paper #4 annotated bibliography

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  • 8/2/2019 Paper #4 Annotated Bibliography


  • 8/2/2019 Paper #4 Annotated Bibliography


    They argue the what a weblog is and show the culture, ecology and community of them.

    I plan on using this source as an example of what weblogs are, how they work and the importance of them

    in modern day life. Because they are used in almost every online community the modern day has, they

    allow members to communicate efficiently.


    In their articleReading and Writing without Authority Penrose and Geisler write about two student

    writing with varying degrees of authority.

    Penrose, Ann M., and Cheryl Geisler. Reading and writing without Authority. College

    Composition and Communication 45.4 (1994): 505-20. Print.

    Their argument is that as you get older and become more experienced in writing your confidence level

    goes up and coincidentally so does the quality of your work and the ability to persuade your readers.

    I plan on using this by showing that it takes time to become a recognized member in a discourse

    community in the traditional sense and you cannot just jump around from one community to another and

    expect to have the same amount of respect you did in the previous one. However with online

    communities you can par take in many communities online, it allows people to save time and money.

    Us Now

    Us Now shows several examples of online communities and how they have flourished with many

    members all contributing a small part even though they are not experts they all feed off of each other as a


    Us Now: What Society Gains from Online Collaboration. Dir. Ivo Gormley. Prod. Hugh Hartford. Banyak

    Films, 2008. DVD.

    They argue different ways that society gains from online communities and how they have impacted our


    I plan on showing this as proof of my main argument that online communities are changing the way we

    think and write for the better. I will show specific examples of each group.


    Brown introduces the idea of community closeness while still having spatial placement.

    Brown, Nicole. "The Regionalization of Cyberspace: Making Visible the Spatial Discourse of

    Community Online." Web log post. Composition Forum. Apr.-May 2006. Web. 2 Mar. 2012.

    Brown argues the idea that online communities are able to still maintain a close knit group while still

    being many miles away because the internet practically keeps them in the same room.

  • 8/2/2019 Paper #4 Annotated Bibliography


    I plan on using this article to show how the internet creates niche communities to appear which have an


    Dan Brown

    Dan Brown explains his experiences with digital communities and how his life as well as others has

    changed because of it.

    Dan Brown and His #secretproject at VidCon 2010. Perf. Dan Brown. Revision3, 2010.

    Youtube Video.

    I plan on using this as an example of another person that was there for the beginning of online discourses

    and how he used them to grow.

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