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Pavlov and Skinner

By: Abel Garcia, Elise Bowman, Carmen Baker, Corey Walker

Operant Conditioning

Classical Conditioning

Skinner Pavlov

Pavlov and Classical Conditioning u  Classical Conditioning

u  Simple form of learning where two stimuli become associated.

u  Emotionally learned responses

u  Can be unlearned

u  Begins in infancy

u  Explains why certain things arouse adults

u  Explains odd phobias

Pavlov’s experiment

u  Neutral Stimulus (NS)

u  Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)

u  Unconditioned response (UCR)

u  Conditioned stimulus (CS)

u  Conditioned response (CR)

u  Acquisition

u  Stimulus generalization

u  Stimulus discrimination

u  Extinction

u  Spontaneous recovery

Skinner and Operant Conditioning u  Operant Conditioning

u  Learners behavior becomes either more or less probable depending on the consequences it produces

u  The behavior is learned

u  Physical punishment can cause problems later in life

Operant Conditioning

u  Positive Reinforcement

u  Negative Reinforcement

u  Positive Punishment

u  Negative Punishment

u  Extinction

Application: Is this an example of Classical conditioning, Operant conditioning, or both?

Critique of the Theories

u Pavlov

u  High in testability

u  High in fecundity

u  High in validity

u  High in connectivity

u  High Reliability

u  Minimal evidence against theory

u  Nurture

u  Skinner

u  High in testability

u  Minimal evidence against theory

u  High in connectivity

u  High Fecundity

u  High Validity

u  High Reliability

u  Nature


u  Hockenbury, D., & Hockenbury, S. E. (2007). Discovering Psychology. New

York, NY: Worth Publishers.

u  Ivan Pavlov and Classical Conditioning: Theory, Experiments & Contributions to Psychology. (2016). Retrieved April 18, 2016, from theory- experiments-contributions-to-psychology.html

u  Licht, D. M., Hull, M. G., & Ballantyne, C. (2014). Psychology. New York, NY: Worth.

u  Sigelman, C. K., & Rider, E. A. (2015). Life-Span Human Development (8th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

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