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eLive is a monthly magazine for symbol readers with contributions from symbol writers.

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Special thanks to every one at the HFT Karten CTEC Centre

and South Cheshire College

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January 07

news Camel Ruins Christmas Party

A camel ruined a Christmas party in Ireland.

The party was at an equestrian centre.

The camel escaped from his stable.

He ate 200 mince pies.

Then he drank seven cans of beer.

The centre's Christmas party was postphoned.

news Child Attacks Armed Robber

A four year-old child attacked an armed robber.

The boy's family live in North Carolina.

An armed robber was in the house.

He was pointing the gun at the boy's mother.

The boy sneaked out of the room.

He then changed into super hero costume.

He attacked the robber with a toy sword.

The robber stole credit cards, money and jewellery.

news Air Guitar Shirt

from Carly

Scientists in Australia have made a special shirt.

The shirt lets you play the guitar without using a guitar.

It turns movements of your arms into music.

news Band Gets Lost

Charlotte and Claire

A tribute band got lost in their car.

They play songs from a band called The Four Tops.

They missed a concert.

The driver went to Chelmsford.

He should have gone to Cheltenham!

The car has satellite navigation.

The driver typed in the wrong town.

news Diamond Fish

Russian airport customs officers stopped a woman.

Her luggage smelt of fish.

They found a huge fish in her luggage.

25 diamonds dropped out of the fish.

Police are investigating where the jewels came from.

Police think the diamonds might be stolen.

news Star Wars Kid

from Liz

A teenage boy is famous.

A video of him is on the World Wide Web.

He pretends he is in a Star Wars film.

He swings a pole like a light sabre.

The video has been watched by millions of people.

news Fire at Fireworks Factory

A fire works factory in southeast England caught fire.

People saw smoke from miles away.

Fireworks exploded in the fire.

Many emergency services were called to the fire.

Two firemen died trying to put out the fire.

At least twelve people have been hurt.

news Huge Mudslide in the Philippines

There has been a huge mudslide in the Philippines.

Whole villages have been covered in mud.

Forty thousand people had to leave their homes.

It is thought hundreds of people could have died.

Some people are now worried about disease spreading.

The Philippine army is trying to rescue trapped people.

One hundred miners are also helping to rescue people.

Bad storms and heavy rain caused the mudslides.

News Indoor City in Kazakhstan

An indoor city is being built in Kazakhstan.

The city will be in an enormous tent.

The tent will be in Astana.

The city will have shops, cafes, canals and a golf course.

Kazakhstan is very cold during winter.

The tent is designed to trap sunlight and warmth.

The tent will be 150 metres high.

Ten football stadiums could fit inside it.

News New Games Console is Launched

Stacie and Paul

A games company called Nintendo have launched a new console.

It is called Wii.

People have queued to buy it.

It will have lots of games.

film Casino Royale

from Janek

The film is an action, adventure film.

It is about secret agent, James Bond's, first mission.

He must stop a banker winning a casino tournament.

He must stop the banker because

he will use the prize money to pay for terrorist activities.

film Casino Royale

from Janek

I liked the actor who plays James Bond.

His name is Daniel Craig.

I also liked the fighting and explosions.

I didn't like the kissing very much.

It has a 12A film certificate

films Film Review: Dirty Dancingfrom Liz

It is a romantic film.

A young woman called 'Baby' goes to summer camp.

She falls in love with a dance teacher called Johnny.

I liked the acting.

I liked the dancing.

I liked the singing.

I didn't like the kissing.

It has a 15 film certificate.

films Film Review: Match Point

The story is set in London.

It is about a tennis instructor named Chris.

Chris meets Tom at a tennis club.

He becomes friends with Tom's family.

But Chris starts an affair with Tom's fiancee.

Chris must lie to keep the affair a secret.

The film becomes extremely tense.

Match Point has a 12 film certificate.

films Film Review: Over The Hedge

Over The Hedge is an animated film.

The film is about a group of animals.

The animals find a hedge in their wood.

The hedge separates the wood from a human neighbourhood.

R.J is an adventurous racoon.

He wants the animals to steal the human's food.

films Film Review: Over The Hedge

Verne a tortoise, is the leader of the animals.

Verne doesn't trust R.J.

But, the other animals agree with R.J's idea.

The film has some very funny scenes.

Some well known actors do the animals voices.

Over The Hedge has a U film certificate.

films Film Review: Superman Returns

The film's story is from a famous comic book series.

Superman has been away for five years.

He was looking for his home planet.

He returns to Earth but life has changed.

His love, journalist Lois Lane, is married.

She now has a family.

films Film Review: Superman Returns

Superman's evil enemy, Lex Luther, is back.

Lex Luther plans to build a new continent.

He now knows Superman's one weakness.

Some of the characters are acted really well.

The film has lots of incredible special effects.

Superman Returns has a 12 film certificate.

films Film Review: X Men: The Last Stand

The Last Stand is the third X Men film.

Mutants live peacefully with humans.

A laboratory has developed a new medicine.

The medicine destroys mutant genes.

One of the X Men is both good and bad.

She becomes very dangerous and powerful.

There is lots of action and incredible special effects.

X Men The Last Stand has a 12 film certificate.

Zodiac Capricorn

Known as the goat.

Birthday is December 22 to January 20.

A capricorn is funny, careful, patient and sensible.

Birth stone is garnet.

The colour choice for capricorn is brown.

The ruling planet is saturn.

Zodiac Capricorn

The animal in the Chinese calendar is an ox.

The Element is earth.

Lucky numbers -

3, 5, 12, 15, 33, 35, 51 and 53


Capricorn star constellation

fun Jokes

Where does spaghetti go to dance?

To a meatball.

Why did the whale cross the road?

To get to the other tide.

Why is honey rare in Birmingham?

There is only one B.

fun Jokes

What are twins' favourite fruit?


What is the most tired part of a car?

The exhaust pipe.

What did the wall say to the ceiling?

Meet you at the corner.

games Find the clothes in the grid

on the next page

skirt trousers shirt

vest t-shirt coat

socks jumper shorts

jeans kilt dress

s k i r t f t b t h m k

w w a b c r r o k i l t

a v e j d t o l r i i i

r e t e j j u m p e r o

e s h a u j s j k i m p

a t q n v t e e y r i s

q t r s g u r k i l p h

z f f c e j s h h k l o

s o c k s t y u l p o r

r e a w x c o a t u l t

s h i r t u n d r e s s

t r w c a r d i g a n p

s k i r t t

r k i l t

v j o

e e j u m p e r

s a s

t n e s

s r h

s o

s o c k s r

c o a t t

s h i r t d r e s s

c a r d i g a n

features Vilnius

Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania.


Lithuania is in the north of Europe.


features Vilnius

The centre of Vilnius is very old.

Vilnius has many beautiful buildings.


The streets are very narrow.

There are many towers.

features Vilnius

This tower is at the university.


You can buy jewellery made from amber.

Amber is an orange colour stone.


features Vilnius

You can buy jewellery and souvenirs in the market.


There are narrow roads with arches between the buildings.


features Vilnius

The roads are made from cobbles and are very bumpy.


There are many churches in Vilnius.


features Vilnius

This is the Presidential Palace.


Community Programmer

What is your name?

Simon Detheridge.

What is your job?

Computer programmer.

Do you wear a uniform to work?

No, I usually wear what I like.

I wear smart clothes when I go to special meetings.

Community Programmer

What equipment do you need to do your job?

I need a lot of computers.


Do you work inside or outside?

I work in my own office.

Community Programmer

In the corner of my office is a large plastic penguin.


Do you work with other people?

Yes, we are a team of programmers.

Sometimes we work alone.

Other times we discuss problems.

Community Programmer

What is the worst thing about your job?

When computers go wrong and

too many people asking me to fix their computers.

What is most rewarding about your job?

Writing good programs, I was given a prize for Webwide.


Recipe Lemon Pudding


grated lemon rind 2 eggs

juice of 2 lemons 75 grams caster sugar

25 grams plain flour

50 grams butter or margarine

175 ml milk

Recipe Lemon Pudding

Kitchen Equipment

baking tray wooden spoon measuring jug

grater scales whisk

dish cup small bowl

large bowl small plate

recipe Lemon Pudding


Get the cup and plate.

Separate the egg yolk and egg white using a cup.

Pour the egg white into the small bowl.

Get a large bowl.

recipe Lemon Pudding


Cream together the butter, the sugar, grated lemon rind.

Mix in the egg yolk, flour and lemon juice.

Slowly stir in the milk.

Whisk the egg white until stiff.

recipe Lemon Pudding


Beat into the lemon mixture.

Grease a 600 ml ovenproof dish.

Pour in the mixture.

Stand the dish in a baking tray.

recipe Lemon Pudding


Add water to a depth of one inch into the tray.

Bake for 40 mins at 180C or Gas Mark 4.

When baked, remove from the oven.


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