana· i COndl:!Uluatlon (Jf, the llnrpg-ener~t.that yOll alRo forget to cross your tions. l birds that carol he(,,JI~S8(Y ~ven wnnet's .\slde from that, I than,k you for the mlni!>ter iH Im-: 'ing ttle llOl"fl?r&

yonr ell'or~ ~1<mar' • 'WHjEN ~ION'S EYES ARE KIND ~me~~cll~n~:~i~:nllhle .pl~ce'~~'ortb

;'A·, . IE'" te~~r ~h~u~~:~n~o:::a~~ att~;:, i folk last Wednesday evenin .

I Bert Tempiin i8 clerking for (Itto, Grube.r while the latter is ast shop­

ping his spring stock of dr g goods.

I '. i I .. ,. I' . ,Mr. andMrs... O.tto Gr."b r we.re in.1 . ' pmaha last week. They returned

:t~ .' postoffice d~y~arrlson arrlvingbom, Wedn~s.i \ I Mr. and ~rB' Swanso and'chll~, (Jren of Sout Dakobl vi ted' AArith

~heir. aunt, rs. Averil the :pastweek. : ",'

Wm. Fuesz of Ore n. visited.borne folks this week. e will ,visitrelatives a.t GO.ristsnce"j)ebr;.• I, be-fore returning borne. I' ,

!\1rs"Cha~, Leslie anaughters.MIS~es LIllIan and Mari~n. spentSat$rday and Sunday at ~he W. M.Fletcher home in Win~ie1i ''1 MiBB HelenJ 'Sche I, retu~ned

= ....."...;,.,-....._I-_.,....,... .:-..l-+'-~_.-_- ....-I--.,...--lfrom Omaha Sunday it I her lfath-er who is convalescent IfrAm a" op­eration that he underwent 'at the M.E. hospital so~:"",:,e~!o. I

R I E! Wily Bailiff Had Hard Work, but at

ea state TrJ.ns.·ferB . L Gr ast Scored Victory Over the "You lllust love the animals," RaId I 008e .'nSaa Most SagacloLls Creature,, Real Estate' transfers~ reported Cardinal. a well-known tralm~r, "or otherwlHl' i F~h~tlooYe Hal Royal

by .\1,. W. Alter, B01ed' Ab~t1act- B j y. oUi c"nn~t .ll.'a.In t~em,. Thcy can .telll' 9 ng QU.II~.le •.er~ ayne, Neb. , " i ,.' orne ti~ • ago .R vert rlbh old lt~J· !'1t pnce ,whether you lovtl them or So . -- ,.Ellen Wolf to Rlchar' C osse6. 'lots Ian Illdy dl d lellvlnll to ,hsr heirs '.8 not' ,hey. know It by Instinct. They Icernl~e °b1alrtbe .common, saylnlls con-

1112 blk 4 Carroll. I~ __ • .$ :1000 col/JR~al fortlllle. She was vpry pious know, wh~ther or not you arc afraid ';y g dL!l are stupidly wrona·M S Davies to,Elizah~th Giese' and. first ot all, laId upon these heirs of them; they can' tell that right ,ou ~lupld soose!" Is an expression

lots 9 10 blk 3 nort~ add to the ouligation to .remit to the, vatican RW,,"Y, You lll\lHt lHW{~r, 'never II't :\~~:::I~rtIYWllheard; Yl1t . tllf, goose,Wayne ~ ~OOO 2,000,000 1l1Ja. The heirs .w:ere greatly them. kno.. w. th'lt yon 'lrp af"r'lld .1.. - d or .tame, Ii!- •.mo.Ht Ra.,

Mary 4 Gudgell to B F R b r €UJbal'l~aB8ed by .this, beqyl::lt., They "it fs alW~Y~ best t'p begi~ ~ith ~III IgndoUR. \VfJd gl:!pse, flJr; jn;;1.ance,inson, Pt ni ne 10- n7_1 20

4: 1 235 obtained a decision which should put anilnal direct fro;n 'the jungle, The i~;~l~; leltd wltbo~t thrQwlng outAlice McManigal to E Sell. the vatican in posseesfon r .this leg- WII? animal is much better. T!le' '~~J'ib:8 o:0~entr~e8., J. G. 1Nl1~.Iais de-

ers, lots 9 10 blk 2 East add sCY. bnt neIther the pope nor Cardinal tame animal. born and brought up ,in f d" he saw s fiock ot geeseto Wayne _ _._ [650 Merry del Val would' accept It, A bal, eap'tlvlty: begins to play with you like ~e In&" with s:entrfes out, a.rldj how.

Wm H Brune to W

rBrune, I l1tf was char,ged witb: the, duty of giy' a l1tt~e,k~tteD That's before his etaf.a a ter a time, one of the sp.nt,'leg...went

ne 33-26-3__ ;t 18000 Ing no~tce of the judgment to the holy have griHvn 'big Then when -418 I up t~ a bird that, was feeding, and 't

Wilhelm Brune toW -H~ii;~ne st'e. "fe was ,unable to place this par Claws do' grow a~d h~e 8~,ratches you.l f:t~:rlt a gentle pick o~ U~e.ba.ck. The-ne 9-25-3,....... '. Ie ~8oob per In the hands of rius X. or in the yoq begin to be af)\lJ.Id of hIm. Thllt, thereupon left ,ts grazmg and

R F Kitterman et a to ~lfred hands of hig secretary. He cOlild not fs very ,IIad for the~~nimal-to, kb'6W went, ,on t.o- take uJ) Buard, while the-IMoore, lots 78 10- plk 9 1 approach the holy fat~er aJ;ld entrance ,th~t.you are In any fear of~him. tie: se~geYnttloeOka Its tum ,~o feed,CarroU ~ 6000 to the ap~rtlllents of, !\'lonsignore del promptly takes advantage of It But' : 8 a dove, fs Ru~hi a com~

Wm H Beli~~d -t--II· -to~i~ 'i Val! was prohibited. ' tbe :wlld artimal, 'on the co~trapr man pl'over9: that the dOVir ---·has be-

Bredemeyer, eas 100 1ft of He then devised a scheme. He k.n~w~ nothl1l8 o't YOll--whether yo~ cojme the. emblem or peace Quite alot ~ blk 1 Carrol __ . j 50, le~rned that fhe' cardinal had gone to ilrJ afraid or' not. He just! comes-: at '~I~~~k:;~~o~. _~U the ,d~ve: t d ~ig~OD;

Minnie BQooper t Madr-Fox bathe in Lake Brl1cciano, some dis- y011 fiercely., You stab him once',or bre~ . 1 g,d~t _ftghte18. 'Br·d In '"t'"".lad0tdS3t053wl6a31ibelk".3,C,.0{..H_I,'I.1 ta)1ce from Rome. At the moment twke. You'tlck him wIth Ihe prong" .dlll,g season lhe cockl bil'ds .

~n 105 when the -papal ,s~cretBry reappeared be! retreats. ,That's whe~e you win: H dlll~~ .lll, battlE'S I'oyal. Tpe ,J9t?H hA L Tucker et al. 0 Is Na. ,'on the surface of, th~ ·w8ter, after a ":'No,' ~evei try to tdln tame 4rlJ. r::JUdIC8 against) al~" bfrdr of frey

tional Bank. c.a...r.r. II, Nrb 10.t plunge, the baiiift waf! hefore the mln- mal:-l, Tackle the wfld antnials .Jlldes, th.at IJi:etty 1~l!t1e :hawli. th~17 & Pt lot 18 bi 11'8 add Ister/a! "'officer to pln~e t1H' paper lln- stralg-ht from the jllng!(-'. :'\'ow, there's' ke8t~el.. :1'\0\\,. If th~ kt's~rel \\·ereto Car~oll __ _~ ___ __ 5000 der tile nose' of his emhlence. But I' my lion-..:.the on(' in whose mouth I kno\\ n <\R the llWll,';(; l'a!eolJ', it b £iuS-

9. E Mar~in to Joh Gupbels, II the cardlnal, who ls an excellent bwllU- I1I1:t lily h. ead.. Tllat is I'pally dan'~er~' Sibl~ that keepers \~'uIJld not. in\"arl·n~ ne 927 1 ~er" made ,a. djve, disappeared: and :o~a. I don't:'~lways do that In my ~cL _~L.l.) - shoot It on sight.. T:h~ kest.rel

()'E Marti-n to V.jm·-i{·Sta~~: next took' refuge ·In a bathhouse, ,J do It only I""hen I s·f>e 'that bis €I~ei ,1ne.s mal.DlY on mIce and w;irt>-wol'ms., man, S:~ ,.ne"g-27


1 i tIosing the door. b~blnd him:, ar~. kln~., I 'auld s!~~ep with that Ani. I,~ IS :;qulte lnnoc~nt of ki,lIill~ part~Richatd Closson to -e~-Shi~~ A halt hour la~er his eminence waS m~1--he~s gJneraHY IfiO ! kind: Nd, J ~ Id~eBI" 10. a ~aIIle'lIl:t'Pfll'\'iP_g 'district

lots 11 1~. blk 4 C rrolL ~ 1300 breakfasting at -0 restaurant. The ra- haven't tried"ft, but ~ could. I' lI~a s~llt:he.1D S('otland ,ke~~rels \~'ere',A E Smith to Wm H Stage- past ended, ~e asked for his bill. T~e . :'01' _c-?urse the Lli_P~l migl;t put' all 15j ctlCaIly exterminah:<1 a /ew rf'a.r8:, man, s~ nel 9.27. __ . +__ . _1 .'gurdon brought it to him and I1P~TJ, .,!!n~ to .nl~ In ',a Jiffy. I· nne. plnch of :l hiB '~I~~~t o'i

batw~s the ,)f{>I;;,ll~ti? .pver_a

~aCk at htjr sc""ol w k J AE Smith to Jo~n ubbels n; lh.e sallie plate the cardlllll.l. fonn.tl ".,.e.[:te.Nh wo.U.Id "•.ettle it Bllt I I.OOk. him .~ i'd·.· counlly of 1,.00- '.q'I.~I.e ml1e.~

''IV. of nell 9 271 otflelaJ paper. The garcon 'I was no - tyfalght in thfl eye ~nd ( Aee whet~er I' ; e mice ,inCl"l'ilr-:.€d in ~;udh IlIyrladB,Tne pr~sentlterm iB nearingi ~ Treasurer~fWaY~·-·Co;'to'Ell.l:J other lhanthe bailtll'. ma la.t trick orinot Ittwhlkles. If II twlnklealldo hat the gruzing"'asabsoilltle\yrnincd.

d. Th'lstUdrnt bo y h~ve beenl a p.He •. et al. lots.3 blk 2 & 10.tB 12 had sllcc·eeded. The paper was served nolt Pllt ~,y heRd 111 1'lilS month,.. If·1t ~~aer. ~h"ep fanner lost $8,000 In oneoSf ear"est lot. a d as a resft. blk 4 Coli Hill 2n ad1. to w....ay. ne . dOrs not 'twini"e I rt,n the rlak.','" I .; ,work


has been ighly satis F' - ,$13.~6. I ...~::s:: . . " "" '.. '. I

~~B. C20k ~f pOllia v'isited Il~r H. U.'RoJand. who for!'~5years or ..' 'ic'T:-,'·1:--·'!' I"··· '--i'.I!~r-~-. -.~_I'~"~-"~-_·'~·-=~-.,~' .'

rother *r. Rahn. or a'couPlellf more wliS a reBideritot this~icin- .ays. rs., Elling n of Cent r ity. but who the past Ithree years

sent BeV ral days w Ih h~r son ard hasheen at Foster Nebraska is indati hter ho are att nding CoJle~e..t.h~ city v.isiting o.id Ifri.e.ndS ·be.for.e

. C*nn of the Y. M. C. U.. gomg to a new home ip Colo~ado.10 N]eligh last S turday wh re He ge.ts around by the aid of a cane. LOOK!

T e Iserond :wmte t~m oP.:S ' ----.. , 1

e.bU~'.y 28. ·.when... we e~pect a ~.ny R~asons A. dvance.·d Justify·;ng I" . , 'urn: eo., new ones en 011. Ma Y I AdVice to Lor-ely IMan tol ' I ,I I I

,f t~es " ill continu In:~~hool or I Mal'ry .• WidOW, . i ,.; -r-, "---'-"-_.1'- I "~ El,re!ll~'nder of t. ey ~r to co -'., -..' ' i· . 'I - ",let~ tlle1r cours.e wh Ie t ~:i'chool is Passmg from these hlg~ler 'emolions N .I . ,IG .

Geo. Jf>nes nder +he' present 1m nager:tent. I of th~ Ronl. tn?r8 rell1ai \ 1)l.111Y I and ' e6.-.f S"p-' :- " :. , dr1 l,jttJe cOl1ntry air this week and ,.:"On Sat'urday eve'ing I,Febru \'y ~umeJ()IlS practICal reasQ S for m~llTY-, ••• ring , 0'0' '.', ,~ Ii ~r"feaetin.gj>n.. yelrJ'!' legged chicke s 19th..•. w.il~b.egiveria er~r"bPlay:inl~ng "-.. WldOW; says ". "'f.iter In. I tIle ..1,,· '," . ,.1,· "'I" "'. ,. . . .' I'.n

,#nd: ~uch ,l!'ood hmga. I he c~a eI. This wi I be iiv~n y" aslungt?:1 1ost, Il)th~ .firsl [lace'I I' .1- ~ ,he a va cedstude ts . Ge . he 1<]10". ",an, all ,)lls,}lttle weak, H-

' , Aiftfl' jre a se of many years te' nder h' direction f M:ss' t,Jl n, . esses' and loible., She iUllkes a loW'" l.1Io"\e of Mr. nd J.l4rs. E'!lery]j, sl u y. l~ promises t be \ rrids'r ~: ~nces ,tor them, ~lId evell indnlge the, ... ' ,.1 -,---- . I'',-"Ilga~1 be n ~le ed by: the bIrth o~ a elfent ~ntertainme t an~ we e- ~oor fellow ID IllS mnr" hanules.!oIJ '~Ibllb '1 T~e ht e one IS welcome. ,I peak l~rge attend ce lies, just as the eXlienence,; 11 iner ' t' . , I' j II 'I 'II, -,- !, I ' .' I froln time to llme gives ,t~e co1\ th~ It. may·b.e a, .i.tH,e ea.rly' Jo. tat,k.· ab.o·u.t. si.t!'

11 I M ~. J ,E.j~ Farland. a daugh r Last week was q Ite a Is~rebuo steIn There Is a wisdom'!n th'ls that ~ III of 11. a a.tH . W. O. Gamble w s ne. oh ffhursday evJmng . the young thinK just Igrrllll111ted trom th'-.' b .. ,I" " . , '

Il'llI1 arNv trp ~Ieveland. Ohi~, n urre~ the term soc a! oilthe'Gir~. ~n unbrokeu con,sl' orllce "le'"11.·toda .' Ings.,. k ut It I'is a fact t l' at we havel th.....,e~l, I~e~nesd y Ie enmg. Mr. Gam Ie thletrc IClub•. o,n rIday e:l!eni g .vater and lheater lIarlle. 'Iught well "I"

II 1S sO!me ~tt()r than a w..eek ago. arnE" the Wmslde- olle"e J:j)asU t desire to pORsess. It woult! l::iave many n t d th' fi 1

'" I" :,ll, f' --j- " all gl!mt. and on Sa urdar. eveni g ~ rude shock In beglnniig Ihe Jlern 1. s.,.•OC.,:", ' an ....•~' • e.".. '. ne"stl , 1.. ne .WI

e h.a,ye ey"e.r


q. r·. lYhi,tn y .a~a H. B. Sho k as"'}re box social 'ven by the . realitIes o! mllrrled exlstp Ice Anqther" ,iI!'SI~tedd jl'\ f rmshlllg som~ ll:'1 d . v, • and Y. W.. A. : ' thing. she can cook No 1 may have car,r1~,d. We, 10,vlte ~~Iopr espeCIal atte.-, ' mUS! ~or aso lal da'i1ce at tne.ll _ ' L.. "" I lived to eat the Haky biscuit anlon, J I

bet lfClal ll~d dance in the distri t ' 'HOSKINS EW'S ,I I ' Impeachable paRtry 01 her1maklng! but t"t • I II, ~rt fo'e~t of town, where HI' I ' It Is doubtful whether ~e w"" ever lOa. 0 our hoe of !'"I " clinlOS~i~ e cher, Ifriday evenm. ~10"~?llrRe}IlUI.r, ,,,r••pondent)' able to enjoy thelll. By the tlmelshe ' ." I'I , Mrl .d Eb--- d ' Ml ilda Aron has cotpaby had msstered the art his indlge~tion'i' II I t


1E ~qha s. ert ap Mrs. rom 0 a.. ijad become Irre(Jarably damaged, he L' ~'_L ' W f G1 11~~t¥~n"~;INt~;~0:MS~~dl:y!~~ nMM~~a~oe e wa)ah~me iSi~r ~~n~~yo~~~S;o'Z~da~'::'.lo~~ :n;;,:u~~~~ . ac,es, Em.,brpideries, h te obds,In'f ~: ~e e t on .ay eVe -, .[ t.· , ,I little ways the second usband Iwas I'

I, ln~ srite hI~J wh:!'el

he,ls at~n - .¥IS ~ll..th oster asa~iouxCIty the beneficiary lind cou d truthflllly Wa'sh GOQds', GJongha.ms, Etc., Etc. .1111111111"1'1 I III r-I! are e ers meet~~. ISlto ,rlday I acknowledge that dear Jo n's loss was '

, ,pne bflt elargest sllles pulled 11' I .Art F~esz 0' Sout Dak&ta.lis v s- 'bls own great gain. A,II 01 the \est~ I, ' . I " 'I r' 1 thIS year w~'held at L M 0 jtmg orne foilks. , 'reony, huwever, Is not 01 thIs ch~rac- ,.' ' ' I

Wednesdl.Y'. €!I total mount bcl ~ I The auctio~' sale 0 Ed \, fer. Marrillge Is a iottery at best" and ~ t'h'· ..t.. f S·R..t..'I $667225 'rthe h s II' f "'17 . ,l\.rause 0 one may draw a blank n pfckltlg a 'very In,u '0r p r I u""'1 "Gtii! t~ahl of ~e~s ~:Ili~~ f~/$ g. arm. letT" w swell tten4ed'l Widow just as easily as through1 tb. ., ". Ii:> 'I • Ii:>

', .. 1 and one.~~n muJesfor$530 anqth f . Mr·t,Al/g. Hohnek took a lo.ad of J'holce 01 an untried mat. I I I L, . : 101\ $497,511; IIlghest price'cow $ p. .at ca tl~ to ~maha hurs\iaY;i 1 '. ' .. I' "---

"" I,~' M.,w$ mo~~ thl\n. pleased .as' t e Mr. BprnMm of orfolk ~isited I A F.bl.. . •. " Our gro~ery depar.tment. I.',salway.s fi,lled. Wt.·.Ih the best in, thll.t line in.,... ,..l',Ale cartre.,... t.o i $16W. .more tha.ri.. e. t .th.e~Z9tz-Roerke h me 0* M. nd~.Y.' '.' on.ce on a time there was a. man ~ u::...... !;,gured'l 'i " '. If . ~. The faniilY~OfM shal 'So."'; '.: Who kept a secret for any, any the market. '. We want your eggs, butter, poultry, and 'produce, anjd. . il.l pay

'. ',I "I ,~ , ! Ived TU d ' I ~I''rr ll:lonths. He went to eery on or th h' h t prl'c" f ..hem' We t 0 J d'1.1,'..•,1"',.". ! 'J! Cr e' Mothero.'" ,. heir orh:~' y to ake

lfIlos~lns .l1la 1~lends and told ~b m 01 s m,,", you e Ig es "s or".. '. wan y ur .ra e. '

"~'!: i :"i""j",.1I1t lb ~~'8 0 e t;hlng'makes m ' "I iii', th1llg llreatand worthy hat he wae :,'.! I1"ndIPrnllithan another" slie e.mo.Mr.\and.Mf!'s.. A. eathl!rhl>lt"of golnllto do. ,." I t- .'" ~a~;·llnl~h~o •.,r:e~c~it~:~o:F~tS~~ ;~~~Ot~isa~et~~ltin attheG!etnyo:N*w~~l:·I~I~·:~.;;~~J~ne;~~,c~~~ Purch!'nero.. DU'er gO, .. &'-, , "0'

peopl~. poes she ,think tbe chUd h. " We 'ate gl ~ to r port .that Mrs. lar and .~ea~. that It may. spread 1 and . . ',:; lIo .•ell·r~s~ecl. I ve seen someCh I- nnllrNelson, IS co valescing frAm ~0..1I00d... And tben he w~nt hI. 1"ay. ,..... 'I, I' I.." I

4ren ~~are Ike mUe heroes' , , . n att .c~ of ~ronchi Is. J'"

r : Huh! .ald .ach on.. to blm~ell. I4•• auch!l\ft'll tlon. I aaw a boy I'M I. '. . .' IIlter, tb. m.n'. back a. tur/ledlive bbld',hls b eath Inst.ad 01 cry!' ' .. rB Monti Shmn of Siou City "does he think I am gol I to be' hJ~ Th G .. St

,~nt.,turn!sln~ luok blg,eyed to ase'~ .ISI¥.l)er f~ot"er, Mrs. Chas. LeB- ,11'0uthplece and teil ev. body ~bat e erman II ore,I we ...ers .-.jaro Ing a.nd stay perle I Ie TI! B¥ 0 ast w k. i: ,he Is goIng to do? Am I loln~ to'

".,1 .IUl. a.tte.w,ar~ though,l could see1~ .Mrs;· a. J. Mill r and S?11 lof r hla, pres. qent; lIue.s 01; l'illfeePI' ........•.I.a..cel'f,W.he.re;1 e pinched blm on I I.o.omfield visited w tb her,br'1th~r ,It to my.ell," and. ll. dl ; and ~a a II," I' lIttl. rl$t tu n black and biJ. t' m; ~?r08by, ov Sunday , " rooult. ·th.r....... nothl". ••Id a!/Oul

,f "',' 'auat ,avll hur hIm, terribly. and' Itll' Ot't·, lad" , _ ' . ',,' ';' the m.n·. Int.lItlona untl ever"'illll I".".I'fiiIl8"." wbl pered.· It ma.d. . k e", I~S on be8lCkll~.t t )S wa. done to bls ••tI./an Ion. j I "

1'1' balt\ .fck!'to b ve to lit and ... t •. ee .' utz, "rke, ..Fos r, Moral: Blow your QW horn 1 ud'i"llhdUt ••yln anythIn•." " ,hl~n.' ~elllOn. Bu. and ,,,,r. "A'lll". ~DOUllh .nd tb. r.sl or t band ~1II

'., ·!'~/:ll,1i·!:I.II·.·.. i e.erI7~u" I' I ii' ,~=::::;;:~~~~~==;======;::::;::=i;:::::~,"_'"," " :I' i:", I', til 1

.:: ..



~ Used the W Id over~ No otherarticle f human food

has ever ree I v~d such em­phatic commendation lorpurity. usetulness and -wbole­someness from the most

emlnenl authorities.


I'lHaY incubato.F for "ale, as go"d W'a·nt .Colu·m.n. I 'W,h't('d 111,000 yards o{·bag ar-as W. Call 'phope R. H. 1l~. ' Im·t t~ wqave. I All work guaran ed.

T e Anchor' Grain Co. sells th~ ., IAdd*s5. The Rag Carpet Wea er,bes I hard and soft~coal. Phone 109. Try the Anchor,' 1,( ;rain t\" for. T. B~ -Mool'(;', box !4(), Rando ph,

nlL':ltgen, P~ysician 4nd Sur•.halrd and soH (~nal.' PhonE'IO~). :~G i Nebr~ 50 ·4.

geo. Phone 30. City anli Coun- i"or :;ale~l~~-'~;,od improved Ii '" ,I, Cinderella Fl~ur. ,-'

try 118 promptly answere\!. farms. from 160 acres upward, at .. I W~.. '1l !l.uara.ntee this I.lour to beI ~lave for ,sale a choice lot of $55, per acre and ~p, by the owner, as go d as any Hour that is sol in

Whi~e Plymouth, Rock roosters. A. B. Clark. W~ync, Nebraska. IWay e. Buy a sack, use half uf it,Pric $1.25 to.$2.5g each. cpeo. Me- - and i it don't prove to be as odEsc en, Wayne, N~br. Fire! Fire!! Fire!!! Good fire as ~ flour you can buy. in \Va neJ

'" R ~ALE'.; 'Slnale Co !p Buff wood at one dollar a load. Sawdust retur the halancfand you ean ave"u 0 m at $1.25 a load. Call at tKe bip; your noney back. .

Orpi gton eggs for setting. Enquire grove Jive miles.o()rth of Concord or I 'I Wayne :Feed MIll, )of J M. Coleman'rdute :l. IWayne, east. of Laurel. , . ,'" F:D. SELLERS, Pr .

N~ ~ Royal Fence," sold ~y5i~.t1~ Ll'mb.er _$'10 t:, i $20 a, thOU"a:. " J.";:"'ayn~ S.Up-~--= ICha e & Co.• is made of Noi9 wire, Slabs $1.20 to $2.00 a load. w:o~ . MV$· 5 khas continuous stiff'1 stays· and is $1.00 to $2.00 a load.' Saw ,du t bye 1.6 per sa .gua anteed not to lop or buckle. $1.25 a load. Posh., 12h cents eac , I L

;,,1 w-3" TalIl hay posts $1.0\.I.a]ilece. Call 1t Sn ,wflak.e $1.40;-I. i<. I the 'bIg grove five mIles nOrth ,f I ", i ' ,cone,ord and e.ast o.f Laurel. ANWELE·.VATU AT· WA NE

' This contrac~.rgot res1!lts.He koew how to' d his meQ. I Farm for Sale 'S me years~go conlraet0rhuild- , A! fine RO-~.cre farm nea: W~~e, I I, e are now buyi,

io~P. railroad In a ann chmate. was .f?r ,s.ale.. ~b,s IS orre, of the best all 'i grades of whe ttfoJb.led a I great ea.1 by Si~.n.e.58 etgh:tIes m, the ,nelghbo~hood of I II', .,

I am~og the labore I" Wa~~e and 'only 31 miles from. town. paying two 'ce tsI e turned his at ention at 0pce, to F.nqplre of Or. Blall" I 91. <. • I

,he r'food aod lou d thaI t~ey ,were ., I-c' ab ve market prl eg.e. t iog full rations pf meat and were For Rent i I )_.~ - -

drj king waler'roD\ a .tream n~.rt)y. ~'ille ' :l20 ~acre .. farm in Wayne 'I foriSljLme. HaVE1. dUP'e issued ora~to cutld~'i~ the C G d' t H If '1 fItam unlolmeatand·toincrea.e rea.t1Y ,ounty. 00 Improvemen s, a I an sea es 0 ' at s L

" . I Q 0 t f t ·the new land, the otber half seeded 'I<. , •. , ,:;;:hquanIlIY.o.. ~,er., a s 1°., three years. Price $3.50 an acr~ t.o i pa tern, drIVIng p_, !fealso boiled uaker Oa* a?d Ia man with ~some stoek, Address: 10, I.. .;'. h· .riIi~ed tbe thip 0 lmeal water W11h this ollice. ,,0 " ...j Ipr ac IS easy.' 0their drinking' water· I ~"o\,' I· f' ..

Almost instantly all.igns 01 slOmach . t.Building For Sale . :nOl, e rom. engl e,disdrdero passed a".d his men StOWed I have a rieat, w~lI built out-hJ~se :calls. etc. We w' nta decided improvbnent in st ength "j for sale. It.1R of good sIze. ne tly \ 'aDd spirils. I painted and has plastered w'lIs .. !yo r wheljl.t. .

This conp-actor bl.d experience lbat I For further information call at his i ..1"';".,..EBE·R BRD .la hi hii the rreat value ofl good , ollice, , I ,.1 VV; ~ .oa eal. .r I: 53 ,.,.......,.....,.;.,..._+....

.,' '~'~~~--'''';''_':''_--r-"'1

• CLASE~ntra~tor,•Carpenter .ud !Builder


Id~al' C.oncrete, Stone ilwOfkSI I"'" .. I,I· I: .'

! I Wayne, Nebraska il

) Mr~1. Chrih Haiis.in ·is on the sick I Alr~edl.B.o~lande~, Of Winsiilet 'asr· Mrs:~, F" Wilson went to O,naha'/. Iiet this week,' I a Wa>!nel VISItor T~esday. '! IFnday \"prn1ng., .I Gus Hanssen of Ham olph was a Dr. Thomas was called to Winb,de I [<'ound A helt IJln ON""" ranIWayne vIsitor Tuesday, Tuesday lun professional bu,mes~. Ig,·t sanf" h~ culling a( this o(li,·,

Ph,l Kohl and W. II' Orr were I ClaE\en's cement' block factor~ lSI The Woman's ~'orelgn MI'" mar,passemgers for Om'jha Wednesda> Iturning lout about 150 bloeks !per Soriet>!of the M. E ehuI'ch "III ,n' p,'. & S morn~n~.' ~ day now. • , , I at the nome of M-, H F: n·ll, Fnourtrlght on, . Mr () A. J)l'nl'sJa n' urned FrJ- The retail prJce or tlbur a til the Iday aftrnoon.

I d~Y from a 'trip' t/I C ming and Imill has been red~ced fiv~ cents per II The art is nut in making mOn€'v \nAINTERS AND Sjun< ers countles. : saCK now $1 65. I but keepmg l.t Ope!"! a bank ar-r I I \ .,. J count at the FJTst NatJonal Bcmk of IPAPER HANGERS We are told that a.n w clothmg'l J.. E .. Hufford IS at Cartroll t~1dav Wayne I Nebr. :

I store I IS to be opened m the Bntton rdehvermg and ,etting up ~ couplr of 'I I

'Nebraska' btJildit'ng on 2nd street. organs he sold in thaf vieirJlty. ~ : Six ~ood college lots ~I)r sal" I'I ,j T ., I, .1 h 1 I C ,60x150 reet All fenced, wIth Irnor)

------~~- - -- I ,HI Welch i:-. wl'esthn thIS wet::k"I ~Jhl~ ester, "" LatHOn an( ,01' l~tt \ grass ror pasture or hav Enq 11 I r(""':';::o-~-===::= WIth la~other attack of the p;np" shIpped cattle and, hogs U, thp Ima-I f W iii W be ."" WhlChi jtot tlw bp!t('r of Ifn. I ha rnrket Monday afternoon. I(I • • e r . .

l--l ) • I .,. SA I Prank Skeen began thf' WOl k Mon·,()~ I Ow(>n ha~l a fJ (> d:n: fori ['0 , LE A100d , qUiet dlrJV-!d f bpautJf\in~ t e m~

hlf.i ~tb~k ~r.l!(' y('sterda .Had , iog' h(l~rSe; ahm hu ~y ~nd~ h:l~~e*.; h~~o';~fnL1~hv's (h ug storf{ a d ha~iat~u> ctowd and 1'0t gOOr l)nCe~, I I I , HAS. S. BEbHIJ' Imade It lOX like npw, !

Aj NJ Matheov went t( Sioux City I J. y' Johnson a~ upl from -lin-I H. ~ [ v wa~ 111J jr(J~ ayneWpr nf'~lda\ mornihgo)anrl fl'Om, there Icoin )V~r Runda I Ht'I!I> now I'n- l1"l'L.H'sdaV (;~ rnattpr~ ~.:-t;um g tolip JtJto'~lltHJ('c.:()la, td hPlalJsf>nt S('\- g'31-{('( l[) runlling a harrwss shup ml the pstatL> of.J ,J. Fox, d('('pa rl1'1 al day S I I the c<:tt llta1 (,Ity I Randolph EntprprJ,;e,

: Mr" (;"s Wal!,'1-s 'lamp homp I .June Conp;er hI" rpnte,1 Shtiffl Th I Ba t,"t La,"es' Un"" WillWf'dnt>stlay nJornwg hfm a VJSlt Mcar;s resHlenc(' at the co~'rH' of Ihave: r FcL<:;ter Bazaar and 'WI)] '('I've

I wIth h~r p~H'nts IT} thr northwl"st :ktl a~d Pea,rl stl' ets, and Will oun dtnne~ a~d supper, date of lJ r.aarIpart of ~he ftate , I' I occupy the .ame. iwill b~ gIVen later.

I ~! Rev, RUlger wentj f'as yesterday Fa~mersdo not orget that Ry n's Mrs! Beekenhauer of West omtI afternoon alnd said 'l he ight drift bale of Short~orn cattle takes p a~e Iwho hradl been visiti~g Wayne rela~It' ~' a.. far Jawar as O~aha before he I~t Thr.mpson s fe d yard Satur aY'


tiyes .since Friday, returned orne'. I 0' ce knew a perfectly satis- came bJck. .11. , ~ooklt e ad over ithen COlme In nd TueSl\fY forenoon.

ii! h"' h J' d I "6 GUS'llhedorf, bf'Harti gton, eame U'l'. ,I" I d' SII m • says t e u ge, ut down h~re ooe day la week and Jake Ga"per, .who has bepn livingI' Mrs. George Cross an s nday

fijraol where." There may .be Isubmitted fO ~n ober' tion at tbe out ~n route Np. 2, has moveJhlS S~hO~ elass, of the M. E.Nh reh,, '~ f: I" ~I h h d hand bf IDr. LutgeIJ, h ving some family to BrIdgewater. South D ko- ~III h I,d a candy sale at e~ Iy &

. ru,~ Istore t at an s ou~ more tubercular glands rifoo ed from 'his ta, or Jear thereIon a fa~m, were Crav ,n s store next Saturday fter-.ati~fa lion than R~rniond s, ~ut neck:1 j' I ~ . I they l"~11 make tb ir hom1· . . inoon' l " , .vi! n t heard of I,t. A regis-I MIS8e$ Mmme'an~ Fri da Harrlg- Ge. war~er I now 11erkm !D I Laslt week s Randolph Ente. prJse"''''d 1i . Iw . h feld returned frdni E erson Mon-' the s 0 e of urc ner, Duerig &,Co. conta ned nearly a column obi uary

e~~'1 Iarmaclst a ars

In c arge day, 'wh$re' they pall b en visiting ~inee the d ath f O. JJullin to." Inotlc~ of Mrs. Thomas RogerS·fMrs.Ie - I b+--'- - - -I friends' an4 reilltlv<is' f r the past It wa found nece sary to ave a dl- Geo J!ortner, of WaSne, att nded

, ',I I ' 1 L 1 two weeks, ,ij , tional help Iso he fir sec red the f~neraL" e, oca S I , , . Gel' T --' .." 0 h B

I I I' ,I I James $ush wept ° Chicago eor . l ue:->Ua,y s rna a ee anno neesdl~~ at Whalen H. al:t~t ten 'days am an was taken Ja es Franks, Iowmg t,o the oor Itbat !,\hornas C. ,Johnson a~ J!lo-

"oa1 at the Feed Mill siqk, while In that aty. His condi- condi ion ofl his~wife's health, has irence C. iI',1I80n. _hoth of W, s,d~,I tion was dOnSige:u' ,so serif!us the decid d to jqUi farming, 1'S, were "granted a license to rna ry In

,', .', _ JlrstOf1Ohiweek ~t bswife, and Fran s.wasi th hospital'atRoc es-~thatrlltyMonday.e went to Omaha 1 ues a daughter Mrs. 'rufber wett there ter, mnes tao ast fall '1nd un er-, ThAre \Vii! be Unity servic s at

I' . ~ Tue~day a ternoon·l! went nope atlO , and I has een iOdd f'ellows Hall, Sunday ev ning,. , II Bi~gler is in al'ro" this I The X-R y Incu\>~[r ?mpany has foun neces'ary* or her 0 go t ere IFebruary. 20. Rev. Manly B. own-!. e

Wo~ 'husInes.. IJented \h vaca"t I 10 n bUlldinll' agaml f?1' at lea an efmma IOn I"end "f SIOUX. C,ty, WlII preach All

I )~siri~'l1tgiA Kohl. ha..<.; heen quite and put P (KCe' of ,It n t erein ~Io~- and pOSSibly an?~ er ~per tI?n. iare eQrdl~lIy InVIted.•....'.1" II ~ WK~t w€<>il, dav l[1ol'ri g Jriakln t e macbme~'1 ThJ M. E. A,d SocIety WIll tet I If you want a hog fence th twill, . ~"" , ·t'he flletorj,; was to) c owded as it at thl home of s..1., F. 'Marst I er ,last the longest stand up the

I i:lt tl8j1 agc~tt Moran sppnt Sun- was andltbey had t ha e more help IFebr ary 17\h, , he USUil 10 ent straightest and' stretch the best, aYI 'f oU'X IS., • Iin order, t<l get !het m cbines out l'luneh wPI be, sel' ed, Ea h lad of iover uneven ground, get the "Roy-... <C f. ~~ RoCk Springs Nut coal at fast e~Ug$h to fill o~der·. I the c ureh is r~ uesteu to pu.t the 1al" fiom f.]. A. Chace & Co. ;, w-3.

.It l," & Lam~erson. ' ' ,. h 1 d . f R dolla for the b~ ement und I an ..'" .' I I W. . earJg t ?n Ife 0 aO-1 velope sign ~ r name nd br ng I Mrs. L. C,. Wallln.1! and chIld en ofhalen's hot dl'mks and I uo}ph, ha~e a sop ith~t has been ~~ end it on th daY' r leav at ILeII!IJ, is viSIting WIth her fath r, J.

u , The best ever. Itrou~ed \ ith n~cr,o,~is of the bone in IRo~ & ~'ortner, mea't niIarket. A E. H~rmo~, in the eity. ~r andIyour eyes examined by, one f. hi leg~ fot the past two ~rompt respons will saJ" the c m- Mrs. Walling. are now reside ts ofI f I ,year. Last l'rJdalY t ey brought ,mttee from call IgilNorfllk, haVing mryved there fromf~en or Ig asses. Ithe ·hJld to Dr. Lu~gel1 in Wayne, I '," . I IJ.elg only recently, . I

, ames !'rapks has h,'en ser- who m'f.ed the a~ad one and the, There does no seem to lIe an one Mr Lutgen niother of th~ duc-ill for the Plll\t few wpeks. Ihoy p;et 109 along fine Y. Ivery anxIOUS to . ke the oh of en-I t . h h d 'b ", d' I ~

II I I I I J!) cus enumer~t_or n Way e cou tv. I or, fW? a ee~ spen mg ,solJ!eWayne ~ar\M Works reeeiv' " PI ~ t~ t(Pnd t~ I: le r MeQueen 1Postmaster II'lc al held the ex m-' tIme I WIth her S9n and famIly 10rlbad of o'!lumente Sat"rday dlus rat, ,lepturE, 1the 4\h number tion Saturdav at ernoon nd IInl J., Wayme, went to P>ubl\rn, Neb., Sat-

I' - J . '. IJnI th ertfl'tammenf curse, ?" the M Cherr~ aQd II Alte appe'r<'d urday mormng to VISIt a s0'l andIha;" fo I s'1le. C, K .Gslj:if-121~t, ~'~ :",:.,11 ";t ~ e,;es 10 th~ fr~~ W~snel Clyde '~,cke and A B Ilaterlw,lI go to Kansas.

1 " ~~~~ ~fJn i~l;ao~~r.~a~d o"~ve~t ~~ Carter f!'Orr Winside, . Bou hn,! Mrs. Wm. Worthing was over

~egt~a~~~~ ~f:,~~e~t~~~~ de~c !~lO ?h~"t~"i~n~y~i~ ~!oPle ~~ H:;~~~i~' at~gl~~~i~h :~~~aVir~~ I' f~~mth~d~~f f';::::d~~e~:;~ c~hs~t~d ' Girl to assist Iin general an '\ l' ~!e nIma S I e u~ e:e. here. .At least eight a e nee ed inforePd us that sh~ intended toQrk. ,Mr!;. C. Clasen, phone 1h I Q ~men atle aklOg gO?~ from th,s county. . . . I"eek om,,; w.arme~ chmate ano~her;:il hea ~:( lth tHe ~ork n the base D. H. Albers, Iwho V1Sl ed m he year. -Wmslde TrIbune.

I ',:Ib 1 ,\,1 • Id b' ,61 J men.* ,~he. l\1. L, e.h rch. f The/ city of Wayne o~er Sun lay, s ys It Will not be out of place for you, jill ,.01 ge rso, IS Ie, ,ence e"I1l~'t Cj ha~lOg cba ge 0 the that grai(' deale s m tb t eity re'/ to remember that the 4th numberr n,,!D, Wa ne Saturd~y to J. work d ~Ie for:, I who bave not paying as mch as 0 r deal rS' o~ tbls season's entertainment course. ossl r" 'I subs rive .1 to, ard' provement here for corn lJy: from ne to wo Icomes on February 21st. Peter Me-

" Ai: P. Gossard and B. E. Elliott to pa tr ~t: s bsc~ as soon,a,s Icents per bushel. Parties d wn fr m IQueen, the AfricflD traveler, willwere passenger" for Siou~ CIty Mun-II ,hey a~ 4: f~ 0 1 't re Duerlg, IFost~r Tuesday iPformed

1tbat be appe~r on that date with an illus-

day morning, II I reas rer I? e comml ee. I Pierce dealers l:rere pa mg t 0 I tratep. lecture,. ~ooney spent Sunda>tat the . An agreement '*f b en eIJtered: cents more f?r ~prn tbao he Fos or illSomethmg went wrong with the

,I of'his parents at Battle Cleek, !Dto tbe ~ast. ~ee~'!' wh reby F. L, elevator. ThiS I~ ,s th!, r sP." hy I" r brake ,conneetions on the Mon-.. I irJk Monday morni~l':. Neel, Sill hIS mte~est n the hard- the ~lmers are hauling M,r c, rr Ida . g passenger train going

~'I. warJ st r of Neelf,.s,o d aven to H. to'P,e ceo F,erde Call. Y'1'0rmn b '1 f

e best 'place to get og fencing S. el h,l, qwin I to h,e latter's . I east, when a out .a ml e west 0·s from C. A. Chace & Co. atthe old i1llne s t C 'Iransfc~ ~as ot et becn . The ElectrIC .Theater as, bro en town, and tbe tram was .delayed

, HlI~lnO'ton rard, r,1 w-3 ;;J;~d a dl the titl~ Of he ~rm not mto . uesday OJ [it and t e PJCt re nfa~ly a half h~ur before It could, " IJ" 1"'11 • " • ' ·.11 dl Irh t f M machl e stolen. The th,e es en r- get ,j;to the statIOn where the defect,. I I .I/- les ,IBla~kenshlp, the barber, IS ~. n pce~... , e ".c~uh \ of d ed thjUgh a sid ,window and t ok was temedied.

II W . ~Ith an att""k of tfe "ee s rc mng .'S ",a a~ oun I the achine ou the front door, It .., tbis week, and is quilte si k ~hat he.~ ady md ?r w rk IS prov-I was e idently s rhe one w 0' IS f. m- A \>asket soclal. out!D the Lessman

'I . - Il/g et~1 ntal to /Jis h a!th and he T ith a p' re mac ine as it seboql dlstrJCt FrIday evemng netted• I,~ d h d'$e ed it beBt to: Ireti . He bas I 'ar t k n a ari doni t e ,m r- $75. Tbat is the largest amount weI. rs. j1~d. Reynolds hag move er It ete·r ine'd what h will do for Iwas e J) y. P have ever known from a social of, I ~usehO~ gO'lf bere from Fl\~erionf It e uture: but Willi tak some time ~~o5 aMrta~~I~ ~~s I~ff r~da~ ~8 that I kind. The young ladies out

e ., a" w~ remam a re~1 en 0 it r uperflte hi~ h~~lt~ Mr. Welch rew~r fdr inf ation e~din~ to ~hat Iwa~ mnst certainly be a ehar",'-, a lie. I \ ,as formerly In \~e Je elry busI- th !overy of t e prope ts m- I~g ot If they can get tbe young

u want\a g?od resident p!'o- ness here 'II So is no ~ str nger to ~ur ereo~ Enterpris , . ~en Ito bid up on their baskets likeII ai a bargam and po~sesslOn Pio Ie. ~ ~ . . . that, ,

I '''[st, 'see Dr, Eells over First M s M P Evans mo her of Mrs Mo daYl

evet; h£f th s week It "Ijloc" Ri~kabaugh who had beenI '~lOn,aI Bank. d. a~qy~ died at the orne of he~ ~e::l~ th'his6t~u r a ~~e~ ~en~r ~ Iin a hospit,,1 at Sio~x City for aI '!)he glble Study Ci"cl~ will, meet ~ru ht~rjn WaJ/.ne,i shor Iyafter 12 abou 'thirty str :. ~rri ed at h~ cou~le of we.eks, wherehesubrni~tedI with Mrs. H. E, Eells ne:;<:t We/lnes· 0 cl ck yu.terday, ~g'ed a httl~ past h of his pare s Mr and rs to a~ operatlon, came home Friday

day afternOf)n, the Hith A large 7l y arR, Deceased l had been III for JZhne

'oule·s, an sprung surp IS~ ievening. W~ile h~ has not l fullyattendance IS deSIred. I Ia 101 g tim" and a g-~cat~ 'u-ry'erer for on hi , The y )~ng pen Ie hal a IrecojYered he IS gettmg along well,

If you are thmlnng about l~uymg r~~3 a~e~ l~ ~~~~~thl~ ~~~~~~e~~ most I enjoyable ~Ime u Itll a I te and IS able to ~:t db~n hto thetsho~r hog fencing don't bU:".j until vou I~, 1 hi' houri Refresh ertts we e ser ed Inear y every ay u as no yeh' the "Roy'l1j('neei"atr lIme °ll'l(fl\. am.t In heremams and ':;ill had theljolliest md 0 a resumed the UHe of the razor and

ave lieen

, < c' wer! \a"Oll to P,lge', W,'br, for } H ~ , d I she~rsA. Chace & Lo.' )} 'r"~'~ bunal Mrs Evank W H a reSident tIme. enry r CiClve a rge n m- ~I'J h Ahern who ha~ hpcn assist- &f I Ilgpf ~o'r' over th.rt ::ll;ears and Iher 0 present!:'1 sa l1emm er of he Next Monday the "Monday ('luhn

1Il~ °hi~ brother' In the stdre h~'re lor has cen a resident of Wayn~~ the Iday, ~rnong thEl1 ~ b~au tful se of wI~1 ta~p a !ittle play spell. I Mrs.Rome time, Wt'nl to HocheRter..Min~ pas el~ht months, I:i{~r h sband.hav~ cuff ~uttons fromi hlR :-;um ay HC 001 1LC'Isenrmg ~,I.'I act, ad hostess f~Jr thenesota Sunday, where he .suhmitted mg led last Mav, and she WIll be class, II f~stl,ve OCC,"lSIOl~, and a St YaleIl~to an' operatiqn on one of his feet Ilald at rest oy hiS kide I the ccme- Un er call of Janu"ary nst, hbth ~~t', r Partt wII; pet~he attrdcih°l},forth~ l'emov<lJ ofaerook~d bone. tery at Pilger. Il'hr~ daughters!natio al banks had a st tE?mentm ",acntmtehm er tas ~YII we~ "'Lelrt

, sur iv. her Mrs D ('andy of I t k' Th ~ ~ way roe mee Ing w, say. eThe large granite monumt'n t tf~ he I Wa ne' Mr~ W . Pre~ o~ of' OR· I laSt :et :-; ISSduel' t eh a Ie, St'o Ius t ke leave of haste awhile and

I placed over till' gravt:~ of (' 0 fiJf.;h I 'I·' .. a e a we it no < v 1m 0 loit@ well content"""'~r in (;reenwilod cemetery' arqve(] m0

0d, Ull j Mrs, Davj~, of. Pilger. I I,nak. :;t local Itt.'n't ,reg-ar I g t ,ell' <T •

, 1 Saturday It was order('(~ through I A farpwell pa\'ty was 'Iven at th~ j condl lOn, and I~~f) so nov.: On . an- E1.! C. Powell cam~e down fromI, ~he Wayne Marbh' Works and i:-; a IhUllll' of IMr alHI Mrs Fred Gos I \Jary 1st th~ F,~rs~ ~atl[nal B Ulk ~aYlw. Saturday ana spent Slrlnday.. very larg(' UIlf' It requit tng- fourIMm day tlvPIling in ~ono of Mr, an had n depOSIt $,~8b.4 ...H.2 and Itlw w1tlt hlS daughters at the home of

horses to pull th'p hasp alonp, MIS l;'rE'(~lllan ('la~'k a d daughter Citiz ns NatI()n~1 Rank o. the ~'<me I~.IS ,~lst~r, Mrs, F Kepnan, Cam?. ~ hefSn> they leaveT for their new date had depOSIts to the am{J1ln of IS V.)frklllg WIth the patent.ee df a

A ~pec131 1.lIlcoln Il\('nHH'hll ::;e}·1 honJ(1 'It ~'lIlderson TNo th Dakota $:344, i34.99. The two ba ks to th- ~arr 1 goah" and they are domg wellvie(\ aJl(~ pro~ram wil,l b(',glvpnat A Joliy "l'lowd of I'plltiVtS ami er s owed a depo~it.,of$(3!})GaI23 Idis,) smg-of t('rritory up that way.

, tht' M)'" ehm ch ,n<'xt :-;un<l,t~ n,lol n-1frlt'lld" Wt>f(' [))"ese.nt an I {'nJOYt>d~ That is certamly a hrfe sh J\ymg b,nd 1WHif'O, through there the.y have threemg. Satul'(Jay 1S the lllrtlld,ly 'Ulm·

ll~ tif I t I I" r reve Is the faCt that sOle one1has Icounhe;:;. to attend to In the south

Vel'HarV of the g-reut (Itll<HlclpatOI' )(T!l~lu, Cwo ~oUlse s PPThl f/ ~ mbrethan the provet;bial~ennY laid patttl of til\" state WlsnEjr Freeand It IH hut.htl1fg that ~lIS rht~I,ll(JI'Y I ~;\i~se/~~~I::~'danOfse(~;S 'ers, c~ff~·, up f r the rai~y da9" ayne.,ihas PIPSS. ,

ShOUI('r llP IIPI'pl'l at('d fl om Iy{ at to Ibun and PI(lklq, 1and the secon thre strong financ~al I stltutl!ns, II B. F. Feather received a dIspatchyear. II COll se of cake at;d 1saUl e, One, ~f the tate., Bank eaMTYJn~ about an 11~urspa~ announcI.ng the death at- I ' the cakes bore the ins rlptwn "In equa amount of d(~po~1 s us either I(larksville, WasIHngt0rt, at three

C( , honb!' I of Mr) arid' Mrs :F'. Clar , one f the othersl I o'clock that morning, of Mrs. A, G,, ~ t I II<'<'h.. 7,lhlO" 1'he entre evening I Th>latestaddltlOntr~tJenl:'w na- Howard,fr()mpat:alyslsandagener_r S a 'II wa~ SIll'llt In a v('lry enj yuble man- Idun ry at Ow steam mIllllcvatJr b 1al br:eakmg down of the system, at

I I n~r and all \v{'nt hcmle ct'ling that a So ad(~t Automatic SJale, lit IS II tpe lage of about ~O :years, The II I'II I Ithe huut's had been) mos ph~asantlyIdesi ned for pse in ele alors ~nd rerlnams WIll be burled at LeWI::;ton, l

T' I'" , ! spe t.' " t .I mill, and is corstruqted bat w rks Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Howar~ were ':' : llI.', I ~ "'h ' t' I he farmers 'in_titute held at t~e on i 'own volition. as fa t and I ng old settlersroof Wayne eounty, com-, Manufactu.rer of all kinds of ;3olid and HollJ,L Concr<;te Buildi g Blocks, Wi;'dow Sil /;,ea re court howw m Wllyne Ilst Monda~ I as t e gram IS run mto it The a- Ing' here f m Waukon, Io~a, m r· t

' I Iand TueHdav was' hot n arlv ~s well Ichm weighs three Uushe s of w ('at 11880, .They moved to Washmgton r·ornice Stone, Chimney Caps,. Stone Veneering, St';ne Coping, Po c Iliers, Pl'rch Colum s,

I~t 'nded as thc 1uertts of the OCi-1 at a ime and 1':111 handle ,QOO b sh- about 3 years aJJ:o. Old tIme frIends S ." C"· C II F1 C I 'F' d" C I W T' : k B' I

, , .'. ' I. sio demanded. '.'Thes institut s els er hour. IThere is. n ) watc ing .Of Ithe famIly WIll regret to learn of : tone teps, L..awn un.!.109, ~ ar : oors, oncrete· oun atJOns, n r9te ate. r, all s, ~r a\ ' , w:e prqmulg;lted,!and eld for t e il as it regist~r accur~elY lery hef,death. I aults, ConcrlotelFence Posts, Foot ISc~apers. ' ,I ' 1'1 . I il0l'en Ever~F Evening. sol· purpose ofgvif:Jg o the far - tlm~'it'fin~ a'l~ dumps, a?d, he.'!' W kefieldRepublican.: , , " ' " '" ·1' 'I

,. "··""'I",,·r : ',,' ·~rssome lessons q* adv nced met - Y<'U car IS as ulll asy u wa tIt he ease ofthe Vtllage of Wake- i ' In fact:1 will make anythin\ifou want in;the ,Cement or .C<in rete StOlle line and. utMatinee Every Sa~urday;.~..dS of. farming.. , S.t.oe.k aising, eO(1.- ~o.u know exa tl hO~. m n

y.b..U' ~.Is fie d vs: Fre.d" W.'. Ute~ht et al for I~' '" ' I f h ~I·" dAttl III I I I! I ( Ill3er atlOn' of SOlI, Ihe. en are s~- ~lie has be ep, ~'ew" alI~- annexatIOn of "MIssourI" to the vii. I arne ~p' for r...ou ,'at\reasona~lepric~s. Contnic~s ta~en or t. ~ c~m. te, cons~tuctiQn of bui -


• , I'! 'ilec d to speak 0l"diffe ent' themt.s Ili," s scale, ch, it i a sol tely lage is set for heari!)g in the district' I 'ngs of all, kiIJ,.,.ds'.1plans a.. nd. estimate,s cheerfully funj.ished. All ord r

1" Change of Pr6gram ,Three'l"'h h~~e mad~ succ ss ,in 'their imp ssible.,to e a mi ta e i the court of Wayne county on February I I .1 .I, I· I I ho e tiildS' fartn ,or. reSIdes, and fjgu e welghUi f Ii loa or wa on, 24.1910. orne in andl~ee'my samples of what can bedbne in Cement and, oncrete.

Times a Week. Ii're th refore \I lifle to sl'ea~, as t eyare p"~,e.sediinto the ti ket ¥rs. J,. E. ~unter of Couneil II 'I d ' I .1 .. ' I k' I I j *I"1"" I' , , Ilie oel' rf well orth listening tP.. so i dellibly t a tlley re the eto Bluffs, Iowa, and Mrs. W. L. B1ack- ;:your wan~s a'l supp y your nee"". Al wor posi\ive y guaran\ee I r t-c ass,

, , ,.1' .1 No e 0l'uS are foool tolearn,if sta. There s'"o puttipg down a ett:.of the ~hilipine Islands, came I 'Sh I d 1 fW,j I Phi Sh N 2 D-'dOpera Chalts;' ElectriC Fans, we will nly think "so, a d should be wro g fi~ure, ~Iho errorl ci/n oCFur. frofll Wayne .Tuesday for a visit a~ 'I bp 1ne oor e'j'st () aY'le creamery., ·lones.. op, 0

1,; ""SI ence,

Fine Ventilatidn, Best of Films, ,en \1gb in(pre.ste.d in all advance T.he .entlr~, e.e.~.ator iS~ I'qUi~ped..the".home. of Judge Hunter. Mrs; I P.,O, Box; Noi 452, Wayne, Nebraska. I I' 1 IC' urt~ous Tteatment, Careful '!'O em nts to at Il,ast urn out and thr ughout. wlt'r all the latest, an.d, Bla~kett 's a daughter of the late' I' 'I I j

'''-''.''....'..'.. t"..... ... All. ' W.1...'..m.... IhSjt.n td what is S.l,ld' \, e have not 1Je.s m.ae.hmery . and 're cts c edIt, Judge H,unter of Wayne, who went i 'I Let me have your orders for Building Stone arly, as it takes If om four to six, "."nilOn. are e c~ e. Iti nor space to ~nter a discJjssion \lPO .!! long I~s .bli.lhed firm. IT~e to the. fhilippine Islands .S\!\'eral! I I ' l

Pi""~J' 10 C ,. tl 'of II tile talks, 'sVmcei tosarthat"Wa ne Il1sl areasuccessm yearsago asateaeher and IS here Ilcurt!concrete~stonesothatitcanbbusedwithoutijury, and each n will have to

~. ".... . rice en S in eve"y one oft' the there was eve Vpa frQm tHe menrhO on a visit, this being her second trip! ',,I tum as o,rder~ come in.' I,·... .." I ... mu h tfat was we I wo th lisf;$ning run it, t.\le e~y Usb


d an the to tne United States since ahe hall' ,I'J.!H. W~LKER Mgr. I to ndutting into pta tice as:well-, pro uct.f,urned, t. , beeq over th~rf' "*'-~""'''''';'*''''''''':'_~~'''':'-+-':''_--+'-+--__-'''''';-H'';';''-';;''------i-+-.,.,...I

n:(;1~:li~l!ili!I'~I'.II! ·'1.:1\ ..,·Ii . 'I,i .::·Iil.i . .•.. :1 11' 'J! \ ,I \ ' :,1

,,' 1)1"

Til. (\ who ('II, ,,' uj I !1l' PX\lII>,ion',J) tll" (w­

'lieI_ ('Ill tllf' .\]l?,;qtll~

" : h" Co,lhnjla; Coal,t,l .\ 'I)< COllCertI. 4t \~·.lS-

"!llll'['1 ,t 'o:d l,linc in l\~exko

~L11 tlJP Jllo(]ern provisIons forof t h" minpr..o The l~ss to

-'rI1l' ]>n)J,,'rj~.. 'will be more them ;'$500,-


1100- --~- !


Goo;~e.r~ Senti. Oo.~ A.ppe,J IA J..nil::>,000,000 to Gh'~ ISuulll So. •

In it drclllar St'nL out frorp.1 t ,e na­tional lwarlqn,lrll,n oj' a dozen Ilahoror,.,-alllza1inns In :'<!I'W York, the ~,OOO.­

000 nwrnlJct'~; 01 Lliwl' lin ions tln(ljrarfu·ers' grange~ lhrnnghout. the ~ITn!t~J

I States are formaIly asked by S mudGompers to contrlbute lO'cents e eh totight the steel trust. Mr_ Gompe sarsthat the unIons are adjng "in's If·d9­fen"o and In protectlon of the merl-'cann Btandards of We and of Am rlC'lll

11lCJtltutiom!~' I

With ~he ntl[)o,;id,Ilf; o[ tlleIWalerS~!the Seine, ,the sltu[j.tlon in' 'Paris a dIts !lubutb~ dId not Immedlntely 1.,­prove, Seweri'l In all quartters l1aJe~::S:u~~:(,JnodP(l, th~12~~.en:~n~'~er~~:Aha!'l slow1"v' lIntl as the slini,~

Bwept aw~::- from th" f,tn~(·t,~, rtlf'll havebl;l.ttjcd to naVI' InJ[l~rJ!pd !Jullr.l.illg3 I _IPhysicIans have warned J~:lldent'i I'" I 1against of hr:llnes until th'} • ... ,.....,', .. tpremises dlRinFected ,~and it Is OWl/gill: the t('ared:', fever opl· ldemlc Is, upli\{ely_ \i ' '

tu~:t~~~h~n stl[~~ r~:~~:\~~ 1:'Cl~n~:~1~~ .~~~~__ \daterl h.v tho walel's or di,:I,I1' lllCJllt1- ~,1taln tOI'J'('llts 'I.nc] of lJ[~arcr ~jlreamd, j,all of Which toge~het d~ai.11 a!vast are

fThe Seine Is, "l'mjnonly free fro 'fIE IN MF.XlCAN MINE,foods, owIng largel,y to the permeab e I il- n=__ I

character of 'the ro~lis underlyIng tl e 1olliL)It Woman and {l 1m. 1\I~D. V COOl EXPlislon ~n Coal Sha.t't Is hirdgreater por;t1on ,of! Its tlxlensiVe v -I· lhus FQrth~r D '1' Ip. I I Dis stet in ~T'hree Days,ley. Rc.centlr Its ~rIiJutarle8 beca~~ A we,st-hound Penn ylva 111.- tr~lq I II J.enormouMly RWO-ll~b. hy ~OlltlllUO~~ struck and kIlled ~lr~. oy overt at~ I on4

jhundr:ed are dead III th~ aula

raIns a,id ,melting !snow. From t Ie fatally Injured her hus. and t a ero 3· mine n Mefico ,WfOSS Cram 1: agle I'.Yonne alld the AUb~to the ¥,arne, d ~- Ing ne~l' Londonvllle, hio. Proce d_1 Pass, Texas, in the' skl:te at Coa ul1a.· I.cl)arglng In~o thll S'lne near, the gat,'l;, lng further, the train true fln nu{t.o- as a -lesult ot ~he ear,elessoess ~t a:of Parls~ the tloode slream~ were 'll mobile on the- outsklrt of C estl1.ne~ a. :\fexic~n In lightIng a clgarete. .J.xty-__many sources of perdi to the ~reat C~I' few mHes away, and kll ed J. ~, Stg~r" eight b6dlesl h:ive been taken f~ the

ParIs In :a week'a time ~as mov d aged 601, and Charles ~ h~lh rifer, b th shaft. The, others are1burled ,tu therback to tlleimiddle ~ges so tar as co . or Hayfsvllle. ,In tbe utOPl bile w th in., There IS n? hope.that any w 111':Jetorts and'· qonvenierjees go. I The 0 ly Echelb~rger anll ,Slgl r ~v. So '. Curt!'s [q~nd, :alive. :r-.;ot a sll/.gle man I thebrIdge qpen across Jthe Seinr, for·' ot Doerrer of Mansll~Id, oerr ~S""sh al· lilll,ne escaped alive. JOne man~w ••passengevs Iwas th~t built Iby Lo is der las crushed a d hi leg, as br?ug~t to the surface in: a,con tOU9

XIV. - Hor~c-s supp*ed all transpo:- '1- brOken\and he recetYe( I9't Dill In !"- contl!Uon. but died 'sb?rU:y theF~ tter.tlpn, ca.nd1s furni~hed all I the It !It Ies. T: le yqung woma "wh was t;e l{e told of the Circu.wsfanc,es r theand the fo d prOh3l

lbly wa'ii even I -ls first to mee~ death on the ra~k, Cl.!J explosion. Smoking In tRe mIne f pro-

~~~~,~hat,i~~~ml~dr~J~~.:'!.~h,~~_h_shan to ."~s ~l~~~lt~~~e::t::~:: ·t·h~r :'::e~: !:\~~:'pt~cE~f IN PARtSi T ,AT HAV BEE:N FLOOD.I WE T. II'. J 'lg1ed tobacco ,~d patches in~o Ii the

.~ I ' I ! I , shaft w!b~n he went tfo wor~, l;ln" ,the'i""n"l'" 11:1'1 lwr II at work ll"ar1r an

: 11IJUf when Jle slruck a match tol·lightIn dgn.reltt'. Immediately the l hlliO­

follo\'.ed, hur,vlng allve tht 100


~lN("(!.tNJ TlJ/18 AT !'I ·'tINCT"r '.._-.~-,~' --'~

l;OOW (,f l!1b f~:Ll,; almost 2,Uf'V:t,S!beJlet,! ~n~ tllo~le W!IO beheld them '1\ lt9 theIrI ~wn pyeF .stood ·lIterally amazel1.! Hl.ch­

a'1'Hon'la neighbor, declares tl!at he('1)\ 1(1, 'lair)' a Hiacl to "llit'll the,,[I 'Jl~W oj' threll ordinary mJ:tl ~\....ou1d.s,'~ni'!y Ill! ('qllal. lie 'l:l.,Y hlm 1uletlYplnl, up and walk l\\\UY "11th 'a('hl'du:;n I hO\ll,e. m:Hlo of ~lnnGd

toJr;llle~, alHl covHcd, w~lgh.edGOO If not much more.' At MlOtherurrfe the

lRlchartlsoI18 were bUI141ng a

co~ncrl~; Abe was theT~, anl1 .eeln~thnen or fonT men prejlarlng '$t!('];::i

U"Jn w~l('h to carry some !lUgf) lIJOHts,he relleted them of all further t oubleby B;h~u~berlng the Po$ts,' stngle hlind­ed, and dwalkIng away w1th t11 m toth pl8<:~ where t~fJY were v,~ante , 'HIc0414 st~lke wIth 'a maul,' says 0 Mr,Wqod ,~I heaVIer blow than any othermain. ' H~ could sink an ax dep.pe IntoIhlWOOd than any man I ever s Vi:"

I 'lfo"Ulon ot the Dog.

Inco~ could not sympathize wItJ1th sa U Ion generals who were .trpneto 11ndul e In ,hIgh promises, bl1t,1 'o/honever ccomlllls ed anythIng.~ In~p~akln~ of a. gell;eral of thIs typ onedaLY be Bjtld: i' '

'ITf:es~ fellows remind ,me of a anwho oWIj.ed a dog whIch, so he aid,jlu~t hungered and thirsted to ell. upwC/lv~s. : It wns a difflcult l,D~ttel" soIh. fwnfilF declared, to keep thl't QOII

~rr~ der0ting the onUre twent.r· bur~~ur ofi each day to the destruc fan4fl w Ive~,, " Ine 4ny a party ot this m n"frle~ds 1eclded to have a walt h nt,anllfS this partlctllarfdog wns so ro­dOll, th&y said they wouldn't take nyotlle' d~l, 'i'he mlln Wll0 oowneuJtbedog Id't SQem overaD. ous to g onthe ~lunt but he filial cons~lltcd, ndt~c 'IJart,y, accolllp. lied by the f ro­Cloot wollf-dOg, st~ ted out. I;, "" t lalst t1'I('y lighted some wo ves

alnd tried to 'sic' he dog on them, H,'~IJln('d nnll "lllm~el ed, 'bu~ they fI. 0.1'1lir hickf'~ some Jnthuslasm into 1ml'lnd strdted him I after the wol es.Wohes *"nd dog roon disllPpearCd, In I

natant at tbis pr u,r Ill;Tt;ll:~~l:'ntlng Jarty got no trac~ofva ent1ne was i\lC t bef,?, e Jack ~I1l on Ihe ('hasb until a~('r 0. fmV'rbi1es ey!so. hIs tate ac ss a glove CQun er, rlune to In. farmh use, wherel they wanlililost hlR hear (which he w,s re- q If Ing 0 "r tho fein ....e I

I fj t l' - 'j man 1 ng f,'.. " '-i.(lllred to 10!'le) • t the IJ s g'lnc "'II.tv YOIl sec anythlng or a~' 1!.C)nthlu _~O{'~11g _ _ {I)g ,l.Dd Imcl\: of "oIves nrornd he or

- l- ~- , ,lted the hunters II I.oatl Iia Allllle, i I "'Yell.r v;us the short nnswer.

Durfng (~ IlUb Ie reception it he I "'Ho~ wero they gOlng~I' IWhIte l~ottse a f rmer from onerof he II" 'Pre'tty fast'~Ihorde I' rOlllltle:i of Virginia to d he j I" '\Vh~ was theit poslutn when onpreSldi t that t 0 UnIon soldl rs In \w the 7' I:p;assln h1s fa.r had helped th m- "'WeI' replied the fa1~r, 'ther gselves ~t onlf 0 hay but his bo se, as a l~~t1e ahead' Iand h hoped tho President wo I1d I "Now:1 gentlemen," co eluded t 0urge t e proper officer to cons] et Is Ptcslde~,t, "that'B the pos1tlo~ In wht h

9La~~ ~.:~~~a::~ Ibal this re In ed !rou fln,~ mo~ of t~e;\ bl:~~~~ ~~\~ yond descf!plloll, Ihe we;tllh,er qua'

hi~ . f an old acqua.~nt~nce1r Is, !e~;~ISe:"~; t ~~a~': w~; r don'l lI,e ~~: wfr~e i':,°o~~'C~1!~~~~ [o~u~:~~~\~~aFk h~~'ewI~1 n':~ [\0 st:a:y, ':0 e:; ilitaryl o~ators" II I ~ ~nd a4c1e1\ lineage were llttle b~tt~r'i"~n n .' be I ~ I " orr th~n t.TIelr poorer fellow sufferers,~lan nd the ~st raf~sman n r I' \o~ -':'alentll1c'llI pnT_ I' The e:x;tl:o:nt of the (1is~ter has 30i.il{er. It was q Ite a trIck eto t ke he ',Vhat t oui;h the skies fe ,cold !a d overwJel~d everyone tha.t no mall,~o$s ver the aplds, bu Ja k as '.I gt1l;Ly I 'I from the Ipresldent of the ,0 republic$kplf 1 wIth th ,'art an4 alwa S k pt ' LAnd winds be wnd nnd I,shrill" down I(;8.nl realize the exact extent,~t ,str 19ht,ln th channel. f"e'a messenger shall flr,d his way much' ~essl report It In'detal' As an! Fin lly In st mer ",as '"'put n nd ,Acros$ the vale and ,hill! '" ~. )!'Iccs char edJa'ck s made aptaln of the b at. He ,':or Buqllght he sha.1l hay your tace, Il

fxam p 0 t~f, t~eld~~egge~ lqll;l't of 'k;ro.

d I I th 'h I I elf IPor siars~lw,o eyes lha shlno or a ~o e. 0 ,aly.ra s use 0 t~ e '~'ll ee 0 m ~'heto Imy heart has 1 s dwelUn sene c 5t 1$1, anll candles solll at 151.n,' go ng throug~ t e rap 8. e ay 'I place-:- ': cents lJ~e~e.when the boat tas plungIng a aI· I IYour'lown dea.r ValontI el ' 'l'he ~act! that Paris sit:; U!J0n a cru:'It10Wln 1n tha~ boflJ.pg curre t nd II ~: i I of eart , 9VC1: vast systems of tunnel~Ja"ck' utmost IskIll was bel g m· I ie tur s to neither lott npr'rlght.1 and se err anll suhter:rallean :!tream~,ployed to keep jhe steamer in t e .Qar· : I Hut trnlgiht ahood he gpel'i : added lat~rlal1y fo the danJ~'er of therO(N channel a ~Oy pulled his c at tan lIs gul e !HIHope, wh,ose root~tep II.&' t. sltuatl(m. IThe caving in of streets be.alld yelled out L~o hIm: I 1'l'he urea~ pathway kn~ws. came In alarmIng featllTG of tfe inun-

','SaS mister ~a[ltaln, stop yo r bfat fe lJealjS m:r message inllhl,s ~crlp, , ,datlon!: To what extent the floods" I' A song WllOS{l every n~, '

a : minute; 1 Vi lOJiit my app 0 er- hall t~rn, to music orl yo r IIp, rushln tlJrough the undergro nel pas-board." ~ , IMy own Ide-ar Valentlntl I " Bages 111 yN brl::'ak ·down th~j fOlln(h- ~~~~~~, ~:

:' Stronirc.t In.n In IIh'To 11. i I f I I I ii" t10ns r the elty Is.a problery of the l'rilll'I' J1. J)ry vi' Cenminy IS uper-:"In the mea time," says the ''mJeryj h. wh n )'~H1 hear his eal get knock .I'Qate. t gravity. '\hllo the Itorrents ~~~'J::~~~~~ ~~~t~.re;:.~I;~~110~no~h~~ ~rr~~;• I. Li ] '''Ab; Upon the door bEtgln, ,II above Igrounrl \H,re dreadful I ('nongn "

D~y LI!'e or tra~m th n~ n, t b:1 aka h~ste Ito 11ft the hea.vjy, lock the rolstery of whLtt may hallJl~n helow ;~~lthFb~~: !~n n a~~;;;;le ~~'al~~:c, thehad become n on Y e ong SUI And f,ld young Cupid in·1 ' the!'ou facA welg:hs upcm the cltr. I

'Ih. atrong..t an In tbe ~ett')Jl nt tpad th n 'hali .'.am the' r~le••boT!' The" Is ~no" reason to hope that ~ th~t ~':e~I~~~w~:t::'I::-r~i/~I~t~h I~:,~~I~~~;;~+i~~==f=~==~==f'====='[-=-=-=:::~~:'I=I ~:\~~ ~1\~ ~lj~l~~cn:~r O{ :t~~ I the rll~n wrought by the flood will not neighbor. 1I~; death was InsiaJtan~. nln~, of leather. a large amou.t of, ' With 'J"OU,~ dear Valentln'il! ! be ne;~rIY :-;0 great as tha.t which th~ ous. The auto.m.obH.e party came, U])OIl hide· stock ts sent to the Un1ted States

II-Lc.dte1s, !U.JlllC Journal. I alarm lof tl1(' \\'hole world ;m<l~lnes for the tracks in the machine from th;e for that IPurpose and then retut1ted toi ,I: I I I tbf', b~autifu} capital ot E:ur9pe_ ,At rear of an cast·bound freight, directly Germany ready tor use In the Bhd"e tae-' ,Notl'l'llldnar Chnno••, 'besLl, Ijowe\'l'r. the' In.'l.~ allll :itlfICI'Ill;'; in fnmt of the express, I lorll'S, i

A ! 'h C bl t. J ' ,·n fir.:'1tatlon has lIJen started InI ne day at a meeting 0 ~ e a. n ' wI I b~,' ('nor11lon", ." .____ ,~ "

S\\,{"d'en 'tor the redudtlon l( n~t th.,'It beIng at the time w.tJ.en 1~ .J3eemed • , ~----r---- "'uo,", Sa'l'~" OI't!!.OI1 City.I It! war with England and ~rance could EX.~~RDR~PER DIES, l"ou~ht Ofliy by VQJl/oteers with; ga~- abolition Df the dutks on wile t and,I not be flvoided, S~cretary0,State Sf)~- I _ den hose and dampened blankets, a :~~;~~~ i~l~h~;e:~~~~~~~8 ~:; :: :~ ~~

ard an Secretary of W II Stanton tileneru.1 Who lIeld I.u~t ut ROUH' Ilre start1ng Rhortly after mldnIg~lt in 00 "Jith the growth ot the ,Ind&strtalwarmly advocated that tlie Uutted. P*II...H AnD)· Iu \Vn .10111.1 U",ltU.l. Bakel' City, Ure., did damage estlllfated unre~t. IStateB ~!11ntaln an :att1tud~1 the result Brig dler (;mcral Wi1l1km F. Draper, ~t $284,000, partly covered by tpsur- Russia tntend's to try pirotecU!m torof whiCh would have beeqla declara· torme Arpt:"rh'au ambassador to ltrl1y. ance, For a While the greater part or the buUdtng up or her Ihrant ~ndu!l-

luon of':host~litles by the ~~werB ~enr died alt bis home tn Washington artor the city was threatened, :i.nd onl~ the trieSjln the way or ngr1culturall: ma'-ttoned. I I, I • proltmgl'd illlH'SOl, age(l HS years JIe 6now on roofs saved much o[ It. i chIn ry and rarm lmplements, lUnder,- "But rhy,ruB the greate, risk ~hen was bJrn In Lowelt~ Mass., tn 1:HZ, /lntl ~~__.~_ I eI1st ng laws thls class· ot tnafurac-·we canl ~ak~ the smaller one?" asked served In tIH' 'Cnlon Rrtny from !fUH l'hllfJren Hurt In TorJj1ado,1 ~~r;t_P:I~~(;(:: :~ra~~~I~~:~<;~:er.frOt. dutythe pr~8ldent. "The less rIsk we rUD to 1~8'. In 1888 he ,.. us a pl'esJlIential Seven pupils and a teacher t'were "uu

h b rd " I d fIt d d m II h tl R(lprt'~c'llta'tlv(,sof the D0p11nI~'gov-teet er r us, Tha.t refU n s ~lie 0 electo anll he served as,' a HE'jlub kan h111 t when a orna 0 e 0 B e Ie l'rnm{'ntl arel showIng sympath w:itha story I heard a daY,or Iwo ago, tbe· memb r In the FiftY4~rd allll Fifty· 1'\\0 ~'1ile Swamp SChoolhouse, t

l'elYe t I

h ~ C thr- mo\'<.'1ne t ex~Pr('sldent Ro se\\clthdU·rrOlngOflaWrbe,lcCehnlwb,.slloI.n, wlhh?erflerll"hge Iblunl~ tourt Congresses. dec 1nlng tL lhlrd IJlil.es trom Orauge urg,;:). .. Tbe lnllm'h~d'-tora ~ealt Intcrnnq?n II bOdyl10wl tton In 1$97 h was appointed injured teacher is ~I1ss Julia. ,fReed, to rllSC'tUlS and suggest, 0. ~Yst mntlo

lets weJe "t!Y'lng thtck, FInally his CaUl'" amb sador' to Italy, hiding that post Tile :>clJ.oolhouse was reduced 'Ito ,a s'rvat!on' ot the resources iOf thelage gave way entirely, and, throwing BtU 900, mtl>l.'1 of sjlllntel'ell timbers, I ~?l~lt~:d ~~tate$ and Canadn.. ,i:down h:'s 'gun, hel ran fo~ dear life, H~R'y I.oalllell In NlcnraKual TIlt" !:IyuJkate or F'n:nch Oa.nks']wb.10hI ..As ~e lwas flylns alqng at top I WA DED 11 ~ it ~ '.formed l<jlst' spring wlth the e~pec-8peed e lame across a, otfieer, who ~p IS A R $250,OQO, An otndal telegram 1m::; l'ead)e

lJiho fatton of Hating a mUllan shares or

drew Is rEwolvef an~ lthouted: '00


I W.T~r('r Pro"~&rbt to ."ortllne ~lt:~:g~';;~~tl~~~t~;re~a~l~~~g~~nl:r~: ~~:\,:)~~t~i~~~~~~~~e;bt:~~~~~s.~o~~~~: "back t9 yPur reg men I once. or i LeU by .Jllnk Doe:a.lcr. ~ roored there that a battle -bas r been liquhiatl'td. Ccotdlng to I;"osslp, the'/WUl '8h~ot!you.' . 'Arter .having tramped In poverty fought ·l.le-t\\N'O the .\lmlr1z and the prolill:t of tll s:)..nuicatc were,~xceed_

'Ie:X~1~~~geo:. an,~~:t~an::e !'b~~I:t?~Ie; tllroulflout the country for nearly a Est.-ada rOI'C'PS neal', La LibertadJwith jugl;,! ht~t;f" : :

'whole .Iat,tul?' to dozen


years James .T. OOl'hC'tt, was de- hea.v;y lo.,sel;l. ' i ,CondeH~ed anq sterH1;>;e~ milk Is ,ex-~ , \ I elered heir to $~50,OOO, JUdge: George , I .port'M:!~ h\r.ff."Q,uantitics trom l';orwaY I~R~. ne"~It, An'Y-WRY, . or tb~ I'robat(' Court 1n ·noston de- };"ll i RI "'rl",'h In ll1luol:\l. yin Il:nmhllrg_ Tn 1908 Norway export- I

"WhYI don't you go to tr.e plcnle'!" ! Clded1that Corbett was the missIng Ol1{) 1?-181~· waH kllled, thr;oe werf PO,:i-' ';;~e3r~~~rl~~h't~:V~~r: ~\~: ~rl~Sc21~=iI~I I "Aw I'm too ltired: ,Let's ~oak ~ .. broth r and heir or Wllllam .i. C(~rbeft, stbly'tatally Injured, and an ~glno to S~\lth America, Central Amet:"ictl-. 3'....:

'Ite... m::aidwJclles tn lemonade ahd +t .. Jun 4ealer of't1~at cl~y, The ~la~~s and fttteen trplght cars wert:J deRpllshj lta.n.llnd:ta lttid"AnstraJ'a:: The n'la.nu­·em on

1tile kllehen noor,"-WaahI,., er' i ,"",m olber persons, lrl~IUd~" ed In, a" wreck, Oll Ih. EIsln. Joll~t "11,4 faot,re.. are plannl"" t. 'n,,*i1. ,th.

It~ln ~ir .I I' 1 "~~i~omp~II'd.lnhl" Wererej~~,.d, Illa.tern R.llw.y at Gilmer, JILl ti.l!rCl~,~r~et

, (





, I





W,ayne, NelJraskaB1I\:. ;{~j,,,,



F" ~~at~c~'~Y.~~~'rst floor Wa ne Na-

t onal Bank uiJding-

"Ph()rJ~,'rf'~irlf''n('(' 1 7, nffi('f' 11~\' -,!! . . J;~

I." I

WILLIAM. M.· D~llice in old Wayneat'1. 'J;lank uilding,ibratory Tr atnl£'nt

, iven after 7 . m.I)ho e 1$\ ayne; Neli;

F. E, GAMBLEI, oste.opatr

onH~e m rvlello' hlockOI)positf2 1st Na 'I bank

Phom', ('tli~.p :!:~~ 11Psidpnl'j' lli• I. -L

--'-----'-;-,----DB.. G J, dREEN

~ , :iJentJslt


~~~L. __~:~~~~=,nc_k~._---,:i. w. AT T E~

I BhmJed 'Ab t ..actorI Heal ~~st4te a Loans I''rnsurance-Col ectifJ!i"~ 'r

,()pp' ;;ite l'lljuJl hoil.'I, \\"aY!jI'

, . -'I

WI L R. O'NEAI~, D, V. S,

Professional and Bus;in~ssI

: ~ ;::t'~'~~~!::~;';~I~;t,~:I;~:;~1 ::l"luc!r'''''1 11 wi 11 l.\' ham, pi",!", ~::J

," f : . a I

lorn L. ~oijlep1;1'1"'1".,1 \11. ti"llP'>l" >It,· "I I

'11\11\' I'h,'I" 1",,,1

I In. 6. i UISENRIN~:. M. D..

, .,Sulrgeon and Ph}'::iieianSt!l'~" ~,l<'(·'r"·i' ,. l.jr ell r'''l:'

, dl"l'rl~,"'''' .... ·Ill} l.'1<a~ 11111111"1.1'"Waynq,: . _I' I Nebr.

A .

s.~'. LUTG~NPhySICIan and Silrgeon

Answ(!rs all cal1~ pr1rnrtl.~'I day. qr:nigh !- ,

,Phone No .30: I

Wayne. I'reh,

..... 1-­rt..!D AjV I S

, '. I

C..CLAS~NCarpenter:' Contractcjr anil

,,:BJilder !' ,.' ,('rmtr:H'b" tftkl'!l r"r'itl;(, ('<l11L l!l'h' "''Ii:

Mt~~~~;'~;:~,t.:~·(!lII~~~f~l~~ J,~;1 ;;;;:~I~;:I\~~Plt.,ru: IHlI, P. O. Bux 'l:,~. \\·/l.I>Ill~. t'.;plI, :


ue make ';;-Speclal-tv---I"', ---~'of I rinting i

5 Ie Cat~logues==!:::== an



tt:torney-at-I( w

'overCitlzensBank,W yne, Ne.;

"Win-I. Broscneit,Novelty ~epair .Shop

Sewing Machines of all kindscleaned and l'~}mii'ed; razors, knivesand scissors"ground and I sha~'pened;and shoes also repaired, on ·Rh(~rt not-i~e. '


' APOland Chin~'s

Few Males ~ndBred Sows for sale

R. r.D. 2.



Phone 67.

Thesc 'are features which

make tIle S~ith Premier the

choice :01 the man who

Comrlele. Strlliilht Line Kf'yboardRemo va6[e 'and Inte(Chllllgr:abl~ Plah:DIBall Beanng Cilnlagl·

,ReveBlbJe !'[ nLullltor Rack

~:~leF;;tT~uUj,n~ar~"icoPerfect Line Locr


Compldie C<>ntrol ftomKeyboard

A' Key) for Ev~~ C~araclerB;"h,ome-kRibbon,i' I~~t°B:.dru*ype:'B.r I 'g;~i::::, tti.~~d P1raraphet

r:~;~:h'a~d:~J: [:~ii~;;: IHight a~d Left Carriage Rekue

Lever~,Swiot>ing Marginal Rack

'Protected RIbbon '

nitf~o~~tn~r~I::Jill/~:sm Keyboard~~~f~~~lll¥~~ ~un~;r~a~ Lme SPllCU13ac~ \Spaec LeverCarnage ijerarderImprovd Marginal StopsE~capemefll, Speed'ie!t Ev:r Devi.ed

Meat Market

boo '. tioI It t~ . u~- Sbre Lungs d 'liw Lu~gs" . , :'1 Whe~ 'You Need ,I Qir.der of Hearihg on ,'':e~ition forf;y wjl{fak~~~~ c~~s~~ Jom~ee~ ing Ie k I w the feeling and Foley's ',brino:1 Laxative. WHen you \,Appointment?f ,Ad~lnl.str~tor

Ir';~w~*,7;;~~~~"'E=:"11April15~ I', ! ,. I t ~;::'j~:a~e s te ot ill health it have that ~ulj, ~eavy: feveri.Bh feel· ~ the County i<iutt of W~yneCoun·. These ~chedule~ ",,111 Yi.elgh 230,4~0 i dicates. I\n oPleshoUld. kn.. ow lng, ac.coin.parued by conS~!pa~lOn. ". t~, Nebraska, '.jJounds,l an~ lt w!ll j'ha essd SIX t at Foley's if ney and Tar t.he When y~u! hli.ve headache, :mdlges- State of Nebras~a, ~-.,wprkmg SIxteen Ou sa ay, reatest t ''Oat 'and lhng re~edy, tion, blliousness, pain in ,stoma~h ',: "I SS ,to prm~ all of thep1.. ,ne un~~ed ill quickl cur tljeisoreness,and and bowels, then you need, Foley s County of Wayne ,and t enty·two , mil Ion ma~',llla c ugh and rest re ~ riormal candi· O"ino I//lXati.>';. It moves thl. bowels To Jeremiah Horrigan, Mary Sulli­\\!,rds~~ ve. been ,order:, for th~F~;;d tl.on ABk for oleiv's Honey 'and freely ~nd g.ently, and thoroughly van, Bridget O'Conner, and all oth.

\'~~~';;;;~===="'H~="11punc~ n lll~chmes. _ w: cW he lar. Felb r's P armacy. - \,', c1earS~he intestinal tract. \. It does er heirs and .to all persons interested:p: ~enBu lJeckmg ~,P lB. ',one t ,las - '. " I i not gri e or maust;atMnd. c*res conw in the estat;e of Thomas "Horrigan, II Forfresh and cured-

lngton. I, • Supe "nten ent'sl Notice I stipati p.1 Felber ~r~Qcy. deceased: I t W:4.,k.;:[I~=~-,-;;==;;::::-'"-"""i\ ,For e umerators on he r ca.plta t ! " • ,I ~ . \ I ~ On reading. the p~tition of Je1."e- mea s. e carry .no,th-

~ basis, bich will be t t'!' st 'Y,de. Teacher' exa ina ions Wl.·1l be'gw· 'i'" Sheriff's Sale ': Ihi:ih Horrigan praying th~t the ad- ~'ng but the best andev-...:.I+-~~~==':-':--:-t-""'"":"~111yused, ,the pay for e h m abJtant n the thi d F ida and Satutday i i d f Sit ininistrators of said eRtate be grant· rythiIlg is kept neat and

is: Clas A,2 cents cIa B., 2. , f \j,in th-,Mrs By vrtue of an Or er 0, ae, 0 edtoH.F. Wilson as administrator. ' .centsi lass Q'3~ent~ cl s 1'>, 31: oH.owl~g 0 ac. ron. " . me di e,ted, issued by the Clerk of ltisher~by ordered that. you, and Iclean. Your order will

, . cents; nd. cl~ E, cent. ,luch ISle LJtte I, S ,ermtj~er.t, '.' the DJ rJet Co.Jl>7' of Wayne, County, ~1I pe~sons interested m saId matter, ,be prokptly filled.'"~ TlS.-phone NOo,.6' enume tors will als be l:U for, ----.-.-+ ).. ,!' ~ Nebr a, upon la decree rendered ~ay. and do, appear at the County ~'

"1'1.:1. . ."'" ~.~ eae.h. f rro as'. follows. CIa s ~ ~O \ A S fegu rd to tj.;hitd.ren , therein lat the Noyemherdll~. ter!l1d Court to be held in and for said I ansse'n Bros."','~ • '- .'i '. , Icents~ lassB,.22!cets;cl C,25 I 't J l.: thereo in an actlonpert ngmsat county.onthe21stdayofFebrua:ty ].M.Coleman,, rr ME CAR:l eents: lassG,25cen ; cla'sD,2n , "Our two. lid e'l .0f"81:,'.and cou 'n J~tter BrewlngC~m. A.D.191O, at 10 o'clock A, M." to,

I' I,,!, ~ ",1'1'.':' "." " .' 1'~.fl :' Ilcen.ts; nd cl,~s E, ~nt .. Th~e eig~t yeatls ,ha e b eci.sme.,e l\1;acy pan .plail}~lff a~d Cha~les N~es, show cause, if any there be, why the ~ ! Wayne, Neb., I, MAIN LINjEi : . irates re in each c e 5 cents r BubJect to tOldS an c ouD. A out Lo les hIS WIfe, C.j'l!. Nles, praye.. Of the petitione~ should not! I l.. :,I 'I.! " II,S. GOING ltf\. .' 'more, h gher than tho ,pai in 119 , three, yea s. a ° I stiarti!d t~' use na~e unknown, Margaret be gran/;ed, and that notice of the~

'.l!ll/1)2IP riger ... !, J, :pO a .. "1' !when he pange wastr? 151to fOley. s F! ney and Tar, tnd If has ~. Brp nbac», John T. Bre~~ler an~ pendenay of said petition and that' Graves &No110'P nger, "" ..', :10 p.m. 'cents. For each est bhs ment f hever faJled t9 p ~~d.;;ur.e J~yJi'I:MuBstm. were defendants, the hearing thereof be given to all I' ,N.~'.· 22. '. Feight.. .... ".', :40 P'. !.' ,produ'; ive industry the ate. f t~ese tro~bles. It Iy I~~. W~I.I, qp the seventh day ~f NJrt;' pe'l:sons interested in said matter by ,i . Lamberso'n

.1'1' 52 11" 'senger, , ,', :, i· ,30 p. . 'each' lass is 30 c.en . . or e~ CI!'e I can ,g~t t r re to ~ e 1vIO, ~~ ten o'clock a. hmi'chk f publishing a copy of this order inI' ,I ' ", I '! I INS GOINi" WE of :' r "'barn nd inclosure c ntal Ing.It e Without a r0"Y. a ve r~)ln door f the office of t e: e ? the Wayne Herald a weekly neWS~11 .

,!., :'11 Q..6. i1 .'10 ,~tock, not on farms, the pa~ IS 0 W. q. Ornstem e. n y, WIS., said burt, i~ the court :house III paper printed in ~aid county, foriIr..RAII\.' &COAL

N~ 9, nger ..... I :~5 a·

F·cents f r 'each class. t . duphcateg the e(C rrl~nC~?f thou~ Wayn , in said bounty, s,ell to the three successive weeks prior to SaiCr \.J I'

No 11, . hger ..~.. ··~':ooP' . Undr the mixedrte, ~i~hi a sandsof~~heru r~pf,Fol sHoney ~i~het bidderforcash.th~foll0"o/~day'ofhearing. : i -

N... Ol .. 21.1 elg..ht.", .. "1" ,', a.. ,. com"i atiO.n of the p r c Ita. a d and. Tar, ,It cu eB ¢OU.ghB, C?l~.dS a.nd ing.. d..Bcri.bed. real ,es.tate, to-WI.t. W. itn.ess my hand. and Beal of sai~ : B t' .d. f G ',:1· " BRANCH IE, 'the r diem,'there are fives b· !croup,an~ pre e t ,bron hltl~ and leot even (1l)andone{1)footm court' this 27th,dayofJanuary, ~.I , es pnccs pal or .ram

'.'i·I' "I le~veGOIN w s Ii I' . clas..J.,alpllabetlcally rra ~ed, ndpheumoni~. FIe sj'PhairmafY' width, along t)1e North SIde of· Lot D.1910_., I I ' Coal sold at Low PrICe'Nf:I'l;§I~'" 'T hi ...... :1.5:50a l,m. the'pe" diem is: Clas F, 1; G.. 1.. " I I Ten (0), all JI! Block Twenty·one ~(SL) JAMES BRI11"ON,1 '

N.•"'51 g. ng~r .. '. L, '." 0:05 a. .I'm. 25; H, $l~;.I' $1.75; n~. ,$21. or EBtimat f EX.Ipen.keB

,; . (21) 0 th~. Origmal To~.~ ofWcyne, 5l'.W 3 County JUie. [We aim to ,please both bUY-,N ·'53' .' nger I,~ 7·oopl'm. eachi Ha itantthepflS: ,CI~s F" 'fN' k } I" East 'fthe6thP. M., "ayne oun· ,-'''-,-,---,~._..,,'''' -~--.__--." ..' I'I·' I" . ~;~b: ~~ t' . I 2cen : ,2~ cents: "I 2~ celits I, IThe StateI0 JS .a

l, 'I ty, braska, to satisrlfy the afore· 'i ing and selling.

~'-' 1'1 .1VeG , !!. I" 2!een's; ,land J,',3ce ts. orl ach I,' ,ss said ecree, the a~ou. tduethere- UMBE i,

N . 57 ~ el ht"., ... ,'0. ·3.00 a· m. farm' Class F 15 cen ' G 17> 'Wayne County. , I on be ng $3912.25 WIth ihterest at 10 ,N . 50 nger,. ". ,.'. 7:45 a. m. cents', I 'and J 20 ce ts 'ch.:' For I Cha!. W R ynolds (Jounty pet c nt from Novemb~r 29th. 1909, i I INSUR"NCEN .52. nge~,'", ..... 1:50 p. m. each' stablishment f odu tive Cle~k in ~~df, aype c9unty, 1'le· ana c sts,and accruirg costs, '" ' Fire Lightning and Tornado In-

, ~- indust y the rate IS 20 ents


· for braska ~ h~r y ~certlfY that the j)l! eu at Wayne, Nebraska thiS ,'" I' C ce The b2St is the cheapest'1'1 '! II'I ,',.li'. . 11,1": e,.qh c ass. ~. I followi~g esti te of. expenses was thiral,day'of February, 1910, . CH E'API ~'i\'an '. ht flth' hest com:

WEN E:1ISUS MAN COMES 1 ~,---,-~ .1' made b the ,Co nty Boarll, for ,UHANT S, MEARS, Sheriff, , " . av~ elg ,0 e. very .'.. " ..' :l1 . ,I . I I SHOLES N W, l ,Wayne c,gunty, for the ye*rl910, F 3 I,5: I .J p~mpJioenix o{ Brookl It

,i.~ll:11!'.:'!~1 ~-,--,-~'" , •. !. '},. \ Too late fa.. ! t we k..l . County Gerera F n~",. ,$25000,00 . ' We have it. We want tb sell Continental of Ne:'YorkH.. '. '. :Ltll~VE MAN ~~RIE~. C.Ja t!,n Tripp isJ,mar etl.~ hIS County ~~~~e ,~~ ~r: ::: i~.~oo.OO ~ I I CUlv,ert N~bce ,I it to you. Send in your t.mber I Security of'N~w Haven

• I ., II" . ~O ; .' c~rn t IS week. I I g~~~iY ad un", 1. 15000 00· N ~ic" is hereby given that bl~s bills. Write' Gennan Alnerlc;m of New Yo~k'.'111." __ I, , ' The. ·sixth gra,deh bee p omot· Soldie~'sRelie F nel 180000 will er~ceiveuattheCountyClerksi SunInsu~~nceCQ.ofLOn~on

. , II· Iii: I, E . t I w·n ed to Mr. Robmson S TO m in the Witnes's m ha d and seal at o'ffic of Wayne county. Nebraska, E H HOWL Ai NO North BrJtish &.MerchantdeT, eG~ ernmen~ "u ~ a ora I high chool. '. W Nebr ska this 14th1day of for t t' furnishing of steel culverts

r•• r,.. Nebr. UnderwriterS ?f Omaha

t" the Job C unl gNose. ayne, i for aynecounty for the year 1910, I ' , Farmersl\Jutualof,Lm~oIn_

"'1:1" f l·l)orpe SaturdaYi,was we at,en ~", EAL, . , c' ·tV'Cle'k· . S' I _ _ _ _ _ very lowest rates.'iiji.,Rl~ .Qft .'~ P~ . anda oodtime'lsre rte ',1' 'J--29~w-4, oun;; ,r, m182%j30.36'42.48-60ineh~ _ ~ • i GrantS. Mearsi, Quest! n, ",' ,A, umber o~ far ersfrdm this kiltice ofiG rdian's S.lle C !verts to lJedelrv"",,ed either_at f. J. Schmal elg , ,

"I' '.' --'-,' vicini y atjended" th ho Be raleat, h' Wa e'l WinBide, Carroll rr Hoskms·1 i -CO'. 'lWii~~. al".ng abo. t Ith middle of Carrol Tuesday, . I IN THE',D ST ICT CO.UIfT,OF ,d bids to be filed, wit~ the. GENERAL, I ILES".n~TULA

nJ~t A''' iI some fel owl'l aded down A McDonnell ou h sUing KEITH COU TY, NEBRAS A., coun y Iclerk on or befo,.~ 120 clock CLOTH~S i ' I_+ ~'vi ~h b oks and pa erB.e lis you out I mb rinan was a BI om eld fvisitor In the matt of tbe estatelof Mil· noo~' on the 18th day df February , PAY W.HtN CURED"0 IthEi I orch. a,nd ksl ou how old tV! d ' J ! dred L. Ham I nand Glarrnce E. 1910. '. J '. : CLEANING, ND All RI"V L '!JSEASES c,,,d'"1" h"a~~ hdw:much t11l,tle you have" 'On y. , 'Hamiltol), th inor Heirs ,of WiII~ B·I{s jwill be opened at 12 o'cloc~ , REPAIR' SH P . r,l;;:~:~~~~E~I;r~tIJ:'L~tl:~atLon. andVi ',~ yo' h~ven't m0.r~, how muc~ " Th Sholes teacher. and ~r . Ro? iam Hamilton De eased. I' I. . noo of the 18th day of Fe~ruar)( "','" LI~ET1ME. l\oC~llotofprnj, . \

Y"..hrs;" he:a,ge o.f the .. h·ldr£n.'s kit· home of Mr..~and rs.. H1rn on pursuance of .n .or $r of t AHoror. pre.' n e, of the Board., of county ladies' work an.d alt.er . WRITE FOR'~~~'N~~rO~ I ~ rte~~, riJLmberl of teet~ t e dog has, Tues ayevfnI g. * .,' able H' I M. ~rlml:!~; JUdg~. of the co~ I~SlO~ers of saId cO\lnty at t~e , . 'FREE BOOK FREE. ,

t.IiIFSi~' df rl.lhe I~ft rear hoof of tHe Ali ~ McDon 'Id re orts $G~I.raised. District pour of Keith C.qu ty, Ne· offi of the county clerk of said Fur coats repa,~ed.. . . i. .DR. E. R, ,TARRY, .·fa.' i!)\ I horse, the nam of your at th pOX social in t e M rri eehool! b~aska, :mad on the~IKth day of cou Y:, " , :.' LOCATED i "'24 B•• Bld&... Om.~., Neb,

'WI ".. S'. a.tHerls firs,t chlM and a num- last Friday night, , ' December, I' 09" for t ~ sale of the bld',ivIII?e consl<1,ereu u~less UNDER GAERTNE 'S FURN.I ,~ thmgs. dd n t Ipse y?ur 1 ~ , • , real estate eremifter dfscrl~ed, accp pamed oy cash or a certJfie~ , . . . 1_'_'" ''''C __._., ,

'~tart to c~lI.thepohce, Th re was a meetl g he d Wednes- there will be old a pu iq velldue ch~c of $200.00 payable to Chas. WI. ITURE STO E 1..-----'\'"'------11b . . ,1all he wart to know'" d~~ n ght for t.he p rp~~, ot~lrecogi to the highe~ bidd r for 'ash at the Reynold.s county ,ch"k of said coun· I I I SKIP. JOtJRor t~y '.. ~. t~n him. 'I' ." mzlO. the ch~rch t ~ ~, P ,ce an<, front door of the court hP4se in the ty inl cas~ the bidder rpfuses to en' -- --~ -- ,,- --,

I e's the census ~aker. . ~nga m~a'resl?enc mIni ~er: MUc~ city of Way e, in Wayqe l County, tell i~tc) contract wlth sald county If Wh . t' 1110E'SPerh 'Pe. ~e doe.sn:t. '.'»~ to ask lUter et IS man.lfeste a~d It ~ proh" Nebraska, on the 28th da~ MFe"ru· sam~ is awarde.d him., s~ccessfu.I . en \IOU, wan I

nd. f questlOn~ any bettpr able hat l"~ shall so, n lia e8 endlq ary, 19~' a th~ hour 4fl2 o'clock biJd r will be req~Jred to ll:lve bond 1 I I'. : h eto,ans,werl t.hem, b~t chur hprlVllege~, , ~. ~ P, M.,t ef'lowmg desqrloed'real to: t e county wlth,two or morr A tli' . th h rn I I![;"!IDl~ .

askl uest. ons Is'hlS busmess ·-li.ls Th lecture last rid . n ght.b eBtate: An undivided Oh~'"half in- l>:~0~ sufficient sur~tJe~ m the sU'1' ny . 'mg m ,a ess . tj-It.ll rt<i if! etcduty,-- at's: what .he Igets pa.ld Prof; Paul Boodga , of SlO X CIt terest i the Southeast ~ arter (i) 0 1000,00 condItIOned for the line, be;. sure arid isee our I. . ~=~.=

~~ tf I~hei~J.~~IA~r~o~,~r~~Si~; 0';'0 gh~~~~t~~su j;ct;~ :~~J~~; T~":~;; ~e~~ e~27) (W?~~~~0~1~~~ ~~t~~~~ ~~:ormance of co~t~act goods. The large t stock of J-O' 1";<'a""'"~=Ri,~q~lG;'"-N'.' !II" N""' &"~ "c"0

Just I prOl/>ptly an~ freely "." y~u slali S]CI~ty,,, aryd hIS ~al t man· Two (2 Eas of the slxfih P .. ilL m ,T e Board of co~nty comrUSSlOn- harness in norther Nebras': 'I '~. ~ d~' .,can. ' e nIde t IS mformatlOn m ne, f ehvery hIgh y ~e Ig~ed tP!Wayne oun y, NebraskaJ1 Sal<1 sale erB es.erve the 'right to reject any , ka. High grade qu lity, rea;. ,. ~ C"" I ~. •his ess. ,audi n e. An effor WIll be ade ~ will re ain en one houf' . I alnd II bid.. ". ,,', ',' S'lL j!;"'UL:\,MINN.

II ~'Ibe verywhere II 'have ore el)tert nme t ,of thl late thi 31st day fJanjary, I D te.d at Wayne, -Nebraska, this onabt~ ~tices. .' I! .J';d('.r'j'.. 'I'i(Jwl:.1rli(~til:lliUJd.cstbous.elil-- I.. I ·r I natu ~ ! 1910.' ',~4thd~y of January 1910.I.: I " i;.r,:~tIH~'::'l~·"'~· j \.~II',(:~tr,~:i*~it~~~W~t~,t~~~4~a~~,

· C , ta, nl>: I a1great work: It T consolidated sch oj tere i MA GARI'lT E. H MILT N, (. EAL) CHAS. W, REYNQLllH, W·m. 'Dt'ep nstock ' !"II "" "' .. /1,"', "

JS ,one of the mo t m~ortant Jobs som t ing of whic fe t~wns i ;'1 w-a 'u~rdian of s id MiWors. ~2 w·4 County Clerk. r ' I' ~nW::Q i '

[~ nt,~~sw~,~;:eb;'~~~ ~:~ ~ab;~~h~as 'e: dll~V:re~nr: ~~ , . .-----.~-•.~-r~of th . census, to sta ~SUPt. E. C. Bis OP~Will b d :tl It req !red for ~he pre t and speak t th ed catio .

n, h~vel ket~Jt. al r I y on Friday ven'ug eb. 1 , ItfNo IfB 1I0wed. for IHiB ject is "Th Pra tic I Value 1 •t~The sta Stlcs. here w!1I he lof Education." Th ublic is II

ty ~u an I terrogationl cord Iy invited t co e ut antl Iermgl 'abou~the streets, hea Bplendid acj ress y he statie

I ays, Stand, g on back exe ive ,I. rI~ sitting'ln e' eaSy par! " I'. . wit~ .the sole p~rp~se o~ oarse Coughs, Stu y.Co.Ids,makl~revery cltIzen bare hiS mner" ,. '. I

most ouI., ' ':; pai in chest and.lsore luqgs, .ale. ere 'are Some Samples. I ,s);"m toms th~t qUl~kly ev~lo~ mio

, • ': I .a d gerous' lllnessilf th coJd H'> n t· They are Ifell equipped With ~ues, cur d. ',Foley's Hotey ahd Tar sto s

tJOn8,r.t?0,-~nd when y~lU ~et thrpugh the ough, heals a d e~iseslthe cOfl~" answ~rmg t~e follow.mg ones"th~se ges d parts, and brings quick r~-

seekers for mformatlOo 'tnay .thmk lief. Felber's Pha mac . I' ,

'. up some more but these are enough --_..~ l---- I

.. Uis%~~·ln~indo;: w'f~c~oss. JiOSKIN NE Sf' jent wil~ 6U,~ k d. ' y, (From Our Regulll. Cor spa) flent)

·if he or she ~sdetrqng., (Too late}OI' last e,e)" ,

,," , y;i11 b~ asked if they ~re , S ot~ real iB j' to n or a.f w,Ut!\beroflwe~ks anyobe has day,:. ,'. . .'

ut o.f work dQring t.he las.t. "r... and Mr~. 0. 0 .. berl are on a~lso be gone into. . trJ to Omaha. I j IIhy·two l'questionB w1l1 be 'iss Frances 'ros went to'

t"e enumerator, as fqllows: Wa ne Saturday. . I' I '~~~f~~~~g every ~Jtsob 1i~t1J ~augh~e of 1Il* And~r.

Ily; livmg on April 15 son 8 1:3 s~rlOusly .11 . ~ t' , ·1' , I I " len 5lreen wen to ill ide, St.'Sh.ip to the.person enumer· ur ay. to attend til .da ce,

,~ head 0~1 the f<1mily witb' h .':" .~i sid . " , '. e Children of J. ue ner are.e eB. I' 'I rec vering.!rI· t e gri po' '. /".r and r~~e. '" , . imonl'Strat 'w nt t ° aha ~itlast birthday, ' a c rload of c ttlc Mon ay.

eth~r married or single, widow- rs A N h' b ·Iled or divorced. ' . . j nna ". f! B0':l as;., een I

Number of·yeant perHon 'rnarrie(J. w) h th~ bronchltJ sIn 'el }lSaturd$.Y.Mother of how Ji1any children, in- gent CrouchI etur ed from t'O-

e..1~dihg. thos~ dead ~nd those no~ b~ n tlfnction .~f er ~ eWI'days'. ~_,I;l'\."at~lrth. ' i .' I 1'1 cu l t·1

on. ,.' i. ~<

f b· th f f th A' r. and MrS. enr B hmer e·· o Jf, 0 a er ~r~ m..o~ i?i e in. the ~Ir~,i: ~l, 0 'a.bab.Y'il ' r1 .Jj~mi¥,"lI.tion to the United SJ eSund~y lajlt., ,

or forClgn,personB oli]Y.) dm <fr.eene ifr m C ntrl!, will fill.: '..•11.'. sp.eiil<.... E.ngl.ish. .' . . . thposltJOn left vXa t by the~e.

',!;rll(!"iil!!II'il!,"l\~h ,rh~t I,anguage ~9 yQ.? pa ture pf rr~1 el 0. > "" .."1··,,' . 'j I·.. Iss Mice ec ani Iretur edl

.... ,qe'1eralhatl1.re of m u~trr 1m at r an extende ViSit. w.it..h frie. ds",hlcn the person works., . : I an, relative. in nd a out Mea ow

.uJVh~,~~~.r empl~yer, e plq~~ or G ONe. ~ IwQW11l1l oil your own account. '. .' I

· 'Whether out of work on A'pril 15 he club boys ill ve A,danc on1910'" . I' ," urdayevenin at th opera ho se:N~mbel" of we~ks out of work s. Ilivan's hC:l:rp rc e fra: wi~L ur-·

dU*~~t1~t~bi~'-t~r~~d::-~;'~biejt7"n~,b~:b~ci~~V~~;:t.h~·'i~'··;~:~·vering.wrIte. ' ,: i m ely from the !;fffC$ of an opera­· Attended school, bow.~lon.~ .s.ince.. ti n, will retur~.. (r

fthe. M. E.Sepl;ember 1, 1909. . , I h spital Saturdat, ".,

Whether home is owne 0" \ce?\M. M d ••_ J: If owned, whether fr e or mor~. r. an nuS. ug. eck returned'griged. I : " ! I fr m Omaha. wert r.I;>eck went

~het~er home; is, far~ o'r h9UM' t consult WJ.th' ~ s. BrIdges ,~nd" ~f Qwned, whether f~ee or rj't0r\' J nas, respectm ,hl~ sate M health.

gagehd. J k 1 J More people rei t king Foley's• 'I

W et ..er the per~on iTrnume~;atl:jd K dney Remedy ever Y¢ar. It i~JS a s~rv~vof of ~he un~on Ior I':C~~- c nsidered the m ~stle ective remedyfederatel army. or ~avy, 'I I frail kidney an ~ta der troubles

. Whetlier bhnd m bo.th eye.s. , ,I t at me.dical s i.e~cel can devise.Whether deaf ~nd dumb. , 'I F ley's Kidney' el~edY correctB

Thousands EmPlOYed. "I i reg.ul.aritieB, bi iI s 11P the Bystem,

~1~~~r;rr],r '";f';

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