patana news volume 18 issue 10

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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A weekly round up of news from Bangkok Patana School


NEWS Patana

B a n g k o k P a t a n a i s a n I B W o r l d S c h o o l , a c c r e d i t e d b y C I S a n d N E A S C

Congratulations to our FOBISIA Tennis Team!

P. 4

Letter from the Secondary Principal

uring the final week of last half term we were fortunate

to have a visitor to school working with us to ensure that we are up to date with the most important aspect of all in education – child safeguard-ing. This refers to ensuring that our students are safe from any physical or emotional threat to their wellbe-ing while they are part of the school community. A few months ago Matt Mills attended a presentation at a FOBISIA Senior Leaders meeting led by Tim Gerrish OBE. Matt was so im-pressed that he invited Tim to Bangkok Patana to present to our whole staff during our Professional Development day and to meet with various key post holders throughout the week to discuss child safeguarding issues and the school’s policies and proce-dures. Tim also met with rep-resentative groups of stu-dents to listen to how they felt about child safeguarding at our school.

Tim’s background included over thirty years’ experience as a Scotland Yard detective including a period heading a high level UK child safeguard-ing programme. More re-cently he worked throughout our region supporting vulnerable children alongside national governments. Now he works as a consultant for international schools and other or-ganisations.

I worked with Tim on several occa-sions throughout the week and found him to be extremely engaging, rigor-ous and meticulous in his approach, a testament to all his years as a detec-tive! His view is that child safeguard-ing must be at the absolute forefront of all that we do. He challenged us to

look again at our risk assessments for the great number of trips and visits that we run emphasising that there must be very clear reference to po-tential dangers that our students may face, however apparently small or unlikely. This would include potential threats from contact with the general public at airports while travelling to and from visits, at resorts and during leisure time as well as at the event itself such as an International Award expedition, sports tournament, Mod-el United Conference or a Residential

Visit. I have to sign off on all our Sec-ondary Risk Assessments for visits and so I was reassured to hear that Tim felt that overall we had good procedures. He also provided us with clear ways to enhance and strength-en what we do including working closely with, and if necessary offering support to, our outside service pro-viders to ensure that they have strin-gent child safeguarding measures of their own.

Additionally Tim looked at our ex-isting school-wide Child Protection Policy and challenged us to further raise its profile across not only aca-demic staff but also with all of our

colleagues on the business side, with the parent community and all visitors to the school. This includes ideas as simple but powerful as having child safeguarding messages on the back of the Patana ID cards which every-one on campus must carry at all times. We were reminded to ensure that child safeguarding is specifically referred to as part of our recruitment process with all new staff to the school and also that our emphasis on its importance is very clear in the home page of the website.

Finally, I joined an extended workshop with school counsel-lors, Heads of Year and other pastoral leaders where Tim shared strategies on how as teachers we can deal with diffi-cult and sensitive situations where students may disclose that they are victims of some kind of emotional or physical abuse. Teachers are important figures of trust and authority for young people and a high percentage of disclosures by them are made to teachers whom they feel they can talk to. Teachers therefore need to know how to effectively han-dle this responsibility. We have just received an in-

depth report of his visit and will seek to act upon his main recommenda-tions in the near future. Hopefully we will be able to maintain an ongoing relationship with him as we continue to work to keep child safeguarding in the forefront of all that we do at Bangkok Patana.

Good luck to all of our teams at SEASAC this week. I shall be cheering on the Tigers at NIST where we have strong Girls’ and Boys’ Volleyball and Football teams in action.

Have a great weekend, Mick Smith Principal, Secondary School

Child safeguarding must be at the

absolute forefront of all that we do

By Annie Keane, World Languages Teacher

bout six years ago the community of Bangkok

Patana joined with BNH Hospital in the Knit for the Needy project. Since that time several people have asked when we are “doing it again”. The benefits are numer-ous: revival of a craft on the de-cline; the joy of creativity; the strengthening of hand-eye co-ordination; the relaxation of a repetitive action; the pleasure of joining in a community project; the introduction of a skill to the next generation; the unification

of the community through a com-mon goal; and the undeniable contentment that come with giv-ing. The giving here is time and skill rather than handing over a banknote. I approached my Church (Holy Redeemer, Ruam Rudee) and the Ladies Group there has assured me that the blankets will go to the poorest community they can find.

Materials and Equipment · Worsted yarn (U.S.)/Double Knit (UK)/8 ply (Aus), 100gm (3.5oz) in any combination of colours. Please use acrylic ra-

ther than wool as it will be easi-er to care for. · One pair knitting needles Method 35/36 stitches on 5 mm (8 US) needles (Try to make your stitches neither too loose nor too tight to help ensure uniform squares. This may vary slightly depending on your tension.)

Row 1: Knit. Row 2: Knit. Rows 1 and 2 form the 'garter' stitch knitting pattern for your square. Continue knitting as per these two rows until your square is as long as it is wide. To ensure your square is 20cm/8" either use a tape measure or form a triangle by folding one cor-ner of your square over to meet the opposite corner as shown - if all sides are equal - then you have a square! Cast off / bind off. Leave a 50 cm/20” tail (for sewing the squares together).

Helen Ford and I will be availa-ble to help/advise/cast on or off as required. We hope to be a visi-ble presence in the Lounge from 7am and at lunchtime on Fridays. Please do join us there if you can. Please hand in squares by Friday 4th December to allow a week for sewing up. Blankets will be deliv-ered to Holy Redeemer on Sun-day 13th December. If you can help in any other way- sewing the squares together, for example, please contact me: or Helen:

ongratulations to our FOBISIA Tennis players who travelled to Brunei to compete in the FOBISIA Ten-nis Championships. The results were:

Under 11 Girls Gem Ninsuvannakul - Runner Up

Under 11 Boys Brett Kichodhan - Runner Up, Arin Tongdee - 4th, Tom Habanananda and Nond Phokasub - Plate Winners

Under 13 Girls Pawinee (Balloon) Ruamrak - Champion, Clara Boucher - Runner Up, Pammy Leenabanchong - Plate Winner

Under 13 Boys Mark Nielsen - 3rd, Joseph Oakeshott - Quarter Final

Under 15 Girls Moniqa Nielsen - Plate Winner

Under 15 Boys Jonah Tuggener - Runner Up, Mashu Furuta and Chayapat (Cue) Chin-thammit - Plate Winners

By Dan Ahl, Head Tennis Coach

THE ROAR Produced by the Athletics Council

Athlete of the week: Nina Chatuchinda Year: 13 Sport: Varsity Volleyball Position: Setter Sporting idol: Ronda Rousey After sport snack: Groovie smoothie Favorite Movie: Gladiator Best thing about SEASAC: Getting to travel with your teammates and coaches, its a whole other expe-rience altogether Favorite SEASAC memory: Beating NIST and evening traditions on the last night Favourite song: HOTLINE BLING How long have you been playing this sport : 5-6 years

Upcoming Fixtures

Friday 30th October

Football – Boys’ Varsity SEASAC @NIST

Football – Girls’ Varsity SEASAC @NIST

Volleyball – Boys’ Varsity SEASAC @NIST

Volleyball – Girls’ Varsity SEASAC @NIST

Saturday 31st October

Basketball – Girls’ U15A Away

Basketball – Boys’ U13A Away

Basketball – Girls’ U13A Away

Basketball – Boys’ U11A Away

Basketball – Boys’ U11B&C Away

Basketball – Girls’ U11B&C Away

Football – Boys’ Varsity SEASAC @NIST

Football – Girls’ Varsity SEASAC @NIST

Tennis – Girls’ U13A Away

Volleyball – Boys’ Varsity SEASAC @NIST

Volleyball – Girls’ Varsity SEASAC@NIST

Sunday 1st November

Basketball – Girls’ U11A Away

Football – Boys’ Varsity SEASAC @NIST

Football – Girls’ Varsity SEASAC @NIST

Volleyball – Boys’ Varsity SEASAC @NIST

Volleyball – Girls’ Varsity SEASAC @NIST

Volleyball – Boys’ JV Away

Volleyball – Girls’ JV Away

Welcome to Season 2

Try Outs in November

Monday 2nd, Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4th

Varsity and JV Girls’ Basketball - SPH (Mon), FHC

(Tues, Wed)

Varsity and JV Boys’ Basketball - FHC (Mon) SPH

(Tues, Wed)

Monday 2nd & Wednesday 4th

Varsity & JV Girls’ Touch - Pitch 3

Varsity & JV Rugby - Pitch 1 and 2

Tuesday 3rd & Thursday 5th

Varsity Climbing Team - SPH

U13 Girls’ Football - Pitch 2

U15 Girls’ & Boys’ Football - Pitch 1 and 3

Monday 2nd & Thursday 5th

U13 & U15 Badminton - SPH

U13 Boys’ Football - Pitch 4

Mon 2nd, Tues 3rd and Thurs 5th 3.45pm to 5:30pm

Varsity Boys’ and Girls’ Tennis - Tennis Centre

Pre-Season will start the week of 9th November

with all Block 2 ECAs.

The calendar for this academic year is available on the front of the school website

or click here to view it.

Upcoming University Visits

By Mike Balo, Assistant Principal Extra-curriculuar Activities and Sports

ry outs for Season 2 go from Monday 2nd November to Thursday 5th November 2015. All try outs run 2.30pm – 4.30pm, apart from Tennis that will run from 3.45pm – 5.30pm. Students should attend ALL

sessions unless involved in music. Transport has been arranged for those who signed up for trials via the ECA sign ups.

Pre-season Volleyball Thai Coaches Monday and Wednesday Sports Hall 3

Pre-season Varsity Badminton Thai Coaches Thursday SHP 3

2nd Teams Boys and Girls Under 13/Under 15 Football

Only for students who do not make the first team (must attend trials)

BSS Coaches Tuesday & Thursday Pitch 3 - 4

2nd Teams Boys and Girls U17/U19 Basketball Only for students who do not make the first team (must attend trials)

For the Love Coaches Tuesday & Thursday FHC

University/College Representative Location Date / Time

Study medicine in Australia Yada Bldg., 3rd fl., Silom (BTS 31st Oct, 1.00pm

Northwest Missouri State University Dr. Cleo Samudzi 2nd Floor Senior Studies 6th Nov, 12.00pm

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University KJ 2nd Floor Senior Studies 6th Nov, 12.00pm

University of Victoria Lauren Stamhuis 2nd floor Senior Studies 9th Nov, 9.15am

University College London Anna Henley 2nd floor Senior Studies 10th Nov, 12.15pm

On Saturday at Bangkok Patana School, the following teams compete: Under 13 Boys' Tennis Under 15 Boys' Basketball Under 15 Girls' Touch Under 15 Boys' Rugby

On Sunday we have:

Junior Varsity Boys' Football

Junior Varsity Girls' Football

By Genevieve Ahl, Services Manager

All students will return to their default bus home at

1.50/2.30pm from Monday 2nd – Friday 6th November. There will be NO 3.45pm buses home during this week. Some selective activities will be running and these people will be aware that their activity is continu-ing. If you are unsure please email the relevant ECA staff. For sports try outs, please see below.

If your child will not be using their normal school bus home on the day

of their 3-Way Conference, please ensure you email Transport to cancel their bus ( Not cancelling transport home caus-es unnecessary delays for other transport users and inconvenience to many staff. To help with the many changes on these two days, please email any cancellations by Tuesday 3rd November. You help and cooper-ation is very much appreciated.

: Mon-day 2nd - Thursday 5th November

Students who have pre-signed up to attend the Secondary Sports try outs will automatically be put on a 4.30pm bus home. If you have not

signed up and wish to attend, please contact Transport to cancel your 2.30pm bus and request a 4.30pm bus. Any late requests for 4.30pm buses are subject to seat and route availability. Students who do not have a pre-booked 4.30pm bus will be required to be arrange private transportation home.

: or phone: 02 785 2470.

s part of a healthy balanced diet, you should eat fewer

foods and drinks that are high in sug-ar. Sugary foods and drinks can con-tribute to tooth decay, obesity and other metabolic disorders.

All sugars are carbohydrates found naturally in most foods. Their main nutritional value is in providing ener-gy. However, sugar is also added to lots of foods such as sweets, choco-late, cakes, some fizzy and juice drinks. Many drinks that contain add-ed sugars also contain lots of calo-ries, but may have few good nutri-ents.

The World Health Organisation rec-ommends that sugar consumption should be no more than 10 % of total energy and less than 5% of total en-ergy intake if possible.

Our school provides a small variety of drinks for sale in the Secondary Snack Bars, including some that con-tain a high percentage of sugars. After discussions at the JSRC and SSRC and with the school Nutritionist and Senior Staff in Secondary, it has been decided that these drinks

should be removed from the Second-ary Snack Bars and be replaced with other options that have a lower sug-ar content.

On nutrition labels it shows that some of the iced tea we currently sell has 23g of sugar and less than 5 % of total energy, but other teas contain sugar accounting for more than 5 % of total energy. We will still have some iced tea options at our Second-ary Snack Bars, but only teas and drinks that contain sugar accounting for less than 5 % of total energy pro-vided will be stocked in the Snack Bars in future.

Water is the best drink for our health. Your body is composed of about 60% water. Adequate con-sumption of water enables the pro-duction of bodily fluids that help with digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids, helps maintain normal bowel func-tion and helps keep skin looking good.

We suggest that you drink plenty of water every day and if you want to drink something else, try to choose low sugar drinks and have only one little bottle per day to keep your sug-ar intake not over the recommended daily intake. Remember to bring in your own water bottle to fill during the day at the water dispensers around school.

We will try to find other drinks that have sugar that is no more than 5% of total energy for sale in the Second-ary Snack Bars. If you have any sug-gestions for drinks that you would like to see available and that meet with our recommendations, please pass them to your JSRC/SSRC repre-sentative.

More information can be found at these websites: NHS UK WHO Sugar Guideline WHO Factsheets

By Sineenat (Oil) Khongyoo, Nutritionist

Graphic from

By Patama Chutima, Head Nurse

If you would like your nanny/home helper to attend the course please fill the attached form and return to Khun Patama (Head Nurse) before Monday 9th November 2015 and call or e-mail Khun Patama at 02-7852479 or for confirmation.


Basic First Aid Training for Nannies / Home Helpers

Request by (Parent’s Name):_____________________________________________

Email address_________________________________________________________

C/O (Student’s Name and class):__________________________________________

Name of attendant: 1.___________________________________________________________________



I would like the above person(s) to attend “Basic First Aid Course” at Bangkok Patana School.

I will responsible for cash payment of______THB for______(number of persons) on the day of the course.

Please contact Khun Wipatcha ext.2471 transportation office in advance for an available bus service.

Signature: ____________________________Date:___________

he Bangkok Patana School Medical Unit is offering a course in “Basic First Aid Training” for nannies/home help-ers. The course will provide general topics of basic first aid for children and information on handing emergen-

cies. The training will be in school on Friday, 13th November 2015 from 8:30 am-1:30 pm, Conference Centre (CON 306)

The cost is 500 THB/person. This includes: tuition fees, training sheets, drink and snack. On completion of the course a certificate will be awarded to the participant. Each course will hold a maximum of 15 people and will be conducted in Thai. For more information, please contact Khun Patama at 02 785 2479 or

Basic First Aid Training Topics

1. General knowledge of first aid 2. Emergency action 3. Conscious or Unconscious 4. Basic care for asthmatic attack 5. Basic care for choking 6. Basic care for fainting 7. Basic care for cut and bleeding 8. Basic care for head injuries 9. Basic care for epilepsy 10. Basic care for high temperatures

11. Basic care for burns, scalds, household poisoning 12. Basic care for bites, stings, allergic reaction 13. Basic care for fracture, muscle injuries 14. Basic care for nose bleeds 15. Basic care for stomach ache, nausea, vomiting in

children 16. Basic care for drowning 17. Demonstration 18. Workshop

The weekly canteen menu is available here.

Please check the calendar on the Parents’ Gateway, Student pages and Staff Centre

for up-to-date information on school events.

Visit and click on the relevant icon to log in

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