pa environment digest oct. 20, 2014

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  • 8/10/2019 Pa Environment Digest Oct. 20, 2014


    PA Environment Digest

    An Update On Environmental Issues In PAEdited By: David E. Hess, Crisci Associates

    Winner 2009 PAEE Business PartnerOf The Year Award

    Harrisburg, Pa October 20, 2014

    Following Senate Approval, House Sends Anti-Stream Buffer Bill To Governor

    By a vote of 118 to 79, the House Wednesday gave final approval

    to House Bill 1565(Hahn-R-Northampton) that environmental

    groups say weakens DEP requirements for stream buffers in

    Special Protection Watersheds. In September, the House passedan earlier version of the bill by the vote of 119 to 79. The bill now

    goes to the Governor for his action.

    Click Hereto see how your House member voted.

    House action Wednesday followed a vote by the Senate

    Tuesday which approved the bill by a vote of 27 to 22. Click

    Hereto see how your Senate member voted.

    Prior to its final Senate action, Sen. John Yudichak (D-Luzerne), Minority Chair of the Senate

    Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, amended the bill to change the provisions of the bill to

    give applicants the option to install practices other than a stream buffer, but only if they can prove other

    practices are substantively equivalent to a stream buffer.

    The amendment also changed the provision allowing the installation of a buffer in other areas,but as close as feasible to the area of disturbance to limit the replacement buffer to areas within the

    same watershed.

    Click Hereif you want to contact Gov. Corbett and urge him to veto House Bill 1565.

    The Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PAwrote to members of both the Senate and House

    opposed to House Bill 1565 saying in part--

    Given the innumerable societal and ecological benefits provided by forested riparian and

    riparian buffers, CBF maintains that House Bill 1565 (P.N. 4258) is fundamentally flawed and could

    result in undesired consequences for Pennsylvania.

    Pennsylvanias Chesapeake Bay Blueprint plan, which consists of the Total Maximum Daily

    Load and the States Watershed Implementation Plan, relies heavily on protecting and restoring forested

    buffers. According to a recent assessment of Pennsylvanias two-year milestones goals, it is estimatedthat the current rate of implementation of 6.44 acres of riparian buffers per day will need to be increased

    to 50.13 acres per day in order to meet the Commonwealths 2017 target for forested riparian buffers.

    This bill will make the 2017 goal of 109,735 acres of forested riparian buffers more challenging

    since we will most likely begin losing existing forested buffers and forgoing opportunities to create new

    forested buffers that are absent of federal and state subsidies. Failure to meet established Chesapeake

    Bay milestone goals could result in the use of backstops by the Federal Environmental Protection

    Agency (EPA).
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    Passage of this legislation could set the Commonwealth back with regards to the federal

    requirements for riparian buffers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, as well as anti-degradation

    requirements in special protection waters.

    The Clean Water Act (CWA) requires the restoration and maintenance of the chemical,

    physical and biological integrity of the Nations waters. (CWA, 33 U.S.C. 1251(a)). The CWA

    and regulations promulgated pursuant to the CWA require states to adopt water quality standardsconsistent with the requirements of the CWA. (CWA, 33. U.S.C. 1313 and 40 CFR 131.1, et


    Once a state identifies the water quality standards of a particular water body, it may not change

    laws that maintain and protect those standards without a substantial and convincing justification and

    EPA review and approval. 33 USC 1313(b)(4)(B) 40 CFR 131.12. This law is called the CWA

    anti-degradation policy and specifically applies to high-quality waters and applies to any activity that

    may cause degradation of a water body.

    Since the EPA has approved the Commonwealths antidegradation policy found at 25 Pa.

    Code 93.4a, et seq., and PA has designated water bodies as exceptional value and high-quality, House

    Bill 1565 (P.N. 4258) could be considered a revision of Pennsylvanias water quality standards in

    violation of Pennsylvanias EPA approved antidegradation regulations and policy.While CBF recognizes the attempts that have been made to improve House Bill 1565 (P.N.

    4258), the language is ambiguous while the science is clearthere is simply no scientifically equivalent

    practice equal to forested riparian buffers.

    Forested riparian buffers have been shown in large and growing number of scientific studies to

    be the best means of protecting and enhancing the quality of the biological, chemical, and physical

    habitat in rivers and streams, including in Pennsylvania.

    And, any attempt to remove this requirement will impact water quality in our special protection


    In fact, forested riparian buffers are so desirable that bills such as this should be set aside while

    we focus our efforts on legislation that supports clean water, such as Senator Raffertys bill, Senate Bill

    1465, (P.N. 2256).

    We strongly urge you to support clean water and vote NO on House Bill 1565 (P.N.4258).

    Sen. Lisa Baker (R-Lackawanna), who supported the bill in the Senate, said, 'm not interested

    in paving the way for huge developments nor trying to punch holes in clean water. My interest is in givin

    relief to landowners who find they can not do improvements to their property costing jobs and

    opportunities that rural areas can ill afford to lose.

    "This bill will allow science to be the key consideration in decision making rather than the map

    so one size doesn't fit all in the Commonwealth. We will be able to use best practices," Sen. Baker said,

    noting that the bill will not take DEP oversight away from on-lot septic, wetlands, or National Pollutant

    Discharge Elimination System permit requirements.

    She called the bill a "reasonable and responsible remedy" that "is fair and balanced."House Bill 1565 has been opposed by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA, PA Environmental

    Council, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, the PA Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, the Fish

    and Boat Commission, PA Chapter National Association of Water Companies, Clean Water Action,

    PA Council of Trout Unlimited, PA Federation of Sportsmens Clubs, PA League of Women Voters,

    PA Land Trust Association, PA Landscape and Nursery Associationand former DEP Secretary David

    E. Hess.

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    Stream Buffer Bill Wins Final OK

    Senate Removes Stream Buffers For New Developments

    Senate OKs Bill Overhauling Stream Pollution Rules

    Bill Altering Buffer Zones Could Threaten Clean Streams

    Bill Would Eliminate Buffer Requirement For PAs Cleanest Streams

    Op-Ed: Legislature Shouldnt Gut States Streamside Protections

    Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA Calls On Gov. Corbett To Veto Anti-Stream Buffer Bill

    Harry Campbell, Pennsylvania Director for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation,

    issued the following statement in response to the General Assemblys

    passage of House Bill 1565(Hahn-R-Northampton) Wednesday.

    CBF is calling on Gov. Corbett to veto House Bill 1565, which now goes to

    his desk after passing both the House and Senate. We are disappointed in

    the passage of this bill, which removes protections for Pennsylvanias most

    pristine streams and allows developers to cut down streamside trees. The bill

    is a huge step backward for the Commonwealths clean water efforts.Pennsylvania has a commitment to clean water, and streamside forested

    buffers are one of the most cost-effective, common-sense solutions to

    reducing pollution, managing floods, and maintaining iconic and economically

    important fish, like the brook trout. It simply does not make sense to allow developers to cut down

    existing trees, or to not require they be planted, on land development larger than one acre.

    The science is clearplanting and preserving trees along streams has innumerable benefits and

    has been widely adopted as a standard pollution prevention practice. Thousands of farmers and

    hundreds of developers, local governments, and businesses throughout the state have already planted

    and preserved buffers. These investments have all been made with the goal of managing polluted runoff,

    reducing flooding, and enhancing property values in the Keystone State.

    Friday, Harry Campbell sent a formal letter to Gov. Corbett asking him to veto the bill. The

    text of the letter follows--

    Dear Governor Corbett:

    On behalf of the over 200,000 members of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, we urge you to

    veto House Bill 1565, a bill that will significantly weaken water quality protection in state designated

    Special Protection Waters in Pennsylvania.

    We ask you to veto this bill for several reasons:

    We believe this legislation reduces the ability of Pennsylvania to meet its commitments under the

    Chesapeake Bay Agreement, which you signed in August. The Bay Agreement and Pennsylvanias

    obligations under the Clean Water Blueprint rely heavily on protecting and restoring forested stream

    buffers. We should be taking steps to encourage more stream buffers in more areas, not significantlyweakening the requirement we have which covers just 4 percent of our watersheds as this bill does.

    Pennsylvania is obligated by the federal Clean Water Act to maintain and not degrade the water

    quality in designated Special Protection Watersheds. We believe this legislation reduces the ability of

    the Commonwealth to meet this anti-degradation requirement and leaves us vulnerable to action by the

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and federal courts determining that our water quality protection

    program does not meet minimum federal requirements. We have made this point very clear in letters to

    both the Senate and House and in more detail.
  • 8/10/2019 Pa Environment Digest Oct. 20, 2014


    The options for meeting any buffer requirements listed in the bill are either not real options, extremely

    ambiguous, or effectively remove the buffer requirement and its benefits. A large and growing body of

    scientific research concludes there are no practices or combination of practicesscientifically

    speakingwhich are substantially equivalent to a forested riparian stream buffer. The other option of

    allowing buffers to be placed, not at the point of the earth disturbance, but at some other location not

    only defeats the purpose of the forested buffer, but potentially puts its benefits nowhere near the impact.We understand there are some legitimate issues with the way the existing buffer requirement is

    administered and we have, through the legislative process, suggested changes like setting a deadline for

    review of these applications by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and devoting more

    DEP staff time to their review. These suggestions have not given serious consideration, in our opinion,

    because the only solution proponents were willing to accept was eliminating the forested buffer


    The science is clearplanting and preserving trees along streams has innumerable benefits and

    has been widely adopted as a standard pollution prevention practice. No other practice has been shown

    to be as effective at protecting and restoring streams.

    Thousands of farmers and hundreds of developers, local groups and governments, and

    businesses throughout the state have already planted and preserved buffers. Simply stated, forestedbuffers are also the most cost-efficient form of water quality protection one can install and protect.

    If this bill becomes law, Pennsylvania will take a big step away from its commitments under the

    Chesapeake Bay Agreement and leave itself vulnerable to actions under the federal Clean Water Act.

    But even more importantly, the water quality in some of Pennsylvanias best watersheds could be

    degraded forever.

    We have appreciated the opportunities the Chesapeake Bay Foundation has had to discuss

    critical water quality issues with you, the staff in your office, and in the DEP and we thank you for

    considering our comments regarding this legislation.


    Harry Campbell

    Pennsylvania Executive Director

    Chesapeake Bay Foundation

    Click Hereif you want to contact Gov. Corbett and urge him to veto House Bill 1565.

    PA Environmental Council Urges Governor To Veto Anti-Stream Buffer Bill

    The PA Environmental Councilsent this letter to Gov. Corbett Thursday urging him to veto House Bill

    1565(Hahn-R-Northampton) that many environmental groups say weakens DEP requirements for

    stream buffers in Special Protection Watersheds. The text of the letter follows

    Dear Governor Corbett:

    On behalf of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC), I am writing to ask you to vetoHouse Bill 1565, which passed the General Assembly yesterday. This legislation, if enacted into law,

    would eliminate the existing requirement of a forested riparian buffer for new development requiring a

    National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit in a High Quality or Exceptional

    Value watershed.

    Given the innumerable societal and ecological benefits provided by riparian buffers, House Bill

    1565, should it become law, could result in undesired consequences detrimental to the citizens and

    environment of Pennsylvania.
  • 8/10/2019 Pa Environment Digest Oct. 20, 2014


    It is important to note that the existing buffer requirement is only triggered by the need for an

    NPDES permit in those limited watersheds, and therefore does not apply to existing landowners and

    their current land use. Further, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection regulations

    already provide a long list of exceptions to the buffer requirement. This requirement can also be

    exempted through a waiver from the Department.

    In her January 29, 2014 testimony before the House Environmental Resources & EnergyCommittee, Deputy Secretary for Water Management Kelly Heffner could not recall a single instance

    where such a waiver was denied. Follow up from the Department to the House Committee confirmed

    this as fact.

    In other words, existing law already provides ample flexibility.

    Enactment of this legislation could set the Commonwealth back with regards to anti-degradation

    requirements in special protection waters as well as to the federal requirements for riparian buffers in the

    Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

    The federal Clean Water Act (CWA) requires the restoration and maintenance of the

    chemical, physical and biological integrity of the Nations waters. The CWA and regulations

    promulgated pursuant to the CWA require states to adopt water quality standards consistent with the

    requirements of the CWA.Once a state identifies the water quality standards of a particular water body, it may not change

    laws that maintain and protect those standards without a substantial and convincing justification and

    EPA review and approval.

    This anti-degradation policy especially applies to high-quality waters and to any activity that may

    cause degradation of a water body. Since the EPA has approved the Commonwealths

    anti-degradation policy, and Pennsylvania has designated water bodies as exceptional value and

    high-quality, House Bill 1565 could possibly be considered a revision of Pennsylvanias water quality

    standards in violation of Pennsylvanias EPA approved anti-degradation regulations and policy.

    Furthermore, riparian buffers prevent property damage and the expense of flooding, a constant

    issue for the Commonwealth over the past several years. Buffers also dramatically reduce stormwater

    management costs help keep streams free of sediment reduce the cost of treating water for potable

    uses and in general, promote and sustain healthier communities. House Bill 1565 will serve to

    exacerbate those problems.

    We urge you to veto this legislation.


    Davitt Woodwell

    President and CEO

    Click Hereif you want to contact Gov. Corbett and urge him to veto House Bill 1565.

    Senate Sends Bill Authorizing 1-House Veto Of PA Climate Plan To Governor

    The Senate Wednesday voted 31 to 17 to send House Bill 2354

    (Snyder-D-Fayette), which authorizes a one-House of the General

    Assembly to veto any greenhouse gas emission reduction plan required

    by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to the Governor for his


    Click Hereto see how your Senate member voted.

    Tuesday night the Senate voted 29 to 20 to revert to the
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    original House-passed language containing the 1-House veto provisions. Click Hereto see how your

    Senate member voted.

    The vote removed an amendment added by Sen. John Rafferty (R-Montgomery) in Senate

    Appropriations Committeelast week which eliminated the one-House veto provision and instead

    provides for an enhanced review of any greenhouse gas emission reduction plan proposed by DEP

    and provide any comments on the plan to DEP.The vote also removed a specific provision added by Sen. Rafferty authorizing DEP to submit a

    greenhouse gas emission reduction plan to EPA in compliance with federal requirements,

    notwithstanding any other provision of the bill.

    The Pennsylvania Environmental Councilwrote to members of the Senate and the House

    expressing its opposition to House Bill 2354(Snyder-D-Fayette) saying the legislation was premature

    and not in the interests of the Commonwealth and may result in the federal government imposing its own

    plan on Pennsylvania.

    To members of the General Assembly, PEC said--

    By authorizing a one-House veto of any plan the Department develops, House Bill 2354 goes

    far beyond the oversight role the General Assembly should have over the implementation of

    environmental regulations in the Commonwealth. It replaces any balanced discussion of the actions weshould take and turns this into an unguided political football.

    In contrast to the oversight role the General Assembly has already carved out for itself under

    the Regulatory Review Act, it does not require passage of a concurrent House-Senate resolution with

    an opportunity to sign or veto that resolution by the Governor. It allows one chamber to veto those

    plans and force the Department to start over. This creates a serious chilling effect on any effort to pass

    necessary measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our Commonwealth.

    In 2008 the General Assembly passed bipartisan legislation -- the Pennsylvania Climate

    Change Act -- laying out a thoughtful process for detailing the contributions the Commonwealth makes

    to climate change, and offers members of the General Assembly a direct role in helping to formulate a

    Climate Change Action Plan through the Climate Change Advisory Committee.

    Further, the Air Pollution Control Act requires any changes to the State Implementation Plan, which

    ultimately any climate change plan would be, to have extensive public review before it is forwarded to


    The Regulatory Review Act requires any regulations proposed to implement the State

    Implementation Plan to be reviewed by the Independent Regulatory Review Commission and the

    General Assembly under an extensive process, allowing for concurrent resolution and the Governors


    Now House Bill 2354 would add a fourth bite at the apple for interests who oppose action on

    this critical and complex issue by authorizing a one-House veto. It makes a decision that should be

    decided on facts and substantive analysis into a political debate without any criteria to guide the General

    Assemblys review.The timing of this legislation is also off. EPAs proposed 111(d) rulemaking is still undergoing

    public review it is likely that numerous and substantial comments will be raised and considered by

    EPA. Accordingly, the content of EPAs final rule is uncertain. Therefore, any legislative action relating

    to or in anticipation of EPAs rule would be untimely given the likely timeframes for promulgation of a

    final rule and subsequent State Plan development.

    We fully recognize that EPAs proposal, if finalized, will require an unprecedented undertaking

    for the people and environment of our Commonwealth. Nonetheless, Pennsylvania must take action.
  • 8/10/2019 Pa Environment Digest Oct. 20, 2014


    PEC unequivocally supports prompt reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from all sources and sectors

    across the Commonwealth. Decision making toward that goal must be based on substantive analysis.

    House Bill 2354 would unbalance that equation and impair Pennsylvanias ability to advance a

    strong and sound emissions reduction strategy, potentially forcing EPA to impose its rules directly on

    Pennsylvania. We suspect this is not the desired outcome by the General Assembly.

    Rep. Pam Snyder (D-Fayette), prime sponsor of the bill said, The state legislature will be thefinal arbiter of how the Commonwealth approaches greenhouse gas regulation. It is what we were

    elected to do, and leaving Pennsylvanias energy destiny in the hands of unelected, unaccountable

    federal regulators would be irresponsible.

    "Were under a federal mandate to cut coal plants carbon dioxide emissions by 32 percent by

    2030. However, we can meet that mandate while still protecting jobs, pocketbooks and power supplies

    by insisting on a process that includes all stakeholders and viewpoints."

    Click Hereif you want to contact Gov. Corbett and urge him to veto House Bill 2354.


    Senate OKs Larger Role For General Assembly Climate Plan

    Lawmakers OK Bill To Approve Greenhouse Gas Plans

    Is Climate Plan Bill A Victory For Coal Or Much Ado About Nothing? Climate Activists Protest In Pittsburgh

    Marchers Head To Pittsburgh To Warn Of Climate Change

    Letter: PA Has Gone Further To Reduce Drilling Methane Emissions

    Letter: PA Climate Plan Should Get Legislative Review

    Op-Ed: PA Backs Fossil Fuels Not Clean Energy, Pat Lupo OSB

    Editorial: Pre-Emptive Strike On Cleaner Air By House

    Editorial: Politics Wont Clean The Air

    Editorial: Climate Wars, Pentagon Doesnt Need More Hotspots

    Editorial: Make Natural Gas Bridge Fulfill Role

    PEC Urges Governor To Veto Bill Allowing General Assembly To Block PA Climate Plans

    The PA Environmental Councilsent this letter to Gov. Corbett Thursday urging him to veto House Bill

    2354(Snyder-D-Fayette), which authorizes a one-House of the General Assembly to veto any

    greenhouse gas emission reduction plan required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The

    text of the letter follows

    Dear Gov. Corbett:

    On behalf of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC), I am writing to urge your veto of

    House Bill 2354, which passed the General Assembly yesterday. House Bill 2354 authorizes a

    one-House veto of any plan the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (Department)

    develops to comply with a proposed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulation under Section111(d) of the federal Clean Air Act.

    PEC believes this legislation is an inappropriate and premature response to the serious issue of

    climate change.

    By authorizing a one-House veto of any plan the Department develops, House Bill 2354 goes

    far beyond the oversight role the General Assembly should have over the implementation of

    environmental regulations in the Commonwealth. It replaces any balanced discussion of the actions we

    should take and turns the issue into an unguided political football.
  • 8/10/2019 Pa Environment Digest Oct. 20, 2014


    In contrast to the oversight role the General Assembly has already carved out for itself under the

    Regulatory Review Act, it does not require passage of a concurrent House-Senate resolution with an

    opportunity to sign or veto that resolution by the Governor. It allows one chamber to veto those plans

    and force the Department to start over. This creates a serious chilling effect on any effort to pass

    necessary measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our Commonwealth.

    In 2008 the General Assembly passed bipartisan legislation -- the Pennsylvania Climate ChangeAct -- laying out a thoughtful process for detailing the contributions the Commonwealth makes to

    climate change, and offers members of the General Assembly a direct role in helping to formulate a

    Climate Change Action Plan through the Climate Change Advisory Committee.

    Further, the Air Pollution Control Act requires any changes to the State Implementation Plan,

    which ultimately any climate change plan would be, to have extensive public review before it is

    forwarded to EPA.

    The Regulatory Review Act requires any regulations proposed to implement the State

    Implementation Plan to be reviewed by the Independent Regulatory Review Commission and the

    General Assembly under an extensive process, allowing for concurrent resolution and the Governors


    Now House Bill 2354 would add a fourth bite at the apple for interests who oppose action onthis critical and complex issue by authorizing a one-House veto. It makes a decision that should be

    decided on facts and substantive analysis into a political debate without any criteria to guide the General

    Assemblys review.

    The timing of this legislation is also off. EPAs proposed 111(d) rulemaking is still undergoing

    public review it is likely that numerous and substantial comments will be raised and considered by

    EPA. Accordingly, the content of EPAs final rule is uncertain. Therefore, any legislative action relating

    to or in anticipation of EPAs rule would be untimely given the likely timeframes for promulgation of a

    final rule and subsequent State Plan development.

    We fully recognize that EPAs proposal, if finalized, will require an unprecedented undertaking

    for the people and environment of our Commonwealth. Nonetheless, Pennsylvania must take action.

    PEC unequivocally supports prompt reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from all sources and sectors

    across the Commonwealth. Decision making toward that goal must be based on substantive analysis.

    House Bill 2354 would unbalance that equation and impair Pennsylvanias ability to advance a

    strong and sound emissions reduction strategy, potentially forcing EPA to impose its rules directly on

    Pennsylvania. We suspect this is not the desired outcome by you or the General Assembly.

    We ask that you veto this legislation.


    Davitt Woodwell

    President and CEO

    Click Hereif you want to contact Gov. Corbett and urge him to veto House Bill 2354.

    The Environment Lost In Last 2 Days Of Session, Now Its Up To Gov. Corbett

    The House has one more voting day left this year on Monday, but, for all intents and purposes, action

    on environmental legislation is finished for this year. And there will be no lame duck session after

    election day November 4, as of now.

    The Senate and House sent two bad environmental bills to the Governors desk this week--

    House Bill 1565(Hahn-R-Northampton) eliminating the current requirement for stream buffers in High
  • 8/10/2019 Pa Environment Digest Oct. 20, 2014


    Quality and Exceptional Value streams and House Bill 2354(Snyder-D-Fayette), which authorizes a

    one-House of the General Assembly to veto any greenhouse gas emission reduction plan required by

    the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

    Click Hereif you want to contact Gov. Corbett and urge him to veto House Bill 1565 and

    House Bill 2354.

    Also making it to the Governors desk were---- Energy Efficiency Technology:House Bill 1672(Miller-R-York) providing for testing of energy

    efficiency technologies. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.

    -- Oil & Gas Royalties:House Bill 402(Pickett-R-Bradford) further providing for the recording of oil

    and gas leases. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.

    -- Oil & Gas Well Production Reporting:House Bill 2278 (Pickett-R-Bradford) requiring monthly

    reporting of oil and gas production from unconventional oil and gas wells. A summary and House Fiscal

    Noteare available.

    -- Nuclear Reactor Fees:Senate Bill 1355(Yaw-R-Lycoming) increasing nuclear reactor and nuclear

    fuel transportation fees. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.

    -- Geospatial Board:Senate Bill 771(Gordner-R-Columbia) establishing the State Geospatial

    Coordinating Board. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.-- Public Disaster Grants:Senate Bill 720(Baker-R-Luzerne) establishing the Public Disaster

    Assistance Grant Program. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.

    Now its up to Gov. Corbett to sign or veto the bills.

    Pending In The House

    The House could still take action Monday on this resolution (sneak something else through)--

    -- North American Oil Reserves: House Resolution 249(Swanger-R-Lebanon) supporting

    increased development and delivery of oil from North American oil reserves- sponsor summary-- is on

    the House Calendar for action.

    Missed Opportunities

    The General Assembly missed the opportunity to send these good bills to the Governors


    -- Drinking Water Well Standards: House Bill 343(Miller-R-York) setting standards for drinking

    water wells is still in the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.

    -- Green State Buildings:House Bill 34(Harper-R-Montgomery) setting green building standards for

    state owned or leased buildings. A similar bill-- Senate Bill 1061(Rafferty-R-Montgomery)-- was

    amended to include the provisions of House Bill 34 and then referred to the Senate Appropriations

    Committee where it remained.

    -- Sewer/Water P2 Partnerships:House Bill 2239(Evankovich-R-Armstrong) authorizing

    public-private partnerships for sewer, water, school district projects remains Tabled in the House.

    -- Backup Generators: House Bill 1699(Ross-R-Chester) setting air quality standards for backup

    generators is in the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.Other Bills Left Behind

    These other environmental bills, good and bad, did not make it to the Governors desk, but are

    likely to be reintroduced next year--

    -- Eliminating Protections For Endangered Species:Senate Bill 1047(Scarnati-R- Jefferson)

    would eliminate some protections for endangered species and set additional requirements for adopting

    Wild Trout Streams. It remains in the Senate Game and Fisheries Committee. Click Herefor

    background on the bill.
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    A House version was also introduced: House Bill 1576(Pyle-R-Armstrong) remains on the

    House Calendar. Click Herefor background on the bill.

    -- Nutrient Reduction Watershed Scheme:Senate Bill 994 (Vogel-R-Beaver) would construct an

    unaffordable scheme to fund one technology that claims to reduce nutrients from manure. The bill

    remains Tabled in the Senate. The backers of this legislation already said it will be reintroduced in some

    form. Click Herefor background on the bill.-- Leasing DCNR Land For Alternative Energy Development:Senate Bill 684(Wozniak-D-

    Cambria) further providing for the leasing of DCNR lands for wind, solar and other energy projects is in

    the Senate Appropriations Committee.

    -- PA Grade Crude Development Advisory Council:Senate Bill 1310(Hutchinson-R- Venango)

    creating the PA Grade Crude Development Advisory Council within DEP is in the House State

    Government Committee.

    -- Leasing State Lands For Mineral Development:Senate Bill 1443(White-R-Indiana) amending

    the Indigenous Mineral Resources Development Act to authorized state agencies (other than DCNR) to

    release mineral rights whether they owned the surface rights or not is in the House Environmental

    Resources and Energy Committee.

    -- Natural Gas Royalties: House Bill 1684(Everett-R-Lycoming) which seeks to clarify a minimumroyalty payment in state law has been on the House Calendar for action.

    -- Natural Gas Royalties:Senate Bill 1236would expand upon the Oil and Gas Lease Act by

    allowing royalty interest owners the opportunity to inspect records of natural gas companies to verify

    proper payments. In addition, the bill requires all royalty payments be made within 60 days of

    production unless otherwise stated in the contract. Any delinquent payments are to be paid with

    interest. The bill is in the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.

    -- Natural Gas Royalties:Senate Bill 1237would prohibit a gas company from retaliating against any

    royalty interest owner by terminating their lease agreement or ceasing development on leased property

    because a royalty interest owner questions the accuracy of current royalty payments. Companies found

    to have violated the provisions of this act face civil penalties of up to $1,000 per day. The bill is in the

    House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee.

    -- Natural Gas Royalties:Senate Bill 1238would require a gas company to record a surrender

    document in the county Recorder of Deeds office where the oil and gas well is located within 30 days

    upon expiration, termination, or forfeiture of an oil and gas lease. The surrender document will release

    the gas companys interests in the oil and gas. This is similar to what a mortgage company would be

    required to do after a mortgage was paid in full. The bill is in the House Environmental Resources and

    Energy Committee.

    -- Variable Electric Rate Contracts: House Bill 2104(Godshall-R-Montgomery) further providing

    for consumer protections in variable rate electric supplier contracts is on the House Calendar for action.

    Heres How To Contact Gov. Corbett To Urge Him To Veto Anti-Buffer, Climate Plan Bill

    Click Hereif you want to contact Gov. Corbett and urge him to veto House Bill 1565

    (Hahn-R-Northampton) eliminating the current requirement for stream buffers in High Quality and

    Exceptional Value streams and House Bill 2354(Snyder-D-Fayette), which authorizes a one-House of

    the General Assembly to veto any greenhouse gas emission reduction plan required by the U.S.

    Environmental Protection Agency.
  • 8/10/2019 Pa Environment Digest Oct. 20, 2014


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    Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule (Updated)/Bills Introduced

    Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a

    list of new environmental bills introduced--

    Bill Calendars

    House (October 20): House Bill 202(Harper-R-Montgomery) prohibiting standby water service

    charges for fire companies House Bill 1684(Everett-R-Lycoming) which seeks to clarify a minimum

    royalty payment in state law House Bill 1576(Pyle-R-Armstrong) would eliminate some protections forendangered species and set additional requirements for adopting Wild Trout Streams House Bill 2104

    (Godshall-R-Montgomery) further providing for consumer protections in variable rate electric supplier

    contracts House Bill 2393(Kampf-R-Chester) providing a program to extend natural gas delivery to

    unserved or underserved areas- sponsor summary House Bill 2419(Turzai-R-Allegheny), reducing the

    spending cap for Capital Budget Projects by $4 billion House Resolution 249(Swanger-R- Lebanon)

    supporting increased development and delivery of oil from North American oil reserves- sponsor

    summary. Click Herefor full House Bill Calendar.
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    Senate (Adjourned):All bills left on the Senate Calendar were Tabled when the Senate adjourned as

    is the custom in the Senate. Click Herefor full Senate Bill Calendar.

    Committee Meeting Agendas This Week

    Note:House Committee meetings can happen at any time during its last day of session.

    House: Click Herefor full House Committee Schedule.

    Senate: Click Herefor full Senate Committee Schedule.

    Bills Pending In Key Committees

    Here are links to key Standing Committees in the House and Senate and the bills pending in each--



    Environmental Resources and Energy

    Consumer Affairs

    Gaming Oversight

    Human Services


    Liquor Control


    Links for all other Standing House Committees



    Environmental Resources and Energy

    Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure

    Community, Economic and Recreational Development



    Law and Justice

    Public Health and Welfare

    TransportationLinks for all other Standing Senate Committees

    Bills Introduced

    The following bills of interest were introduced this week--

    Pipeline Impact Fee: Senate Bill 1499(Rafferty-R-Montgomery) would establish an impact fee for
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    natural gas and oil pipelines collected by the Public Utility Commission and distributed to counties and

    municipalities through which pipelines are located.

    Session Schedule (Updated)

    Here is the latest voting session schedule for the Senate and House--

    House (Updated)

    October 20

    November 12 (non-voting, reorganization session)


    November 12 (non-voting, reorganization session)

    Bills On Governor's Desk

    The following bills were given final approval by the Senate and House and are now on the Governor's

    desk for action--

    Anti-Stream Buffers:House Bill 1565(Hahn-R-Northampton) that environmental groups say

    weakens DEP requirements for stream buffers in Special Protection Watersheds. A summary of the

    House Fiscal Noteare available.


    Stream Buffer Bill Wins Final OK

    Senate Removes Stream Buffers For New Developments

    Senate OKs Bill Overhauling Stream Pollution RulesBill Altering Buffer Zones Could Threaten Clean Streams

    Bill Would Eliminate Buffer Requirement For PAs Cleanest Streams

    Op-Ed: Legislature Shouldnt Gut States Streamside Protections

    Veto Of Climate Plan: House Bill 2354(Snyder-D-Fayette) which authorizes a one-House of the

    General Assembly to veto any greenhouse gas emission reduction plan required by the U.S.

    Environmental Protection Agency. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.


    Senate OKs Larger Role For General Assembly Climate Plan

    Lawmakers OK Bill To Approve Greenhouse Gas Plans

    Is Climate Plan Bill A Victory For Coal Or Much Ado About Nothing? Letter: PA Climate Plan Should Get Legislative Review

    Editorial: Pre-Emptive Strike On Cleaner Air By House

    Editorial: Politics Wont Clean The Air

    Energy Efficiency Technology:House Bill 1672(Miller-R-York) providing for testing of energy

    efficiency technologies. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.
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    Oil & Gas Royalties:House Bill 402(Pickett-R-Bradford) further providing for the recording of oil

    and gas leases. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.

    Oil & Gas Well Production Reporting:House Bill 2278 (Pickett-R-Bradford) requiring monthly

    reporting of oil and gas production from unconventional oil and gas wells. A summary and House Fiscal

    Noteare available.

    Nuclear Reactor Fees:Senate Bill 1355(Yaw-R-Lycoming) increasing nuclear reactor and nuclear

    fuel transportation fees. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.

    Geospatial Board:Senate Bill 771(Gordner-R-Columbia) establishing the State Geospatial

    Coordinating Board. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.

    Public Disaster Grants:Senate Bill 720(Baker-R-Luzerne) establishing the Public Disaster

    Assistance Grant Program. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.

    Senate/House Bills Moving

    The following bills of interest saw action this week in the House and Senate--


    Nuclear Reactor Fees:Senate Bill 1355(Yaw-R-Lycoming) increasing nuclear reactor and nuclear

    fuel transportation fees was passed by the House and concurred in by the Senate. A summary and

    House Fiscal Noteare available. The bill now goes to the Governor for his action.

    Public Disaster Grants:Senate Bill 720(Baker-R-Luzerne) establishing the Public DisasterAssistance Grant Program was reported from the House Appropriations Committee, was passed by the

    House and concurred in by the Senate. A summary and House Fiscal Note are available. The bill now

    goes to the Governor for his action.

    Geospatial Board:Senate Bill 771(Gordner-R-Columbia) establishing the State Geospatial

    Coordinating Board was passed by the House without amendment and now goes to the Governor for

    his action. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.


    Anti-Stream Buffers:House Bill 1565(Hahn-R-Northampton) that environmental groups sayweakens DEP requirements for stream buffers in Special Protection Watersheds was passed by the

    Senate 27 to 22 and returned to the House which voted 118 to 79 to concur in the amendments made

    by the Senate. A summary of the House Fiscal Noteare available. The bill now goes to the Governor

    for his action.


    Stream Buffer Bill Wins Final OK

    Senate Removes Stream Buffers For New Developments
  • 8/10/2019 Pa Environment Digest Oct. 20, 2014


    Senate OKs Bill Overhauling Stream Pollution Rules

    Bill Altering Buffer Zones Could Threaten Clean Streams

    Bill Would Eliminate Buffer Requirement For PAs Cleanest Streams

    Op-Ed: Legislature Shouldnt Gut States Streamside Protections

    Veto Of Climate Plan: House Bill 2354(Snyder-D-Fayette) which authorizes a one-House of theGeneral Assembly to veto any greenhouse gas emission reduction plan required by the U.S.

    Environmental Protection Agency. The Senate reverted to the House-passed language by a vote of 29

    to 20 and it was then passed by the Senate 31 to 17. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.

    The bill now goes to the Governor for his action.


    Senate OKs Larger Role For General Assembly Climate Plan

    Lawmakers OK Bill To Approve Greenhouse Gas Plans

    Is Climate Plan Bill A Victory For Coal Or Much Ado About Nothing?

    Letter: PA Climate Plan Should Get Legislative Review

    Editorial: Pre-Emptive Strike On Cleaner Air By House

    Editorial: Politics Wont Clean The Air

    Oil & Gas Royalties:House Bill 402(Pickett-R-Bradford) further providing for the recording of oil

    and gas leases was passed by the Senate without amendment and now goes to the Governor for his

    action. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.

    Oil & Gas Well Production Reporting:House Bill 2278(Pickett-R-Bradford) requiring semi-annual

    reporting of oil and gas production was passed by the Senate without changes and now goes to the

    Governor for his action. A summary and House Fiscal Noteare available.

    News From The Capitol

    Bill Sent To Governor To Improve PA Geospatial Information System Data

    The House gave final approval Wednesday to Senate Bill 771(Gordner-R-Columbia) designed to

    improve coordination of geospatial information systems (GIS) sending it to Gov. Corbett for his action.

    Senate Bill 771 creates a joint state advisory board to bring together state, local, private and

    academic interests currently working with GIS.

    Currently, GIS is used at and depends upon data from all levels of government, but is

    uncoordinated, said Sen. John Gordner. The ability to coordinate GIS will avoid duplication, result in

    more accurate and reliable data, and will ultimately reduce costs by reducing redundancies through

    improved efficiency.Senate Bill 771 creates a state advisory board to advise and recommend policies to encourage

    data sharing and collaboration. As an example, Senator Gordner said better coordination between state,

    county and federal GIS would be a valuable tool to assist the Commonwealth in working with the

    federal government on floodplain management issues.

    In our area, weve seen the fallout from federal efforts to revamp the National Flood Insurance

    Program, which has negatively affected a large number of property owners along the Susquehanna

    River, said Sen. Gordner. There have been instances of technical errors in the floodplain maps,
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    resulting in developed land unnecessarily designated in higher risk categories.

    The legislation received unanimous approval in both the Senate and the House. A summary and

    House Fiscal Noteare available.

    News From Around The State

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