parasites & worms in the human body

Post on 14-Jan-2015



Health & Medicine



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Parasites and worms that live inside our bodies and effect our health significantly. Fact: 97% of deceased people have parasites and worms in their organs when they die. 62% of all ailment start in the Colon and spread to the Intestines.The good new is you can remove them by drinking 2 cups a day of Iaso Tea which cleanses your colon and intestines naturally.


This is what your Digestive Tract could look Like if you don't Take Action

Pointing To Different Types Of Parasites That we all Have inside Our Bodies.

Worms & Parasites been Pulled From The Body

Tape Worm Eating The Body


The Gunk The Parasites Live On

How our cells are effected

Parasites attack the Brain

Round Worm

Tape Worms

Parasite Poop inside our Bodies

1/3 of Every Bowel Movement you make belongs to Parasites

Common Parasite found in Everybody that sucks your Energy

Parasites can Lay Millions of Eggs per Day

Common Symptoms

Cravings for

Shortness of Breath

Uncontrollable Coughing

Under the Skin


Then Diarrhoea Again

In Your Stool

Irritable Bowel Syndrome



What you think is Fat could be Parasites

Parasites can clog up your entire Digestive System

Parasites live in your Gut and Defecate inside You

Can Grow to be 40 Ft Long inside You

Can lay up to 1 Million Eggs a Day in Your Guts

Typical Parasite found on Dogs and Pets that get passed to Humans

Itchy Butt most likely caused by Above Pin Worm

Itchy Nose or Ear most likely above Pin Worm

Tape Worm Usually The Cause of Abdominal Pain & Bloating

Tape Worms

Round Worm that creates a digestive Liquid Fluid in Your Colon Wall

Tape Worms live on partially Digested Food

Round Worms survive on the undigested food we eat

Round Worms Looks Like Fat Spaghetti

Round Worm Most Common Cause of Human Infections & Lays up to 2Million Eggs a Day

Round Worms Hatch in Your Colon and Penetrate your Intestines and live for Years

Round Worms Then Enter your Blood and make their way to your Liver

Round Worms Left Untreated eventually enter your Entire Body Organs




Pneumonia Symptoms

Eating Raw Meats such as Sushi is a Major Contributor for Consuming Round Worms

Bare Feet Attract Hook Worms

Hook Worms are picked up from walking Barefoot around the House or Outside

Hook Worms Have 4 Sets of Teeth and Eat Your Intestinal Wall & Suck your Blood

Hook Worms Can Penetrate The Body

Parasite penetrate the Placenta and can enter the Baby

Parasite can be transferred with Breast Feeding

Parasites are The Main Cause For

Tests done at Funeral Homes Showed That 97% of People’s Body Fluids were totally consumed with Parasites & Worms when they Died.

Round Worms can Grow to 50 feet Long

Scientists are only now realizing how dangerous these parasites & Worms are.

Our Cells are controlled by Chemical Signals and are affected by Parasites & Worms

Parasites Omit a signal that directly effects our Behaviour, Thoughts, Decisions & Urges

Parasites can be passed on from Kissing

The Wrong Food We Eat is The Food The Parasites & Worms Love

These are the worms you are Feeding Feed them something they don't like

Drink 2 Cups of Iaso Tea a day and Flush These Parasites out of your System

Get Parasite & Worm Free. Order your Free Sample Here

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