patient centered report

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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Why do we keep making radiology reports like 120 years ago? Can some megabytes of text really express everything we see in hundreds of images? It's time we reinvent the way we deliver medical results!


  • 1. PATIENT-CENTERED REPORTS activating patients throw radiology reports

2. One of the first radiology reports, by neurologist William J. Morton in 1896 3. POR QUE? contexto: medicina focada no paciente / continuity of care / inverso da consulta / 4. The more people spend for health care out-of-pocket, the higher their expectations of customer service. Kaveh Safavi, global head of health for Accenture 5. enhancing the patient experience reducing the cost of care improving population health 6. @tgoetz 7. Flip the clinic 8. PQ A RADIOLOGIA DEVE MUDAR? setor pioneiro / inovao / criar valor / posicionamento / Sorcerer Apprentice 9. COMO ? creative destruction / processo disruptivo / pervasive healthcare 10. @EricTopol 11. papel vs. digital pronturio eletrnico PHR x EHR 12. @jnd1er 13. extrair elementos de valor descrio interpretao recomendao educao alerta dvida find the best tool for each value ! 14. grficos evolutivos tabelas imagens natural language processing recomendaes 15. @gusguida 16. Acmulo de gordura no fgado, possivelmente relacionado dieta RISCO: infarto e derrame (moderado) cirrose (baixo) clique aqui para saber mais TO DO: dosar nveis de colesterol e TGC Ndulo BENIGNO no fgado, muito comum RISCO: complicaes so rarssimas (hemorragia, malignizao) TO DO: vigilncia clique aqui para saber mais 17. incorporar elementos das novas mdias nos laudos: Twitter, Facebook, blogs, podcasts, Youtube atuais geraes (X, Y, Millenials) so nativas HTML Infogrficos the next-generation computing platform will be (already is) a social media-based platform easy to learn look and feel 18. Efficient how quickly? how many clicks? Intuitive is it easy to get from one place to another? is it easy to figure out information? Accessible 19. dashboards 20. body maps 21. WHOS GONNA DRIVE? radiologists no back-end / times de apoio / gesto de TI 22. report txt >> critical findings [mobile] 3DLabs explorar associaes, predies , projees, big data medicina baseada em evidncias iterations - prototype testing

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