parsha presentations: miketz

Post on 06-Sep-2014






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Nate D. tells the story of Yosef's change in fortune, from a prisoner in Pharoah's prison to the second in command in Egypt.


By: Nate D. ‘18

Parshat Miketz

Yosef was about 30 years old and had been in prison for twelve years. His father, Yaakov, was 120. (Yitzchak who died at this time was about


Two Years Later Pharaoh Had A DreamHe dreamt that there were 7 big cows in a field.

Then 7 scrawny cows came and ate the bigger cows.

He then had another dream that had 7 luscious ears of corn.

Then 7 bad ears of corn ate the luscious ones.

Pharaoh wanted someone to interpret his dreams so he went in search of all the wise men of Egypt. Pharaoh’s cupbearer remembered Yosef’s successful dream interpretations in prison. Pharaoh called upon Yosef to interpret his dreams.

Hey Yosef wanna

interpret my


Yosef said The 2 Dreams Were 1.The big cows meant that there would be seven years of a plentiful supply of food in Egypt.The skinny cows meant that there would be seven years of famine in Egypt.Yosef recommended that Pharaoh store up during the seven years of plenty.

Pharaoh realized Yosef’s great wisdom and placed him in charge

of Egypt.

Yosef put a tax on the people for them to pay 20% of the

grain instead of the usual price 10%.

For the next seven years, Yosef collected enough grain not just to feed all of Egypt but also for surrounding areas and countries.

Yosef then had two sons.

Menashe Ephraim

The famine hit hard everywhere, so everyone had to come to Egypt to buy bread.

In Israel, Yaakov heard that there was food in Egypt, so he sent his sons to get some. He sent all ten brothers because there was a law that you can only take what's needed for one household.He didn’t send Binyamin because he was afraid something bad would happen to him. What’s

That? Food?

The brothers entered through ten different gates, because they knew the people they sold Yosef to were there.When the brothers saw Yosef, they bowed to him.Yosef quickly recognized his brothers.

Those are

my brothers

Yosef accused his brothers of being spies. The brothers said they were not spies, and at length explained that they were there just to buy food. They told Yosef that Yaakov was back home waiting for them.Ralbag: Yosef sneakily got his brothers to mention that there was another brother with Yaakov to take care of him. His purpose was to make sure they hadn’t done away with Binyamin as well.

To prove themselves, Yosef told the brothers they had to leave a brother behind in prison and go fetch Binyamin.

Yosef overheard his brothers speaking of their guilt at what they did to Yosef and Yosef cried.And then put Shimon in prison.

Yosef had them sent back home with food for the journey and he also secretly packed money in their bags.

When they saw the money they panicked.

When Yaakov heard what happened he was terribly distressed.

Yaakov was afraid to send Binyamin because he feared he would go missing too.But the famine got worse, so Yehuda guaranteed Binyamin's safety.


Yosef and BinyaminReward

When the brothers arrived in Egypt with Binyamin, Yosef sent Shimon to be with them, and planned for them to have a feast with him.Binyamin’s portion of the meal was larger then the other brothers’ portions.

Binyamin Other Bro’s

When they finished eating, Yosef told his men to place a silver goblet in Binyamin’s bag!The brothers continued their journey home. Yosef sent his men to overtake them and accused them of being thieves.


Yosef emptied the bags and found the goblet in Binyamin’s bag. Yehuda begged for him to take all the brothers as slaves, not just Binyamin.But Yosef sent them home and kept only Binyamin.

Thank you for watching.

The End


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