parliamentary gov

Post on 19-Jan-2015






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Kris Bryant, Kathy Schreiber, Lisa Harrison, Marlene Mendoza

How does it work??

A major part of parliamentary governments is the parliament.  Both the government and Parliament work together in forming laws, even though they are separate institutions.  The government, also known as the executive, is what runs the country and develops and puts forth laws and policies. Parliament is the legislative authority and is also known as the Legislature Parliaments main roles are to examine and challenge the work of the government (scrutiny), debate and pass all laws (legislation) and enable the government to raise taxes.

Who uses it??

Countries like Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Greece, Kuwait, Hungary, India, Portugal, New Zealand, Poland, Turkey and Sweden use a unicameral system.  Countries like Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Spain and The United Kingdom use a bicameral system.  Parliamentary governments seem to work best for small well educated and politically involved countries, but also seems effective for very large countries.  Parliamentary Governments are also good for racially, ethnically, and ideal logy diverse countries.

Strengths & Weaknesses

The Goods Power is more equally spread. 

Instead of voting for a person the people are voting for the person’s platform or ideas.

Is good for "ethnically, racially, or ideologically" divided countries since power is more divided among all the 150+ members of government.

The prime minister can be removed at any time.

The Bads The head of government is not

directly elected by the people.  Instead, they are elected by the strongest party in a parliament.

There is no real check of the legislative power because no “body” can veto the legislation passes by the parliament.

Elections can happen at any time, and sometimes this can be taken advantage of.

We give you...England!!!

England’s Geograph


England is located on the central and southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain. England is mostly comprised of hills and flat land, but there is a mountainous region in the northern region and also a chain of low mountains dividing the eastern and western halves. England is a temperate climate with temperatures ranging between 23 degrees Fahrenheit and 86 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the year. 


Ethnic Group

2001 Population

2001 Percentage

2005 Population

2005 Percentage

White 44,679,361 90.92% 44,967,800 89.90%

Asian 2,248,289 4.58% 2,674,900 5.30%

Black 1,132,508 2.30% 1,359,300 2.69%

Mixed 643,373 1.31% 791,400 1.57%

Chinese 220,681 0.45% 347,000 0.68%

Other 214,619 0.44% 325,200 0.64%

Why does England use it?

England uses a parliamentary system which is basically a party system. The citizens elect a party into power, then that head of the party that wins becomes the Prime Minister. England also uses a constitutional monarchy that combines the monarch head of state with a parliamentary system. The three main parties in England are the Tory, Labor and the Liberal Democrats.

Who is the head of state??

Queen Elizabeth ll

Who is the head of government??

The chief executive of the Parliament in England is the Prime Minister, who is also the First Lord of the Treasury and the Minister of Civil Service. He is the leader and has control over most of the Parliament. The Prime Minister presides over the cabinet and selects all of its members, as well as holding the power to dismiss any members that have been selected. His job as the Prime Minister is to lead the Cabinet to bring unity to the country in order to gain the support of the members of the House of Commons. 

The Law-making body...

The law-making body of England is the Parliament which comes in three forms, the House of Commons, the House of Lords, and the Crown. The House of Commons is the political power of England. The Cabinet introduces most of the laws and bills, but it is here in the House of Commons where individual members can introduce other laws that deal with local problems. Each bill goes through three stages. First, the bill is introduced without debate, second, the bill is debated and goes to a committee for further study, and lastly, the the bill is presented and the vote is taken. The Crown of England is Queen Elizabeth ll, who is also the head of state. It serves as the head of the judiciary, the armed forces, and the supreme governor of the Church of England. It is the Crown who appoints all members of the House of Lords. Members of the House of Lords have the power to introduce new bills, as well as the power to amend the bills passed by the House of Commons. 

The Judicial Body...

Local magistrates hear the very basic crimes, but for more serious cases they are sent to a Crown Court. The basic cases are heard in county courts in front of a single judge, but more serious cases are heard by the High Court. Cases are heard by different divisions depending on the type of case. The Family Division deals with divorce issues, and the Chancery Division deals with business and property issues. 

Sub-National Governments...

England is divided into nine regions with one of these regions being London. London has an elected assembly and a mayor, but the other eight regions have a very minor local government. Most regions have a county council which is responsible for things like education, and a district council who deal with services such as housing, city planning, etc. 

How do members achieve their positions?

The Chief executive of England is the Prime Minister. He is usually the leader of whichever party has the most power in the parliament. Parliament is composed of two houses the House of Commons and the House of Lords. These Members are elected to a five-year term. Then there is the Cabinet, it has 20 members. They all must be members of the House of Commons of House of Lords. The Prime Minister picks all the members of the cabinet.  

Current Event!! In Norfolk, England Sarah Capewell had a premature baby. He

was born 21 weeks and five days into her pregnancy. Medical guidelines for Health Service hospitals state that babies should not be given intensive care if they are born less then 23 weeks. Some Medics told her that they would have tried to save the baby if he had been born two days later, at 22 weeks. The guidance made by the Nuffield council advises the medical attention for very premature babies is not in the best interests of the baby, and is not standard practice. Sarah Capewell is now fighting for a review of the medical guidelines. 


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