pasta, passion and pistols murder mystery dinner

Post on 25-Feb-2016






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Pasta, Passion and Pistols Murder Mystery Dinner. Rules of Play. All guests have motives and hidden pasts. You must try to convince everyone that you are innocent while also trying to determine the murderer’s identity. Players are to maintain roles. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Pasta, Passion and

PistolsMurder Mystery


Rules of Play

• All guests have motives and hidden pasts.• You must try to convince everyone that you are innocent

while also trying to determine the murderer’s identity.

• Players are to maintain roles.

• All players must answer questions truthfully.

• The murderer is also a liar and is not required to give truthful answers

Secret Clues

• You will each be given a ‘clue’.

• You are not required to reveal the ‘secrets’ in your background information unless directly challenged by another player.

• Do not read or share your secret clue until you are instructed to do so in your character booklet.

Scenario: Four days ago restaurateur Giuseppe (Pepi) Roni was found murdered in the kitchen of his renowned New York City eatery, La Speranza.

Pepi had been shot in the back with his own pistol. Tonight, his family and friends have gathered to play their respects to poor Pepi and to eat a feast of Italian food in his honor.

One of you is the murderer.

How to Play There are 3 Rounds in this game:

Each Round consists of the following:

1. DialogueAll characters act out their parts according to the script.

2. QuestioningSuspects first take a few minutes to review their individual bits of information, then begin asking each other questions and revealing facts. Secret clues should be revealed to the entire group.

3. Listen to CD – Round Review

Menu – Potluck Ideas

• Take out pizza• Pasta dishes• Olives, cheese/crackers/ antipasto/red peppers • Fruit• Salads (tossed green salad, tomato salad)• Broschetta• Italian bread / garlic bread – cold cuts• Desserts: tiramisu, mocha cake, cannoli

Costume - optional

Character Background

Starting with Mama Rosa, each guest will introduce him/herself to the group.

Everyone should reveal both public and private information.

Mama Rosa

Pepi's grieving widow. For 25 years, Mama Rosa cooked the pasta while Pepi greeted La Speranza's dinner guests.

In all the years they were married, not once did they argue. Had something finally boiled over in Rosa's kitchen?

Marco Roni Pepi and Mama Rosa's only son,

Marco was expected to take over the restaurant after his parents retired.

Marco hates waiting tables. His goal is to play on a World Cup soccer team but his papa has been keeping him permanently on the bench.

Angel Roni

Angel is Pepi and Rosa's beautiful daughter. it was Pepi's dream that his 'Angel' would marry a good Italian boy, have children and carry on the family traditions.

Angel has a few fantasies of her own, and one of them is that hunk, Bo Jalais. Mama-Mia!

Rocco Scarfazzi

Pepi's twin brother, a tough-talking no-nonsense Italian businessman. In addition to his vineyards and real estate holdings, it is rumored Rocco is the 'laundering' business.

He had no love for his brother Pepi but his reasons are his own...capishe?

Father Al Fredo

An Italian priest and long-time family friend of the Roni's and the Scarfazzi's.

The good priest has heard their confessions and knows their sins.

Tara MisuTara is Rocco's vivacious young fiancee. She was an upstairs maid in Rocco's villa until she swept him off his feet.

Now Tara keeps a smile on his face and a firm grip on Rocco's assests

Bo Jalais Cousin of a cousin of Rocco's, Bo manages the Scargazzi vineyards. Bo comes from a long line of French wine makers and no one knows 'ze' grape like Bo.

An important man in the Scarfazzi organization...what could Bo possibly have to whine about?

Clair Voyant

Rosa's friend and astrology advisor. Clair's talents include an ability to communicate with the spirit world and see into the future.


All evidence and clues have now been revealed.It’s time to accuse the murderer. Everyone takes a few minutes to review their notes and write down the name of the character they believe killed Pepi.

When everyone has written down his/her accusation, go around and have every guest say whom they believe to be the killer and why.

Statement of Guilt

Option 1: The MURDERER reads his/her STATEMENT OF GUILT to reveal the solution to the murder mystery.

Option 2:The solution is revealed on the CD (Track 4) - Antonio Telsatori reveals the solutions to Pasta, Passion and Pistols.

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