parish of putney st mary’s and all...

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APRIL 2015- APRIL 2016

Including Financial Accounts

January 2015- December 2015


Minutes of the APCM 2015


Annual Meeting of Parishioners


Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Monday 25th April 2016 St Mary’s Church at 7.30pm


Annual Meeting of Parishioners

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the meeting 27th April 2015

3. Matters arising from the minutes

4. Election of Churchwardens

5. Any Other Business

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the meeting of 27th April 2015

3. Matters arising from the minutes

4. Approval of Accounts

5. Appointment of Auditor

6. Presentation of the Electoral Rolls

7. Report of PCC business for 2015/16

8. Report of membership of the PCC for 2015/16

9. Parish Charities Report

10. Report on Deanery Synod

11. Admission of Children to Communion before Confirmation

12. Safeguarding

13. Parish Action

14. Magazine

15. Website

16. Theology in the Pub

17. Churches Together in Putney and Roehampton

18. Team Rector’s Report

19. AOB


Parish of Putney

St Mary’s and All Saints

St Mary’s Church

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Parishioners 27 April 2015

Present: Ailsa Newby, Chris Eyden, John Andrew, Richard Holman, Iain Cox, Rosie Taylor-

Davies, Chantry Westwell, Gerald Allison, Kate Innes, Andrew Simon, Alice Easthaugh,

Alison Macdonald, Rose Percival, Adam Daniels, Will Hayllar, Angela Holman, Angela Attah,

Carolyn Biddick, Mike Biddick, Ian Yearsley, Andrew Blunden, Caroline Donne, Nigel Wright,

Richard Smith, Sarah Morgan, Jane Morley, Laurent Gibb, Cherry Steward, Sarah Thomas,

Rachel Brett, Pamela Smith, Simon Merrett, Catherine Dando, Vanessa Lowndes, Jane Turner,

Julian Lee & Sarah Brearley.

Apologies: Jane Middleton, Carrie Myers, Simon Upton, Martin Watts, Matthew Salisbury,

Clemancy Gordon-Martin, Charles Roberts, Paul Donnelly, Katie Turner, Elizabeth Salmon,

Andrew Elder, Jeremy Donne, Kate Gibson & Hayley Argyles-Grant.

The meeting opened with a prayer.

Minutes – Minutes of the Annual Parishioner Meeting held on 12 April 2014 were approved.

There were no matters arising.

Election of Church Wardens

All Saints’, Clemancy Gordon-Martin proposed by Kate Innes, seconded Carolyn Biddick

St Mary’s, Paul Donnelly proposed by Richard Holman, seconded Martin Watts

The elected unopposed

Ailsa Newby thanked both for their dedication to the parish.


There were no AOB items.

Minutes of the APCM meeting 27 April 2015 Present: As above

Apologies: As above

Minutes The minutes of the last meeting held on 28 April 2014 were approved.

Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

Approval of the Accounts Apologies from RH that the accounts are a bit late, they are not yet fully audited. They are

taking a while due to the change in auditors and the need for proof of ID for members of the

PCC Standing Committee. The audit has started and will be complete by the end of May. The

full accounts will then be available in the parish office, or ask RH for a copy.

In summary (to be read alongside the APCM annual reports)


Total income is down by 6%. The main causes for the reduction were that the Parish received

no legacies in 2014 (against £20,000 in 2013) and there was less investment income because a

high income bond matured at the end of February 2014 and it was decided to use the funds to

buy a flat for the curate, which completed today.

Congregational giving edged up by 2%. Tax recovery was higher, due to the yellow envelope

scheme and the Gift Aid tax break was changed to include the first 5K, which covers plate


The diocesean share reduced from £377K to £304K. On the triennial review in 2013 the diocese

agreed we had been overpaying. This has reduced total expenditure by 8% and the accounts

show a small surplus for the year. There was an increase in expenditure on maintenance, largely

due to a long term investment in All Saints' garden, and in lay staff, mainly due to additional

stewarding costs arising from a higher level of lettings at St Mary's.

The two parish properties, Deodar Road and Kenilworth Court, have been informally revalued

by Parkgate and both show a substantial increase on the previous book value. The parish is

quite well off in terms of assets, if not income.

£250K is in restricted funds tied to particular purposes.

CE enquired how we access this money for creative use.

RH & AN explained some of the funds had been used - e.g for pampering days for women from

the Women’s Refuge, Godly play and the food for the night shelter.

Appointment of Auditor RH requested approval of the accounts subject to audit, proposed JM, seconded JA.

AN thanked RH for all the hard work he and John Andrew and Andrew Sternberg do for the

parish. The finances are in great hands and they are complicated accounts.

RH requested approval for the reappointment of the auditor C N Wilkins FCCA. Proposed IY,

seconded SiM.

Electoral Roll AH confirmed 355 people on the electoral roll at St M’s and 257 at AS’.

New PCC members Adam Daniels AS, Richard Smith AS, Sarah Thomas AS, Catherine Dando AS, Angela Attah

SM, Rachel Brett SM. Rosie Taylor-Davies and Mathew Salisbury have been co-opted.

Parish Action Zoe Sherbrook AS took over from Leo Martin a month ago. Huge thanks to Leo, he has retired

from leading parish action after ten years. Enormous thank you to him. £77K has been raised

this year.

CD asked to second the vote of thanks to Leo.

CE added it was impressive that there is so much fundraising for outside the parish.

Parish Magazine Thank you to Sylvia and Lee for all their hard work. The magazine is to be produced three

times a year – early September, Christmas and Lent/Easter. Advertising sales is well looked

after by Kate Harrison. The magazine is self-funding. The print run may increase slightly.


Church Mouse CE encouraged everyone to sign up.

Thank you to Lee Barnes for the web design. It’s very simple and clear. AE has also worked

hard on updating information.

To edit content - contact Carolyn or Uzma.

Theology in the Pub Nigel Wright runs this, anyone is welcome and there is good fellowship.

Si M noted NW was modest as referred to ‘we’ when he is the driving force behind the group.

IY mentioned ‘theology in the pub’, was the subject on which members of other parishes most

closely questioned him.

Churches Together AS reported on how important this work is as ‘we’re all here to advance the kingdom.’

The advent service at St Mary’s is the largest shared worship. The Lent Quiet afternoon was a


Christian Aid is a churches together activity.

Pastoral assistant AE thanked everyone for the welcome she had received.

AN confirmed AE was to stay until September, potentially longer.

GA requested we keep a pastoral assistant, even with the arrival of a curate, with youth work an

objective for both.

AN confirmed more boots on the ground meant more mission.

Team Rector’s Report See the annual report.

RP noted what a big help and support the parish had been for her.

AM publically thanked AN for her help with the issue of women bishops.

CE thanked the parish for the astonishing support he received in January during his illness. He

specifically thanked AN for her hands on/hands off approach and said he realised how much

value he places on his colleagues and friends in the parish.

AOB RP asked if it was possible to have communion given to the residents of Mount Court.

RT-D asked if the process could be formalised of sponsoring a child through communion before


The meeting ended with the grace.

Jane Turner

Jason Hughes


PARISH OF PUTNEY – Accounts 2015 (excluding Restricted Funds)

Notes 2015 2014 Change




Giving by the congregations 2




Tax recoveries





3 -

Other grants and donations 3




Investment income





Church lettings








Other income













Lay staff









Utilities, insurance, cleaning 6




Music and service costs




Other costs








Net surplus 1 £11 £4 +175%


1. A second consecutive year in surplus was encouraging. Total revenue was static, but costs

were kept below those for 2014, due mainly to lower maintenance and utility charges.

2. There was a small increase in giving, slightly above inflation. This is the net effect of a 1%

improvement at St Mary's and a 5% rise at All Saints.

3. Other grants and donations include a £10,500 (2014: £10,000) contribution to Parish

finances from Parish Action. This helped to underwrite the substantial support that we

provide to poorer parishes in the diocese.

4. Investment income, mainly from property and an equity fund) fell by £19,000. This was due

to property maintenance costs, the reduction in investment holdings in order to purchase a

flat for the curate and a potential rental income bad debt. There was a loss on revaluation of

quoted funds at the year end of £5,000 (2014: gain £3,000), which is not included above.

5. Our payment to the diocese includes stipends, NIC, pensions and accommodation for our

clergy, central diocesan services and a substantial contribution to other parishes in less

wealthy parts of the diocese.

6. Maintenance costs in 2014 included £15,000 on a major improvement to the All Saints'

garden. This year's expenditure level has returned to normal. St Mary's achieved a

substantial saving on electricity by replacement of standard bulbs with low energy ones.

7. Other costs include £12,000 on clergy accommodation and expenses (2014: £7,000), the

increase being due to the appointment of a curate in mid 2015. Office costs were £11,000

(2014: £12,000) with the largest element being photocopying. Audit fees were £9,000,

which included some additional costs for 2014 (2014: £7,000).


BALANCE SHEET SUMMARY Notes 2015 2014 Assets Furniture & Equipment (at net book value) 1 28 38 Residential property (at valuation) 2/3 1,174 830 Investments (at market value)

4 437 542

Money due to the Parish

5 63 124 Bank accounts

317 471 Liabilities Amounts due for payment

6 (47) (44)

Net Assets

1,972 1,961

Represented by Unrestricted Funds

7 1,657 1,652

Restricted Funds

8 235 229 Designated Funds

9 80 80

1,972 1,961


1. Furniture and Equipment includes seating at St Mary's, the Godly Play Room, the organ at

All Saints' and all office equipment.

2. During 2015 lawyers advised that a property that has been shown on the Parish balance

sheet for some years is actually owned by a separate Vicar & Wardens charity. Net rental

income from the property is now shown as a grant.The 2014 numbers in these accounts have

been restated accordingly.

3. The Parish owns two residential properties, one primarily for investment purposes and the

other, which was bought in 2015, as accommodation for the curate. The former is shown at

31 Dec 2014 value and the latter at cost.

4. £100,000 was withdrawn during the year from the main investment, which is in the Newton

Real Return Fund, as part funding of the flat acquired for use by the curate.

5. Money due to the Parish mainly includes outstanding Gift aid claims (£19,000) and

expenses recoverable from St Mary's Parish Trust (£26,000), which operates the Brewer

Building at St Mary's. Bank accounts include monies held for Restricted Fund purposes (see

note 8 below). The increase during 2014 was due to the maturing of an investment (see note

3 above).

6. Amounts due for payment are primarily routine bills, such as utilities, PAYE/NIC,

maintenance and audit costs, as well as wedding and funeral fees due to the Diocese.

7. Unrestricted Funds can be used entirely at the discretion of the PCC.

8. Restricted Funds can only be used for the purposes for which they were given. The principal

restricted funds are Parish Action (£70,000), Friends of All Saints Church (£56,000),

welfare funds (£24,000) and St Mary's Development (£36,000).

9. Designated Funds are amounts earmarked by the PCC or one of the District Church

Councils for a particular purpose. Such designations can be removed. The main funds are

for fabric maintenance (£34,000), for welfare (£21,000) and for future costs of ministry at

All Saints' (£20,000).

The figures in this report are subject to audit.

A copy of the full statutory accounts can be obtained, once the audit has been completed, from

the Parish Office at St Mary's Church, Putney High Street, London SW15 1SN



The Parish of Putney

St Mary’s with All Saints

Parish Electoral Roll for ratification at the APCM 25th April 2016

The Parish Electoral Roll has been updated/revised prior to the APCM on 25th April 2016. Those church members on the Parish Electoral Roll at the closing date of 10th April 2016 numbered as follows:

St Mary's Church 376 All Saints Church 259

The Parish Electoral Roll numbers will be ratified at the APCM. Any new forms received after the closing date, will be added to the E Roll after the APCM.

St. Mary’s Church Electoral Roll at APCM 25th April 2016 FINAL TOTAL 376

This figure includes the following changes during the year

New Additions during the year = 27

Transferred from All Saints = 2

Removed from the list = 7

(deceased = 4; moved from Parish = 2; at member’s request = 1)

All Saints Church Electoral Roll at APCM 25th April 2016 FINAL TOTAL 259

This figure includes the following changes during the year

New Additions during the year = 15

Transferred from St Mary’s = 1

Removed from the list = 12

(Moved away from Parish = 10; transferred to St Mary’s = 2)

Angela Holman


Parochial Church Council Report

The PCC met in April, May, September, November 2015 and April 2016.

The main developments this year include:

Continuing stewardship campaigns for both churches

The introduction of the fairer shares scheme, which has been successful and well

received by the diocese. Ivo made a film for the diocese to introduce the ideas behind

the Parish Support Fund.

The purchase of 88 Hayward Gardens, a three bedroom flat, for the housing of Laura,

our curate, and her family. Unfortunately our tenant in Kenilworth Court left the

property in poor condition and with rent in arrears. Work continues to find a new tenant

and recover the debt. There have been some costs associated with the property in Deodar


A presentation from governors, Alan Pepper of AS School and Sally McGeachie of SM

School. Both schools reported excellent progress. The governing bodies are working

together closely and Christian values remain the core focus of both schools. Finances

remain an ongoing challenge.

The appointment of Margaret Exelby as the new parish administrator was ratified. Tom

Dumbell joined as the parish assistant with a brief to extend our youth work. A youth

club has been launched.

A presentation from Caroline Donne on Godly play was enjoyed by all.

It was unanimously agreed that applications from children attending St Margaret’s

church would be given equal waiting to those from AS or SM’s.


PCC Members - Financial Year January- December 2014

2014 - 2015

2015 - 2016



Rev’d Chris Eyden

Rev’d Ailsa Newby

Rev’d Chris Eyden

Rev’d Ailsa Newby



St Mary’s Church

Charles Roberts

Julian Lee

Peter Tuppen

Simon Upton

Pamela Smith

Richard Holman (treasurer)

Sarah Brearley (co-opted secretary)

All Saints’ Church

John Andrew (treasurer)

Alison Hunka

Rosie Taylor-Davies

Richard Morley

Matthew Salisbury

Chantry Westwell

St Mary’s Church

Julian Lee

Simon Upton

Pamela Smith

Richard Holman (treasurer)

Sarah Brearley ( secretary)

Rachel Brett

All Saints Church

John Andrew (treasurer)

Chantry Westwell

Richard Smith

Catherine Dando

Sarah Thomas

Adam Daniels



St Mary’s Church Paul Donnelly

Hayley Argles-Grant

Martin Watts

All Saints’ Church Clemancy Gordon-Martin

Iain Cox

Kate Innes

St Mary’s Church

Paul Donnelly

Martin Watts

Angela Attah

All Saints Church

Clemancy Gordon-Martin

Iain Cox

Kate Innes




St Mary’s Church Carrie Myers

Kate Gibson (appointed Jan. 2015)

Andrew Simon

Gerald Allison

All Saints’ Church Jane Turner

Jason Hughes

Jane Middleton

St Mary’s Church

Carrie Myers

Kate Gibson

Andrew Simon

Gerald Allison

All Saints Church

Jane Turner

Jason Hughes

Jane Middleton



Parish Charities (Trustees: The Vicar and Churchwardens)

Report to the APCM 2016

For the Year ended 31 December 2015

St Mary’s Church of England Charity (unregistered) This is an ecclesiastical charity, so its funds may be used to support any of the work of the Parish. It comprises mainly the several bequests of Sir William Lancaster and his wife, to which we have added, with the approval of the Charity Commission, the Bowling Green House Estate Charity and the Churchwardens of Putney Parish Fund. The Trustees are the Rector and Parish Wardens. During 2015 the diocesan lawyers identified that this trust is the legal owner of 8 Deodar Road and the freehold of 120 Putney Bridge Road, both of which have previously been treated as assets of the Parish. The Deodar Road house is currently let to the Parish of Fulham at an annual rent (from 01.01.16) of £26,700. The Putney Bridge Road Hall was let for 99 years from 05.01.82 and the current lessee is Hurlingham School Ltd. The ground rent for 2016 is £200. Because the income of this charity is now known to be above £5,000 steps are being taken to register it formally with the Charity Commission.

Statement of Financial Activity - Year ended 31.12.15

2015 2014

£ £

Income: Rent - 8 Deodar Road



Ground rent - 120 Putney Bridge Road 100 100

Dividends and Interest 1,379 916



Expenditure: Expenses - 8 Deodar Road (12,735) (817)

Grant to Parish (13,165) (24,708)

(25,900) (25,525)

Net income

1,379 916 Unrealised Gains / (Losses) on investments 448 1,020

Net increase in Funds 1,827 1,936

Balance Sheet at 31.12.15

Investments: Freehold Property - 8 Deodar Road 1,150,000


(revaluation at 31.12.14)

Reversionary interest - 120 Putney Bridge Road Not

valued Not


COIF Charities Investment Fund - income units




Bank Deposit account 1,520


Current account 5,191 3,830



Parish Charities - Report to the APCM for the year ended 31.12.15 (continued) The Biggs-Wymondesold Trust (registered no: 254376) This is a ‘relief of need’ charity, so it can be used to assist those in any type of need, but not for church purposes. It consists of seven old charity funds – Rookery Close, T Kennett, J Powell, Benjamin Hunt Biggs, William Wymondesold, Elizabeth Offley and the Fulham Bridge Charity. During the year the income amounted to £221 (2014: £112), also from dividends and bank interest, and the investments increased by £109 (2014: £109). Payments made in the year amounted to £150 (2014: £150). At 31 December 2015 the assets of the Trust were: 2014 Cash at Barclays Bank (700) (765) Cash at the Central Board of Finance 695 4,439 Investment – COIF units 6,225 2,366 £6,220 £6,040

Holding account for Dawes Cottages

The Charities account is also used to hold funds given by local grant making bodies for the benefit of the residents of the Sir Abraham Dawes Cottages in Putney Bridge Road. During the year grants received amounted to £Nil (2014: Nil). No payments were made during 2015 (2014: £Nil). At the end of 2015 the money held on behalf of Dawes Cottages was £5,100 (2014: £5,100). This is to be applied for the benefit of the residents of the Cottages. Ailsa Newby (Revd) Paul Donnelly Clemancy Gordon-Martin Team Rector Churchwarden Churchwarden

Deanery Synod - Report to 2015 Annual Parochial Meeting

On 16th June 2015 we were at St Margaret’s to hear Colin Powell, Director of the Diocesan

Board of Education on “An overview of the work and functions of the Southwark Diocesan

Board of Education in an ever changing education landscape”.

On 22nd October 2015 at St Mary’s we had Alan Purser from Crosslinks team mission.


And on 2nd February 2016 at Holy Trinity, West Hill, we had Bishop Richard on “Reflections

on a recent visit to Matabeleland and on the church’s current mission and ministry”.

The next meeting will take place on Monday 13th June 2016 at St John the Divine, Garratt Lane,

Earlsfield. For the summer meeting we meet early at 7pm to share some food and drink

together. The speaker will be Hugh Ridsdill-Smith and he will be speaking about Children and

Young People’s Mission and Ministry; he is acting as consultant to the Diocese of Southwark to

develop this work throughout the diocese.

The autumn meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 4th October 2016 at 7.45 for 8 pm. The

speaker will be Anna Khan the Chief Executive of Southwark Diocesan Welcare, and the

meeting will take place at St Barnabas’ Church, Southfields.

Andrew Simon

Andrew Simon, parish lay rep at Wandsworth Deanery Synod

Admission of Children to Communion before Confirmation

In 2015 we followed the practice of previous years by running a Sunday afternoon course for

parents and children through January and into early February. We use Godly Play a lot in the

sessions, with the adults as well as children. Sometimes sessions are for adults and children

separately (joining up towards the end of the session to see what has been going on) and

sometimes for parents and children together, notably when Caroline Donne explores the origins

of Holy Communion in the Jewish Seder meal at Passover by letting the children experience the

Seder meal.

30 children followed the course and were admitted to receive communion in a service full of joy

and full of family and friends.

Ailsa Newby


The Parish has a team of 2 Safeguarding Officers for each church. They are, for St Mary’s,

Isobel Vass and Elizabeth (Libbit) Osborne and, for All Saints April Munday and Marigold


The Diocese organises Disclosure and Barring Service checks for all staff and volunteers. All

members of staff have DBS clearance as have all volunteers who have supervision of children.

Presently we have over 150 volunteers across both churches with valid DBS clearance.

The PCC treats the safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children as being of prime importance

and operate under the Diocesan Safeguarding policies (copies of which are on both churches’

notice boards) and their Safeguarding Manual. The safeguarding officers are always available if

members of the congregations have any concerns about an individual or about how events are

run which they wish to raise.


Parish Action Report 2015


Parish Action was launched at the start of 2006. It set out its purpose to:

“Ensure that we in the parish are aware of the social issues locally and globally and that we take

practical action to help address these issues.”

Its objectives are to:

make things happen in church and in the wider parish to address the social issues we


raise awareness of social issues in the church and in the wider parish

raise money to help tackle these social issues

take practical action to tackle these social issues

work through charities and other groups who are already addressing issues of concern

inspire people in the parish to undertake their own actions

coordinate and focus work currently taking place

Activities in 2015

The Parish Action group met monthly throughout 2015 to plan and coordinate the fundraising

and volunteering activities.

In 2015, Parish Action started its first year of its current three year cycle (2015-2017),

supporting six main charities and promoting social awareness and action in the parish.

• Glass Door (formerly West London Churches Homeless Concern)


This project involves opening St Mary’s on a Monday night to feed and house homeless people

for the night.

Due to the dedication and hard work of Clemancy and her team, the Night Shelter was once

again a huge success and a large number of people volunteered.

• Bishop’s Lent Appeal


Parish Action ran a fundraising campaign to make a donation to the annual Bishop’s Lent


Lent brunches provided a good opportunity for the church communities to come together at

both churches and raised funds and awareness about the appeal.

• Christian Aid


Alexis Chapman and her team arranged street collections and fundraising events and awareness

raising for CA.


This involved a successful awareness raising project at St Mary’s School and a fundraising Car


• Vulindlela Guardians


Pays the school fees for AIDS orphans in Zimbabwe.

In 2015, their main fundraising and awareness raising event was the Parish Picnic in July which

was a great success. In total, over £10k has been raised for VG in 2015. Chantry Westwell has

reported that the money raised will continue to support current and future pupils.

• Home Start Wandsworth


Provides volunteers to give practical support to families in the borough who are in need of

additional help at home.

Harvest lunches at both churches were in aid of HSW. In 2016, we look forward to a Rock

Choir event at St Mary’s to raise further funds for this charity.

• Hestia Wandsworth Women’s Aid


Runs three refuges in Wandsworth Borough for women and children fleeing from domestic


The Parish Christmas Fair held at St Mary’s in November raised over £3000 for Hestia. Kate

Innes and Phoebe Bennett continue to offer great support to the charity, women and children

throughout the year.


The 7th Putney Parish Ball took place in November with an Oscars themed night of fun and

raised about £33k for the Parish Action charities and the church. We were delighted with this

continuing success. A huge thank you goes to Linda Hayllar and her fabulous team.

There were regular deliveries of in-kind donations throughout the year (e.g. Easter eggs,

Harvest, Toy Service) to Hestia, HSW, Newpin, and Wandsworth Social Services.

Other noteworthy fundraising activities this year were the London-Brighton Bike Ride in June

and Rev Chris Eyden’s fast for Doctors of the World in October which raised £5k. In addition,

we supported charities through one off events and the Every Little Helps stall.

The committee aims to raise 10% of the church’s total income for us to donate to our chosen

charities and other charities. In addition, any funds raised over 10% will continue to be raised

for the charities and the church.

Parish Action also continues to fund a Thrive garden project in the All Saints’ grounds.

Finally Parish Action will maintain 3% of funds raised to make a donation to any emergency

appeals which the parish would like to support.


We are thrilled that in 2015 our accounts show that Parish Action has raised over £70k, which

is testament to the commitment and hard work of the Committee.

Parish Action Committee

The Parish Action Committee current membership is shown below:

NAME Parish Action role

1 Clemancy Gordon- Martin Glass Door, All Saints’

2 Phoebe Bennett Hestia, St Mary's

3 Kate Innes Hestia, All Saints’

4 Zoe Sherbrooke Chair, All Saints’

5 Choong Kwan Bishop’s Lent Appeal, St Mary's

6 Ivo Belohoubek-Raine Vulindlela Guardians, St Mary's

7 Lucy Rae Vulindlela Guardians, All Saints’

8 Richard Phipps Finance, St Mary's

9 Samantha Williams (on maternity leave) All Saints’

10 Harriet Pleydell-Bouverie Bishop’s Lent Appeal, All Saints’

11 Linda Hayllar Parish Ball, All Saints’

12 Nell Pearce-Higgins Glass Door, St Mary's

13 Laurent Gibb Christian Aid, St Mary’s

14 Jamie Martin Bishop’s Lent Appeal, St Mary’s

15 Jackie Davies Homestart, All Saints’

16 Ang Dales Vulindlela Guardians, All Saints’

17 Alexis Chapman Christian Aid, St Mary’s

A huge thank you is owed to all the members of the committee for their amazing dedication in

2015 and to all those across the Parish who have given money, volunteered and helped in many


Zoe Sherbrooke

Chair of Parish Action

2 March 2016

The Parish Magazine

The Parish magazine is a free, 24 page publication in full colour. It is aimed at the congregation

as well as the wider local community. Copies are published three times a year and distributed

through churches as well as some local community centres and surgery waiting rooms. The

magazine is also available in PDF form via the Parish webpage.

Each issue centres round a new theme. It combines relevant articles (written by members of the

community and the editorial team), lists events held by the two churches, and updates on the

progress of the charities we support. The articles approach the theme from different angles; they

aim to stimulate debate as well as reflect the compassionate and liberal approach of the Parish

of Putney.


The magazine is completely financed by revenues from advertisers in the local community and

is therefore not a cost for the Parish. Production costs amount to printing of 500 copies per

term, and are estimated at £600 per issue.

Over past couple of years, we received revenues above estimated costs, thanks to the work of

our dedicated advertising team. That said, we are constantly looking for new advertisers so that

we may increase the print run. In light of this, we regularly appeal to the congregation to

recommend any traders they trust, or new businesses in the area.

We would like to increase the magazine’s online exposure. Any help from an expert in social

media and Search Engine Optimization would be welcome.

Silvia Macchia (Editor)

Parish Websites

Lee Barnes has trained Berni Griffiths, Margaret Exelby and Carolyn Biddick to upload any

content changes to the website. We are constantly working to improve design and provide clear

and interesting content that is user friendly.

Also we are continuing to send out messages via the Church Mouse. It is well used across both

churches with 471 people, who have signed up to it. Email messages have been sent for a range

of purposes including reminders for a wide range of parish activities and events. If you wish to

subscribe yourself please email

The Church Mouse

Theology in the Pub Theology in the Pub meets on Monday evenings at The Bricklayers Arms.

The program has called upon a wide range guest speakers talking to us on a diversity of subjects


Focus on Women's ordination has detracted from issues for the laity

The Humour of Jesus the Christ

What is Social Justice ? Some ideas for Modern Policy

Speaking Christian

The Theology of Perspective

Faith and Grief, looking at CS Lewis' "A grief observe

The Papal Incyclical

Views and News from the Synod

A Critical look at the nativity in the Gospel

The Golden Age of Islamic Science ; how Science helped people to learn more about God's



Faith In Business- Focus on Christian Entrepreneurship

The Scriptures that Jesus knew

Future for Hope ; Lets get climate justice onto the Agenda

Carrie Myers reporting back from Synod

The Lent Sermons Discussed



A Muslims view of Christians


What it means to have Faith in God

Science and Religious Truth

The group numbers between 20 - 30 people with regular attendees amounting to between 6 and

12 people at any one meeting and continues to be a good place to discuss religious ,spiritual and

ethical issues. We are open to anybody who wishes to drop in.

Nigel Wright

Churches Together in Putney & Roehampton

The Parish of Putney was a founding member of the Putney Council of Churches in 1963. That

body has evolved over the years, and now has 8 member churches (4 Church of England, 2

Catholic, and 2 Methodist) with the above title.

Its Co-ordinating Body meets about four times a year. I have been the chairman for the last

three years, but a new chair will be chosen at the Annual Covenant Meeting in June.

There are many other local Churches Together groups across South London, as well as larger

regional and national groups.

In the last year, the main CTiPR activities have been:

1. Shared services: Advent Carols, Maundy Thursday, and Women’s World Day of Prayer.

And co-ordinated services on each day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which

is traditionally observed in January between the days of St Peter (18 January) and St

Paul (25 January).

2. Lent Activities: the traditional Walk of Witness, carrying a large wooden cross, with an

act of worship at a series of locations around Putney, has been discontinued and replaced

with a Lent Quiet Afternoon at the Kairos Centre, a convent in Roehampton. This year

there was also a series of play readings.

3. Christian Aid Week: this is organised on a collaborative basis between the member

churches. This year’s dates are Sunday 15 to Saturday 21 May. We will very shortly be

inviting you all to volunteer as collectors, at the station, and at Sainsbury’s.

4. Christian Drama: this is a fairly new activity for CTiPR. As mentioned above, we held

play readings on three dates in Lent this year. Previously, the Revd Roy Jackson has run

Saturday morning drama workshops at the Putney Methodist Church. We hope in due

course to mount our own Passion Play. Do please let me know if you would be

interested in taking part.

But the most important, and least dramatic, aspect of Churches Together remains meeting with

representatives from other churches, learning about each other’s backgrounds and priorities, and

building a shared understanding of how we can together advance the work of God’s Kingdom.

Our parish clergy are always representatives at CTiPR, but St Mary’s and All Saints’ Church

only have one lay rep each at the moment. Each of our churches needs at least one more and

ideally two more lay reps. Do please let me know if you would be interested in serving in this



The next meeting of the CTiPR Co-ordinating Body will take place on Thursday 9 June at 7.30

for 7.45 pm at St Joseph’s RC Church in Roehampton High Street. All welcome.

And the same applies to the next meeting of Churches Together in South London, which will

take place at the diocesan offices at Trinity House, 4 Chapel Court, off Borough High Street,

London SE1 1HW at 7 pm on Tuesday 17 May.

Andrew Simon

Team Rector’s Report

So much of what All Saints and St Mary’s do week by week has been covered in the church

AGMs so I don’t want to repeat that there, just say this.

First, huge personal thanks go from me to Chris. He is really an exceptionally able priest to

have on the team – we are lucky to have him – and on a personal level I greatly value his

wisdom, loyalty and hard work as a colleague. As a Team parish we gain from having 2 diverse

priests to call on and benefit from the economies of scale by being able to work jointly where

that makes sense: those of you who were at the stunning celebrations of Palm Sunday will be

able to testify to that. The liturgy we put on between us simply wouldn’t be possible with only

one priest in the planning.

And that brings me on to Laura. It has been splendid to have Laura join us in the latter stages of

last summer as training curate and it will be excellent to have her contribution again when she

returns from maternity leave in the middle of August. She will be ordained priest at the end of

September, (on 25th September), by Bishop Richard at St Mary’s and celebrate her first

eucharist the following Sunday (2nd October) at All Saints. Huge thanks go, too, to our splendid

church governance teams in the 6 wardens, Clemancy and Paul we elected today as Parish

Wardens and Angela, Kate, Iain and Martin. Much of their work is behind the scenes and the

visible bit on Sunday mornings is only the tip of an ice-berg. Our splendid governance team is

completed in our 3 treasurers, Andrew Sternberg at St Mary’s, John Andrew at All Saints and in

co-ordination, Richard with overview of the Parish finances as a whole, to whom particular

thanks today not just for handling this year’s audit but also for his work in tidying up the

complex web of parish assets.

All that, combined with the excellent quality and generous levels of members volunteering

across the work of the churches leaves us in good shape and I just want to reflect on the future

and look a little into the middle distance.

I hope you may remember we did some work about 3 summers ago on where our work should

focus and that led to the preparation of our Mission Action Plan. Thus far has focussed on 4

areas where we thought we needed to do more or do better:

Work with teenagers and children over 10

Welcome of newcomers to church

Development of community within the churches

Opportunities for members to grow in discipleship

It is, essentially, internally looking. And we don’t apologise for that. It is for good reason: we

have such numbers coming through our doors that much of our mission is with those who come

to us wanting to put down roots. That MAP is coupled with the excellent engagement of Parish

Action in fundraising and work addressing need both in our own neighbourhood and in the

wider world as our collective expression of the call of Christians to live out faith in the world.


We’ve still work to be doing on our MAP: youth work has now started well with Tom at the

helm working with All Saints Fulham and St Margaret’s. There have been wonderful

developments in children and young people’s music at All Saints, adding to what was already in

place at St Mary’s. But all that is still work in progress, as are the areas of community-building

and adult growth in faith that the other 3 represent.

Christian mission is classically defined as ‘finding out what God is doing and joining in’. How

might that look for us in the future?

Does it involve more social action through Parish Action on, for instance, credit unions?

Is it about more engagement in national church debates?

Is it working in partnership with other churches, for instance at the top of Putney Hill

where we meet St Margarets and there is no CoE presence?

Is it in mentoring or helping other churches to develop?

I don’t know and anyway this is a fairly random list of things that occur to me. The decisions on

any of those (or others that might occur) are for all of us to decide, led by the PCC and the 2

church DCCs. But a few guideline pointers are, I think right to stress at the moment as we look



Despite our thriving churches, our rate of child baptisms is in decline. That is reflected,

too, in the fact that nearly all our adult confirmands last year had not been baptised when

little. Our culture is less and less instinctively Christian when it seeks to articulate

engagement with the divine.

How might we share our understanding of the Christian faith and offer a Christian

explanation of existence to those who have no Christian heritage ?

And, apart from communication of the faith, in a changing demographic of London, how

do we, for instance, engage with people of the Muslim faith, or respond to the problems

of, for instance, housing in London?


Numbers of Church of England clergy are on the decline: about 40% are due to retire in

the next decade or so. Yes there are new ordinands coming forward (and we’ve

contributed 3 ourselves in my time here) but it will never match the retiral rate. In 2012

the statistics department of the Church of England estimated that over a 20 year period

from 2002 to 2022 there would be a fall in stipendiary clergy from 9,200 to something

under 7,000 by 2022. So new priests won’t make up the loss.

That means in this diocese as in others, there will have to be more co-operation across

parishes (irrespective of how diocesan finances go) and more lay leadership. We can

reasonably expect to have vicars for our own churches, but their work may be more

widely spread. How might we start to plan for that?


The current shift in the church is towards evangelicalism which is on the rise, with

church planting and congregational planting in failing churches.

The liberal catholic voice is diminishing because, typically, liberal catholics spend more

energy on wider social or world problems than on church growth issues.

If we value the sort of inclusive, accepting and loving approach to Christianity that we

espouse, what might we want to do to share that valued gift with others?


A lot of questions and, as you will have noticed, no ready answers. But here is one handle on how to

tackle those questions for us. Some years ago the Anglican Communion adopted these ‘Five Marks of

Mission’ as they called them. When we look into the middle distance, as it were, they are a good way

of articulating what we need to have at the forefront of our minds as we see to understand what God

might be doing and where we might join in: the 5 Marks of Mission are:

To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom

To teach, baptise and nurture new believers

To respond to human need by loving service

To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue

peace and reconciliation

To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the


That summarises our calling. Our living out of it is for us to discern. Thank you for being part

of this Christian community. I hope you enjoy the ride.

Ailsa Newby

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