paradise lost

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Paradise Lost. Lines 1- 283. Lines 1- 26. What lines does the first sentence cover? What is the first verb? What is the effect of waiting to list the verb until then? Who is the Heav’nly Muse in line 6? Who is the shepherd on Mt. Sinai? What does line 9 and line 21 echo? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Paradise Lost

Lines 1- 283

Lines 1- 26

What lines does the first sentence cover?

What is the first verb? What is the effect of waiting to list the verb until then?

Who is the Heav’nly Muse in line 6?Who is the shepherd on Mt. Sinai?

What does line 9 and line 21 echo?

Lines 1-26 are only 2 sentences. What is the effect of this?

What is Milton’s purpose?

Lines 27- 80

What question does Milton ask in lines 27-32?

What is the answer to this question?

Why causes Satan’s fall?

What condition do we find Satan and his demons in?

What is the first action of the poem (line 80ish)?

Line 85- 126

Who is Beelzebub?What is Satan’s first comment about Beelzebub?Did Satan know God’s true strength when he was still in heaven?Has Satan’s attitude towards God changed as a result of the fall?Why does Satan say “All is not lost?”What does Satan want to do? (line 121)What was the tone of Satan’s speech?

Lines 126- 155

Does Beezlebub believe they would be successful if they fought again?

What does Beezlebub think about their current state?

What reason does Beezlebub give for why God left them alive?

Lines 156-190

Who is giving this speech?

What does he say will “never be their task?”

Instead, what should they do? (lines 162-165)

Line 182-190: What does he say here?

Lines 191 - 283

Lines 191-242, What is Satan doing?What does Satan say in lines 242- 249?“The mind is its own place, and in itself/ Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a hell of Heav’n.”Why does Satan say they should stay in hell? (line 258-270)270-283, what does Beelzebub do?

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