pacific ,v1

Post on 25-Dec-2021






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TO THE POINT: Shigeki Sugiyama

Inaugural Speech ... " t. D ()

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.., tIr UN ....... , c _ _ ,.f \tM; w."-al J.,_ ~ 0 __ LM,...

DIll.> IIW'-" IIf ....... IlfId u.. ....,. .If nwllo .... ,1 _ OlIN lilt _'-" _' 1atR"' ~- ... I>I .... ..-.., .. ___ aou, .... -....-

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PACIFIC ,v1<;ITIZEN , .';'" 1M At'IIIIII U" fCQ l1,; dill M.o\ ,"",.It

• ~ a... ~,.,.- ..... ~ c.III'. '"

VOL. 1Q NO. G PRIDAY, AtiGUSl' II. 1074 .... " .... ,... .... U. f1 ,_ •


I"cllm"nl h"m,

Ocfulcd by (DC

Goy.rna, U ~. h"

Reparations for

evacueesslill high

on JACL priority

., c. ...... 'o .. •• I,,,,,, Att,,,,, ..

Chapter propositions evaluated



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PACIFIC CITIZEN OIl I ~ •• ':, ' .... " _ .e

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• Hn..., 1( , Hond •




Well Valley JACL Ihowl why III IIlel drop-in

cenler raled 1972-73 Inagakl chapler prize

h. fh, ' ullo, CI""n. All, Il. 1949

r.. _, ... , r I)ow ... t~ ,...".....

I ..... 1 Q("T, '. n ,d II' """...."fQml ~ "",,_,, .1 W, 1<, I" .. '>f Un. 4'o\(ju!ft<, ..... , ... In ""HI L~ "'- "'I>", '" I'L~ .. ., 11_ II:JU' 'lfUltl ... , ..... , Iu "'~ '" ,.,-..... _"" cit ... h. 'bt, " ......... """- 14,(,,,,..- ,. ' ....... ,,, ".,..,L.t III I.II! Ioloodl -.",(t", •• ttl ..... I .. l.l'~ ~LUI '. HI nlUaQllup ~l •••



On World Population • • •

JACL Directory

l'o., ..... u ••• ___ o.'t14 t:. 1.:11> ... £"ooa.l!,. nu.rc.. J.p.~ ("."In n""_,., .... _ JO» a...,.. ~,C ,I "Ill \\ ....... _ .,~ .... u._ " __ on. __

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I»" ~b"""'" Rd., W ~d C'MtI~. PL !lUll

P\'l" r-~. /d,n.1td J' ........ ~sw

Wublt>rtz, DC _tl

• • • 1m N .h ....

Frying Pan .

• • n. ahwrr. ty "t ClIll.VE"mln JOhNtln', thlTt:GS

!. "II'" lM .p~rtnl t4d.y But h,a, k In II2~JJllr' faul" run '\"' Pfllp!. wllo A.d this dllpat.cll mu.t un· acupte 11 u ,_pel. Alld • Irnenllnn whkh ,fI"A up (lD UW tlnd Dt noryellM 'Mut th. "Jr."" mrlU(~" Nord!)' CQllid lit' upec:tfd 10 ':fl nelle. IbQut thll chi! "11111 Df "JlpI"In 1"2


Banter over Creed

~pI nil: I'" cll.,~", ,~ n,,,,U.,ln, .. ~ '''rn ut C;",,"Ioo'Jf' 1~",,,1. tofU to Kh ... tol Hlnlt<' ~I Illncklnn 110m J<>II.,.hu 11I'~"p

A.II"". N~tald of AnIP1.. In 'h. ~. ~~ • ...,.,nd II _lin!'",!'. Ir. thorn loll I, n .... 1 .. "ln T"'mu... tI"d4hlt, /·hu"h.. I

Dubbed Siockion's Henry Killinger.

he negollales relurn of lemple bell

""'" "'Ill. '" 'oc ftM ,~



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Pacific Cltlzen-l


Nisei of the Biennium e,p "i. b '1,1'1

,,1 lilt' B,~, m ,.

Otll.1I "1111'111111"

Raymo"d 5honli Uno

" "I It ~ ,!<Ir,. " If V'" rl\ Ii

n..,........... s-.t '1 •• " ... u.n. ,..., .1 I"~"~"" _"" ,~."''""'' ...... 1 ,.. ....... 1 r", , .... ".IHIIIII "&'~IU"" H~"u""'"I,,, .... e ...... r'" J_ • "'~. MItt .. p' .... ... ,,0, .~, I 11.1, I •••

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~" ... t", ,II .. J'F' r\4'" Ar...nua ,II. JAC"L (' ....... ...,.,"" ,,,n ... ,

' MEDULlO ..

Yu'M Y. Inouye


Fritln \ue II IIlH

• !Cltl 11:11"111",11

On Margin



August Events a.". ttl, ,I .. ';:,," h, .. ,.. .. "y JAC ......

B<!.k,lrf JAC" u lQl • lola fOr. Itlp I .. ...", ,,,, HOI1b •• .". ... ' 1 flART '!.oUOD Alii _ad ..... .", '" 10 Ibt ,;,,;,;,;;;; I _I.,. .

toll". C,"t. hu • " '" .... "t: 0 .. ., .t CI":II.

Confab Briefs Workshops -' ~"". W ' " '''' .... ,.

'"" "'""" •• ",.,. "nu r ...... I .. The.-ol .... U _, \1.,,, ~,.. n .. ,Jld. po"ldl'o'"' In

""'''<II or,.... ., ,,,II'" 'n_ U ... ,-.,. _,I·, .. , l.h ... I ...... " .. clift,", • ,,,,.. tII'~ 'I' " ''''"f'~ ' JAY 1><" .......... 1'111., .--. n """. '1"" od h • ....".,. Ilo ,he MIoI ..... ' b- I>f'OIU , .... ''''.1 ." sa O .. ,olrl V "" I h .. "tk ..... tlmpL_ .. hllh kI ~.I.I 10.'09 • ) ......... Ch.~ "'" _O<tlall .. rl. Un"'" MJ)\'C 1.-J .. , J',_

C .... h~lt> \ •• 11. C""'" _ .. 01 at"' ..... ' HC'''''''' d,i. N<>r\II ... n Din 1 w.._ 'el ,,,~ _I WO"'\l"l o Obi '" .~ .. "1.01,.. 'OOIlh',,1

I !to In Jilt'!. 1_'0'. IIM .. I ~ Ih. ... .. 01 'hI ..... ~ ,

Wllh;IIrtoll. D.C . • u. 25 4.,.,.t ..

Now in a R.vil.d

P.perback Edition

.t $3.95

til W,IIi.lm Mono .... '" Corn,vw ' .. e


Deditlttd to Iitt lutl "\Nf!a m.dt it ~II postlbh-~

Th~ dlSllllSIII,htd work commemor.1H v.d ~rd s thr herit.1ls., lfIe artiuls, ~nd tht 'Plendtd lriumphs of .1I111M~e Amerluns dU""111ie p I 100 ye.rll.

It IS. hook rie.r.lVinll of J pl~ (e of honor In )'Ou ~home -, book your children .nd the/r chlldletl will rud :lome d.v with sre.t pride ~nd plwu'r.

.. ~n riC>llIll"U .<WIlt/bu'.lm UI I1Il' cl."I~ fmm.,,,nlll(l'l' III" IrlQDtl (1(1 • ",,,I, btl, nol ItuJrn'//Q~r ~mMl (If 'he Aml'l',un ... ,.

_W,III,m HOIoIM. ~. n Iwlt't..:o C~IOfI'(1f'

~ td>,1lf. fill d'~IIur. /,~"

• III'h .... ~,'~.,.onpNt"'"

·GI4m-,n HIli,

........ y'm I,,.,,., Iool'.f'\"'~

.- ..• "'I".'~"~ ."d ."',\,rnW It.u.r1Jlr /LIUn .. /'lid> ml,hl \\ell be" rrollllf'(/ It.,.

boM ,., /'Nn.W- Am~II(l'" In ~""''' 01 w·,~t/U.ll""

Jlj\jo • fZd, Ucm (,IUO U., pn~l

I ,~,. JIDt!i mud _ otdltlao)

,< 10 ..,boocnbt" III 1IpI, P"PtI ".00 ",\h COOIpOII below

CIflC CITIUN Will ... S~. LcIo AtI~ CalU. 1001'

"r -L-OOCIiflofNISfI 5900 Hbt'$eonwl

• btdI (f4.AO _tp~) tndoIed,,-, __ _ J .,.". £diU. "II _tpuo! wI1b fOInI(ID)

A~ ,~,, ________________________________ _

U ... I'", ....... b ••• 1 COP'IS U.p;tnua edlUor,l .. , .I to .v.llabla a, NaI!\IfWl J ACL H • .ctq .... ".u "nd .. 1.10 loIl(lWtroC JACI. (h'pl'tt en/up, Clnc'"IMU. D'tlilfl, Mllw, ... k", 51. leN!, ,nc; Twl" Cn,,:..


PC cGnI~jb u l or


~ill {~

~~ J Nam's

Restauranf ~~ ­'-'- ­---- _ .. -­....... Co


)Bnttanp "- -,...,--" . ... -'-n..~ .... 1'J

21.' ...... _" Tal, n6-4996

'.--TIn Sing Restaur."'


, NIl ....... rtIlUI 1iUI1ilUIfI ftITD ... . .. -... ... .

.. .loCO; ,.r'" .... a~. D


MA 4.1075 !


e mlYRKO ....... _---

& OATHAYDeCIlAIIDK A 0I'1'If3fi 1UST1lt.V\NT F()I.. ~

WHO WNff TO ENJOV 1"HE IlEAL CH'i>IESE RlC.£' -• - T,., Ow~ .. ~ Owdo e $ R#


I......n. 0-.. • (".:dJ,o.". Tob ~ cw.. W.Iw~"o.,.

1600 N .. Arnie A ..... Hollywrood. CUit. 9OQ2I I .. ..... (213) 461...40T7 •


u.a . COFFEE Sl1CP REST AI.: IV-'(t SWI.W/I'\If:'; PCOI. INDOOit ''''KING

~",",CMo!.'_ ' 1'\1-

G..UDIIUo _ "'" IMlO'l'4lLl U,."USI CCIMIoIUMm

Poine.Hil Gardens Motel Apts.. ,~ : 314.Si13 --

Yaman Kamo1boko _W.I,," .1'10_ .. , __ '_l __

S!.)_ ... ~

UMEYA's exciting gift of


crispy goodness 1 .... -.­---

Japan Today I .... • Itl'''' .... 0111'1& ••

Aloha from HawaII

• Al,n Bukm,n

Book Review TRANSLATION OF JA'J.t-IUE cu.ssles

Sen. Inouye- -

8ell W I~es for Nl!,e l WHk

KING'S TABLE RESTAURANT Roann .. et , .. '·ltOI

'Ite! itl",.. t.allf.

Bat Wishes for N ile) W«k


C"feU, Calif.

But Wi,"eI for Nly l WM.k

ATLAS LINOLEUM & SHADE CO. AU New Anmll"O" 1 Soliltl,n .

52ll E. '.werly Never NHCI WlJli",


On II" H.rlll~ of Jip.nul AlMr"' ... , in H.w.1J

JAN KEN PO I , D •• 0. •• 10 0, ..... U.lo , I H ..... h

. . en. .1 ,,,- ""''' ro'"oIoJr,g .nd .. MI,!:>I, • ""If ... b,o . J_.~ Atro,,~ ... ,,,,... H.o .. ,,1 ..... 4,. .... I..,... N . ..... ~ ...... holjW' ..... _,II.." knl/'ClducliCn f(> , lie ,_ .............. ,"~ ,.0\,,,,-,,, tho c"""",1uJ1'( .1 ~ ....... 00 . ..

-5 ... DotII. l K. 1_


Pacific Cltizen-5 YrfdAy, Au, ~, lint


_ .... 4 .. " ......

• 4~l_ lIt t , ... k.



,.,"I~H... '" _ ,

0.., ... _ Leiooaf Ull N l.ot--. LA.

A£ ,.1121 10HM TT , ... lto .. dSOCUN


'Cherry aralld' MU1VAL sum., CD.

,ItO s- ... U . t1

'.pire Printing Co. COM...uClAL .... SCICIIoL 1'II.lJ."~ ["g'loh _ , __

-114 W,tI,r lot I 90012

Eagle Produce MA )..2101

Bonded. CommlWoa llardlJ.nll

_ Wboltsala Fruill and Veitllblel -Lo. An ~I .. 1.5

6-Pacific Citi%en FrIday, Aug, 9, 1974

ON STAGE George Takei mllUJIlUDlIIlIUlUlllUlDllllIlllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllll1l



"'ont Norl!t, m.nt.eo!I 'MI~ 14 lIne8 Tllnnda.) I.n 1969, th Judge Harq W, Low. 43, WOI C d IIvl Croco(\ 0 nee mor .. northern Morlnnas vol<!d kI InduolA!d O~ auperklr court ree - '.('he cbalr, George YamuakI mergc wIth Gltum bul th Jurln July 0, IIWn/! In Judic Jr., In.tcad ...0. U U> '0 au-Gunmwlion. rcjoctcd It In I Byron Arnold'. S<!nt vocol<!d Conjlnued "ace 3 dlence now .uU - leeUnll own plcbescite. by early roLLrement. The Chl- perh8j)1l It /I'UIy be tho lut

nc,:c Amm·lcon recently won lound the Cl'Q<!d still Impr .. time I~ wouLd be OOtoro Wei fa re ~Iectlon kI the sam .. pO$!, cf- cs people, Includlnll Japanr;ae the NaUonal Councll

Icctlvo In Janunry, 197~, A Am"rtcnn., and h,,\('<! kI IOC Dr Harry Holuak. NCo

- Busine.s and Profelsional Guide

• Great.r &.0. Angel"

'Year of the Dragon' , __________ -" Mental RotorduUon As»., . 01 nollvc or OakdolJ!, CaUf., h. I. It knoc~-d IIUt, He th. n .. k- WN.DC KOvernor, deftmded - Utah, Inc., un"Quoted Dr. n l055 grnduut<! 01 UC B""ke- <!d Mike Ma""ok" if he ml/1ht Ih~ Creed for Ita prllIclplet '\.OWl. VI."'" CiAIDIlIt 'IDIII"

Gary Nt\kao, 0 SoH Lake JA- loy', Boalt Hnll, sorved a. not update th .. Creed. There of faith and ~ the pro- '10' N W ... _,..,. 121'J V.I,7)>>

CLc)' and medico I 90 e I n I deputy ntklrnoy J!'rneral for WlU! no reply. _1.1 to come tmth ',nlh ::'~'~f .. ·.'iti:"Gnr~-: ':;'ol ~ ~: worker at 1.11.'11> Stale Traln- 10 years, then appointed n Hen r y Tanaka, National a replocem"flt before "IUnQ:IH4nI"'" Pc..

Yolo Co u n t y elementa.·y inll Sohool. as dh'ector 01 th comrnlsslonor with lhe .tnl.e Board. noted, "Welre all ~ JACL U> reUre Ita loradlUonai school teacher UCIU'Y Morita. Advocacy Progrwn tor the IVotkmCO'S com\l<lluatlon. tn Ian AmorlClim and It', bard '",pr_lon of br.1ld In AroI!r-,-Speft"",od 33, was appOinted principal 01 DcvclopmentlllJy l.>laabled, 1066. Cov. Brown nnmed him to .hrur, 1M I.nsuage In the lea. I JACL en"", 1 ..... ,.-


New York The literature at the American theater Is a vast .and tur­

bull!llt pauoraDlll of a diverse people.. It Is R themtel' III which at Its best 1 have found mllch tnsplratlon, rYe been deeply moved by the trials of the black fam1ly of Chicago's south­slde In Lorraine Hansberry's "A Raisin In the Sun." The

su~tervUJc Elementary School .tatcwldc program to caU lor to the municipal bench, elect- Creed with other.... (Dllrlne William MaruIllAl, ~ nW"'"c4"., ~.... e:2!":~1~5'a to be the first Nikkei so hon- a compctent person to cepre_ ed prelldlng Judge In 1972-73, World War II, t b c Ch~ delphia) NqeeU>d the prob- --- - __ _ ored In the Saoramento city &cnt (he Illtoreels or nnother P American.. were Wini the Ir'm mIght be solved bY pta- HISfI FLORIST school dlslrlct. Supel'lntondent "lUzen who Is unable to ,'cp- ress Row .am.. Cre<:d wit h words ~ the Creed In t b e COIl- 'n h ...... of VI ~ I Edward Fort nlso nomlnnlA!d roocnl llimAoU. ge b the IOn chnng<!d here and Ihere U> text 01 1941 as _ of the "H ~~ II ~ r-. Aklo IwaTUlr~, {o,mer dean at 01 Mrs. DOl'cas Ntlkno, BOun- The San Franc/~co Exam- .ult thE:1r pUrpo5C$~E(I-) worn. have 00 <:I1t'rtnC7 to- _ Sacramenlo H.i8b, to be re- lllul. Utah, also a Salt Lake lnet took IrnrnedlalA! .teps In LIJUsn Klmllra, MDC gov- day YIIMA-rO TRAVEL I\JUAU Irish &JI8U!sb of the T)'f'OOO

famllY In ''Lona Day's JO\ttl1- nist yeL the oldel' son oC the e)" Into Night" was made mI.o~ family, Fred. H" works as a b~' the power of Eugo;nc 0 tourist gu.ide In Chinatown NeJU'. drama. ~,the 'Fldd- exploiting the "Flower Drum let OD the Roof. the Jew- Song" perception of his turf ish tather'. V1lT1OUS torments but always aware t hat he o\-er his thn!e unmarried himself Is even more heavi-

searcb s\l<lelnllst In bllirlgual JACLer. A chapl<lr scbolar_ late May kI romov~ Ihe WI- emor, said It was ineredlbl" Clarence NIs~ Set.noco, 112 ~ 'fL,S'/J.U't I?OOI21 educaUon. That ho was ot Ja- hlp awardee several year desirable "Jop." abbreviation, th ... National CouncU wa~ ar~ got up to ta1, "Let. not make ml

rnan:me8~~~'Jonh~e=t~~ i!?'S~h~r~~~J~~:I~~ c~':l: : ~~~\~ l~ywl~r."J~f;~o~: ~~, ~h:u;~t~~.t C:t! theRa~~ ~,\.e~YC . W.honville, Calif. I the bllirlgunl program being mlltoe Ihts year. Uyeda In the announeel1l<!nts OIl It In the addendum would chaIrman, only DYC memblor -":':':':~:":':~-=-:~~~_ geozed to Spani.h ,lDd Chi- of .hip movements In and out put It In proper perapee1lve. to.peak on th.e aubject, found TOM HAKASE REALTY nose-speaking pupUs. Courtroom 01 the Port or San Francisco. What turn.. off young people the proceOOinp DlOt'<! emo- kI_ '\::-': ...........

- daughter.; soom<!d toucbJn~· Iy explolt<!d by it. It Is an f.mlJJar and the scene of ""er-present ree1Ilv of the en­thelr forced evacuation from tire ramlly's condlllon that thelr homeland was palntully Fr<!d most keenly recognizes

A b W Dr. Uyeda nol<!d several UN about JACL Is Itt \uk of ac- tlonal than ratlooaL u8oJne.. T I,..' .. Omaha J Y mem er e8- Dr. Thorn,," T. Noruchl, agencies, Library 01 Congres Uon. how, JACL h a I to keep OIl 2.t CJ!ffotd A.-~*1~~ A77

ely Y. Suukl. 17-year-old son chiel m<!dlca\ examlner-coro_ and JnlA!mational Olympic ld to ch ~ h &aid. or Ihe Peter T. Suzukis, grad- ner or Los Angeles County Com tn Itt e e have officially Sumlko Suyenaga, Sacra- wor nl r aJ1I't!a. e • San Jose, C.lif, uatcd !rom Unlv. of Chicago was In Honolulu In mid-JulY adopted the "Jpn" abbrevla- mento, In support of the mo- And \he wt apealter, Ellen

personal. fOI' what it Is - a dehuman-•• iz!ng and at the .,.me time a

wllh bono..,.. which Included U> IA!slify In a tlia l ot five tion for Japan or J apanese. .. lion picked at the language of NaJuunura, Seabrook, ur,Ed "DW··D T 0 a $6,000 post-gradualA! grant U I . S I th 1 1 W the Creed, saying ",me or Ille Ihe Creed be retained ~))art ·.... M IIOKA, Paltor In gl>Opbyslcs at Chicago start- cg<!d

h or ~"e sylnlhdicate fig- • nn'll'ving

e rm~lIazdn1n °It .. ri- terms were archaic and Irrel- of Japanese American hIatory_ eu.'.:~~'-" '~.z1t-:. ..$4 And yet. "" much as I've comfortably lulling narcotic. IntelllctuaJ.)y lmown it. J dld- The popular percepUon of n't reaUze bO\\' m u c b was Chinatown, San Francisco be­lacltlJlg In the Amedcan then- comes, not the color and at­ter for me until I saw the mosphere, but the L<sue. American P I ace Theater's It Is a contemporary dra­producUon of Frank Chin's ma that Chin has written as

log In the fall and a tulllon- ures c arg..... \V murder- ern , ea ure u y evanL A thorou/1h rcvlslon Is Remembering what It ....

1 t hi·.. kIdnap of two gamblers. He Issue the Japanese custom of UL -. In h th the I W p us swnmer gran w..., was also the subject In News- Obon and includ<!d n sched- necessary. "" .r you OIl wett . ~., ash. slart<!d In late Jllne. week's mcdlcmc page July 1~ ule Of Ihe Buddhlst mld-sum- Mike M .. saoka IInally rea- coa.t before Evacuation, she

Music aud recently clOO1lCd president festivals t? July-August be- PO~ and saId he wat: sor- ~~~ fr~"',}':~L\"~d ~ or Ihe Calif. Slate Carone lOll celeb,atcd on the west ry the illlSlle had beCOl'/le 60 the "hyphen~ back In uJapa_

uY"ar of the Dragoo." That stunningly topical 05 Ulday's United Nations Assn. of Ja­nlaht. I tel t the Amertcan headlines OIl juvenile gangs pan will is.lle a s!lver medal thealer trulY became mine. and as disturbingly Teal as on U.N. Day (Oct. 24) fea-

Assn. coast states, Arizona. Utah emotional /lI!$e-Amerlcan" to YIblch obe nnd HawaU. Throe pages were G I d 1>1 ..... , W b ,,_:

Steven G. Tel'noka, one- 0180 devoted to making klfu, " r r 0 ........, "",Ie was vehemen"" opposed. lmc student body presldenL Chinese and Japanese slyles,

We've bad COWltJess plays a stolen look down .0 n e of turing Japanese conductor with AsIan and Asian Amer- the back streets or ChinatoWIl- SelJl Ozawa ot San Francisco. lean Bavor. But that's what The most "ontemportU'¥ as- He will conduct the New Ja­Il bas always been -merely peet ot Ihts drama. ties rn tts pan Pbilharmonic Orchestra Bavor, atmosphere, exoUca- brutally honest nurrorlng of al Carnegie HaU in New York not human drama. This sltu- ille e"penences, the contusion on Oct. 23. The orchestra, un­atlon Frank Chin has forever and depressions, the unspok- der the baton of Kazuyoshl changed. en hepes and muted asplra- Akiyama. will then perform

"Year ot the Draion" is a 11ons, .the love. and hnt .. that In Europe and retw'D home tam1I,y drama plac<!d In San Inextricably brnd people to- Nov. 17. Francisco's CblnatoWll a fa- gether. mllia.r east ot charac~ In a It is a strong, combat:! ve Politics

al Fowler HJgh, son of the George Te"aokas, a UCUA and a 1973 Loyola University Law Milestones Srhool gradual." Was accept.- D EI er T E b'- 46 ed to a Notre Dame Law r, m - '05 oed. ,

School p"ogl'am to study eom- a Seattle physician and fath­parntive jurisprudence and In- er of nine children between ternatlonal law this year at 9 and 20 years old drown-Sophia 1.1nJverslty. Tokyo. He ' is associate witb a corpol'a\.e ed July .27 while fishing on flrm in San Fl'anclsco ... San the Cowtitz River near Pack­Francisco Munlclpal Court wood, Lewis County, Wash-

tting ramllia.r to us fro m drama of a singularly Aslan ~ower Drum Song." But American "!lger. Attitudes to- Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Ha- WAYNE M. COLLINS: 1900-1974 Chin takes us far behind that ward Charlie Chan and Chi- waUl flIed his re-election pa-facade to reveal the sub- nese New Years. ra'."'lr obll- pers July18 with the Lleulen- J .tanoe.thedramaofreallives gatlons versus rndlvldual ant Governor's Office In Ho- ACL director eulogl'zes defender lived in a physically and psy- Identity and a. very perlrson- nolulu and later conc<!d<!d to chicall.Y congested raclal ghet- ~ vle\v of A,slan ~ ~an- the press that Republicans 10 He shows US the second wn ate paSSlonaleiy artic,!- might see it as "wi.., strate- f J A' d' WW2 lIe..erntlon woman who masks lated. On'l does not ~essar~- gy" to leave him unopposed. 0 apanese merlcans unng the reaUaes 01 her tense mar- Iy bave th agree wlth Chin s Of his prospects to be nam<!d rlage to an older, rtgldly pa- views U> be profoundly affect- on a ticket in 1976 as vice triarchal immigrant wit h ed by his argumenl'!. The y presidential nominee, Inouye SAN FRANCISCO _ Wayne passionate wrath of Mr. CoI­forced good bumor, the COIl- ar.e well observ<!d, ncbly de- said he's not interested in Mortimer Collins, 74. a&rnell lins, 1 could not deny the lusion of her Ueruiged son tailed and sharply focused. moving !rom the legislative to who defend<!d Iva Togurl deep, intense loave that Collins who places his identity In the •• . • executive role. "Administra- d'Aquino in !he so-called To- felt for the Japanese Ameri-I gun that he carries, the di- And Chin has glven life to tiOD is just not my cup of kyo Rose In 1949, died can people and lor individuals l=rna of the daughter who a brUliant compauy of AsIan tea." J II 1 y 16 aboard a Pan-Am within oW' communlty whose eeeks escape through mar- American actors. Pat ~uzukl plane between Honolulu and lives were li! sacriBced riage to a Caucasian, the reveals another dimeruuon of Radio-TV San Francisco. He had been In World War n. "China Mama," the busband's her artistry \vith her pO~Y- 'n Hong Kong on a legal mat- "This man tiv<!d up to the lint wUe from the "old. coon- al. at the second !;eneration Barbara Tanabe began co- 1A!r. principles of equality and try" whose stoicism dlsguJs- wUe. Conrad Yama !S power- anchoring the KHON - TV A native oC Sacramento, be justice and his untiring eru­e5 a wann, gentle soul. f~ as the ~utocrntic father. Eyewitness News from July atlend<!d high school bere and sade on behalt of his fellow

Most ot all, he has given TIna Ch.en IS an actress of 29 on both the 6 and 10 p.m. San Francisco Law Scbool. Americans is one Japanese to the American theater pro- extraordinary grace. Bnt most telecasts. For mer I y with Surviving are his son, Wayne Amertcans should continually bably lis most fully dev .. lop- ~f aU, Randall puk KIm dO!"- KOMO-TV In Seattle, the Jr., also an attorney, and remember and appreciate." ed Asian American pretago- mates with his full- bodied Sansel telecaster served as daughter in Orcbard Park,

portrayal of Fred. He Is an toastmaslA!r at Seattle JAOL's N.Y.

,.-----------, actor of remarl?'.ble rnnj:e. 1974 lnstllllaaon and produc- In recent years, he had S h· H' I f'll del!th and sensItivity. W,th ed and wrote the script to been seeking a full presiden ac I Iro SU I S

Local Scene ~rtists s u c~, as Illese, fr~ "Fence at Minidoka", a TV tial pardon for Mrs. d' AquinO: yellow face casting essay on the wartime Nikkei now a Chicago resident. CoI-

h!",e OIl is absolutely unlor- evacuation experience. lins also challeng<!d the treal- LTRA 'I I '-----------' g1~~~ of the Dragon" is a Business :rue::~o{.,.~~~~ ~~= proJec poS

benclunark In American thea- llng the Hirabayashi and ~

ter and Frank Chin is a play- Sumltomo Bank of Caltf. remalsu cases and was arn<*lg LOS ANGELES _ Sachi Hi-

TbeCblJl:aru. Dewly-forn:oed junior JACL group In Cul­ver City, held its Brst serve-1he-communlty event, a pot­luck picnic on Sunday, Aug. 4 at the Playa del Rey.

wright of eno~L,us Afirofor- appointed three U> be asst. attorn~ys for Milsuye Endo rotsu, who served as assistant ~~~s ~=.rica'n co~~ v.p.'s: Steve B. Kawagishi and case, 10 which tb e Supreme project manager sin"" July ulty most certainly, but the Herbert S. Omw'a at the L.A. Court held .Nlsel c~uJd . not 1969 U> Kango Kunltsugu at American theater itself has Main Office: Yosbi Nishida, be held agamst ~Cll' will by the Little Tokyo Redevelop-a -eat deal riding on Frank Crensbaw Office. the War. RelocatIon Authori- meat Area project office, was

... ty In ~elr caml'S: . named July 26 to take over. Chin's tuture. Government Collins was .hlghly cntlcal Kunltsugu had submitted

A eoUedion 01 the royal eoun ~ of the Korean YI Dynasty. exhibited by PrIncess YI, Bang-ja, the last Crown Princess of Korea, is scheduled for KNBC's "Ex­pression: East - West," Sat, Aug. 10. 2:30 p=, on Chan­nel 4. George Taket hosts.

Pekin High wanls

10 keep 'Chinks' The So, Caut. ncc will PEKIN, ill. - Pride In the

C<lnvene over the Labor Day .talA! cbampionshlp tea m s weekend, Aug. 31-Sept. 2, at wearing the Pekin HJgb Cachwna Church Camp In School colors continues to In­Santll Barbara County. Infor- tensity - their basketball mati.,n may be lI«Ured from teams In 1964 and 1967, their Jane Yoohimoto, 1232 W. golf team this year. But their 146th St., Gardena (320-6095), school nickname Is "Chinks". VI h 0 Is al80 accepting early The Orgaoizatlon of Chi­regiatTation at $23 bY Aug. nese AmerlcallB, Inc" based In 23. Add $3 it late.. Maryland, Onds It offensive

and the illinois Dept. ot Bu-

Washington Post has reveal­the u.s. might acquire a string at islands north of Guam, to be known as the "Commonwealth of the North­ern Marianas" which Includes Salpan and Tlnian. Now part of the U.S. Trust Territory of tbe Pacific lsIands, its chid legal officer is trust terri­klry a&mey general Rinh­a.d Jltlyamoto, form<!d HIlo judge, who is based at Salpan. He oversees civil and crimin­al cases, Immigration, police. Ore and public safety. HJs term expires In 1975. A nntlve ot Truk, TO!iwo Nakayama, Is Senate preslden~ of the Congress of Micronesia, which meets at Salpan_ (Truk Is soutb of Guam In the Caro-

Chinatown wUl celeb .. te man Relations feels It should MOOD Festival on Saturday, be changed back to "Reds" III 21, conclUding wit b a It was known In the 1930s. lAntern parade. WorJuhoPII on Mrs. Gloria Neal, ooiy Chi-how U> create lanterns arc be- nesc teaching at Pekin FlIgh, I Ing h tId on Saturday. . 10 and one of the tew Orientals nouVe -a.m., at the Chinese United In Iown, think.s the team is , Methodist Chorch, 81~ N. HIll making a bod word look good Continued from Front Paro SL _ at lea.t In central lllirlol •.

Visiting historian FRESNO, Caill. - Tokyo his­klrlsn Kanamc Soruya, who co - authored "Yamato Dama-

of J":CL for I ts refusal U> his let t e r at resignation, belp ~ the Tokyo .Rose and which was to take e1Iect af­renUllClant c~ses. Fu"St over- IA!r 30 days or Aug. 9. tures to ameliornlA! the dlffer- Community R<!development ences were made by Ihen 118- Agency administraWr Ri"bard bonal. legal counsel Bob Ta- G. Mitehell (a Hollywood JA­kasUgl three yea'7 ago_ .In re- CLer IncidentaIly) said Miss c!,nt months. paVld Usbio, na- Hirot.u, whose parents live In ti,?naI ~ecutiye dlrector, met Redwood City, Is "well qual­Wltb him to ,mprove the re- ified" and becomes the agen­laLLons. ,. 8rst . t man

"Seldom In hislol'Y doe; cy s woman prOjCC -

there appear a person posses- ags.;e has been with the Lit­sing the moral courage and Ue TokJoo project since its In­finely-honed sense ot justice ception and shares Kunllsu­comp,arable to Wayne Col- gu's concel'll for "the com­IIns, . Ushio decl 3r~ upon munlty aspects of the pro­learrung of the tragic pass- . tn Ing. lec .

"Thc Uves of thousands 01 Japanese Americans b a \. e Things changing for the been guided and louch<!d b)

his fiery yet compassiona better for contractors d<!dlcalion to jusUce. Many of those be help<!d Ihrough his • legal work have never met LOS ANGELES - 'l\>lore and Collins and many probably more people are asking OBA don' t reaUUl the magnitude 01 (O"lenta] Bull d e f s Assn.) his contribution to their lives membe..,. 10 bId on construc-

"Issei, Nisei, and Kibei Uon jobs," according to Stan­many of whom had only de.- ley Murakawa, OBA _ pre51-pall' and shOtter<!d lives (8- dent, at a recent reception at.­elng Ihem were literallv gi\'_ tcnd<!d by local Japanese en a ncw Ute In this notion bank officials .. due to Collins and his wor Asian American g e nor a 1 durtng nnd after World War contractors and. subs can do II . just os good a Job - II Qnly

Shimatsu, Ogata and Kubota 'Mortuary

911 Venice Blvd_ los Angeles

RI 9-1449


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707 E, Temple St. Loa An,eI .. 90012


Selchl fulwl, Preldent James N.aQgil'n, ~ Nobuo Osuml. Counsellor


liberal Terms No Extra Charges

National JACL Credit Union Mail: P_ O. BOll 1121, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110

Office: 242 S. 4th East, Salt Lab City Tel.: (SOl) 355-8040

Remember you arn borrow $3,000 on your algnaturw with a qualified credit rating.

We've got a yen

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Son Fr.nci= Moln Offic:tl! Tel. (41S1 981-1200

S.F Japan CenW Branch; Tel. (41S1 981-1200

Mld-Penlnsu'" S~ Tel. (41Sl 941-2000 Oakland Branch: (415) 839-9900

Fr£monl Branch: Tel. 14151 792-9200 San Jose Branch: Tel (4081 298-2441

Westg.te Branch: Tel. (4081 298-2441 SoIlNs Bronch: Tel (408) 424-2888 Fresno Bnlnch: Tel. (2091 233-0591

Nor,h Fresno Branch: Tel. (2091 233-0591

Los Angelu Branch: Tel. (213) 687-9800 LA Down'own Branch: 616 W 6th: (213' 627-2821

Monl1lbello Branch: Tel al3l 726-0081 Crtlnshaw-LA Sranch: Tel (2131 731 -7334

Western L.A Branch: Tel (2131 391-0678

Gordon. S,anch: Tel. (2131 327-0360 Torrance Bronch' Tel. (213) 373-8411

Sonta Ana Sranch: Tel. (7141 541-2271

Pano .. .,.. City Branch: Tol 1213, 893-6306

San Diego Branch: Tel. (7141 236- 1199

Memorial. e rv Ie e a were held Aug. 4 al Nahi Hong­"""""jl ror a-bomb vlctlma of Rlroohl11l<l And Naeasaki. Som" Qf th" 250 $urvlvoT!l In South-rn Calitornia, pubUc ollki.l. nd mt'mberr. of tho Commit..., of AtomJc Bomb Survivors In the U.S.A. at.­tended.

hll Under the Slars &. Stripes" wllh t b e I.te T.K. Takeshi ta ot Washington, D. C., will visit Ihc western U.S, ror material on the Issei. HIs

JudJ'~ Bonnie Lee. MartIn, temporary addr .... unill mid­,""ently appointed to • IEd- October will be care of Yo­eral I a k lore" an juvenllo hlo Kal, 715 E. Tenayo Way, l"~tlce. wltl .peak at the Fresno 93710 (439-7934). monthly meeUng of Ihe Sollth

Jdent. David Ushio Will toast­master. Dr. James Tsullmura, convention co - chairman, in­lroduced the toastmaster. Fr. Clement, now 01 Minneapolis, and 1963· 64 JACLer at the Biennium, and Jack Ouchldn. dlreetor oC the Buddhist Chun:hCll or Amedcn gave Ihe invocation and ben<!dlotion, re.pectlvely.

AnnoWlCcment of the Ja­pan Air Llnes-J ACL swruner lollow.hips for 1975 wa. made by HJ.a.hl [to, J AL r~­glonnl vice - president, The Amerlcaa, during the dinner. Four will be available to per­IODS between all"" 18 and 26. M.mbe .... hlp In JACL by ap­plleant or parent I. neeoo<",ry, accordlnl! to the announce­menL Appllcatlom arc due Jan.. 15. 1976, at National .rA­CL Headguart .. re, Son Frlln­oloco.

"On 0 vrry pCl'Mlnal note given the<: hance, he added. as as a newcomer to San F'ran ~ he looked forward\o lhe con­cLsco, [ hod the oPllorlunlty slructlon of two. Litlle Tokyo

to meet with Wayne CoIJl~ pro jt: ec ..; ts ;;; l;;; a ; tQ;';;thisi;i~y~OIli-ir·iiiiii_I ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-.-.-.-.-.-~~ on several occasions sIn~ ~ moving to JACL National

BAY C .. ncern~ Demoerata, Aufl, 12. 7:30 p.m., at Gar- Critical language rtl!'ll3 MAC, 1730 W. G ard~na Blvd.

Plano 10. Ihe "cODd annu,,1 c: r~ Community Health F&lr ar. WIder way ror Sept 8 at the Munlclpal ActlvWe. (""'nlooT (MAC" 1730 W. Gnr­d, no Blvd. Flu vacciAAUtJlu •• glauc"",,, bes!!nf. d"hL.1 and oplt>metric JCrernlnr. • h i I -(J r en'. Immunl""Unn, and many tN)re h""lth aervl ... ror the wlu>1 'amlly a.e achedul­eel..

San FntncllCo

'fbI n .·",nrll<'o lDter-naU",...1 C<JmmWltly F. Uval C/)\1n~n WIll pr_1 I I ...... nual 1 .. lIftl Itrlm 0<1. 12 1.1)

%7 w11h a parade on 1M I .. t day. The f ... !lval will brillg 108.\h(J many ~ihnlc, ",dtur-

I and commercial lacNA or 8lrn l' .. neil." a n c! """''' t., .... her In thfJ BI~lennl .. 1 .el­fobr tiM

JACL-JWRO fund drive u)s .. /}I';L - Th. So. r. 11' JAn, 0111" know­lod r<t .7 '<>ntrlh .. U ...... In lIa thlrn l'fP')tl, AUI. 2. I" r iJ,

CUrrtlD~ kltal at 1<1.233.70,

KENT, Ohlo-Japbn..., I OI­ler ot Kent Sw1e Unlvo .. lly throua:h the critical languollc program, the 21 undorlll'ild­uat .. hOUri fulnll langua,e re­qulremflnts ror Ih. B.A, and IOIIlfJ B.S. deliccel.

IIAYWARD-A ."arr<>w ho tokrn up rcllfdMc~ In the "Ioel)" ", Sumltomo Bonk 01 CallI', Hbyword om.,. allin. A n. t III .. h""" or bulldlnR I "en by JnllAnolo no n l,"tlIUQnRI .ml><tl nI 00II Ion un. lid Ill<" arll"word b,..nt'h. y,htf'h opr-n r:d hUl :'.',11, II ont' cd Ulf. mCl. l . uC(·u,.­lui new oDlet in th. bany'. :lO-ytal hiaLoq.

He.~dquorters a year ClgO. r " I tell the wrnth Of n mun

who could not forgive JA':I.­tor Ihe uUUlarlon position tuken In World W(lr It and who slrotl,llly suggested Ihnl I spend my time In n more pro­ducU"e endeavor thon work-Ing lor J ACL.

"Although I orten fell Ihe

And pachinko? I SAN FRANCISCO-The Stal Supreme Coul'l June 21 h"ld lhe loao L08 AnRol,' olty or­dhwnco bOllnlng oporatlon ot plnbnll Ofld cerloln oth •• coin _ I>/Wl'aLcel I1mu~omont muchh,o n~ Invollel since I t"Ie Inw PI' _ OOlpl',d Iho lIeld covered ., tho ordl"ance .


HEAD OFFICE 800 WiI.hiro 8lvd" Lo. An,olel, CaUf. 90017

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