parish bulletin sunday 7 june 2020 · 6/7/2020  · jean despot, mira cosic, jeanette bishop...

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Mother of Good Counsel Parish (embracing the areas of Innisfail, Mourilyan, South Johnstone & Babinda)

Parish Priest ~ Fr Kerry Crowley Assistant Priest ~ Fr Mathew Kochuveettil

PO Box 64, Innisfail QLD 4860 Tel: 40630650 Fax: 4061 7634 Contact information for Babinda is as above. email: Parish website

Parish Bulletin Sunday 7 June 2020



Next week, Weekday

Masses will resume at

Innisfail and Babinda with a

maximum of 20 people.

~~~ Sunday Mass

will continue to be live streamed

at 9.00am.

~~~ A Weekday Mass

will be live streamed for the

Residential Nursing Homes.

Today we celebrate

The Most Holy Trinity


The readings selected for Trinity Sunday provide an opportunity to reflect on the nature of God. Over recent weeks, we have celebrated the Ascension and Pentecost – both of which reveal something about the nature of God through Jesus and the Spirit. Trinity Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate the unity of God whom we acknowledge as Father, Son and Spirit. Today’s gospel reminds us that there is a seamless continuity between the different experiences of God. Although we sometimes regard the God of the Old Testament as judging and vengeful, today reminds us that God is, was, and always will be a God of love. The gospel reminds us that ‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son.’ Love is the characteristic of God that is experienced as Father, Son and Spirit. God loved the world into being and loved the people so much that God made a covenant relationship with them and repeatedly drew them back into that rela-tionship when they strayed. God loved the world and the people so much that God became physically present through Jesus as yet another attempt to draw all people into an awareness of the loving relationship God desired for them. When Jesus could no longer remain a physical presence in the world, God’s Spirit became more evident to continue the work of drawing people into that loving relationship with God.

Rather than focusing on the mystery of the Trinitarian God, today is an opportunity to marvel at the single-mindedness of God who is so determined to reveal the length and breadth of God’s love to us. That revelation has been made manifest in different ways throughout time but remains constant and unchanging.

© Greg Sunter

This Sunday's Texts: Ex 34:4-6,8-9; 2 Cor 13:11-13;

Jn 3:16-18

The Pastor’s Pen

The Coronavirus Pandemic reporting has been ‘gold’ for the Media, while most other news has been put on hold. The situation after three months is that most recipients have reached saturation point, we have heard so much verbally and in written form, from so many points of view. The ABC program Q & A is a case in point with the new presenter Hamish Mc Donald doing an excellent job, he is well-researched and diplomatic and has added a fresh perspective with his style. Last week he had a panel of top experts from the fields of Health and Commerce, balancing those key areas of the spread of the virus with the debt of the country. All on the panel were intelligent and specialists and Hamish’s role was to facilitate the conversation asking difficult questions that require a response. His add-ed role is to keep the respondents on task, to ensure that questions be answered. For me the elephant in the room or should I say the mosquito in the room was overlooked. Yes, Health and Economics are key issues but what in such a time of crisis about the Spiritual? Last week we celebrated the Feasts of Our Lady Help of Christians, the Patroness of Australia and Pentecost, the birthday of the Church. “Where is God in all of this?” I hazard that on the Panel some are Theists, while we do have Theologians and Scripture Scholars who would equip themselves well in such company.

Fr Kerry

Parish Office

OFFICE HOURS for next week

Monday 8th June, Tuesday 9th June,

Wednesday 10th June,

Thursday 11th June, Friday 12th June:

10am - 3pm

Emergency Details

In the event of an emergency and a priest is required to attend please call either Father Kerry on 0419 716 627 or Father Mathew on 0487 036 129 or directly phone the Parish Office on 40630 650.

Sick in Hospital - The Sacraments Family need to make the request to Hospital Staff and then they will phone so that Father can attend.


Available each Saturday at 11.30am at the Parish Centre or if another time suits phone Fr Kerry on 0419716627 or Fr Mathew on 0487036129.

Spiritual Communion Prayer

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Bulletins & Easter Water

Printed copies of the Bulletin and bottles of Holy Water for the blessing of homes are available, either from the box located outside the Parish Office, or in the box located in the passageway at Mourilyan Church.

Diocese of Cairns & Mother of Good

Counsel Parish ~ COVID-19 Update

Ours is a cautious approach in order to protect the health and safety of parishioners and the wider community, ensuring that each visitor uses hand sanitizer, signs in and social distances.

Parishioners are advised not to present when unwell (fever, cough, sore throat and shortness of

breath) and when they may have been in contact with someone with suspected COVID-19.

If you are sick or vulnerable please do not attend

Church services.

Centering Prayer

An invitation is extended to anyone interested in learning about or participating in a refresher on the skills of Centering Prayer. A meeting is planned for Tuesday June 16 at the Parish Centre at 5.30pm.

Plan Giving, Loose Collections and Donations

(All assist with essential services and daily operations of the Parish in these uncertain times.)

If able to continue your weekly support kindly place money in plan giving envelopes or a blank envelope with your name inside and either drop off at the Parish Centre during office hours or slip under the door. Project Compassion Envelopes may also be dropped off or slipped under the door. Another option is via Direct Debit, banking details below for Innisfail and Babinda parishioners.

Call the Parish Office on Ph 40630 650 if you require help to set up this arrangement. When depositing into the account please include your Name, Plan Giving Number or Loose so money can be receipted. If you are unsure please call the Parish Office.

Your continued support is appreciated. Fr Kerry

Sunday Readings and Family Prayer for The Most Holy Trinity Sunday

The resources can be found on the Liturgy Brisbane website at and will be updated each week.

Living the Gospel – Sign of the Cross

Every time we bless ourselves or begin prayer with the sign of the cross, we reaffirm our belief in the Trinity. That seemingly simple prayer, ‘In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,’ is, in fact, a confirmation of our belief in a triune God – three in one. The earliest use of the sign of the cross only involved tracing a small cross with the thumb or finger on the forehead as it is still done in baptisms or blessings today. Later, describing the shape of the cross on forehead, abdomen and shoulders became the common practice.

Greg Sunter © Creative Ministry Resources Pty Ltd

Virus and Vocation

'The failure to identify, train and empower those the Spirit endows with gifts of service.' (Thomas O'Loughlin)

Recently the Catholic Church marked "Vocations Sunday" – and in this crisis it raises some important ques-tions.

Right now, most of us have now had more than a month of lockdown. Most of us are longing for it to be over, and (apart from ending every call or email with "Stay safe!") we like to complain about the problems caused by lockdown.

But, perhaps more quietly, we have to grudgingly admit that we have experienced many positives during this time and discovered things about ourselves and our relationships with the people around us.

Lots of people have discovered that we live in communities: we need each other and we depend on oth-ers. Some people have made a basic moral discovery: we are responsible for one another. (Source: La Croix International)

Did You Know?

From earliest times, the church has pondered the relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity - most eloquently defined at the Council of Chalcedon (ad 451) as three persons in one God - is the result of this.

Theologians today continue to contemplate the mystery of the Trinity.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that ‘The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life. God alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’ (§261).

St Patrick is reputed to have attempted to explain the mystery of the Trinity as God who is Three-in-one by using the shamrock as a symbol. Another commonly used symbol of the Trinity is the triangle.

(Source: The Summit)

Symbols and Images

John declares that his purpose in writing his gospel is ‘so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing this you may have life through his name’ (John 20:31). John speaks of life on two levels: not just living in the world, but having eternal life with God. This text also makes clear the relationship between the Father and Son. In knowing the Son, one comes to know the Father. (Source: The Summit)

When making out your Will please

consider the needs of the Parish.

Innisfail Parish Babinda Parish

Account Name: Innisfail Catholic Church Account Name: Babinda Catholic Church

BSB: 084352 BSB: 084352

Account No: 000019134 Account No: 000000647

Reference: Name (include PG No or Loose) Reference: Name (include PG No or Loose)

Psalm: Glory and praise for ever, glory and praise for ever.

Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: to God who is,

who was, and who is to come. Alleluia!

Please pray for…

Those who are sick ……… Maria Bianchin, Camille Fludder, Roley Pearce, Bill Johnstone, June Sultana, Maria

Bugeja, Joe Cristaudo Snr

Recently Deceased Jean DESPOT, Mira COSIC, Jeanette BISHOP (Silkwood), Joseph FENECH (Cairns),

Carol PONCE (Philippines - relative of Tagget Family), Maria DGWARA (Malta - sister of Nina Formosa),

Bishop Sir Desmond MOORE MSC, Bishop Emeritus of Alotau-Sideia in Papua New Guinea

Anniversaries Ulderico MASSA, John JOHNSTON, Mary COSTIGAN, Oscar AGLI, Elizabeth CALTABIANO, Maria JOHNSTONE, Marina FORMIATTI, Alfonso BRIANESE, Deon MELONI, Lucy BRESCANSIN, Stuart DICKSON, Elisa CAVASIN, Beatrice BALL, Fr Gaetono BORG OFM Cap, Fr John HOGAN OSA, Doris GROSSMAN, Patrick GALLAGHER, Monica Mc KINNON, Apolinario ABASCAL, Mary DAVIS, Leonarda & Settimo MAULONI, Jessie PORTELLI, Enrico MARANESI, Frank CARDILLO, Neil SWINDLEY, Salvatore Lo MONACO, Flerida BAZU-CANU, Jim CINI, Evelyn AH SHAY, Stephen Mc GILL, Norina SANTACATTERINA, Theodora FERMIN, Stephen Di GEORGIO, Maria GELSOMINO, Jessie MASNADA, Fr Moises VARA OSA, William DEEGAN, Cecily ADCOCK, Dorothy Di MUCCIO,

Charles CAMUGLIA, Alfio CALTABIANO, Rev. J. COLLERAN, Luigi BUGEJA, Herb ELLIS, Maria DONI, Fr Patrick MOUNT OSA, Fr Michael MORAHAN OSA, Bishop John HEAVEY OSA, Fr John BARRETT MSC, Salvator SAID, Salvatore VECCHIO, Simplicio CAPAY CAPAY, Ellen WATT, Peter GOGGI, Mario TANAEL, Robert SORDELLI


Live Streaming from

Mother of Good Counsel Parish, Innisfail—You Tube

Please type the above name in your web browser and click on the first address.

Mass for The Most Holy Trinity Sunday: 9am (Sunday 7th June)

Residential Nursing Home - Mass each week

Masses will continue to be live streamed for the duration that the churches are closed.

Social Justice Diary

8 June: World Oceans Day

2004: Queensland bishops issue’ Let the Many Coastlands be Glad!’, pastoral letter on the Great Barrier Reef

11June: 1975: Enactment of the Racial Discrimination Act

12 June: World Day Against Child Labour

13 June: St Anthony of Padua


8.00am Innisfail

Maximum 20 people

TUESDAY 9th 8.00am Innisfail Maximum 20 people

WEDNESDAY 10th 8.00am Innisfail

5.00pm Babinda

Maximum 20 people

THURSDAY 11th 8.00am Innisfail Maximum 20 people St Barnabas

FRIDAY 12th 5.30pm Innisfail Maximum 20 people

SATURDAY 13th 8.00am Innisfail

Maximum 20 people St Anthony of Padua

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