p spring final review guide -...

Post on 19-Aug-2018






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PHYSICAL SCIENCE SPRING FINAL REVIEW GUIDE 1. Draw a diagram to show the position of the Earth

(include axis) and sun during the N. Hemisphere: a. Winter

b. Spring

2. What times of year do the Sun’s rays strike Earth at their northernmost and southernmost positions? Northern most: summer solstice Southern most duringWinter Solstice

On which side are the products in a chemical equation? Right Side 3.

4. What is an exothermic reaction? How would this feel on you hand? Releases energy and feels hot in the hand

5. What is an endothermic reaction? How would this feel on your hand? Absorbs energy and feels cold in the hand

6. List three things that are caused by the unequal heating of Earth’s surface. Winds, Ocean currents and seasons due to differences in temperature and pressure.

7. What are at least 3 gases are associated with Climate Change? CO2 , CH4 , H2O CFC

8. What kind of energy transfer does not require matter as a medium? Radiation

9. What state of matter has atoms held tightly in place? Solid

10. Describe what happens (in terms of movement of energy) when you touch a piece of ice with your finger. Heat transfer through conduction from your finger to the ice. Molecules in your finger lose KE and move a bit slower and drop in temperature while the molecules in the ice speed up and increase in temperature. This will continue until equilibrium is met.

11. Draw a diagram illustrating the movement of surface winds around a high pressure system in the Northern Hemisphere.

12. Describe how a mountain range can affect climate. Windward side is moist and has a smaller range in temperature dur to the specific heat of water whereas the leeward side is dry and has a large range of temperatrue due to the low specific heat of land.

13. Which numbers represent infiltration and transpiration? Infiltration = 3 Transpiration = 1 14. Why do clouds form? Due to hot air rising and expanding, adiabatic cooling occurs and the molecules of water condense. 15. Which numbers could be affected by climate change? ALL

16. For each line segment: Identify the phase/s of matter present and comment on intermolecular forces and energy:

AB: AB is increasing in temp and KE, moelcules are speeding up BC: BC: is changing in PE because the IMF are breaking, becoming temporary

between the solid and liguid phases mmCD is increasing in temp and KE, moelcules are speeding up in the liquid

phase only D D DE: is changing in PE because the IMF are breaking between the liguid and

gas phases E EF: is increasing in temp and KE, moelcules are speeding up in the gas

phase only CD CD CD:

17. In the diagram above, describe what is occuring in the steep vs the flat parts of the curve.

a. Steep: KE is increasing or decresing depedning on heating or cooling b. Flat: PE is changing because the intermolecular forces are either breaking (heating) or forming (cooling)

18. Cool air over the poles will be dry and high pressure and sink. Warm air over the equator will be moist, low pressure and rise.

19. What process transfers energy primarily as electromagnetic waves? Radiation

20. What kind of pressure systems do we find near the poles? High Why? Because it is cold and dry which has more mass then humid air

21. Describe what is happening to the air as it flows down the leeward side of the mountain range. It is cold and dry at the top of the leeward side, as the high pressure wind falls down the moutnain side it will gaing heat due to the ow specific heat of the land becoming hot dry air.

22. Why is the ozone layer important to life on Earth? Troposphere 23. What is threatening the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt? Melting of freshwater from the polar ice sheets is decreasing the salinity

of the ocean water near Greenland (conveyor) where the water should get cold and dense (due to saltiness) and sink. This will bring warm water up from the equator to Western Europe. The influx of freshwater may slow/stop this process making Europe much colder.

24. Where is the ozone layer? Be specific. At the bottom of the stratosphere 25. What causes summer days to be longer than winter days here in Piedmont? During summer the North Hemisphere is tilted

towards the sun leading to a longer exposure to the sun 26. Why does it take less time to get a sunburn on a summer day than it does on a winter day? (assuming it is sunny out!) because

the concentration of the insolation is much stronger so you are exposed to more direct radiation 27. Why is it usually warmer at the equator than it is at the poles? Because the equator is receiving light between 77 and 90 degree

angles from the sun which means more concentrated light and longer hours due to the low latitude. 28. What direction do the prevailing westerly winds move ocean water? To the East 29. As air rises pressure decreases and what happens to its volume? Increases Temperature? Gets cooler due to adiabatic cooling

30. What do we call the process of liquid water becoming water vapor? Vaporization 31. What are 6 factors that affect climate? LAPTOP latitude, altitude, prevailing winds, topography, proximity to water, ocean


32. On a cold day which would feel colder, an insulator or a conductor? Explain. A conductor would feel colder because it loses heat more easily than an insulator.

33. Does latitude have a direct or indirect relationship to temperature? Inverse, as you increse latitude there is a derease in the concentration of light leading to less heat (in summer, some areas are hotter because they are actually getting more conentrated light for those three months)

34. A metal spoon sits in a pot of hot water. Why does the other end of the spoon become hot? Explain what is happening on a molecular level. As the mouth of the spoon stays in the hot water, heat transfers up the handle of the spoon through conduction. Faster moving molecules transfer their energy to nearby molecules and so on up through the handle.

35. Why does a water filled paper cup held in a flame not catch fire?Water is a heat sink with a high specific heat and heat capacity. The heat from the flame transfers through the cup to the water which holds heat without changing temperature quickly. As long as water is on the other side of the paper to hold the energy , the paper cup cannot get hot enough to ignite.

36. Other than gases, what are 3 other factors that affect climate change? Albedo, evaporation, melting, winds and ocena currents 37. When would you expect onshore winds, in the morning or evening? Why? Winds flows from high(cold) pressure to low

(warm) pressure so in the morning as the sun rises the land (low specific heat) heats up more quickly than the water ( high specific heat). Breezes move inland in the morning. In the evening, as the sun sets, the land cools more quickly than the land and so the wind go out to shore.

38. A substance that heats up slowly has a HIGH specific heat. 39. Why do islands experience moderate temperatures? Islands are surrounded by water (high specific heat) which retains heat ver

well and keeps stable temperatures and thus the air above is also stable. 40. A substance with LOW specific heat warms up very quickly.

41. Compare the climate at A to that of B. A is wet and small temperature range while B is dry and large temperature range and dry.

42. If location C is on the equator, describe the pressure and precipation that area experiences. Low pressure, high humidity leading to regular rain

43. How would an reduction in surface ice cover affect the amount of solar radiation reflected by the surface of the Earth? As the ice cover on Earth decreases, there is less reflective surfaces on the Earth causing more radiation to be absorbed into the ground increasing heat.

44. Describe a surface that would absorb a lot of electromagnetic energy from the Sun (in terms of texture, luster and color). Rough green forest, dark soil or rough pavement

45. What causes the Coriolis Effect? The rotation of the Earth on its axis.

46. Describe a Positive Feedback Loop associated with Climate Change. As the Earth warms, the ice covering decreases allowing more radiation to be absorbed by water and ground. More terretrial radiation will be released adding more heat to the atmosphere causing the melting to increase and eve less of Earth’s surface is reflective and so on. .

47. Label the seasons on

the diagram. See other diagram

48. Describe the term climate vs. weather. Climate is long term weather, weather is daily or hourly condition. Temp, wind. Humidity….

49. Which type of air mass is associated with warm dry conditions? cT warm wet conditions? mT cool dry conditions? cP

50. What would sprinkling dark sand on snow do to its melting rate? Dark sand absorbs more visible light and gets warmer faster then white sand which will reflective some visible light and absorb less than dark sand. Would white sand have the same impact? Why? Why doesn’t the ocean mix by convection? Convection has heating from the bottom and oceans rceives sunlight from above.

51. What is the Greenhouse Effect? Visible light enters the atmosphere heating up Earth;s surfaces that then release terrestrial radiation AKA infrared. This heat then rises and some escapes through the atmosphere much much of this energy gets trapped by the atmosphere. What two variables are shown on a climatogram? Temp and Precipitation

52. What kind of radiation is emited by the Earth? Terrestrial radiation or infrared 53. Why does the atmosphere mix by convection? Fluids thransfer heat by convection 54. What type of EM radiation can we see? Visible Light

Which variable is always plotted on the x-axis? the y-axis? X: independent or manipulated variable Y: dependent or responding variable

55. In which diagram would the observer experiences the greatest intensity of insolation? 54 the least intense insolation? 22

56. Describe a location that would have a climate similar to each of the graphs shown below. Look on your climatograms lab or google it

Northern hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere Equator: Tropical Rainforest

57. What is quantitative data? Numberial data qualitative data? Descriptive data 58. If Earth’s axis were tilted more than 23.5°, what would happen to the seasonal average temperatures here in California? As the

angle increased the seasons would become more severe until there were no more seasons at all.

59. Explain law of conservation of energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but converted from one form into another. The amount of energy in the universe is constant.

60. Which of the following would change temperature most rapidly? Why? Metal because it is a good conductor with a low specific heat

a. wood b. water c. metal d. wool

61. Look at the Diagram and answer the following questions.

a. What are 2 major reasons that we have wind belts on Earth? Pressure differences and Coriolis effect

b. Label the horizontal lines on the “globe” as being wet

or dry zones. Low =wet high - dry

c. Why would you expect a lot of rain in the areas you labeled “wet” zones? Low has high humidity

d. In general, what is a major difference between winds in the N. verses the S. Hemispheres? North turns towards the right in the directions the wind is blowing and South turns left

62. What kind of electromagnetic radiation has wavelengths slightly longer than visible light? ultraviolet

63. Which of the following diagrams most accurately depicts surface wind patterns in the Northern Hemisphere? Bottom left hand

64. Label the diagram of the Greenhouse Effect. 1. visible light or insolation 2. Earth’s surface absorbing some light and 4. Reflecting light out 3. Visible light being reflected back out by clouds 5. Infrared or terrestrial radiation being reflected back into the atmosphere by greenhouse gases 6. Infrared/terrestrail radiation escaping the troposphere 7 radiation begin absorbed by grenhouse gases and reradiating some back out

65. Which processes on the graph give

off energy? Which require energy? Exothermic processes give off energy: gas to solid Endothermic: require energy and are solid to gas



3 4




66. Create a diagram of the Carbon cycle using the terms in the following word bank: photosyntheis, respiration, excretion, decomposition, bruning, volcanic activity : Google an image

67. Label the following terms regarding the water

cycle: condenstion, respiration, tramspiration, evaporation

Highlight and explain which factor is the most significant in terms of global warming:

68. Explain what causes wind. Differences in air pressure

69. Winds are heat transfer by convection .

70. What are three types of locations on Earth that would be best for wind farms? Coastal, mountains and prairies

71. Explain why coastal regions are so windy…(be specific) differences in specific heat between water and

land. See prior explanantions on the guide

72. Where on Earth do we expect very little wind? Explain why. At the equator, temperatures remain constantly warm with low pressure air that rises vertically and therefore there is very little wind.

73. How are winds named? From the direction they come from

74. A doubling of the wind speen can result in ___8_____ times the power produced.

75. Why should wind turbines be placed higher in the sky instead of close to the ground? There are less

obstacles high off the ground and therefore less friction to interfere with the energy of the wind.

76. Label a basic wind turbine

77. What makes wind turbines most effeicient? See your experimental data

78. Be able to discuss the following relationships with regards to wond turbines: See your experimental data a) pitch and voltage

b) number of blades and voltage

c) surface area and voltage

d) mass and voltage

e) gears and voltage (if we tried this in class)

79. On the airfoil diagram below, draw the

direction of air flow, label fast wind vs slow wind, high pressure and low pressure air. Explain how the plane lifts or a windmill turns due to Newton’s 3rd law and Bernoulli’s principle.

80. Compare the two graphs. What is the relationship between the two graphs?

What is the relationship from 40,000 to 10,000 ybp? Circle one of the following: Inverse Direct

What is the relationship from 10,000 ybp to the present? Circle one of the following: Inverse Direct

81. Why have calcium dust levels changed over time? What information can be inferred from this graph? During an ice age there is more water trapped in ice cover and therefore the ocean levels are lower creating largere beaches and more sea shells are exposed to wind and erosion. When the Earth warms and the ice metls the sea level rises decreasing the amount of calcium dust.

82. Use a previous graph to draw a temperature line on the insolation graph. Give an explanation for the trends illustratd in the last 10,000 years. Although the insolation has decreased over the last 10,000 years, the increase in methane has trapped terrestrial radiation the Earth produces allowing for global warming to continue even with less insolation.

83. Explain the feedback mechanism illustrated in the diagam. If more cloud cover exists then less sunlight can enter resulting in a decrease in temperatures.

84. Identify three methods that scientists can use to study climate in the distant past? Polar ice cores, ocean mud floor samples and leaf margins.

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