park hill branch stuffed animal sleepover

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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On Thursday, July 19, 2012, a bunch of stuffed animals came to storytime at the Park Hill Branch Library to hear some stories and sing some songs. We had great fun and our kids did too. Then our children left and we stayed the day and night to learn more about how the library works. Check out what we learned!


Stuffed Animal

Training Camp

at the

Park Hill Branch Library

July 2012

Denver , Colorado

On Thursday, July 19, 2012, Miss Dawn invited our

stuffed animals to come to storytime. We had great fun

and our stuffed animals did too!

Then the children left and the stuffed animals stayed the

day and the night to learn more about how the library works.

We broke up into groups. Some of us helped the

librarians at the reference desk find books and

movies for the customers.

We helped these girls

find a good book!

Zebra helped find

the books about


Monkey found some

good books about


Rabbit answered questions for people

who called on the telephone.

We gave kids their prizes for the

Summer of Reading program.

Brown Bear helped this customer

learn to use the computer.

Another group of stuffed animals helped the circulation

clerks. We signed up people for new library cards.

We learned that our children can have a library card,

but not stuffed animals.

We returned books from the inside book drop.

And helped customers learn to use the self check out


We put books and DVD’s people had requested

from other branches on the hold shelf. There sure

are a lot of holds!

After all the hard work getting

these books on the hold

shelves; we now

understand why we should

not pull the white pieces of

paper out of the books!

The book return bin was full so we took it to the

basement. Riding in the bin down the elevator is fun!

We helped Monica check in all types of library items:

books, DVD’s, CD’s, magazines, and comic books.

These black pads use radio frequencies to check in the

books - it seems like magic!

If we stay in these crates we will get taken to other

branches during the night...

But Park Hill Branch

Library is the best, so

let’s go help put

everything away in the

right spot so everyone

can find them easily.

The library has lots of fun things to do…

we played with the wall magnet games.

We used the computers to play games.

We played with the balls and bells

after the Book Babies storytime.

Then we helped

put the toys and

books away.

We looked at picture books.

Now it’s almost time for bed. We picked out a book

for Miss Dawn to read for our bedtime story.

We made a sign reminding the night delivery

workers, who take items from this library to others, to

please be quiet and not wake us up.

We set our alarm clock to wake us up before the librarystaff gets here in the morning….

…and snuggled down to sleep.

The staff arrives at 9:00 a.m. There is a lot of work to

do before the library opens in just one hour.

These crates have all the books from other

libraries that people want to pick up at Park

Hill Branch Library. Soon they will go on the

hold shelves.

More library items have

been dropped off in the

book drop during the night.

Now we know how to return

them and get them back on

the shelf quickly so they can

be checked out again.

Every morning our staff find the items that will go to

other branches because someone wants them.

There are 156 items that will go out in

tonight’s delivery if we find everything on the list!

We help turn on the computers.

It is 10 a.m. - time to open the library!

Welcome everyone!

We’ve had lots of fun - but we missed our

children! We hope you enjoyed seeing what

we did during our library training camp.

Special thanks to our teen volunteers Amanda, Molly and Emily for helping with our Stuffed Animal Library Training Camp.

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