part 1- nationalism. breaks up austrian & ottoman empires & threatens russia nationalism was...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Part 1- Nationalism

*Nationalism a strong feeling of pride and

devotion to one’s country

Breaks upAustrian &

Ottoman Empires& threatens


Nationalism was a uniting or dividing force

Unifies Germany


The German States

German-speaking people lived in a number of small, medium sized states, Prussia and the

Austrian (Hapsburg) empire.


Austrian (Hapsburg)



Germany was politically fragmented

A Step Toward Unity Napoleon - France

Dissolved the Holy Roman Empire Created the Rhine Confederation

Congress of Vienna Created German Confederation Controlled by Austria

Otto Von Bismarck, 1862 He was a Prussian loyalist Named Chancellor by King of Prussia Annexed parts of Germany to control the German

Confederation Insulted Napoleon III starting the Franco-Prussian

War 1870

“The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of

speeches and majority decisions but by BLOOD AND IRON.”

Realpolitik - “the politics of reality”: tough calculated politics in which idealism plays no part.

He led Prussia into three successful wars.

Each war moved the German states closer to unity.


King William I of Prussia Took the title “Kaiser” meaning emperor Ushered in the second Reich

New Government They had a Constitution Two-House Legislation

Bundesrat – Upper House Reichstag – Lower House

Problems Upper House (Bundesrat) could veto Lower House (Reichstag). Therefore - real power remain in hands of emperor and his close


Crowning of Kaiser Wilhelm I in the Versailles Hall of Mirrors

1871, the Second Reich (empire) is born

King William the II

Fired Bismarck

Expanded social welfare, transportation, electricity, public schools, etc.

Expanded the army & navy wanted overseas empire to rival British.

Becomes Europe’s leading INDUSTRIAL GIANT!!!!!!

Looking to the Past and the Future!!!

What was the 1st Reich??

Holy Roman Empire

What was the 3rd Reich??

WWII- Hitler’s 3rd Reich


Unification of Italy 1832-1870As in Germany, the invasions of

Napoleon sparked dreams of

national unity


Nationalism Builds

*Giuseppe Mazzini During the 1800s, nationalist leaders worked to

unite Italy 1832 established “Young Italy” to fight for a free

and independent Italy Led an 1848 rebellion that seized Rome and set

up a short lived Republic.

Struggle for Italy

1848- Italian Nationalist Party transferred to Sardinia Victor Emmanuel II

Count Camillo Cavour Prime Minister of Sardinia Goal: social reform, annex states from

Austria 1859 – gained several states

*Giuseppe Garibaldi

Sicilian Nationalist Ally to Mazzini, also wanted to

create Italian Republic *Red Shirts – 1000 Troops

volunteers, went into battle with Garibaldi

“I offer hunger ,thirst, battles, and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not with his lips only, follow me.” – Garibaldi

Giuseppe Garibaldi

“I offer hunger, thirst, battles, and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not with his lips only, follow me.”

– Garibaldi

Unity at Last• Garibaldi- quickly took

Sicily & Naples

- Handed over to Victor Emmanuel II- Crowned King 1860

• United Southern Italy 1861, Kingdom of two Sicily's, Papal state, Tuscany, Modena, Parma, &Lombardy – map pg. 579

• Rome and Venetia added later

• 1870 a united Italy

Turn to page 579

Challenges- New Italy

Economy North was rich but

south poor and filled with peasants

*Politics Republic in name only

Constitutional Monarchy Two House legislature.

Upper house could veto lower house

Many emigrated to U.S., Canada, & Latin America

CultureRoman Catholic

Church – division between church

and state


Use at least four sentences to summarize your notes up to this point.

In Eastern Europe, nationalism helped break up the declining Austrian and Ottoman empires.

Hapsburg Empire “Austria”

Slowly declining Nationalistic feelings of

Austria’s ethnic groups... Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Romanians, Serbs, Croats, Hungarians and German speaking Austrians

1866 defeat by Prussia caused a split Creating Hungary-Austrian

empire Coat of Arms of Austria-Hungary, adopted in 1915 to emphasize the unity of the Empire during WWI

Ottoman Empire

“Sick Old Man” ethnically diverse

*Various groups revolted Serbia 1817, Greece

1830's, others followed France, Britain, Austria

began taking pieces of the Old Man

A complex web of competing interests led to a series of wars and crises Called the

“Balkan powder keg”

Russia was another huge multinational empire showing

signs of trouble


*Conditions in Russia Largest, most populous nation in Europe 1815 Economically underdeveloped - agricultural Rigid social structure

Nobility - property, wealth, & power Majority of population Serfs/peasants

Absolutism Remained unaffected by Enlightenment & French Revolution

Russia Absolutism

Nicholas I – Absolutism Repression

Secret police, banned books 150,000 exiled to Siberia

3 Pillars of Russia Orthodoxy – Russian Church and Government tied Autocracy – absolute power of the state Nationalism – respect for tradition and suppression of non –

Russian groups

Alexander II

Came to throne 1855 during Crimean War Liberals wanted change and reform

• Emancipation 1861 – serfs freed

Reforms: trail by jury, military service

Radicals – terrorism began

Assassination -1881

Alexander III

Took Action: Secret Police, Exiled critics One language, one church Persecuted Jews and Muslims

Building Nationalism: Rein in radicals, return order Looking to united and move Russia

forward into Industrial Age

Russia enters the Industrial Age

Industrialization Railroads connecting Iron Coal mines with factories

Problems Excessive growth in city, poor conditions, hours,

pay, Peasant life did not change


Nicholas II – Alexander III son Inherited throne & Problems

“Bloody Sunday” - Peaceful March, 1905 walking streets and singing hymns toward Winter

Palace Asking for constitution and social reforms

Palace feared crowd- sent troops out Hundreds died and wounded

Revolution 1905

Discontent – strikes ,take down Gov’t

Nicholas II Presents : October Manifesto- 1905

Freedom of speech & assembly

Duma – elected national legislature


Use at least four sentences to summarize your notes up to this point.

Chapter 24- Growth of Western Democracies

(Happening During Industrial Revolution)

Britain – Parliament

1815 – Constitutional Monarchy w/ parliament 5% vote- Wealthy, Nobles House of Lords – appointed, could veto House of Commons – voted in members

(wealthy country landowners &merchants)

Problems Population shift to from country to cities Parliament only representing wealthy

*Reforming Parliament

The Great Reform Act 1832 Non-Protestant right to vote Gave seats in House of Commons to city

Didn’t help rural or city poor

Chartist Movement –Nationalism Demanded universal male

suffrage….Secret ballot New Era

1867- extended suffrage to all men 1911- Lords could no longer veto House of


“ Now mind you, - if I kill you, its nothing, If you kill me, by jingo its murder.”

Victorian Movement

Queen Victoria Longest Reign: 1837-1901

Values: Duty, thrift, honesty, hard work, most important respectability Wife was to be dutiful Upper and Middle-class way of life Working class could not match

Social & Economic Reforms

Tariff on international trade Repealed Corn laws – tariff on grain free trade – laissez faire

Campaign Against Slavery 1807 abolished slave trade – first European

Nation 1833 banished slave use in Britain

Crime and punishment 1800’s- 200 crimes punishable by death 1850 – limited murder convictions

Murder, piracy, treason, arson

Working Class

*4 Ghosts of the Poor: Accident -Sickness - Old-Age - Unemployment

*Working Class Reforms : 1842- 10yrs. to work 1847- 10hr. Day/ min wage Labor Union Free Education Civil Testing Social Programs Women suffrage 1918


Peasants: Made up most of

population Paid high rent to

English nobles High tithe to the

church Under Britain's


*1845 Potato Famine ¾ Irish crops sent to

England 1845- disease hits

crops 4years – 1 million

died from famine Nationalism Grew

Population Change in Ireland from 1845-1851

Independence 1921 – after WWI

France- Napoleon III

2nd Empire (1848) Appealed to mass because of name and lines in

classes Government- Constitutional Monarchy

Actual dictatorship Economic Growth – promoting Nationalism

Prospered during mid 1800s Industrialized – industry, railroad, &urban renewal in Paris Labor Unions, Public education & Social Programs

Fall of Napoleon III

Foreign Failures Helped Austrian Hapsburg empire gain Mexico, but

backfired Helped Italy Nationalist, but after Italy united,

became rival on Frances border War with Prussia

Lured by Bismarck into war 1870 Captured in Sudan Germany moved on Paris

Third Republic

Republicans set up Provisional Government Third Republic – with an elected

National Assembly Harsh peace with Germany

Had to give up Alsace and Lorraine states, along with large fine

Many opposed way of government Suppressed all opposing groups

Killed 20,000

US silver dollar sized 5 franc coin from the Third Republic

Structure – Lasted 70 Years Two House legislature

Lower legislature Senate

Prime Minister – Most powerful Coalition – alliance with one party First 10 years – 50 different

coalition governments were formed and fell

*Dreyfus Affair

France – Reforms

*Early 1900’s Reforms Wages, Hours Safety conditions

*Separation of Church and State – pass 1905

*Women's Rights 1896 – married

women could control earnings

Won right to vote after WWII


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United States-*Territorial Expansion

Expansionism- extending a nations boundaries

*Manifest Destiny – 1803-1898 Louisiana Territory Doubled U.S.

Florida, Oregon, Texas, California, Alaska, & Hawaiian Islands

Settling the West - 4,000,000 between 1820-1850 Gold, missionary work, homesteads

Expanding Democracy

1830’s- white men could vote Calls for Abolition – end of

slavery Division among territory/states

Women’s rights movements: Anti-slavery 1848 –First organized women’s

rights rally for voting rights 1918- Won right to vote

Civil War Prelude:

*Division over Culture & Government South – states should decide about slavery North – Federal Gov’t decide about slavery

*Civil War 1861-1865 Southern states withdrew from Union Formed Confederate States of America Fewer people, resources, industry

North – unified, more resources 600,000 Americans Died – most in any American War

Growth and Reform

*Became the worlds leading industrial giant Rapid urbanization Immigrates – Irish, German,

Chinese, Japanese, Jews, Italians, etc.

*Had a tradition of isolationism – Limited involvement in world affairs


Use at least four sentences to summarize your notes up to this.

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