paranexus newsletter 01 feb 10

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  • 8/14/2019 ParaNexus Newsletter 01 Feb 10


    Coming Feb. 4th onParaNexus Radio

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    Parapsychology &Quantum

    EntanglementWith Dr. William Roll

    Dr. Roll discusses his paper onparapsychology and quantum

    entanglementincluding someinteresting possibilities for

    establishing the existence ofpsi phenomena.

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    T h i s M o n t h i n P a r a N e x u sThe ParaNexusNewsletter

    2010 by David Desjardins CD

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    uted free of charge to any-

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    I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

    Letters From the Editor 2

    Characteristics Of Good


    Client InterviewingBest


    Cold & Hot Atmospheric


    Precursor SoundsThe Snaps,

    Clicks, and Pops, of EVP6

    N e w A n n o u n c e m e n t s

    1 February 2010

    Recent Blogs

    Returning to ParaNexus

    Spirit PossessionA Reality?

    Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

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    Is It Proper to Certify Some-one in Para Research?

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  • 8/14/2019 ParaNexus Newsletter 01 Feb 10


    February is ushering in

    many new changes, addi-

    tions and advancements,

    within the ParaNexus Uni-


    Doug and Mike have

    been busy adding addi-

    tional functionality to the

    site in the form of chat

    rooms discussing various

    topics, and valuable tools

    to the Members Research


    On top of these, we are

    pleased to announce a

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    Until next time.

    Best Wishes!

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    L e t t e r s F r o m t h e E d i t o r

    B y D a v i d D e s j a r d i n s C D

    P a g e 2

    Certified Paranormal Investiga-

    tors Course Available at

    ParaNexus Academy

    1 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 0

    C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f G o o d

    L e a d e r s h i pE x c e r p t e d f r o m t h e C L P I C o u r s e

    B y D o u g K e l l e y , C H , C S L , C L P I

    Many characteristics of good leadership exist, butI want to briefly focus on several important traits as itrelates to leading a paranormal research team. Manymore are peppered throughout this course. Please read

    the following with your own team in mind.

    1. Leaders understand and work with humannature. Much has been written about leader-ship over the eons of human existence, andmore will undoubtedly be written in the cen-turies to come. However, good leadership canbe boiled down to one basic concept: Greatleaders have a profound understanding of hu-man nature and they work with itnot

    against it.

    2. Leaders are excellent communicators. It isdifficult to stress the importance of goodcommunication in all human endeavors. The

    underlying factor in all human relationshipproblems and misunderstandings is the lack ofproper and timely communication. Never for-get the following principle: Lack of communi-cation will kill anyrelationship. This principleis as consistent as any physical law in our uni-verse and equally important. In the samemanner that you can set your watch by themovement of the planets and stars, so toocan you set your watch on this principle of

    communication. Stop communicating and the

    relationship will fail. Regular communication

    will help you to maintain the enthusiasm and

    energy of your group at a high level.

    3. Leaders are reasonable, fair, predictable,and consistent. The quickest way to com-

    pletely decimate your teams morale is to bemoody and unpredictable. If today you blowup over some insignificant thing, and tomor-row you handle a major crisis with a levelhead, you can be certain that your team willnever approach you with anything unless theyabsolutely have to; the lines of communica-

    tion will have been broken.

    To avoid this, you as a leader must learnand utilize excellent communication andpeo- ple skills. This means that you need to bedown-to-earth, not take yourself too seri-

    ously, and be a Real-Live Human Being. Fartoo many people take themselves too seri-ously. They get upset over mundane thingsthat really dont matter in the Grand Schemeof Things. They react before fully thinkingmatters through. Good leaders avoid these

    types of negative behaviors.

    As a leader, pride yourself on being fair,reasonable, and consistent in all of your

    dealings with others.

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    P a g e 31 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 0

    Dont allow anyone to ever knock you off ofdead center regarding your self control and rea-sonable approach. Weigh things before you re-

    spond. Never react hastily.

    4. Leaders have impeccable integrity. Integrity isdefined as adherence to moral and ethical prin-ciples; soundness of moral character; honesty.Leaders are above reproach when it comes todealing honestly and ethically with team mem-bers, colleagues, and everyone else. Leaders donot lie either by commission or omission. Theydo not talk about others negatively behind theirbacks. They always give the benefit of the doubt

    until there is a good reason not to do so.

    Leaders with integrity strive to do the rightthing for all concerned. They have a moral com-pass that always points in an ethical direction.

    They practice the principle, Do no harm.

    5. Leaders share their leadership. Leaders areneither control freaks nor micro-managers.They share their leadership by getting othersinvolved and displaying good communicationskills. Shared leadership is all about involve-ment and communication, being open toideas, delegating meaningful tasks that canpotentially help others grow and give them asense of accomplishment. Leaders share theirleadership by getting feedback from teammembers as well as allowing them to be part

    of the decision-making process when appropri-ate. Shared leadership spreads the control andpromotes a healthy team environment inwhich members can take pride. It mitigatesthe Entitlement Attitude so pervasive in the

    world today.

    6. Leaders succeed by helping others to suc-ceed. This concept must permeate your entireperspective! If you want to succeed as ateam, you must help your individual teammembers to also succeed. This means differ-ent things to different people. People only do

    the things they see a benefit in doing. Thisincludes you and your team members. Yourdefinition of success will likely differ fromyour team members. In order for you to suc-ceed, you need to define what success as aparanormal research team means to you. Like-wise, in order to help your team memberssucceed, you need to know how they define

    success as it relates to being on the team.

    How do you find out? Ask them! Ask them howyou can help them to succeed in the paranormal

    field, and then work to help them succeed.

    7. Leaders develop themselves. The concept of anatural born leader is largely a myth. While itis true that some people are naturally gifted inleadership qualities, effective leaders have edu-cated themselves in a variety of areas including

    human nature and effective people skills.

    The American Heritage Dictionary definesthe word entropy as, the tendency for allmatter and energy in the universe to evolve to-ward a state of inert uniformity. Entropy is theuniversal phenomena in which things revert backto a state of inert matter, in other words, thingsgo back to the dust. Put another way, entropyinvolves the tendency for things to gravitatefrom a state of order to a state of disorder.When applied to human development, entropymeans: If we are not growing, we are dying.Some say that this is stagnation, which is true.

    But stagnation is just a slow form of death.

    Effective leaders are on a continual quest forknowledge, experience, personal growth, andenlightenment. While many people think self-improvement is too hard and therefore rarely doit, leaders dont shrink back from investing inthemselves by way of continuing education. Be asponge for personal growth! Strive for Great-

    ness; dont settle for mediocrity!

    8. Leaders replicate themselves by developingothers. If you want to have better team mem-bers, teach them life skills. Coach them in ef-fective communication skills. Train them how tobe top-shelf paranormal researchers and empha-size the sense of pride that comes from beingsuch. Help them to think for themselves regard-ing paranormal phenomena. Having a great teamdoesnt just happen; you have to create it bycoaching and developing your members in anassertive manner over time. Continuing educa-

    tion is a philosophy that should be part of yourteam culture.

    By developing and training your team, you, inessence, replicate yourself. Your objective is tohave competent and capable team memberswho can and will perform necessary investiga-tion tasks and procedures with minimum super-vision. This allows a team to work together

    without unnecessary friction.

  • 8/14/2019 ParaNexus Newsletter 01 Feb 10


    P a g e 4 1 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 0

    By the way, if you are an effective leader,you may find that, down the road, one or moreof your members want to break away and starttheir own research group. How should you reactto this? My advice is to embrace it! Think aboutit. Rather than allow this to destroy your

    friendship, take solace in the fact that youtrained them well and helped them to grow asresearchers and human beings. Understand thattheir desire to now spread their wings is the

    natural result of healthy growth.

    Not everyone will want the stress of found-ing and directing a group of their own, butsome will. Help them. Encourage them. Ap-plaud them. Remember why you are doing thisin the first place. Is it simply to have a group oris it to find answers to paranormal phenomena?Never compete, rather, work with other

    groups, even if they are one of your childrenwho has grown up and left the nest, so to


    You will be successful as a leader only to the extentthat you absorb and apply these traits to your ownleadership efforts. Aspects of these traits and manyothers are explored and expanded upon in theParaNexus Certified Leading Paranormal Investigator(CLPI) Course. The CLPI Course covers all aspects of

    founding and managing an anomalous research teamincluding screening new members and managing diffi-cult behavior. Please visitwww.ParaNexusAcademy.orgfor more information

    One of the most important aspects of con-ducting any type of anomalous investigation isthe Initial Interview. It is the foundation of theprocess and will often lead the investigator toone or more conclusions before the investiga-tion proceeds.

    The art of doing a concise initial interviewdoes not require an individual to have an ad-vanced degree or training. Although it helps tohave such training, good common sense cansubstitute and do the job nicely.

    Here are several important factors to con-sider when doing a face to face initial inter-view:

    Hone your listening skills: More often thannot, much can be interpreted from what yourclient says. Be prepared to listen intently anddevelop your non-verbal skills that indicateyour attentiveness e.g., nodding your head,maintaining eye contact, your facial reactions,

    etc. Let the client verbalize. Youll be surprisedat how productive simply listening can be, es-pecially with experiences that have challengedtheir constructs of reality.

    Ask open-ended questions: Avoid askingquestions that require a yes or no answer. Prac-tice phrases that allow the client to elaborateon their individual experiences and feelings.

    Observe, observe, and observe: Prior toand when starting an initial interview, quietlyobserve the individual(s) body language, tone ofspeech, and whether the individual(s) maintainseye contact with you. If more than one personis present, pay close attention to the dynamicsbetween family members or the individuals in-volved in the anomalous event, e.g., does oneperson dominate or try to dominate the other?This can manifest itself in over-talking, fre-quent interruptions, or silence on the part ofwho is subject to the dominating talk.

    C l i e n t I n t e r v i e w i n g

    B e s t P r a c t i c e s

    S i m p l e T i p s T h a t C a n I m p r o v e Y o u rI n t e r v i e w i n g S k i l l s
  • 8/14/2019 ParaNexus Newsletter 01 Feb 10


    P a g e 51 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 0

    A technique that can be effective is to simply askthe dominated individual directly what their percep-tion is and allow them to speak without interruption!Look for behaviors that indicate stress or anxiety suchas fidgeting, tapping fingers or some other object, ordifficulties staying focused on the topic. Note your

    observations mentally and trust your intuition. Whatmessage is being sent verbally and non-verbally?

    If you use a standard format try not to deviate:This is an area where some investigators have difficul-ties and important data may be overlooked or easilymisinterpreted. Fill in all of the blanks, take yourtime, and do not rush. Remember that you are con-ducting the interview and you need to set the tone. Agood initial interview should take at least 30-45 min-utes.

    Do not be reluctant to ask difficult questions:

    Theres an old expression that goes like this: A faintheart never won fair lady. If you present a questionin a non-threatening and respectful manner, mostindividual(s) will respond accordingly. Some investiga-tors are not comfortable asking questions about men-tal illness, medications, and substance/alcohol abuse.

    If you miss these factors and conduct an inves-tigation, you are on shaky ground and can jeop-ardize the validity of your entire investigation.Think about asking the tough questions and seehow the client reacts. If they avoid providinganswers, is that not an answer within itself?

    Seek clarification as the interview un-folds: During the course of the interview if yourclient(s) are unclear or evasive, ask them toelaborate on the meaning of what they havejust verbalized. This is critical in conductinganomalous research. If necessary and possibleseek further clarification from other witnesses.Always present these questions in a mannerwhich is not interrogative as no one likes to begrilled in a cross examination type of manner.

    C o l d & H o t A t m o s p h e r i c A n o m a l i e s

    W h a t a r e L i t t l e G h o s t s M a d e o f ?

    B y M i k e J o n e s

    Observations of temperature extremes have beennoticed in anomalous investigations for years. Many in-vestigators and researchers theorize that a cold atmos-pheric phenomenon happens while an entity is gatheringenergy from the local area,while others who experiencehot atmospheric phenomena maintain that this interac-tion is with an evil or demonic presence. In either case,these two instances of atmospheric disturbance are sim-ply theories and nothing more. To date, no one has beenable to prove that an entity can actually cause the ambi-ent temperature of a location to change from its pres-ence or need of gathering energy.

    In physics, magnetic field study has produced someinteresting information as to why the ambient air tem-perature would change in an environment. In any givenenvironment, there are free floating atoms and mole-cules that randomly move, bounce, split, and combinewith each other. Magnetic fields in this environment alsoaffect the alignment and randomness of the particlemovement. This combined interaction produces a resid-ual heat energy that we perceive as ambient air tem-perature.

    The less collision of particles occurring in an environ-ment, the colder the ambient temperature will be inthat region. While, alternately, the greater the collisionof particles occurring in an environment, the hotter theambient temperature will be in that region.

    Depending on the magnetic field strength in the re-gion, the particles will respond accordingly. If the mag-netic field in the area is consistent, that is, where Northand South polarity is well defined, all the particles inthat area will also align North and South. The alignmentsin this region slow down particle collisions, which, inturn, slow down the process of producing heat. The per-

    ceived effect during this process is a cold spot or a dropin temperature.

    Inversely, during random magnetic field interaction,particle collisions increase producing heat thus creatingthe perception of hot spots or temperature spikes. Thisalone could explain the observations of many investiga-tors and researchers.

    I would tend to think this scientific explanationwould fit better than spirits, entities, demons, and suchcreating these anomalous temperature changes.

  • 8/14/2019 ParaNexus Newsletter 01 Feb 10


    I can go on for days why these entities in hauntingcases are not made up of normal particles of matter. Itis a well known and documented fact that magneticfields can cause light emissions, pass through virtuallyany substance, affect battery life, temperature, andrecording equipment, as well as affect the psychologyand perception of people. Do these observations soundfamiliar to haunting cases?

    Once a location has been thoroughly checked for am-

    bient high EM fields from fuse boxes, wiring, and othernatural sources, with what does this leave us? Is there apossibility we may be dealing with entities that are com-posed of magnetic fields, albeit, very different fromnatural magnetic fields?

    Entities composed of magnetic fields would not onlyallow for the manipulation of temperature, physical ob-jects, the emotions and perceptions of people, theywould also theoretically be able to communicatethrough EVP type equipment which record through amagnetic condenser. Magnetic fields can bend light,which would account for the fleeting photographs andvideo footage that exist. In Addition, magnetic fields are

    able to move freely through virtually any substance-which would account why an entity can move freelyfrom room to room without restriction.

    A common misconception is that a magnetic field is athing. When one talks of magnetic fields, one is actu-ally referring to a field effect. The lines that are oftendepicted in science book illustrations are simply the to-pology of the field strength going on at that location,much like the elevation depicted in a topological map.In truth, a magnetic field actually suggests that there issomething in another dimension projecting into ourphysical domain and affecting everything. In other

    words, the magnetic field would simply be the shadowof a dimensional object projecting into our three dimen-sional world.

    If a magnetic field is not an actual object then thetheory of these entities being composed of magneticfields would have to be revised and redefined, in that,what we are dealing with are dimensional entities thatcan directly affect magnetic fields in our dimension.This still would stay within the limitations or constraintsof what has been reported by many people, investiga-tors, and researchers.

    As to whether or not the entities are of a higher orlower level dimension than ours is yet to be proven. Psy-chics often refer to these entities as either being a low-level entity or higher level entity, this, I believe, wouldbe more along the lines of spiritual development and notrefer to what dimension these entities belong to in ascientific sense.

    Dimensions can be on a higher or lower level thanours, but a dimension can also be next to ours. Dimen-sions can be described as in the following analogy. Justas in 3D space we have things above us representinghigher dimensions, we have things in 3D space below usrepresenting lower dimensions, but we also have thingsin front of, behind, to the left, and to the right of us.These dimensions are still in 3D space but not part ofthe dimension we normally perceive (or what could betermed as alternate dimensions).

    So where does that leave us as researchers, and thethings we need to be looking for in proving these thingsexist and interact within our world? If these entities aretruly dimensional in nature, then evidence gained duringinvestigations should point to clear information overtime that supports this theory. Hopefully, other re-searchers are starting to come to the same conclusion asto the dimensional nature of these phenomena and itsfar-reaching meaning for humanity.

    Page 6

    P r e c u r s o r S o u n d sT h e S n a p s , C l i c k s , a n d P o p s o f E V P

    B y D r I n g r i d I r w i n

    Many researchers in the field of EVP have recorded,discussed, and written about strange noises that are of-

    ten heard before or after an EVP message termed pre-cursor sounds. Often they are described as a click, pop,crack, boom, or snap. These sounds have been associ-ated with Electronic Voice Phenomena for decades, andare the centre of considerable conversation and debateamong many people involved in the field.

    Upon playback, these sounds may be heard clearly,but are not heard at the time of recording. They canrange from very loud and high pitched cracks, to whatappears as a dull tapping sound on the recorder itself.

    Additionally, they may occur as a brief audible soundwhich seems to have no three-dimensional sound refer-

    ence. In many cases the sound appears to be similar to amicro burst energy spike which causes a click, pop,boom, or snap sound of high energy. I have heard someresearchers refer to the sound as similar to a sharp elec-trical-type snap, a dull thumping or tapping, or similarto some sort of sonic type noise. On a few occasions,sounds similar to finger tapping and sliding of the re-corder have been recorded, yet the recorder was in acontrolled environment and not moved throughout therecording session.

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    P a g e 7 1 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 0

    Another interesting occurrence reported is adrop out in the sound source that can occur be-fore anomalous speech in an audio capture. Thisdrop out has been observed and recorded by manyresearchers including myself, and at this point, de-fies explanation.

    An intriguing observation of these mysterioussounds is they can appear almost as though they arehappening inside the recorder. No echo or soundsource can be identified, thus they are either in ex-tremely close proximity or literally within the re-corder itself. They may appear like energetic pulsesin some recordings, occurring two or three timesprior to or post anomalous speech. They are spas-modic and intermittent, just as EVP utterances, andoccur on all models of recorders. These sounds aswell as the voices themselves exhibit a non-threedimensional and non-acoustic character, both ofwhich occur in a very short length of time.

    Through observation, EVP reception seems to beat a very close range, and not the long range ofacoustically produced sounds. By using two or morerecorders set a few feet apart, I have found thatone recorder will capture an EVP while the otherrecorder does not register or record any anomaloussound or voice. This suggests that an anomalousvoice may actually need to be in close proximity toa particular recorder at the time.

    At this point, we are theorizing what these anoma-lous sounds mean to research in the field. These soundsmay be a prompting to communicate such as a mildelectrical prompt upon the recording medium as some-thing is approaching extremely close, passing by, ortouching the recording devises. This prompt could pro-

    duce the anomalous sounds such as clicks, snaps, andpops in preparation for a voice capture. This could alsobe a precursor sound prior to a possible shift in timeoccurring in two aspects of reality, a type of link upbetween our reality and another.

    When we are analyzing a recording, it is advisable topay close attention to these sounds and if one is heard,to listen more intently to what comes next as it sug-gests an anomalous voice may be present in close prox-imity to the sound. I have noted when these precursorsounds occur, it tends to be a signal for a better thanaverage audio capture as the loudness, quality, andclarity, is generally of a higher level.

    This continues to be interesting phenomenon in thefield of EVP that definitely requires more investigationand research in order to understand the nature of thesemysterious snaps, pops, and booms. Perhaps, in time itwill all come together.

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    The ParaNexus Academy offers a growing list of paranormaland personal growth courses that are affordable and compre-hensive. Our instructors are skilled and knowledgeable in thetopics they teach. All courses are conducted online and mayfeature live video sessions, online content, instructor articlesand books, and additional activities and material.

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