paris' wedding ..--exclusive!.-~ and style... · eva longoria parker, 34, loves to cook - 0she...

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1.11 Spice up yourlife! Melanie "Mel B"Brown, 34, tells Life &tyle that she snacks on

turkey slices with rawonion. The low-calcombo doe n't co t muchin term ofcalorie ,butitpack a flavorful punch-meaning dieter tayatisfied longer.

121 Feel free to snack- a lot. Gwen Stefani

certainly didn'tperfect her absovernight! The40-year-old momof two keeps hermetabolism upand her body infat-burning modeby following hertrainer MikeHeatlie's adviceand eating sixmall meals a day.

The menuincludes leanmeats, loads ofgreen veggieand sweetpotatoes (whichare packed withfiber) for carbs.

31 Nix the alcohol.Kate Hudson, 30, shed20 pounds for her role in

, • the upcoming comedyEarthbound simply bygiving up alcohol. "To

be in ew York for twoweeks and not have onebeverage," says Kate. "I'mnot su re I've ever done that."

Want to feel festive withoutloading up on calories?NutriFit founder Jackie Kellerhas the perfect recipe: anonalcoholic drink calledAcapulco Madness, whichserves two. Each cocktailcontains only 60 calories- and guarantees you'llbe hangover-free!

Combine 3 oz. pineapplejuice, 1 oz. grapefruit juice,1 oz. fat-free half-and-half,1 tbsp. coconut milk and1 cup ice cubes.

Shake well, pour overice and serve.

JANUARY 18, 2010

251 Eating helpsyou lose weight.When Kelly

sbourne,25,began her DancingWith the Starstraining, heoriginallythoughtthatdeprivingher bodywouldhelp herburnmajorcalories.But herDWTS

261 ChannelMarthaStewart.Eva LongoriaParker, 34, loves tocook - 0 she cancontrol exactlywhat's going intoher body." heta kes ca re ofherself, which isvery difficult whenyou live her fast-pacedlife," says Eva's stylist,Robert Verdi.

SLiM-DOWNNEWS221 You caneat dessert!"I'm a chocolate addict,"

hakira, 32, tells Life &Style."So I have to work twice ashard because Ican't quitchocolate. ' utritionist andtrainerjay Cardiello (whodoes not work with Shakira)ays that a 26-caJorie dark-

chocolate Hershey's Kisstakes about 10minutes ofexercise to burn off.

231 It's allabout balance."I do weights, but I don'twantmy legs to bulk up, soI do a lot of cardio," saysRihanna, 21. "And if! exer-ci e every day for a week, Ican drop several pounds."

partner,Louis van

mstel,taught herthat eatingactuallyhelp keep themetabolismrevved up.

24llow-carb doesn'thave to be boring.It took more than ju tlifting her newborn toget Heidi Klum 36, backinto model shape. "I ateeverything apart fromcarbs," the mom of four tellLife & Style. "I'm kind of ona carb break. 0 carbs!"

NutriFrt founder and Body After Babyauthor Jackie Keller recommends this

low-carb (only 4 grams!) lemon-chickendinner that serves four:

LEMON CHICKENPlace 4 4-oz. pieces of chicken in a 13"-by-9"-by-2"

glass baking dish.Mix V2 cup lemon juice, 2 tbsp. white wine vinegar, 1 tbsp.

freshly grated lemon zest, 1 tsp. NutriFit MediterraneanSalt Free Spice blend and 1 medium thinly sliced onion.Pour over chicken, cover and then marinate in refrigeratorseveral hours or overnight, turning occasionally.

Sprinkle with salt. Cover and bake at 325 degrees for15 minutes. Uncover and bake 15 minutes more or until done.

1Jot it down. "I'vekept a food diary for threeyears," Carrie Underwood,26, ays in the January issueof Self "People don't realizewhat they eat - ande p cially drink - duringthe day. Once you realize,it's like,' 0 wonder I'veplateaued! 0wonder I'vebeen gainingweight.'"

1~atch plenty of z'sat mght. Carrie also saysworki ng out help her sleepbetter - and in turn,leeping helps the body

function more efficientlyto burn more calories.Aim for seven to eighthours of leep a night.

1Pack a go-tosnack. "I carry Kashibar everywhere," Carriesays about her fave whole-grain snack. The fiber(everyone shouldhave at least 25 grams a dayto help the bod function

ideally) keeps her full,and it also preventsher from noshing onany junk food that might

be nearby.

351Rise andshine. ''You getaddicted to theeuphoric feelingof getting up andhaving a goodsweat," JenniferAniston, 40, saysabout exercising firstthing in the a.m. -even when she's on set."It wakes up your body,"he explains - and

helps jump-starther metabolism.

371Exerciseisn't justfor tilegym.

ExhaleCore Fusion'sElisabeth

, Halfpapp,who workswith

CharlizeTheron,shares herdo-anywhereexercise forbanishingtriceps fat:Bend overfrom thewaist to a45-degreeangle andpull in theabdomi-

nals. Withpalms facingeach other,extend armsout in frontof you. Pressyour tricepsinto the sidesof your torso20 times, thenrest and repeattwice more.

361Perfect yourdownward dog."Mandy [Ingber]brought yoga into mylife," a leanJen saysabout her longtimeyoga instructor, who'shelped transform thestar's body in recentyears. "This workoutwill change yourbody and yourmind. This is oneof the most fun,challengingworkouts I'veever had."

Jackie Keller shares her roasted-veggies recipe,which makes two 265-calorie servings.

381Cucumbers - anunexpected super-food. "I read an articleabout cucumbers, and I'vhad this obsession abouteating them lately," AudrPatridge, 24, tells Life &Style. Cucumbers arevitamins and minerals,a diuretic effect and wapplied to the skin, threduce inflammation.

~gl Bold-hue produceIS better. Jackie Kellertells her utriFitclients, including 25-year-old Ashlee Simpson-Wentz,to incorporate an assort-ment of colorful vegetablesinto their diets: "Generallyspeaking, the brighter thehue, the higher the vitaminand mineral content."

Preheat oven to 500 degrees.Gently mix 2 cups acorn or other winter squash (cubed),

2 beets (peeled and cubed), 2 red onions (peeled and cutinto chunks) and 2 carrots (peeled and cut into chunks)with 1 tsp. olive oil and a pinch of salt and black pepper.

Peel outer skin from 1garlic head (or 1f.z cup wholegarlic cloves), but do not peel or separate cloves.

Arrange vegetables and 1 pear (cubed) in aroasting pan, placing the cut ones cut-side up.

Roast with garlic for about 30 minutesor until the vegetables are tender when pierced

with a fork. Remove garlic; cover pan with foil.For sauce, separate garlic cloves and squeeze

them out of their skin into a bowl; discard skins.Using a fork, mash garlic and mix in1f.z cup fat-free sour cream and seasoning.Arrange vegetables and pear on a platterand serve garlic sauce on the side.

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