parent master class · 2/25/2019  · hours afterwards. just think how good you would feel about...

Post on 07-Jul-2020






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Parent Master Class

on March 15 are not acceptable at any time. Wear orange , nd sign the pledge against bullying and violence!

Paying School Fees

Chris’ Weekly Spot

Where is the (self) love? Tips on how to improve your relationship with yourself.

A number of factors can contribute to the way we feel about ourselves……what

people say, how people treat us and our own self talk. The things you say to yourself

play a big part in how you feel about yourself. How do we change those negative and

not so helpful thoughts about ourselves? What might help us to start loving the

person we are? It does take commitment and time. Here are a few suggestions that

might help you on your way.

Get physical: Physical activity alone can improve your self-worth. It does make you

feel better about yourself. It’s scientific!! Do some exercise and your brain releases

those wonderful neurotransmitters, endorphins……your body’s natural high. 20-30

minutes of physical aerobic exercise is all it takes to create that “buzz” that lasts for

hours afterwards. Just think how good you would feel about yourself if you exercised

every day!!! Exercise also makes us stronger, more confident and more empowered.

Learn something new: We feel good when we take on a challenge and learn

something new. Pick something you want to learn, maybe something you have been

putting off for some time. Doesn’t need to be complicated. Each thing you learn and

do is a chance to feel good about yourself. Let yourself feel happy about it.

Be with people who treat you well. Some people act in ways that tear you down.

Others lift you up by what they say and do. Learn to tell the difference. Choose

friends who help you feel OK about yourself. Find people you can be yourself with. Be

that type of friend for others.

Say helpful things to yourself. Tune in to the voice in your head. Is it too critical? Are

you too hard on yourself? For a few days, write down some of the things you say to

yourself. Look over your list. Are these things you'd say to a good friend? If not,

rewrite them in a way that's true, fair, and kind. Read your new phrases often. Do

it until it's more of a habit to think that way.

Chris’ Weekly Spot cont

Accept what's not perfect. Sure, it’s good to do the best you can. But when you

think you need to be perfect, you can't feel good about anything less. And honestly,

perfection is unattainable…’s not real!!! Accept your best. Let yourself feel good

about that. Anyone can only do the best they can

Focus on what goes well. Are you so used to talking about problems that they're all

you see? It's easy to get caught up in what's wrong. But unless you balance it with

what's good, it just makes you feel bad. Next time, check yourself when you

complain about yourself or your day. Find something that went well instead.

Give and help. Giving is one the best ways to build your self-worth. Volunteer, help a

friend with an assignment, raise money for a good cause, walk your neighbour’s dog.

Make it a habit to be kind and fair to others. Being generous with your time and

helping when you can gives you that “warm and fuzzy” feeling inside. You feel

purposeful, positive and valued.

Avoid comparing yourself to others: THIS is a HARD one….particularly with our

regular exposure to social media, magazines and the internet. All of us at some point

get caught up in comparing ourselves to others. Think of those times. How did it

make you feel? Not so great, I bet. To be real there will always be someone who is

taller, stronger, prettier, slimmer, and faster than you. The key is about

acceptance….acceptance that we are individuals with different talents, skills and

attributes. Instead of comparing yourself to others, take some time to think about

what makes you special. What you recognise as your talents, what others recognise

as your talents. And feel good about them.

So sure, keep spreading the love, but make sure you keep a whole lot for yourself.

Focus on the good, your efforts and accomplishments, not PERFECTION! And be ok

with making mistakes…. These are learning opportunities, not failures. Be ok with

your flaws….why not…..we all have them!!


The Interact Club hosted a huge bake sale on Friday 22nd February, the proceeds from the sale go to help support families affected by the devastating floods in North Queensland over the last few weeks!!! . There were delicious cakes, brownies and cupcakes that were very quickly sold out!

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