pattern recognition research lab d. lopresti & h. s. baird henry s. baird cse dept, lehigh univ....

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Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Henry S. Baird

CSE Dept, Lehigh Univ.(Joint work with: Richard Fateman, Allison Coates, Kris Popat,

Monica Chew, Tom Breuel, Mark Luk, Terry Riopka, Michael Moll,

Dan Lopresti, Sui-Yu Wang, Jon Bentley, and Colin Mallows)

Protecting eCommercefrom Robots Impersonating

Human Users

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

A Pitfall of the World Wide Web

© Peter Steiner, The New Yorker, July 5, 1993, p. 61 (Vol.69, No. 20)

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Straws in the wind…

Mid 90’s: spammers trolling for email addresses

• in defense, people start disguising them, e.g.

“baird AT cse DOT lehigh DOT edu”

1997: abuse of ‘Add-URL’ feature at AltaVista

• some write programs to add their URL many times

• to skew search rankings in their favor

Andrei Broder et al (then at DEC SRC)

• a user action which is legitimate when performed once

becomes abusive when repeated many times

• no effective legal recourse

• how to block or slow down these programs …

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

The first known instance…

Altavista’s AddURL filter

1999: “ransom note filter”

• randomly pick letters, fonts, rotations – render as an image

• every user is required to read and type it in correctly

• reduced “spam add_URL” by “over 95%”

Weaknesses: isolated chars, filterable noise, affine deformationsM. D. Lillibridge, M. Abadi, K. Bharat, & A. Z. Broder, “Method for Selectively

Restricting Access to Computer Systems,” U.S. Patent No. 6,195,698, Filed April 13, 1998, Issued February 27, 2001.

An image of text, not ASCII

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Alan Turing (1912-1954)

1936 a universal model of computation

1940s helped break Enigma (U-boat) cipher

1949 first serious uses of a working computer

including plans to read printed text

(he expected it would be easy)

1950 proposed a test for machine intelligence

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Turing’s Test for AI

How to judge that a machine can ‘think’:

• play an ‘imitation game’ conducted via teletypes

• a human judge & two invisible interlocutors:• a human

• a machine `pretending’ to be human

• after asking any questions (challenges) he/she

wishes, the judge decides which is human

• failure to decide correctly would be convincing

evidence of machine intelligence

Modern GUIs invite richer challenges than teletypes….

A. Turing, “Computing Machinery & Intelligence,” Mind, Vol. 59(236), 1950.

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Completely Automated Public Turing Teststo Tell Computers & Humans Apart

challenges can be generated & graded automatically

(i.e. the judge is a machine) accepts virtually all humans, quickly & easily rejects virtually all machines resists automatic attack for many years

(even assuming that its algorithms are known?)

NOTE: machines administer, but cannot pass the test!

L. von Ahn, M. Blum, N.J. Hopper, J. Langford, “CAPTCHA: Using Hard AI Problems For Security,” Proc., EuroCrypt 2003, Warsaw, Poland, May 4-

8, 2003.


Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Some Typical CAPTCHAs




PARC’s PessimalPrint

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Cropping up everywhere…

Used to defend against:• skewing search-engine rankings (Altavista, 1999)• infesting chat rooms, etc (Yahoo!, 2000)• gaming financial accounts (PayPal, 2001)• robot spamming (MailBlocks, SpamArrest 2002)• In the last two years: Overture, Chinese website, HotMail, CD-rebate, TicketMaster, MailFrontier, Qurb, Madonnarama,, …

… how many have you seen? On the horizon:

• ballot stuffing, password guessing, denial-of-service attacks• `blunt force’ attacks (e.g. UT Austin break-in, Mar ’03)• …many others

D. P. Baron, “eBay and Database Protection,” Case No. P-33, Case Writing Office,Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford Univ., 2001.

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

The Limitations ofImage Understanding Technology

There remains a large gap in ability

between human and machine vision systems,

even when reading printed text

Performance of OCR machines has been systematically studied:

7 year olds can consistently do better!

This ability gap has been mapped quantitatively

S. Rice, G. Nagy, T. Nartker, OCR: An Illustrated Guide to the Frontier, Kluwer Academic Publishers: 1999.

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Image Degradation Modeling

Effects of printing & imaging:

We can generate challenging

images pseudorandomly

H. Baird, “Document Image Defect Models,” in H. Baird, H. Bunke, & K. Yamamoto (Eds.),Structured Document Image Analysis, Springer-Verlag: New York, 1992.





thrs x blur

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Machine Accuracy is Often a NearlyMonotonic Function of Parameters

T. K. Ho & H. S. Baird, “Large Scale Simulation Studies in Image Pattern Recognition,”IEEE Trans. on PAMI, Vol. 19, No. 10, p. 1067-1079, October 1997.

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Can You Read These Degraded Images?

Of course you can …. but OCR machines cannot!

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

The PessimalPrint CAPTCHA

Three OCR machines fail when: OCR outputs

– blur = 0.0

& threshold 0.02 - 0.08

– threshold = 0.02

& any value of blur





N/A ~~I~~

A. Coates, H. Baird, R. Fateman, “Pessimal Print: A Reverse Turing Test,” Proc. 6th IAPR Int’l Conf. On Doc. Anal. & Recogn. (ICDAR’01), Seattle, WA, Sep 10-13, 2001.

… but people find all these easy to read

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Variations & Generalizations


Completely Automatic Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart


Text-based dialogue which an individual can use to authenticate that he/she is himself/herself (‘naked in a glass bubble’)


Individual authentication using spoken language

Human Interactive Proof (HIP)An automatically administered challenge/response protocol An automatically administered challenge/response protocol

allowing a person to authenticate him/herself as belonging to a allowing a person to authenticate him/herself as belonging to a certain group over a network without the burden of passwords, certain group over a network without the burden of passwords, biometrics, mechanical aids, or special training.biometrics, mechanical aids, or special training.

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

1st Int’l Workshop onHuman Interactive Proofs

PARC, Palo Alto, CA, January 9-11, 2002

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

2nd Int’l Workshop onHuman Interactive Proofs

PARC, Palo Alto, CA, January 9-11, 2002Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA – May 19-20, 2005

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Weaknesses of Existing CAPTCHAs

English lexicon is too predictable:

• dictionaries are too small

• only 1.2 bits of entropy per character (cf. Shannon)

Physics-based image degradations vulnerable

to well-studied image restoration attacks, e.g.

Complex images irritate people

• even when they can read them

• need user-tolerance experiments

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Human Readers

Literature on the psychophysics of reading is helpful:

many kinds of familiarity helps, not just English words

optimal word-image size is known:

0.3-2 degrees subtended angle

optimal contrast conditions known

other factors measured for the best performance:

to achieve and sustain “critical reading speed”

BUT gives no answer to:

where’s the optimal comfort zone?

G. E. Legge, D. G. Pelli, G. S. Rubin, & M. M. Schleske,

“Psychophysics of Reading: I. normal vision,” Vision Research 25(2), 1985.

J. Grainger & J. Segui, “Neighborhood Frequency Effects

in Visual Word Recognition,’ Perception & Psychophysics 47, 1990.

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

The BaffleText CAPTCHA

Nonsense words• generate ‘pronounceable’ – not ‘spellable’ – words

using a variable-length character n-gram Markov model• they look familiar, but aren’t in any lexicon, e.g.

ablithan wouquire quasis

Gestalt perception• force inference of a whole word-image

from fragmentary or occluded characters, e.g.

• using a single familiar typeface also helps

M. Chew & H. S. Baird, “BaffleText: A Human Interactive Proof,”

Proc., SPIE/IS&T Conf. on Document Recognition & Retrieval X, Santa Clara, CA, January 23-24, 2003.

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Mask Degradations

Parameters of pseudorandom mask generator:• shape type: square, circle, ellipse, mixed• density: black-area / whole-area• range of radii of shapes

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

User Acceptance

% Subjects willing to solve a BaffleText…

17% every time they send email

39% … if it cut spam by 10x

89% every time they register for an e-commerce site

94% … if it led to more trustworthy recommendations

100% every time they register for an email account

Out of 18 responses to the exit survey.

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Many Are Vulnerable to Character-Segmentation Attack

Effective strategy of attack:

• Segment image into characters

• Apply aggressive OCR to isolated chars

• If it’s known (or guessed) that the word is ‘spellable’

(e.g. legal English), use the lexicon to constrain


Patrice Simard (MS Research) reports that this

breaks many widely used CAPTCHAs

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

So, try to generate word-imagesthat will be hard to segment into characters

Slice characters up: -vertical cuts; then -horizontal cuts

Set size of cuts to constant within a word

Choose positions of cuts randomly

Force pieces to drift apart: ‘scatter’ horiz. & vert.

Change intercharacter space

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Character fragments can interpenetrate

Not only is it hard to segment the word into characters, ….

… it can be hard to recombine characters’ fragments into characters

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

How Well Can People Read These?

We carried out a human legibility trial with the help of ~60 volunteers: students, faculty, & staff at Lehigh Univ. plus colleagues at Avaya Labs Research

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Subjects were told they got it right/wrong– after they rated its ‘difficulty’

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Subjective difficulty ratingsare correlated with illegibility



1 Easy




5 Impossible

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

People Rated These “Easy’ (1/5)





Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Rated “Medium Hard” (3/5)

overch / ovorch


atlager / adager

weland / wejund

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Rated “Impossible” (5/5)

acchown /


gualing /


bothere /


caquired /


Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Why is ScatterType legible at all?

Should it surprise you that this is legible…?

We speculate that we can read it because:• human readers exploit typeface consistency cues … evidence remains in small details of local shape• this ability seems largely unconscious

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Mean Horizontal Scattervs Mean Vertical Scatter

Mirage: data analysis tool,Tin Kam Ho, Bell Labs.



1 Easy




5 Impossible

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

The Arms Race

When will serious technical attacks be launched?

• ‘spam kings’ make $$ millions

• two spam-blocking firms rely on CAPTCHAs

How long can a CAPTCHA withstand attack?

• especially if its algorithms are published or guessed

Strategy: keep a pipeline of defenses in reserve:

• continuing partnership between R&D & users

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Lots of Open Research Questions

What are the most intractable obstacles to machine vision?

segmentation, occlusion, degradations, …?

Under what conditions is human reading most robust?

linguistic & semantic context, Gestalt, style consistency…?

Where are ‘ability gaps’ located?

quantitatively, not just qualitatively

How to generate challenges strictly within ability gaps?

fully automatically

an indefinitely long sequence of distinct challenges

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Disguised CAPTCHAs

Note that many normal navigation aids are CAPTCHAs (though not designed for that purpose)


Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Implicit CAPTCHAs

We are investigating design principles for “implicit CAPTCHAs” that relieve these drawbacks:• Challenges disguised as necessary browsing links• Challenges that can be answered with a single click while still

providing several bits of confidence• Challenges that can be answered only through experience of

the context of the particular website• weave CAPTCHAs into a multi-page “story”• can’t be extracted and “farmed-out” to people

• Challenges that are so easy that failure indicates a failed robot attack

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Alan Turing might have enjoyed the irony …

A technical problem – machine reading –

which he thought would be easy,

has resisted attack for 50 years, and

now allows the first widespread

practical use of variants of

his test for artificial intelligence.

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird


Henry S.

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Henry S. BairdMichael A. Moll

Sui-Yu Wang

A Highly Legible CAPTCHA

that Resists Segmentation Attacks

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Some Typical CAPTCHAs




PARC’s PessimalPrint

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

All These Are Vulnerable to Segment-then-Recognize Attack

Effective strategy of attack:

• Segment image into characters

• Apply aggressive OCR to isolated chars

• If it’s known (or guessed) that the word is ‘spellable’

(e.g. legal English), use the lexicon to constrain


Patrice Simard (MS Research) et al report that this

breaks many widely used CAPTCHAs

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

We try to generate word-imagesthat will be hard to segment into characters

Slice characters up: -vertical cuts; then -horizontal cuts

Set size of cuts to constant within a word

Choose positions of cuts randomly

Force pieces to drift apart: ‘scatter’ horiz. & vert.

Change intercharacter space

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Character fragments can interpenetrate

Not only is it hard to segment the word into characters, ….

… it can be hard to recombine characters’ fragments into characters

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Nonsense Words

We use nonsense (but English-like) words (as in BaffleText):

• generated pseudorandomly by a stochastic variable-length character n-gram model

• trained on the Brown corpus … this protects against lexicon-driven attacks

Why not use random strings?• We want to help human readers feel confident they have made

a plausible choice, so they’ll put up with severe image degradations (Cf. research in psychophysics of reading.)

M. Chew & H. S. Baird, “BaffleText: a Human Interactive Proof,” Proc., 10th SPIE/IS&T Document Recognition and Retrieval Conf., (DRR2003), Santa Clara, CA, January 23-24, 2003.

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

How Well Can People Read These?

We carried out a human legibility trial with the help of ~60 volunteers: students, faculty, & staff at Lehigh Univ. plus colleagues at Avaya Labs Research

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Subjects were told they got it right/wrong– after they rated its ‘difficulty’

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Subjective difficulty ratingswere correlated with objective difficulty

• People often know when they’ve done well• This can be used to ensure that challenges aren’t too

hard (frustrating, angering)

Subjective difficulty level




1 2 3 4



No. of Challenges







Percent answered correctly







Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

The same data, graphically



1 Easy




5 Impossible

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

People Rated These “Easy’ (1/5)





Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Rated “Medium Hard” (3/5)

overch / ovorch


atlager / adager

weland / wejund

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Rated “Impossible” (5/5)

acchown /


gualing /


bothere /


caquired /


Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Why is ScatterType legible?

Does it surprise you that this is legible…?

I speculate that we can read it because:• we exploit typeface consistency … the evidence is small details of local shape• this ability seems largely unconscious

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Ensuring that ScatterType is Legible

We mapped the domain of legibility as a function of engineering choices:


characters in the alphabet

cutting & scattering parameters:

cut fractionexpansion fractionhorizontal scatter meanvertical scatter meanh & v scatter variancecharacter separation

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Some typefaces remain legiblewhile others degrade quickly

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Some Characters QuicklyBecome Confusable

overch‘o’ ‘e’ ‘c’ confusions

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Mean Horizontal Scattervs Mean Vertical Scatter

Mirage: data analysis tool,Tin Kam Ho, Bell Labs.



1 Easy




5 Impossible

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Cut Fraction Histogram



1 Easy




5 Impossible

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Character Separation Histogram



1 Easy




5 Impossible

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Finding Parameter Rangesfor High Legibility

d = Euclidean distance from origin of Mean Horiz Scatter vs Mean Vertical Scatter

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Guided by this Analysis, We Can Define Legibility Regimes

Trivial: large cut fraction and small expansion

Simple: character separation also decreases

Easy: in original trial, correct 81% of time

Medium Hard: larger scatter distances degrades legibility noticeably

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Other Examples - “Easy”

“wexped” - difficult to segment ‘e’, ‘x’ and ‘p’. Shows difficulty of achieving 100% legibility

“veral” - same parameters as above but different font. Not as difficult to segment

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Other Examples - “Too Hard”

“thern”difficult to read, but easier than most with the same parameter values. Font makes a big difference.

“wezre”satisfactorily illegible, though probably segmentable

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird

Future Work

We have exhausted the experimental data from the 1st trial

How can we automatically create images with given difficulty?

We have generated many images that seem difficult to segment automatically, but

we don’t understand how to guarantee this

We need to understand the effects of typefaces on ScatterType legibility

We want to study character-confusion pairs more

Attacking ScatterType

• Testing on best OCR systems

• Invite attacks from other researchers

• Is it credible if we attack it ourselves, and fail?

Pattern Recognition Research LabD. Lopresti & H. S. Baird


Henry S. Baird

Michael Moll

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