paltalk this is a microsoft powerpoint presentation and if you are unfamiliar with how to...

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Using Paltalk as a communication tool Paltalk is an internet chat service for text, voice and video chatting.


PalTalkThis is a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and if you are unfamiliar with how to navigate, here are some tips.

You can navigate from slide to slide using the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard or by clicking the mouse button. The presentation can be ended by hitting the Esc button on your keyboard.


October 11th, 2008

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

Paltalk is an internet chat service for text, voice and video chatting.  

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

My ideas for the use of this program are as follows:

A means of scheduled online meetings. We have (at the 6-14-08 meeting) decided to meet online at 7 PM on each Wednesday. 

A meeting place where we can communicate with each other real-time on an impromptu basis.

Breakout sessions. 

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

Download Paltalk Scene from

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

Install and register Paltalk Scene. 

When registering, you will need to choose a screen name. We suggest using a user name so other members of the Kirkland Traders can easily identify you such as something with your first name in it.  I

was able to get Trader Dan as an example. 

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

NotesWhen asked to upgrade, it is not necessary unless you want to.  I suggest

that we continue with the basic service which is Free until such time that we believe there is additional value in upgrading. 

After logging in, a window will open titled Paltalk Today. This is just an advertisement and can be closed.

Login to Paltalk Scene using your newly created User Name and Password

Using Paltalk as a communication tool


With the free version, you will get ads some of which will have audio. So if you hear strange noises while talking to others, that’s what it is.

Those are the ads that show up at the bottom of the conversation window.

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

In order to talk you have to have somebody to talk to. The first thing you need to do is

start adding ‘Pals’ to your list. This is done by clicking the Add Pals button in

the PaltalkScene window and entering the Nickname of the ‘Pals’ you want to invite. You can start with myself, (Trader Dan)

and Steve Sanford (Steve_Lin).

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

Once you have added Pals to your list and when they are online (represented by their

icon turning blue) all you have to do is double-click on their name to launch the

conversation window.

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

Once the conversation window is visible, you can start communicating via typing in the text box or via voice by clicking the Add

Audio button. This is for one-on-one conversation between two people only.

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

To add additional people to the conversation, they need to be invited by somebody that is

already in the conversation. Do this by clicking on the Invite button which is right

next to the Add Audio button.

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

With the free version, you will get ads some of which will have audio. So if you hear

strange noises while talking to others, that’s what it is. Those are the ads that show up at the bottom of the conversation window.

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

Using Paltalk as a communication tool

Experiment and have fun!

We’ll see you on Wednesday nights at 7:00.

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