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Panda Bot Network User Guide

Disclaimer PandaBot. Net provides the www.PandaBot.Net website as a service to the public. PandaBot.Net is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within the site. While the information contained within the site is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Although the PandaBot.Net website may show other URLs or may include inks providing direct access to other Internet resources, including other websites, PandaBot.Net is not responsible for the accuracy or content of the information contained in these sites. Links from PandaBot.Net to third-party sites do not constitute an endorsement by PandaBot.Net of the parties or their products and services. The appearance on the website of advertisements and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by PandaBot.Net, and PandaBot.Net has not investigated the claims made by any advertiser. Except PandaBot.Net, all websites and trademarks mentioned in this educational document are just chosen randomly, they are not affiliated with PandaBot.Net.

Attention: By becoming a member of Panda Bot Network, you agree the terms expressed at

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Welcome Hello and welcome to the Panda Bot Network (PBN) and welcome to our

esteemed community. I am Moses, the creator of the PBN. In this guide, I will explain the logic behind PBN, familiarize you with the Panda Smart Browser (PSB) and PBN web interface.

Why Do You Need PBN? Google is the indisputable king of the search engines. Based on the recent statistics, over

90% of the web users visit Google to find what they are searching. Because of this fact, any owner of website/online business must consider how Google ranks the websites in its search result pages. The owners of websites/online businesses typically must spend enormous effort to put their websites higher in Search Engine Results Page (SERP)s. Anybody knows that having higher ranking will bring more visitors to your website and will help you to make more sales to generate more income into your pocket.

If you sell some goods or provide some services which lots of people want to have, and nobody, but you sell/provide those goods/services than you do not need any effort to rank your website up. Google will put your website top in SERPs, BUT (excluding patented products/services) there is no such thing in the real world. I.e. You are an online retailer who sells Honda motorcycles parts, or you are a blogger who writes about Hollywood gossips or you are selling weight loss product, in the real world there are hordes of similar websites offering similar goods/services. Then you must endeavor more and more for your website success.

I believe that you already know what the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is. Most probably, you already have bought SEO software to optimize your website pages (On-Page SEO) and also created thousands of backlinks from other websites (Web 2.0, article directories, forum posts, blog

comments, social bookmarks, link scheme projects, etc.) to your website by using automated software/services (Off-Page SEO) until today. You were thinking that you were sitting on the safe rock but then Google has announced Panda and Penguin updates!

Panda: It is a filter that lets Google sift out content which is deemed lack of substance i.e. Shallow content. Penguin: It is a filter that lets Google sift out websites that are utilizing webspam (keyword stuffing, hidden texts, link schemes, cloaking, doorway pages, sneaky redirects, etc.).

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Google periodically releases new algorithm updates of Panda and Penguin. Panda updates mainly aim to prevent websites having poor content to go higher in SERPs. Penguin updates mainly aim to prevent websites having poor quality backlinks to go higher in SERPs.

Remedy for Penguin Updates: There is a tool to remove your garbage backlinks. Google Disavow Links Page. Millions (and counting) of users have already reported their low quality backlinks to Google; thus it knows these garbage backlinks, purposeful link schemes and periodically rearranges the rankings of websites.

What must do after Panda Updates? After Panda updates, the websites that people likes more have more potential to move higher in SERPs. Your website must have unique, useful and grammatically correct content. Design of your website must be proficient, should not have many ads especially above the fold. But, how Google decides which website content has substance or lack of substance? The answer is Usage Metrics.

Your website must be sufficiently compelling for your keyword visitors. After a visitor clicks the link in Google results page, the big brother continues to monitor visitor’s actions. If the visitor stays relatively more on a website after search, Google believes that this website is a pleasant choice and if the visitor spends less time on a website after search, then Google marks this website as an inadequate choice for the SERP of the specific keyword. Apparently Google waits for a predefined number of visits to the websites, before reaching a verdict on them. The main point is that if your website is compelling, then your website has more chance to rank up. Google Webmaster Help Video on

How I can convince my visitors to browse my website and stays there more? You cannot force anybody to click your website’s link in SERPs and to browse your website’s pages. Do you consider buying traffic for your website? Think again! They are sending traffic to your website’s particular page as direct traffic and then they did not even browse another page of your website. All traffic is recorded as bounce at web statistics. In fact, they make your website’s Usage Metrics worse. So they are harmful in today’s contemporary context.

Today, Usage Metrics are more significant than before. Google takes the Usage Metrics into account when assessing your website ranking. Key Usage Metrics are; Time spent onsite/page, visitors’ browse rates, visitors’ bounce rates, clicks through from SERPs and diversity of branded search and direct traffic.

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If your website is actually compelling for your visitors, they will naturally click your link in SERPs, they will naturally browse your website’s pages, they will stay there for a long time, and their actions will improve your website’s Usage Metrics. Then Google will take your website’s Usage Metrics into account when assessing your website. Congratulations, it must be fantastic! But wait, even if you do everything to make your website compelling for your visitors, they do not click much your website’s link in SERPs, they do not browse your website deeper and instead they bounce from your website quickly!

Is there a clean, unbiased and fair system which certainly improves your website’s Usage Metrics? Panda Bot Network (PBN) and Panda Smart Browser (PSB) are the answer. The simple motto behind the PBN is “Help me, and I will help you”.

After you become a member of PBN which is FREE, you will be entitled to use specially created software “Panda Smart Browser” (Picture-1).

Panda Bot Network Servers

Panda Smart

Browser Panda Smart


Panda Smart


Panda Smart

Browser Panda Smart


Panda Smart


Panda Smart


Panda Smart


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Panda Smart Browser (PSB) (Picture-1) is light-weight software that is clean out of any malware. Click here for Antivirus Scan Report . You do not even have to install it. You will download it to your computer and click it to run, that’s it. It will need you to enter your PBN membership Login Credentials before the start for the first run, then it will run without human intervention until you close the PSB, or until you shut down your computer.

The PSB that is running on your computer will browse the websites of other PBN members. The browsing tasks for your websites will be carried out by other PSBs that are connected to the PBN around the world. It is a Win-Win Situation. PSB performs as Chrome, Firefox or Safari browser. It has been designed to run as Chrome with 50% probability, as Firefox with 30% probability and as Safari with 20% probability. The browser emulation alters every time you run it, based on the mentioned probabilities.

It leaves the finger-print of the emulated browser in web statistics. Web servers will sees PSBs as just normal browsers. Traffic will show up in web analytics as regular traffic, not as crawler/bot.


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Panda Bot Network

• The aim of PBN is to rank your websites up by improving your websites’ usage metrics (Increase clicks through from SERPs, Increase time spent onsite/page, Increase visitors’ browse rates, decrease visitors’ bounce rates) • PBN is a crowd-powered, unmatched, advanced traffic network, thus the traffic will come from clean and trustable IPs • PBN forces Google to evaluate your website as a compelling one against your competitors • PBN improves first your Website’s Usage Metrics and then its Search Engine Rankings • PBN offers lifetime free membership for unlimited websites per member • PBN allows creating unlimited campaigns per member • PBN accepts only quality websites that are clean out of any malware and that have appropriate content (not adult etc.) • PBN Supports any website with Html, PHP, ASP, ASPX etc. pages • Website owners do not need to add any JavaScript, Plugin etc. to their website for membership • PBN allows you (website owner) to create unlimited different browsing patterns (campaigns) with up to 20 pages/website/visitor • PBN allows you (website owner) to set the visit (session) time of the Panda Smart Browsers for each page of your website, up to 30 minutes/page • PBN does not allow members to run their Panda Smart Browsers via proxies • The system is based on the visit (session) “time”. You earn “time” as you run the Panda Smart Browser on your computer and your “time” is spent when other members’ Panda Smart Browsers browse your website(s) • AdSense Safe, Guaranteed Search Engine Traffic from any Google country variants (.com .uk .de .es .fr .etc.) + Bing and Normal Traffic from Facebook pages + Google Plus + other Social Networks + Social Bookmarks + Web 2.0s + Web Directories + Direct Traffic

Panda Smart Browser

• PSB is a free “browser” with additional codes that make it smart • PSB runs on the members’ computers. After start, it does not require human intervention • PSB performs as Chrome, Firefox or Safari randomly • PSB accomplishes the browsing tasks that are assigned to it from Panda Bot Network • PSB does not fake the referrer, it actually clicks the links on the SERPs or on other URLs then browses the members’ websites • Traffic show up in web analytics as regular/organic traffic, not as crawler/bot because Panda Smart Browser is just a browser • PSB browses websites based on the custom patterns created by the website owner • Every task that is carried out by Panda Smart Browser is unique • PSB is totally clean software. Click here for Antivirus Scan Report

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What does Panda Smart Browser do? After start, Panda Smart Browser (PSB) connects to the Panda Bot Network (PBN) servers and then a task is assigned to the PSB to browse the website’s pages of a member of PBN. First, it checks whether the website that will be visited is clean out of any malware by scanning the website via online virus scanners.

If the website is safe, then (based on the assigned task) it visits or or etc. or (Yahoo and Yandex search engines support are on development) like a normal visitor, search the keyword, sees the search results, looks whether the website exists on the result page, it clicks other websites’ links, visits them for less than 15 seconds (This is the Negative SEO Attack; PSB increases the bounce rates of the competitor websites, optional, it can be set via members’ area by

the owner of the website) and returns back to the search results page. It continues to look for the website of assigned task and continues Negative SEO Attacks (if set) until page 10 of SERPs. When it found the website of assigned task in the SERP, then it clicks the link of the website as if a normal user, visits the first page, waits predefined seconds (the owner of website sets the page visit (session) durations via members area, all visit (session) durations are subject to some percent deviation to simulate randomness of real users, so the visit (session) durations of PSBs around the world that browse your website’s

specific page will be different) then visits the second page and waits predefined seconds and then visits third page and goes on. Website owners can set up to 20 pages for one campaign of their websites.

Beside search engine generated traffic, PSB can visit the websites (up to 20 pages in one task

again) as direct traffic or from a Facebook page or from any URL if the website owners have associated campaigns.

Which Types of Websites are allowed in Panda Bot Network? Adult (any type of porn), Gambling/Betting, Hate, Warez, Torrent, P2P, illegal Use (this includes, but is not limited to: death threats, terrorist threats, threats of harm to another individual, multi-level marketing schemes, "ponzi schemes", invasion of privacy, credit card fraud, racketeering, defamation, slander, and other illegal activities)

websites are NOT welcome. No pop ups/pop unders on page load. No annoying sounds/videos on page load. No illegal JavaScript. Any of websites related above activities will NOT be allowed in the PBN.

PBN is for quality websites only. Each new website is subject to inspection before acceptation to the PBN. Also, all PSBs run the malware scans before carrying out the tasks. If any PBN member’s website is detected as a source of malware (any type) then the active PSB reports the situation to the PBN servers then this website will be marked as unsafe, and no new task of this website will be delivered to PSBs.

How to earn time and how to spend your available time for your websites? As long as you run the PSB on your computer, you earn time. When a PSB runs the

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task of your website’s campaign then your time will be spent. As a Free member, you earn 90% of the time while running the PSB, i.e. If you run the PSB on your computer for 4 hours then you will earn “3 hours and 36 minutes” of time that can be spent for your own websites’ campaigns.

When you become a Standard member ($29.99 for each 3 months or $99.99 for each one year), you earn 200% of the time while running the PSB, i.e. If you run the PSB on your computer for 4 hours then you will earn 8 hours of time that can be spent for your own websites’ campaigns. Standard members are also entitled to buy Time Packages. This will allow them to get their websites’ campaigns running by other PSBs around the world without the need of running a PSB instance on their computers.

Panda Bot Network Web Interface Membership Web Interface

Panda Bot Network members’ area URL is


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Most of the web users are familiar with aMember Pro interface (Picture-2). It is simple and self-explanatory. Please enter your PBN Username and Password. The PBN login credentials are same for PSB.

After logged in, you will see the main area (Picture-3) and the menu (Picture-4).

Here, you can Add/Renew Subscription (For Standard Membership), check Your Payment History (if you are a Standard Member) Edit Your Profile (User information, password etc.) you can learn/set your Affiliate Info (you will earn 50% for referrals) and Helpdesk to contact me about anything.



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The most notable place here is Active Resources (Picture-5). Panda Bot Network Settings and Reports link will open a new interface which I will explain below, Panda Smart Browser Vx.x.x is the download link for PSB and Panda Bot Network User Guide is the download link for this PDF guide. Let us click Panda Bot Network Settings and Reports (Picture-5) and then new interface comes out (Picture-6).

Panda Bot Network Settings and Reports Web Interface

To login to the new area, please enter your Username and Zip Code and click Submit (Picture-

6). The Panda Bot Network Settings and Reports interface may seem confusing at first, but essential button and fields will show you tooltips when you point your mouse to them. You will be more familiar as long as you use the interface more.



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Settings >> Website Profile

Here at Website Profile page, you will see the list of your websites (Picture-7). You can add more (unlimited) websites by clicking Add New button (Picture-7) at top left corner and then by entering your website domain name in the form (Picture-8a). Acceptable formats are or or




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While adding a new domain name, you should choose a “Secrecy” level (Default “Show All

Phases”). This setting allows you to show/hide all/some parts of your website campaigns (tasks) on the remote Panda Smart Browsers’ Screens. Please read (Picture-8b) explanation.

In the first line, (Picture-7) there are green Website Pages (479), Website Keywords (2) and Traffic Campaigns (14) links. “479” means that you have added 479 pages of your website to the database, and you can use them to create your campaigns with various browsing patterns. When you click this link, you can see the detailed list of these 479 pages. “2” means that you have 2 keywords associated with the first website. When you click this link, you can see the detailed list of these 2 keywords. “14” means that you have 14 traffic campaigns created for the first website. When you click this link, you can see the detailed list of these 14 traffic campaigns.

Secrecy shows the secrecy level for the each of your website. You can change it anytime by clicking Edit button (on the left of each line) (Picture-7).

Daily Max Time Usage Per Website (Picture-7) shows the total allowed usable time (you set it

while creating the campaigns) for the 14 traffic campaigns of the first website. Is this Website Unsafe (read-only) (Picture-7) shows you whether there is a “malware report” for the website or whether “allowable content test” has failed. If you see these boxes unchecked, then it is OK, and the campaigns of your websites will be delivered to the PSBs as tasks.

Settings >> Website Pages

Let us click the green Website Pages (479) link (Picture-7) and the Website Pages page is opened (Picture-9).


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You can add a new page, delete selected page(s), export selected page(s), import your page(s) from a Microsoft Excel file or export full result in various formats by clicking the appropriate buttons at the Website Pages page (Picture-9). There are two ways of adding (unlimited) new pages to your account. First; adding them one by one and second; importing them in bulk by using a table. Now, let us click Add new button and Website Pages, Add new record page shows up (Picture-10).

As seen above (Picture-10) Website field is already populated because we came here by clicking the green Website Pages (479) link (Picture-7) at the first line of your website list. Script remembered where you came from and populated the field appropriately. If we would click Settings >> Website Pages top menu and then would click Add new button, we would see the page below (Picture-11).



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Then you could select any of your websites and then add a new page for it. Please note that all pages must begin with / . If there is only / as page then it means that the full page URL is

/index.html or /home.aspx or /en/pages/anypage.php or /anyfolder/anysubfolder/ are examples of correct formats. All normal web page extensions are welcome i.e. html, htm, php, asp, aspx with JavaScript, image, flash or java embedded in pages but please do not add any pages of .pdf, .doc, .xls. Panda Smart Browsers can browse normal web pages, not .pdf or .doc or .xls files. Please exclude .pdf, .doc, .xls. files (if any) while adding your pages. You are able to add unlimited pages of your website.

After you entered the page URL, click Save button (Picture-10,11) to add it to the database. After you are good then click Back to list button (Picture-10,11) and the Website Pages page is opened (Picture-9). As an important step, please click every link of the Full Page URLs one by one at the Website Pages page (Picture-9) to be sure that you have entered correct pages of your website.

Adding the correct pages is vital because these pages will be available during adding/copying/editing your campaigns, you will be able to create unlimited browsing pattern combinations easily with a few clicks by selecting these pages, and then they will be visited by the Panda Smart Browsers via Panda Bot Network. This step may seem time consuming but it is a one-time task. As a second way to add your pages, now let us click the Import button at top left corner of the Website Pages page (Picture-9) to show you how to import your website’s pages in bulk. After clicking Import button (Picture-9) new page shows up as seen below (Picture-12).

When you click Choose File button (Picture-12), you will be able to select a .xls, .xlsx or .csv file with your website’s pages data. Assuming you have already Microsoft Excel or equivalent software installed on your computer, then let us proceed. Please create a Microsoft Excel file as shown below (Picture-13), the file name is not important. Please look at the example below (Picture-

13) carefully.


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The first row must be same as you see below (Picture-13); First Column (A): User Name , Second Column (B): Website and Third Column (C): Page . Insert your own user name, your own website and your own pages starting from row#2. Since we use Excel, you can easily drag your user name cell to multiply it and also drag your website cell to multiply it through hundreds rows down as you need.

If you have a few pages then adding your pages one by one will be a wise decision but if there are hundreds of pages of your website then importing them in bulk is a time saver.


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Let us chose the file and click Import button (Picture-14) and the xxx records were imported as seen below (Picture-15). You can return to Website Pages page (Picture-9) by clicking Back to list button (Picture-15) and you can see the imported pages.

If you do not have pages of your website as a list then you can visit , run Sitemap Generator and download Sitemap in Text Format (urllist.txt). Please open the “urllist.txt” by using Microsoft Excel (Picture-16) and replace your domain name with “nothing/empty”, then the column data will be left without your domain name, but there will be only your page names.



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By using this method, you will be able to generate Page column (Column C) of your website page table (Picture-13) in a few minutes without entering your page names one by one. Please remember, you must import the correct formatted Excel file as shown above before (Picture-13).

Settings >> Website Keywords

Now let us click the green Website Keywords (2) link (Picture-7) and the Website Keywords page is opened (Picture-17).


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You can add (unlimited) new keyword, edit or delete selected keyword(s) by clicking the appropriate buttons at the Website Keywords page (Picture-17).

As seen above (Picture-18) Website field is already populated because we came here by clicking the green Website Keywords (2) link (Picture-7) at the first line of your website list. Script remembered where you came from and populated the field appropriately. If we would click Settings >> Website Keywords top menu and then would click Add new button, we would see the page below (Picture-19).




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Then you could select any of your websites and then add a new keyword for it. Please note that after every keyword you entered, you must click Save button to add it to the database. After you are good then click Back to list button (Picture-18,19) and the Website Keywords page is opened (Picture-17).

You should add all keywords that ranking for your web site’s home pages or for inner pages. Please add your keywords exactly same as you enter to the search engine. Your website link must be within first 10 pages of SERPs (top 100). PSBs around the world will find your website’s link within SERPs, will click your website’s link ( or and will browse your website’s pages based on your campaign settings. If you don’t have even one keyword that ranks, then you may use “ your keyword” as keyword. If your website is indexed then search engines will surely show your website’s link in results.

Settings >> Traffic Campaigns

Now let us click the green Traffic Campaigns (14) link (Picture-7) and the Traffic Campaigns page is opened (Picture-20).

You can add a new campaign by clicking Add New button (Picture-20) at top left corner, or you can delete the existing (first select it by checking the small check box of the appropriate line) campaigns by clicking Delete Selected button (Picture-20). In the first line, (Picture-20) you see green Traffic Tasks


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Completed (79) . 79 means that this campaign has been successfully run 79 times by remote PSBs around the world. When you click it, 79 tasks with details will be shown. Now we did not clicked yet and let us see campaign details line (Picture-20) closer below (Picture-21).

Each line (each campaign) has Edit, Copy and View buttons (Picture-21). Copy button is especially useful to create more campaigns for the same keyword or to reuse the existed campaign’s settings for the new keyword etc. Each campaign which includes a search engine URL as Starting URL is only for one keyword (naturally it will be long tail). In other words, a campaign cannot have more than one keyword. But each keyword must not have only one campaign. You must create lots of campaigns with different browsing patterns for the same keyword. The variation of browsing patterns for the same keyword will display more natural Usage Metrics to the Google. I.e. You have a campaign for your keyword, and it includes 2 pages browsing pattern then copy the campaign to create a new one with 5 pages browsing pattern. I recommend you to create at least 10 different campaigns for each of your keywords. As well as browsing patterns, campaigns have lots of customizable fields so use them for more variation.

The Picture-22 is the right side of the current page (Picture-21-22) and shows the page’s URLs and visit (session) durations for each page. Each line represents a campaign with as Starting URL and Honda motorcycle parts as Keyword. Please attention that each campaign has different browsing pattern. Page3s of each campaign are not same; if they are same then page4s are different, etc.


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Let me rephrase the idea reversely. Let us say, you have keyword Honda motorcycle parts, your website is at 5th page of Google international search results and you have only one campaign with 2 pages (of your website) browsing pattern for this keyword. Then hundreds of visitors (PSBs) a day will search this keyword and then find your website at 5th page of search results and will browse your website’s first page, second page and then leave. No visitor has visited another third page after searching this keyword. You see that it looks strange. In facts PSBs always use random visit (session) durations to simulate human randomness, but PSBs cannot change the campaign’s (task’s) browsing pattern. After visiting Google SERPs, PSBs will open the first page of your website’s campaign and then second page of your website’s campaign, so on if your campaign setting is like that. Please make sure creating more and more campaigns with different settings and browsing patterns for each of your website’s keywords. The concept is valid for direct traffic and other starting URLs (Facebook etc.) too. Please create lots of traffic campaigns with different campaign settings and different browsing patterns.

PSBs around the world will do whatever you tell them to do. The campaign’s previous page should include the link to the campaign’s next page in your actual website; else the browsing pattern will be recognized as eccentric at web statistics. You know best your own website structure; you should simulate real visitor actions while creating the campaigns. Now let us click


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Copy button (Picture-21) of the first line (campaign) to see the example below (Picture-23) (You can

change any setting and then save it as a new campaign). You will see the same page (most parts as empty) below (Picture-23) when you click Add New button (Picture-20) to create a new campaign.

Most of the fields above (Picture-23) are dropdown boxes to facilitate selecting the required values faster. The pages you see above (Picture-23) are the ones you have added/imported before.


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When you click a Pagex field dropdown box, the list of your website’s pages will be appeared thus you can select one of them in one click. The explanations of the fields are as below:

Campaign Name: You may name your campaign as you wish. It is not compulsory.

Paused: Check here if you don’t want to run this campaign yet.

Daily (Total) Max Time Usage (Seconds): If Panda Smart Browser (PSB)s around the world spend this amount of total time (seconds) to browse your website (including Neg SEO Attacks, if set) for this campaign within the last 24 hours then Panda Bot Network will stop assigning new tasks to PSBs (for this campaign) until new availability (If the limit has been reached; new tasks will be delivered within a few

hours, within 24 hours at most).

Daily (Total) Max Number of Visitors: Set the total maximum number of visitors (Panda Smart

Browsers) to run this campaign within last 24 hours. This setting runs with Daily Max Time Usage. Whichever limit is reached first; this campaign will be stopped and wait until new availability (If

the limit has been reached; new tasks will be delivered within a few hours, 24 hours at most).

Max Number of Concurrent Users: The number of maximum concurrent Panda Smart Browsers around the world which will browse your website at the same time for this campaign. Setting this number high may result in spending the available time for this campaign very shortly and shows spikes in web statistics. Default value is 3. Set it higher if you have lots of available time relatively, you can change it anytime.

Starting URL: Referring URL (Search Engines or Facebook pages or Social Bookmark URLs) that the Panda Smart Browsers' visitors will come from. Google country variants and Bing are supported as search engines currently. means that the Panda Smart Browsers will open the international Google website wherever the Panda Smart Browsers are running. If you enter i.e. then they will open Google UK site as start. You can enter a Facebook page, a Google+ page, any Social Network page, any Social Bookmark URL, any blog or any directory page that have your website’s link. Keep here empty if you want Direct Traffic.

Please make sure that your website’s URL (any of your website’s pages) is within first 100 results (first 10 pages) of the search engine you have chosen for your keyword. Please make sure that the Starting URL (except search engines and direct traffic) includes your website’s URL (any of your website’s

pages) as link.

Keyword: The long tail keyword to search your website at the search engine that is specified at Starting URL. I.e. honda motorcycle parts OR “honda motorcycle parts” OR honda motorcycle parts OR

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Panda Smart Browsers will use this keyword at the search engines to find your website. It will be wise to create lots (at least 10) of campaigns with different browsing patterns for each of your keyword. Please use the keyword exactly same as you enter to the search engine. Copy/create new campaigns for additional keywords of your website. Keep here empty (Please

Select) if the Starting URL is not a search engine.

Max Number of Negative SEO: Maximum number of Negative SEO attacks against your rivals per Search Engine Results Page. Panda Smart Browsers around the world will browse your rival websites (which are listed above/around your website in SERPs) shortly (less than 15 seconds) and then will turn back to SERP to force the search engines to evaluate that the visit to your rival website as a bounce (which is bad for your rivals). Default value is 3. If the Starting URL is a search engine and want to run Negative SEO attacks against your rivals then choose a value greater than zero, else set zero.

Duration Deviation: The Panda Smart Browsers' visit (session) durations at your website’s page will deviate to simulate human visitors session durations randomness. Minimum 20% recommended. I.e. If you have set it 50% and if the page1 visit duration is 120 seconds then any Panda Smart Browser that runs the task of your campaign will visit your page1 and waits for a random duration between “60 seconds” and “180 seconds” for every visit to your page1.

Page1: The first page of your website that the visitor will visit after the Starting URL. Please note that if the Starting URL is a search engine then this page’s URL must be included within the first 10 pages of the search results and if the Starting URL is Facebook page or any Social Bookmark URL then this page URL must exist at the Starting URL. This is the entry page for direct traffic if the Starting URL is empty. If you keep only / , then Panda Smart Browsers will browse

Page1 Visit Duration: The average duration of the Panda Smart Browsers' visits (sessions) at your website’s page1. Each Panda Smart Browser visit (session) duration for this page will deviate up/down as you specified above at duration deviation. The maximum visit (session) duration is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) per page in view of analytics.

Page2: You must enter at least a second page to force the web analytics i.e. Google Analytics to calculate the first page's (page1) visit (session) duration. If not entered, first page visit will be seen as a bounce (which is bad for your website) with zero visit (session) duration.

Page2 Visit Duration: The same as Page1 Visit Duration.

Page3: Page3 and further pages are not compulsory, but you may add more pages as you wish in order to create more realistic visitor experience simulation through your website’s pages in view of web statistics or Google.

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Page 25

After you are pleased with the settings and then click Save button and your campaign is ready to run via Panda Bot Network. Unless you have at least 1800 seconds (30 Minutes) time available in your account, your campaigns will be offline. Please run your Panda Smart Browser daily to earn more time.

Important: Campaign creation is the last step of your settings. You can create a new campaign in one minute since most of the fields are already populating. Please create at least 10 different campaigns for each of your keywords (Search Engine sourced traffic) + 10 different campaigns for Facebook sourced traffic, 10 different campaigns for LinkedIn sourced traffic, 10 different campaigns for Google+ sourced traffic , etc. and 10 different campaigns for direct traffic. Please make sure that the browsing patterns (the sequence of pages) and other settings of campaigns for the specific keyword are different. If you use just one campaign (same browsing

pattern) for your i.e. sourced traffic, you may harm your website ranking!

Let us say you are targeting 2 keywords in and

• For the first keyword create 10 different campaigns with different settings and different browsing patterns, the Starting URL is

• Then create (you may copy campaigns) 10 different campaigns with different settings and different browsing patterns for the second keyword, the Starting URL is

• Then create (you may copy campaigns, if you change the settings more it will be better) 10 different campaigns with different settings and different browsing patterns for the first keyword, the Starting URL is

• Then create (you may copy campaigns, if you change the settings more it will be better) 10 different campaigns with different settings and different browsing patterns for the second keyword, the Starting URL is

Panda Bot Network provides members with geographically distributed clean traffic. Please provide Panda Bot Network with more differentiated campaigns.

Traffic Campaigns Results >> Traffic Tasks Completed

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Page 26

When you click the green Traffic Tasks Completed (54) (Picture-24) then you will see the completed tasks of this campaign (Picture-25).

As shown above (Picture-25), visitors Geo-locations, tasks’ started/completed dates/times (UTC: Coordinated Universal Time) and time that is spent for each task is reported.

Traffic Campaigns Results >> Traffic Tasks – Visited Pages

When you click the green Traffic Tasks - Visited Pages (7) (Picture-25) then you will see the visited pages of your website during this task of your campaign (Picture-26).



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Page 27

Traffic Campaigns Results >> Traffic Tasks – Negative SEO

When you click the green Traffic Tasks –Negative SEO (Picture-27 (same as Picture-25)) then you will see the attacked pages of your competitors’ websites during this task of your campaign (Picture-28).



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Page 28

Traffic Time Balance >> Traffic Time Details

By clicking Traffic Time Balance >> Traffic Time Details top menu: You can see your Time Earned, your Time Bought and your Time Spent (Picture-29) in date/time descending order.

Traffic Time Balance >> Traffic Time Totals

By clicking Traffic Time Balance >> Traffic Time Totals top menu: You can see your Total Time Earned, your Total Time Bought, your Total Time Spent and your Total Time Balance in one page. (Hours: Minutes: Seconds) (Picture-30)



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Page 29

Settings >> Your Active Panda Smart Browser Session

By clicking Settings » Your Active Panda Smart Browser Session top menu: You can see your active Panda Smart Browser (PSB) session. Only one PSB can be run by using your user name. If you have closed your PSB which is running on your computer without disconnecting from network, you will not be able to run a new PSB instance.

Then please select first your session and click Delete selected button (Picture-31). Then you can run a new instance of PSB on your computer.

Instructional Videos

Panda Smart Browser Demo



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