page layout with improvements

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Page layout and Design

Cara Taylor

Task 1: Terminology

Digital version of a double page spread

Spread Orientation (Landscape)




White space


Blobs & stars


Page number


Base line

Orientation (portrait)






Asymmetrical balance

Date lineTitle

MarginPage number




Strap line

FontOptical Balance




Date line

Pull quote

Type face

Drop capitals

Task 2: Grids




Task 3: Visual hierarchy

Task 4:Copy Editing

This is the original piece of text with no editing or additional information to it.


This is the final drat of the work that has been copy edited, additional writing has been added along side grammar and spell checks.

Task 5

Chosen theme:Anime/Cosplay

Images sourced from books:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:Advantages of sourcing images in this way is that it can be easy to find images directly related to the subject, and that it doesn't take much time to find images. Images that are found can be high quality, along with giving links to other images that may be relevant to the subject which has been searched. The images will usually give a direct link to the website they are from, allowing us to know if they are effected by copy right or not.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:It may be difficult to find images in this way if there are not many books related to the searched topic, images may also come out low quality if they are having to be scanned in for use. It isn’t always known if the images inside of books are subjected to copy right or not, which may provide issues if the images are wanted to be used for something. The images found may not always be accurate and could be taken out of context and be misused.

Images sourced from google images:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:Advantages of scouring images in this way is that it is easy to find these types of images and it also allows people to search for specific types of images, with Google allowing a more detailed search engine. It is also quick and easy to find high quality images relevant to the search topics.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:Images searched may not always be relevant to the topic search, images could also come up low quality. It is also unknown if some of the searched images are subjected to cop right or not. Images that are searched in this way may not be able to be correctly sourced, which means that correct credit can not be given when the images are being used.

Images sourced from stock image library:

Images sourced from copyright free site:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:It is quick and easy to find images in this way. Images are usually always related to the searched topic and can be professionally taken images.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:Images may have water marks so they would need to be paid for, to have full access to even if the images aren’t a high quality. Copy right free images can come out with an extremely low quality making them unstable for use.

Images sourced from your own existing images:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:There is no time constraint and limitation on what pictures can be taken, images can be used freely without being subject to any form of copy right.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:Images aren’t always guaranteed to come out high quality and may come out blurry, over or underexposed. The taken images may not always be suitable for use depending on what the images have been taken for.

Processing Images

Original image:

Cropped image:

Scaled images:




Resolution image:

300dpi for print

72dpi for web

Advantages of different resolutions:The advantages of different resolutions is that they are able to be changed according to the required settings for a program or website such as Photoshop or Facebook.

Disadvantages of different resolutions:

Sometimes it can be difficult to get the correct resolutions for a certain program/website which means the image may turn up in a low quality if it is the wrong resolution.

Light exploration

Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes:The changes that I made to this image was to the hue and the colour balance, I decided to edit these to give the image a brighter and warmer feeling as compared to the original which was cold and didn’t come off as warm. With changing these on the image I was able to make the colours brighter to give it a warmer feeling and to allow it to have a different atmosphere than at first. Overall I feel that I have been able to achieve what I have aimed for by making a few basic adjustments to the image.

Final Images

Art exhibition poster.

top related