parallel adaptive and robust algorithms for the bayesian analysis … · 2012. 4. 20. · parallel...

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Parallel Adaptive and Robust Algorithms for theBayesian Analysis of Mathematical Models

Under Uncertainty

Ernesto Esteves Prudencio1 and Sai Hung Cheung2

1- Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES)The University of Texas at Austin

2- School of Civil and Environmental EngineeringNanyang Technological University, Singapore

SIAM PP12, Savannah, GA, February 17, 2012, 3:30 PM

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Acknowledgement: Research Sponsors

NNSA-DOE, Predictive Science Academic Alliance Programs (PSAAP)

KAUST, Academic Excellence Alliance (AEA) Program

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1 Motivation

2 Computational Tasks

3 ML Algorithm

4 Final Remarks

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1. Motivation

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Treatment of Mathematical Models under Uncertainty

We need to calibrate, predict and validate under uncertainty


• Boundary and initial conditions, geometry

• Values of physical parameters

• Structure of equations (model inadequacy)

• Experimental data

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PECOS Center: Atmospheric Entry Vehicles

Decision maker: what is the probability of failure?

A quantity of interest: TPS recession rate at peak heating

Model: fluid dynamics, thermochemistry, radiation, turbulence, ablation

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Bayesian Model Analysis

Bayes Theorem:

π(θ|D)︸ ︷︷ ︸posterior


likelihood︷ ︸︸ ︷f(D|θ)



f(D|θ) π(θ)∫f(D|θ π(θ)) dθ

Each instance of θ yields one (deterministic or stochastic) model

Example form of likelihood:

ln [f(D|θ)] ∝ −12[y(θ)− d]T [C]−1 [y(θ)− d]

C = σ2 I⇒ ln [f(D|θ)] ∝ −12‖y(θ)− d‖2


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Bayesian Model Analysis

Bayes Theorem:

π(θ|D)︸ ︷︷ ︸posterior


likelihood︷ ︸︸ ︷f(D|θ)



f(D|θ) π(θ)∫f(D|θ π(θ)) dθ

Each instance of θ yields one (deterministic or stochastic) model

Example form of likelihood:

ln [f(D|θ)] ∝ −12[y(θ)− d]T [C]−1 [y(θ)− d]

C = σ2 I⇒ ln [f(D|θ)] ∝ −12‖y(θ)− d‖2


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Case 1: Just One Candidate Model is Available

Calibrate Predict

Motivation for samples

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Case 1: Just One Candidate Model is Available

Calibrate Predict

Motivation for samples

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Case 2: Many Candidate Models are Available

Motivation for samples and for model ranking

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Case 2: Many Candidate Models are Available

Motivation for samples and for model rankingPrudencio and Cheung Parallel Adaptive Multilevel Sampling SIAM PP12, Savannah, Feb. 17 9 / 34


The Concepts of “Model Class” and “Model Evidence”

Model class M1 = set of all models corresponding to all possible θ

• = mathematical equations + all assumptions supporting them;

• = a hypothesis, a collection of statements that allows the definition ofπ(θ) and f(D|θ).

π(θ1|D,M1) =f(D|θ1,M1) π(θ1|M1)


f(D|θ1,M1) π(θ1|M1)∫f(D|θ1,M1) π(θ1|M1) dθ1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Model evidence = probability of obtaining D given some hypothesis M1

π(D|M1)︸ ︷︷ ︸evidence

=∫f(D|θ1,M1)︸ ︷︷ ︸


π(θ1|M1)︸ ︷︷ ︸prior


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Plausibility of a Model Class in a Set of Candidates

Different assumptions, equations, parameters⇒ different model class

M = {M1,M2, . . . ,Mm}

Bayes theorem at model class level, with the discrete setM of candidates:

p(Mj |D,M)︸ ︷︷ ︸posterior plausibility


evidence︷ ︸︸ ︷π(D|Mj)

prior plausibility︷ ︸︸ ︷p(Mj |M)


π(D|Mj) p(Mj |M)∑mj=1 π(D|Mj) p(Mj |M)


j=1 p(Mj |D,M) = 1.

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Comparing Bayesian Inference FormulasIntra Model Class:

π(θj |D,Mj)︸ ︷︷ ︸posterior prob.


likelihood︷ ︸︸ ︷f(D|θj ,Mj)

prior probability︷ ︸︸ ︷π(θj |Mj)


f(D|θj ,Mj) π(θj |Mj)∫f(D|θj ,Mj) π(θj |Mj) dθj

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Inter Model Classes:

p(Mj |D,M)︸ ︷︷ ︸posterior plausibility


evidence︷ ︸︸ ︷π(D|Mj)

prior plausibility︷ ︸︸ ︷p(Mj |M)


π(D|Mj) p(Mj |M)∑mj=1 π(D|Mj) p(Mj |M)

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Example of Model Evidence Calculations

j π(D|Mj) p(Mj |M) p(Mj |D,M)1 1.6× 10−3 ≈ 33% ≈ 07%2 6.4× 10−3 ≈ 33% ≈ 26%3 1.6× 10−2 ≈ 33% ≈ 67%

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Computational Tasks

2. Computational Tasks

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Computational Tasks

Two Computational Tasks

• Generate samples of posterior π(θ|D) in order to forward propagateuncertainty and compute QoI rv’s

• Compute model evidence π(D|M) =∫f(D|θ,M) π(θ|M) dθ

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Computational Tasks

Possible Algorithms

• Metropolis-Hastings (MCMC):

samples for f(D|θ,M) π(θ|M)

• Monte Carlo:∫f(D|θ,M) π(θ|M)︸ ︷︷ ︸


dθ ≈ 1N



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Computational Tasks

Unimodal Distributions: “Easy”

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Computational Tasks

Multimodal Distributions: Not Necessarily Complicated

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Computational Tasks

Multimodal Distributions: Possibly Complicated

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ML Algorithm

3. ML Algorithm

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ML Algorithm

Main Idea


l = 0, 1, . . . , L > 1,



target(θ) = f τl(D|θ)× πprior(θ),

with0 = τ0 < τ1 < . . . < τL−1 < τL = 1.

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ML Algorithm

Example of Last Level

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ML Algorithm

Illustration on Different Levels (Exponents)

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ML Algorithm

Main Idea in More Detail

∫f(θ) π(θ) dθ =

∫f π dθ

=∫f (1−τL−1) f (τL−1−τL−2) . . . f (τ2−τ1) f τ1 π dθ

= c1

∫f (1−τL−1) f (τL−1−τL−2) . . . f (τ2−τ1) f

τ1 π


= c2 c1

∫f (1−τL−1) f (τL−1−τL−2) . . .

f (τ2−τ1) f τ1 π

c2 c1dθ

= cL cL−1 . . . c2 c1

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ML Algorithm

ML Algorithm Overview

• Set l = 0, τl = 0• Sample prior distribution

• While τl < 1 do {• Begin next level: set l← l + 1• Compute τl• Select, from previous level, initial positions for Markov chains

• Compute sizes of chains

• Generate chains

• Compute cl• }

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ML Algorithm

Chances for Load Unbalancing

The “good” samples from a level serve as initial positions for the next level.

“Luckier” MPI nodes, with more “good” samples, will generate moresamples in the next level.

Cumulative effect is clear (e.g. a case of “unbalancing ratio” = 29).

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ML Algorithm

ML Algorithm with Load Balancing

• Set l = 0, τl = 0• Sample prior distribution

• While τl < 1 do {• Begin next level: set l← l + 1• Compute τl• Select, from previous level, initial positions for Markov chains

• Compute sizes of chains

• Redistribute chain initial positions among MPI nodes

• Generate chains

• Compute cl• }

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ML Algorithm

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ML Algorithm

(Schematic) Potential Work Balancing Issues

b =maximum total computational workminimum total computational work

, among all processors

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ML Algorithm

Results with 1D Problem

8 processors 64 processors

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ML Algorithm

Results with 10D Problem

8 processors 64 processors

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Final Remarks

4. Final Remarks

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Final Remarks

Many UQ Research Challenges Beyond Load Balancing

• Statistical robustness

• Fault tolerance (Karl Schulz)

• Computational cost

• Convergence

• Various models: turbulence, thermochemistry, peridynamics,earthquakes, tumor growth

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Final Remarks

Thank you!

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