panel discusion

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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OBJECTIVES OF THE SEMINAR To introduce about the topic.

To describe the origin of panel discussion.

To discuss about the definitions, purposes &


To describe about the theoretical basis.

CONT… To explain the types, procedure & guidelines.

To enumerate the organisation.

To discuss the uses , purposes , characteristics ,

disadvantages , limitations.

To explain the suggestions.

ORIGIN OF PANEL DISCUSSION First time was used by Herry A Ober Street in 1929.

He organized a discussion group for small group for

definit period for the audience. At the end of the

discussion audience has also participated

The important questions were put by the audience on

the topic.

CONT… The expert tried & answered the questions & certain

points were clarified which were not included in the

discussion. Several other persons had used this


Generally ,this type of panel discussions are organized

on television & radio . The current topic are considered

for such program.



Techniques require

discussion among


The discussion provide

the equal opportunities in

the instructional situation

to every participant.

DEFINITION It is a discussion in which a

few persons (the panel ) carry

out conversation in front of

an audience. At the end of the

discussion audience also

participates . The audience

put important questions &

the experts answer them &

clarify the point

DEFINITION The Panel Discussion is a

method of teaching in which

4 to 6 or right persons or

students discuss the assigned


creatively among themselves

in front of an audience which

may be too large.

PURPOSES To reproduce the features or make use of a small

group discussion for the benefit of a larger group.

It is a socialized group conversation in which different

point of views are presented.

When handled intelligently & creatively ,the panel

stimulates thought & discussion & clarifies thinking.

CONT… Several people engage in a free of opinions ,the

panel influences the audience to an open minded

attitude & respect for the opinion of others.

The quick exchange of facts ,opinions & plans tends

to develop more critical attitude & better judjement.

It can be helpful to stimulate discussion ,encouraging

,thinking & developing group opinion.

OBJECTIVES To provide information & new facts.

To analyze the current from different angles.

To identify the values.

To organize for mental recreation.


THEORETICAL BASIS FOR PANENL DISCUSSION It observes the democratic principles of human behavior.

Equal opportunities are provided to every participant.

It encourages the active participation with originally &


It involves the social & psychological principles of social

work. Feeling cooperation & sympathy & to respect the

ideas for others.

It is based on modern theory of organization

TYPES The group discussion is organized in different forms , for

different levels, for different purposes & on different

themes. It may be of two types:

1.Public Panel Discussion.

2.Educational panel Discussion

PUBLIC PANEL DISCUSSION This type of panel Discussions are organized for the

common men problems.


To provide factual information regarding current problems.

To determine the social values.

To recreate the common men.

current problems : educated unemployment, annual

budget, increase in price of things etc.

EDUCATIONAL PANEL DISCUSSION It is used in educational institutions to provide factual

& conceptual knowledge & clarification of certain

theories & principles. Sometime these are organized to

find out the solution of certain problems.

OBJECTIVES To provide factual information & conceptual


To give awareness of theories & principles.

To provide solutions of certain problems.

This type of panel discussions are very useful but they

are not used in any institutions at higher level. The

conferences ,seminar, symposium & workshops are

commonly organized

PROCEDURE FOR PANEL DISCUSSION A panel discussion consists of four type of persons. It

means four role are played in organizing panel






INSTRUCTOR In the panel discussion most

important role is of instructor .it

is the responsibility of

instructor , how , where & when

panel discussion will be

organized . The schedule of

panel discussion is prepared by

him . Some times he has to plan

rehearsel of discussion

MODERATOR In the discussion

moderator has to do

significant job .He has to

keep the & highlight the

discussion more often. The

moderator has the mastery

on the theme or the

problem of the discussion.

PANELISTS There are four to ten panelists

in the discussion . The

members of the panel sit in

semi-circle before the

audience . The moderator

sits in the middle of the

panelists. The panelists has

the mastery on the theme of

the discussion.

AUDIENCE After the panel

discussion , audience are

allowed to put questions

& seek clarification.

They can present their

point of view & their

experiences regarding

the theme or problem.

CONT… The panelists attempts to answer of the questions of the

audience. In some situation moderator also tries to

answer the questions.

At the end of the discussion the moderator summarizes

the discussion & present his point of view. He

expresses thanks to panelists & audience

GUIDELINES Identify a help participants , identifying an issue or topic

that involves an important conflict in values & interests.

Topic set as a froth of typical questions , hypothesis ,

student experience & actual case. Select panelists.

Select a leader or chairperson/moderator of the panel


Decide on the format of panel discussion.

There should be rehearsal before the actual discussion.

ORGANIZATION chairperson /moderator ,panelists & the audience.



discussion to the subject & see all the members get an equal

opportunity to express views.

chairperson should act as a neutral refree & begin the panel discussion

by exploring the whole proceedings.

chairperson first introduced by name & background of experience &

topic is announced & limit of discussion is stated.

CONT… chairperson start the procedure rolling by making a comment or by

directing question to a particular person.

chairperson provide natural setting, in which audience ask question

,evaluate replies & make constructive contributions.

chairperson coordinates the discussion & it carried on in a

conversational way.

chairperson clarifies an issue or misconception & introduce

another thought & summarizes the main points & invites the

audience to contribute & ask questions. & sums up the discussion.

USE Encourages social learning.

Cognitive & affective objectives are achieved.

To develop the ability of problem solving & logical thinking.

Develops the interests & right type of attitude towards the


Develops the capacity to respect other ideas & feelings & ability

of tolerance

CONT… Provide the opportunities of assimilation of theme

& content.

Different points of views on the subject are

presented by the experts.

Students learn to discuss a topic in conversational

form in a small group in front of a large group.

CHARACTERISTICS It is used at college & university level to organize

teaching at reflective level.

It develops the ability of problem solving.

It provides the opportunity to understand nature

problem or theme of the discussion.

It provide ability of presentation of theme & giving

their point of view logically.

CONT.. It develops the right type of attitude & ability to

tolerate anti-ideas of others.

It develops the ability of creative thinking & to

criticize the theme.

It develops the manners of putting questions &

answering questions.

DISADVANTAGES It requires more time for planning, organizing &


The discussion may be vague & superficial if the panel

members lack mastery

The competency & preparation of the panel members.

The competency & leading capabilities of the chairperson

Planning, organizing & conducting the panel discussion.

LIMITATIONS There are chances to deviate from theme at a time of

discussion , hence the purpose of the panel discussion

is not achieved.

Some members dominate the discussion & do not

provide the opportunities to participate others in


CONT… There is a possibility to split the group into two sub

groups, i.e. for & against the theme. It does not

maintain the conductive situation of learning.

If panelists belong to different groups , it may not

create appropriate learning situation

SUGGESTIONS Rehearsal before the actual panel discussion.

The moderator should be matured person & have the

full understanding of theme or problems & have the

control over the situations.

CONT… The sitting arrangement for panelists & audience

should be such that every person one should be of

equal distance & can observe each other.

The moderator should encourage the discussion on the

points which may lead to constructive aspect of the

problem & encourage the constructive discussion

among panelists and audience

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