parks and sustainable forms of land-use

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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“Parks of the future workshop” 26 and 27 February, 2014 Hanse Institute for Advanced Study (HWK), Delmenhorst, Germany. Parks and sustainable forms of land-use. Andreas Voth. Thinking about sustainable land-use in protected areas …. unsustainable land-use. outside protected areas. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Parks and sustainable forms of land-use

“Parks of the future workshop”26 and 27 February, 2014

Hanse Institute for Advanced Study (HWK), Delmenhorst, Germany

Andreas Voth

sustainable land-use

aspects of sustainability- ecological- economical- social- cultural in protected areas

outside protected areasunsustainable land-use

the understanding ofsustainability changes:- in space- in time

considering different- categories- ecosystems- zoning concepts- old/new parks- central or marginal


type of land-use- agriculture- forestry- tourism- housing- other activities

different forms- traditional / modern- extensive / intensive

different actors- local / non-local- private / public- forms of governance

Thinking about sustainable land-use in protected areas …

effects of land-use- short term / long term- biodiversity- landscape- socio-economics- cultural heritage- acceptance

conflicting perspectives of sustainability?

methods to measure sustainability?

Linkages between sustainable land-use and general research fields* concerning protected areas

1. Material and immaterial services provided by PAsWhat is the value given by society to landscapes resulting from land-use practises or their abandonment?

2. Tourism and recreationWhat is known about the interrelations between tourism and different forms of sustainable land-use in PAs?What about land-use as a cultural heritage in PAs?

3. Innovations in regional economy in accordance with conservation and landscape protection objectivesWhich forms of land-use contribute to regional economy and to park’s objectives as well? How could they be promoted?

4. Images and regional identitiesHow do specific forms of land-use and cultural landscape work as factors of regional identity / regional marketing?

5. Handling regional and global changeWhich land-use changes depend on dynamics on the regional/global level?

6. Participation and governanceRole and structures of land-use planning and management

* Workshop in St-Pierre de Chartreuse 2011;Hammer et al. (2012): Societal research perspectives in protected areas in Europe.

Who decides which forms of land-use are sustainable ?

What are the main factors favouring or limiting sustainable land-use ?

What is the role different actors play within supply chains in favouring or limiting sustainable land-use systems ?

How could consumers and park visitors contribute to maintain sustainable forms of land-use ?

How could traditional forms of sustainable land-use be recovered ?

How could sustainable forms of land-use be stimulated or made attractive ?

How could regional labelling and marketing favour sustainable land-use ?

How do different forms of land-use depend on each other ?

How is knowledge of sustainable land-use techniques transmitted ?

How are sustainable forms of land-use influenced by modern changes (demographic change, climate change, political frameworks, financial crisis, changing demand for products and services, technological change, environmental consciousness, etc.) ?

Thinking about sustainable land-use in protected areas … …there are still a lot of questions

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