part 2 teaching tool kit

Post on 07-Feb-2017






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The Lecture Tool Kit

All about you?

- be personable

- be enthusiastic

- use stories / practice / humour (?)

- dress for the session?

What about the material?

- organize the material into a coherent structure

- highlight the key points

- include popular culture / news items

- care about your subject

death by PowerPoint

Bad slides don't help

Don't read this slide. There is nothing on this slide of importance. At this very moment I am trying to make rather interesting point about something or other.Are you still reading this.Have you looked out the window today there is a world of things out there. Did you know that if you are reading this you are not listening to what I am discussing.I might as well have printed this out for you and used a lovely image, you still have all the information but that way you care.Look I told you to stop reading this it really is utter drivel.Hum hum hum lunch time soon. I have some cheese and pickle sandwich's.I wonder when I can next get coffee.I hope you will take something away from todays sessionReally stop reading this you can read faster than I can speakPut your arm in the air if your reading this drivel.Hopefully that made the point.Tell you what I will shut up and give you a chance to read this.Or not.

A good slide makes a point

this slide is intentionally blank

Do you need to use slides at all?


Use the handouts as learning tools

-Set questions-Structure conversations

Use The VLEBefore The Session After The Session

What is the VLE for?Host the materialsHighlight what is was / will be coveredProved structured deeper readingSupport

Sound and Vision

Give Knowledge

Present Feedback

Offer Examples

Mirror the content on the VLE

*break the session up*


Screencasts can help demonstrate and


Pre record your material before the session

Why demonstrate software live when you can create a screen cast.

Give Feedback to students individually or as a generic group

Collect ideas on Padlet Walls

Google apps for collaboration


Slides Spreadsheets

Share files

Make web sites

Google apps for collaboration

2) Students can work in collaborative groups to answer problems.

3) Tutor comments live in the session to improve the answer.

1) Links to open Google Docs hosted on the VLE

Objects as a learning tool

Objects can be used as a focal point for conversation.

Objects can be used to demonstrate a point.

Objects can be used to talk about function.

StudentsTalking to you

Talking to each other

StudentsTalking to each other: Ask open-ended questions

Give them problems to solve or questions to answer or material to analyze from different perspectives.

Pair Share: ask them to turn to the student next to them and discuss the problem or question you have posed.

StudentsTalking to each other: Ask open-ended questions

Give them problems to solve or questions to answer or material to analyze from different perspectives.

Small Groups: put the class into groups of three or four use student response to collect answers.

Technology Enhanced Learning

Student Response

Lo Tech

iCARD a low tech way of making lectures more active

via Dr Neil Cross @theOtherDrX

Q and A via coloured cards

Hands in the air questioning

Student Response

Student response

Poll Everywhere

Allows live responses within PowerPoint

iTunes app Android app

Which is the largest organ of the human body?

A: Lungs

B: Brain

C: Liver

D: Skin

Set questions?


1. Ask students questions live during the session.

2. Allow them to talk to each other

3. Repoll the students and see if the score has improved?

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