past 28 day twitter analytics

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Past 28 Day Twitter Analytics

According to, over the last 28 days, I have greatly increased my presence on Twitter.

In July so far, I have tweeted 62 times and have had 600 profile visits. While I have not gained many followers so far this month, I have made many impressions through my tweets. Impressions are how many people with Twitter accounts saw your tweet.

Over the last 28 day period, my tweets have earned 6.1K impressions. I averaged about 219 impressions per day. According to this graph, Fridays and Saturdays seem to be the days my tweets make the most impressions.

Under the followers tab on, I was able to see my followers’ top interests. The top interest of my followers is music. Therefore, I should begin tweeting more about music related things if I want to continue to increase my impressions and engagement on Twitter. Following music, comedy is the next top interest of my followers. I also found that slightly more females follow me than males. In order to gain more interaction on Twitter and to strengthen my presence on this platform, I could try to make my tweets more women oriented.

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