pathology of the testis: r. c. b. pugh, ed. oxford, blackwell scientific publications (u.s....

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Pathology of the Testis, R. C. B. Pugh, Ed. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications (U.S. distributor, J. B. Lippincott Co.), 1976, 487 pages, $62.00.

This outstanding book casts much light on a very difficult and hazardous diagnostic field. To begin with, it offers the best account I have seen (pp. 348-351) of the differential diagnosis between seminoma and malignant lymphoma of the testis. Members of the British Testicular Tumor Panel who wrote this book described, followed up, and analyzed 2,739 tumors of the testis registered between I958 and 1973 in the great tradition of the meticulous and patient anatomic and clinical study of a lot of mate- rial. Their consideration of what actually happened to their patients in formulating their classifications is particularly valuable. If their classification seems, at first glance, a trifle idiosyncratic, it is nevertheless rational and I would agree that (p. 204) “. . . the new AFIP and WHO classifications may prove to be less practical, especially with regard to the designa- tion of some of the more complex types of tumour.” Minor questions of classification aside, their correla- tions between histologic and clinical outcomes make this book permanently valuable.

Perhaps a few minor suggestions may guide the writers as they prepare their next edition. Habitual use of acronyms (SCT, for example, instead of Sertoli cell tumor) is irritating and unfortunately interrupts an otherwise clear and literate presentation; non- tumorous lesions of the testis are generally well dis- cussed apd illustrated, but testicular changes as- sociated with endocrine (for example, hypopituitarism) and metabolic (for example, hepatic cirrhosis or alcoholism) disorders could use more emphasis; the photomicrographs which illustrate what the authors call MTT (malignant teratoma trophoblastic) provide little guidance with this difficult problem. The other tumors are well illus- trated, and the clarity of the black-and-white illustra- tions bespeaks great care in the preparation of this

book. The chapter on clinical management of pa- tients with malignant tumors of the testis is balanced and sane, and the authors confirm (pp. 242-243) the unreliability of hormone and alpha-fetoprotein assays in the diagnosis and fpllow up of malignant teratomas.

In summary, this solidly founded, clearly written, and well-illustrated book is warmly recommended and very probably will become a standard in its field.


Modern Urinalysis Elkhart, Indiana, Ames Company, 1974, 82 pages.

Subtitled “A guide to the diagnosis of urinary tract diseases and metabolic disorders,” this short book is excellently written, clearly illustrated, and very complete. Whereas there is frequent mention of Ames products for urinalysis, these are not offen- sively intrusive and alternative tests are given equal weight. This is a helpful and informative book.(A.Z.)

The Kidney in Congestive Heart Failure: Sodium Homeostasis, Renal Hemodynamics, and Nephron Function N. K. Hollenberg, and P. J. Cannon Somerville, New Jersey, Hoechst-Roussel Phar- maceuticals, Inc.

Although this book is one of a series of “Directions in Cardiovascular Medicine,” edited by Louis Siegel, M.D., and primarily intended for study by those in- terested in cardiovascular medicine, there is much which can be read profitably by the urologist.

While the principal theme is sodium and water metabolism, this book actually contains an excellent review of the physiology of the kidney, edema, and diuretics. Anyone looking for illustrations for lecture , slides can find a few gems. (A.Z.)


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