parcc assessments- what do the tasks require students to do? msde college and career ready...

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PARCC Assessments- What Do The Tasks Require Students To Do?

MSDE College and Career Ready Conference

Summer 2015


Outcomes-Today you will learn: The instructional implications from understanding

the composition of PARCC items.

The instructional implications from understanding how PARCC items are scored.

Strategies that will help students become better problem solvers and confident on the PARCC assessment.


MD-CC-Ready Standards- Instructional Shifts Focus: strongly teach the content focus of the

standards using the mathematical progressions Coherence: think across grades, and link to

major topics within each grade. Rigor: in major topics, pursue with equal

intensity Conceptual Understanding Procedural Skill and fluency Applications


Standards of Mathematical PracticeReasoning and Explaining

2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively

3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others

Modeling and Using Tools4.Model with mathematics

5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

Seeing Structure and Generalizing7. Look for and make use of structure

8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.Overarching Habits of the Mind

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

5. Attend to precision.4

Shifts in the Math Standards –Heart of PARCC Design

1. Focus: The PARCC assessment will focus strongly where the Standards focus

2. Coherence: Think across grades and link to major topics within grades

3. Rigor: In major topics, pursue

conceptual understanding,

procedural skill and fluency,

and application.


Applying The Shifts in Assessment

Shift #1 – Focus: The PARCC assessments will focus strongly where the Standards focus

Advance: 70% or more on the major work in grades 3-8. Focus allows for a variety of problem types to assess a concept in multiple ways.Students will have more time to master concepts at a deeper level.


Advances in Assessment Demanded by the Shifts

Shift #2 - Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics within grades

Advance: Integrative tasks draw on multiple standards to ensure students are making important connections.The Standards are not treated

as a checklist.


Advances in assessment demanded by the shifts

Shift #3 - Rigor: In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application

Advance: PARCC assessments will reach the rigor in the Standards through innovations in technology and item design.


Evidence-Centered Design (ECD)


Claims Driving Design: MathematicsStudents are on-track or ready for college and



Evidence Statements Describe the knowledge and skills that

an assessment item or task elicits from students.

Clarifies what is being assessed Highlight the advances in the standards,

especially coherence



Types of Evidence Statements Use the exact language of the statement.

Uses the number of the CCSS Focuses on specific parts of standard

3.OA.7-1 Be integrative (allows for more than one of

the standards) 3.NF.A. Int.1


Types of Evidence Statements Focus on mathematics reasoning

3.C.2- content scope 3.OA.6

Focus on mathematics modeling 4.D.2 – content scope 3.OA.A, 3.OA.8,

3.NBT, and/or 3.MD


Table Talks Divide into four groups At each table there is a problem that

exemplifies each type of task. Participants should:

Do the problem Identify which type of task (Task I, II, III) Instructional Implications

Task Type I- Sub Claims A & B

Assesses concepts, skills, and procedures from all grade level content (A-Major Content, B-Supporting and Additional Content)

Measures three parts of rigor and any of the math practices

Machine Scored


Type 1 Task Examples


Answer Key and Evidence StatementAnswers D, E

Evidence Statement is 5.NBT.3aRead, write and compare decimals to the thousands.a.Read and write decimals to the thousands using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded formClarifications 1.Tasks have thin context2.Tasks assess conceptual understanding, e.g. by including a mixture (both within and between items) of expanded form, number names, and base ten numerals.


PARCC Points Teach the Major Standards Begin with Conceptual Understanding Teach multiple representations Use and expect students to use math

vocabulary Note ‘e.g’s’ in Evidence Statements and

Standards- include during instruction


4.NF.A Int.1

Task 1- Two Parts


Answer Key

Evidence Statement 4.NF.A.Int.1Solve one-step word problems requiring integration of knowledge and skills articulated in 4. NF.Content Scope 4.NFClarifications: Tasks are limited to denominators 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 100.Standard 4.NF.A: Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering


PARCC POINTS Provide tasks with one step problems in

two different parts Teach Major content Practice the Equation Editor Encourage Math vocabulary Encourage mathematical precision


Task Type II- Reasoning Sub Claim C Hand scored Assesses expressing mathematical reasoning.

Tasks call for written arguments/justifications, critique of reasoning or precision in mathematical statements.


Type II Reasoning Task

4.C.5-5/4.NF.7 24


Answer Key- Modeling Task


Type II- Reasoning TaskEvidence Statement-4.C.5-5/4.NF.7

Distinguish correct explanation/reasoning from that which is flawed, and if there is a flaw in the argument-present corrected reasoning.

Content Focus- 4.NF.B


Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations of whole numbers.


PARCC Points –Type II Provide flawed reasoning tasks

Identify the flawed reasoning- specifically state the error

Explain how to correct the flawed thinking Show the correct way to solve the problem.


Type ll A Second Example


PARCC POINTS Explain how the model helps demonstrate the

mathematics Students need to use models and then connect them

from the concrete to the abstract. (Representational Stage) important

Students need practice explaining orally and then in writing with precision

Students should represent the mathematics with the correct equation

Precision Use correct mathematics vocabulary, symbols, and

numerals for the problem Compute with Accuracy Carefully copy all parts of the solution from scrap paper

to the online answer area. Understand the difference between expressions and

equations. Record thinking algebraically Specifically write the correct equation or equations for

the problem.

Task Type III- Modeling Sub Claim D Hand scored Assesses modeling/application in real

world context or scenario and can also involve other mathematical practice standards.


Type III- Modeling/Application


Task Type III- Modeling



Evidence Statement -5.D.1

Content NBT.5

Solve multi-step contextual word problems with degree of difficulty appropriate to Grade 5, requiring application of knowledge and skills articulated in Type 1 Evidence statements located in either PBA only or PBA and EOY sections of this document. Type II Reasoning Evidence Statements will not be used when developing Type III Modeling items.

5.NBT.5 Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.


Modeling in K-2 Multiple Representations Represent a problem in multiple ways

Numbers (spoken and/or written) Words (spoken and/or written) Drawing Pictures Using objects Acting out Make a chart or list Writing equations

Connect and explain the representations and connections.


Modeling in Grades 3-5 Use all of the multiple representations K-2 Make connections between the different

representations Be able to explain the connections Accurately represent the mathematics in the

problem with the correct equation or equations Gr 5- evaluate the utility of models to determine

which is most useful.

PARCC Points for Type lll Tasks Teach concepts using the Levels of

Abstraction Demonstrate and have students use multiple

representations Note: Representations should lead students to

demonstrate the mathematics using numbers and symbols

Mathematics Vocabulary Precision


Summary- PARCC Points Download a copy of the Informational

Guide for your grade level. Become familiar with what students need

to know and be able to demonstrate. Incorporate the SMPs into every

mathematics lesson.


PARCC Points Create or find problems that are

Integrative, meet Sub Claims II and III. Concentrate on the Major Work and

infuse supportive standards and additional standards

Stress precision of answers using numbers and words


PARCC Items  Solve problems involving the Major work of the grade with

connections to the practice standards.

Solve problems involving the Additional and Supporting work of the grade with connections to the practice standards.

Express mathematical reasoning by constructing mathematical arguments and critiques.

Solve real-world problems by engaging particularly in the modeling practice.

Demonstrate fluency in the areas set for in the content standards for Grades 3 – 6



Problem Solving Plan



Three Read Process/ 5 Steps1. Read the problem without stopping

2. Read For Details

3. Third Read- Read to Represent (model) the problem.

4. Represent the problem using numbers and symbols- solve the problem.

5. Check your work-Go back to the Problem

Close Reading in Math


Teaching the Close Reading Strategy for Math

Scaffold the steps. Teach one step at a time until students

demonstrate proficiency with that step. Add the next step in the Three Read

Process. Note: There is a ‘teacher guide’ with steps for

teaching the Close Reading strategy for Math in CCR section and in your packet of handouts


First Read SMP

#1-Make sense of a problem and persevere in solving them

#7- Look for and make use of structure

PARCC Points- Students need to be able to read and

understand the task in order to solve it. Mathematical vocabulary**


Your Turn Materials:

Close Reading in Math Organizer Practice Test Item

Read the Introduction and Part A of the task.

In the organizer, use the box for Step 1 to tell, in your own words, what the problem is about.


Discuss Think-Pair-Share Share your ideas with a partner and show

where the information was found in the problem.

Sample Questions:

1. How would you describe the problem in your own words?

2. How would you describe what you are trying to find out?


Second Read- Read for Details * information that is important and will be

used to solve the problem *- Vocabulary, numbers, units Circle- any information that does not make

sense. PARCC Points- Students will need to be

precise in their answers, use numbers, units from problem

Vocabulary- know and understand50

Your Turn- Second Read Read for Details Reread the problem and on the organizer

in the box for Step 2, write important details for solving the problem.

Don’t solve it yet! Share your ideas with a partner and show

where the information was found in the problem.


Think- Pair- Share, Discuss What problem structure (type) does this problem

represent? What patterns, properties, and structures of an operation

are found in the problem? What do the numbers in the problem represent? What information did you find in charts or tables,

diagrams? How did these visuals help your find the answer.

What information does not make sense? What word do you not know or understand? What information is missing?


Third Read- Read to Represent (Draw)


#4- Model with Mathematics

#5- Use appropriate tools strategically

# 7- Look for and make use of structure

Students who visualize a problem are better able to solve the problem correctly.

Students transfer from pictorial to abstract numbers to represent the problem.


Third Read- Read To Represent (Draw)

PARCC Points- Multiple representations Students need to explain how a model helped

them solve the problem. PARCC uses models- number lines, tape

diagrams, geometric shapes, etc..


Your Turn- Third Read Read the problem a third time. Use the

box for Step 3 to represent the problem with a drawing.

Label the drawing with information you know from the problem. Put a ? For the unknown information.


Third Read- Think-Pair-Share Work with a partner to share your

representation. Explain how your drawing represents the

problem using the information was from the problem.

Identify what is the unknown


Step 4- Solve the Problem

SMP # 1 Solve Problems and Persevere in Solving Them

SMP # 6 Attend to Precision


Step 4 Represent and Solve the Problem Use all the information in the problem and

in the steps to solve the problem. Use the section on the organizer to solve

the problem. Remember to be accurate in precise and

answer all the parts of the question.


Think-Pair-Share--Discuss Work with a partner Read each other’s answer (s) think about

these questions. Does the answer make sense and match the

problem ? Is the answer correct and precise? Is the math vocabulary used correctly? Other thoughts


Step 5- Check Your Work Go back and double check your work.

Read the problem again and connect your work to the problem


PARCC Points-

Accurate and precise answers receive the most points

Answers need make sense for others to read Reasoning questions ask students to identify

the error in thinking and how to fix the error. PARCC Mistake- not all parts of task are



Think-Pair-Share Look at your partner’s answers and then

go back to the problem. Did your partner use information from the

problem to correctly solve the problem? If not discuss the error in thinking or what

information is needed.


How to Teach Close Reading in Math Step 1- Read to Make Meaning Step 2- Read for Details Step 3- Read to Represent (DRAW) Step 4- Represent and Solve Step 5- Check Your Work


PARCC Score ReportsReporting Metrics Sub Scores

Major Content Additional & Supporting Content Reasoning Modeling

Student Growth Percentiles64

PARCC Score Reports

Performance LevelsStudents will receive a score of 1,2,3,4 or 5

Level 5- Distinguished Command

Level 4- Strong Command

Level 3- Moderate Command

Level 2- Partial Command

Level 1- Minimal Command



Outcomes-Today you will learn: The instructional implications from understanding

the composition of PARCC items.

The instructional implications from understanding how PARCC items are scored.

Strategies that will help students become better problem solvers and confident on the PARCC assessment.


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