pbi-the truth about money and spirituality

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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From the Desk of Michael Kissinger

Would you like to Create Extraordinary Abundance, Freedom and Fulfillment with Your Business?

Dear Future Millionaire, Would you like to discover the secret to creating a business that brings you personal satisfaction, prosperity and joy? If “Yes’, read this and get back to me. Contact us for a Free Coaching-Consulting Assessment that can ADD from $25,000 to $50,000 to Your Bottom Line Almost Instantly! Yes, for no money upfront and a 100% personal guarantee I will spend just 60 minutes with you and show you how to add an additional $25,000 to $50,000 to your bottom line! I’ll do a mini analysis of your business and put your business on the road to greater profitability. There will be no sales presentation. When you are satisfied I want you to consider my resume (which is attached) and the potential of hiring me as a coach for your business. All the services I provide are 100% guaranteed. I will provide systems, strategies and secrets for rapidly transforming your business, getting rich and living a life of freedom. You’ll get quick easy ways to attract massive success and wealth. Call now and Discover the Secret to Business Success and Advanced Wealth Attraction That'll Allow You to Attract More Money EASIER Than Ever Before...Even If You Don't Have 'Talent' Or a Genius IQ. Throughout my 30+ year successful career in construction and business, I have helped, built, coached and consulted with numerous contractors, subcontractors, engineers, architects and the overall construction industry. For each organization, I have provided the confidential, strategic, marketing, management, financial and operating expertise to deliver strong earnings and sustained revenue streams in the millions of dollars. Sincerely, Michael Kissinger Profit Builders Inc. Business Development Director Phone: 415-678-9965 Email: master@prosperitybreakthroughs4u.com URL: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/michael-kissinger/4/b21/a66 URL: www.prosperitybreakthroughs4u.com PS. Have you ever noticed that most spiritual people seem to struggle financially? To me, that’s not only a shame… It’s completely unnecessary. That’s why – if you consider yourself to be a spiritual person, but you’d also like to have more money – “The Real Truth about Money and Spirituality Program” this is going to change your life. Your Discover How to Eliminate Your 8 Millionaire Blocks and Learn Why When You Put Your Spirituality First Money Quickly

How? Because we’re going to teach you exactly how you can be a kind, loving, peaceful, balanced, spiritual person… AND be truly wealthy. Yes, both! Rich and spiritual! And blend them beautifully together in your life. We’re going to teach you The Real Truth about Business, Money and Spirituality! Is this normally what’s taught? NO! In fact, it’s just the opposite. Sure, there are a lot of people who teach about money and business – but very seldom do they talk about heart and spirit. And, there are a lot of wonderful spiritual teachers… but most of them would never DARE talk about money and wealth. And why would they? To be honest, most of them are broke! My friend, it doesn’t have to be that way. Why? Simply because money, business and spirituality do NOT need to be mutually exclusive. So if you are interested in “The Real Truth about Money and Spirituality” call me now!

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