pbs district leadership team

Post on 10-Feb-2016






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PBS District Leadership Team. Presented by: Ericka Guynes, PBS Coach David Douglas School District, ericka_guynes@ddouglas.k12.or.us. Outcomes for today…. Overview of the District Leadership Teams Roles and Responsibilities Understand who serves on the Leadership Team - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PBS District Leadership Team

Presented by:Ericka Guynes, PBS Coach

David Douglas School District,ericka_guynes@ddouglas.k12.or.us

Outcomes for today…..

Overview of the District Leadership Teams Roles and Responsibilities

Understand who serves on the Leadership Team

Understand the importance of the Leadership Teams purpose and action planning

What is a Leadership Team?

A leadership team:

Leads the assessment and action planning process

Increases capacity in the four primary areasTrainingCoachingEvaluationcoordination

Who serves on the Leadership Team?

Members of the team should include individuals whose roles, responsibilities, and activities are associated with:

Prevention of the development and occurrence of problem behaviors

Development and maintenance of behavior

Management and evaluation of resources related to the provision of behavioral supports.

Examples of district-wide leadership team

District administrationSchool administrationDistrict PBS CoachInstruction and CurriculumSpecial EducationSchool Psychology and Counseling Title or other related initiativeStudent HealthParent and family membersData or Information ManagementAlternative ProgrammingSchool-wide discipline

Name Role

Sherrie Barger Director of CurriculumChris Borgmeier PBIS Allen Browning PrincipalEricka Guynes District PBS CoachCyndi Hagey Title 1 TeacherBarbara Kienle Director of Student ServicesJohn May Parent and Data AnalystLuan Nguyen Teacher/PBS Team LeaderJennifer Spencer Placement Coordinator Mike Stout Assistant SuperintendentJan West Counselor

David Douglas SD PBIS Leadership Team

Responsibilities of the leadership teamThe leadership team works together to decide how which schools are to be involved in the effort. Major responsibilities include:

Completing district self assessmentCreating a 3-5 year sustainability action plan Establishing regularly scheduled meeting sIdentifying a coordinator to mange and facilitateSecuring stable funding for effortsDeveloping a dissemination strategy to establish visibilityEnsuring student social behavior is the top priority of the districtEstablishing trainers to build and sustain school-wide PBS practicesDeveloping a coaching network including each participation schoolEstablishing a data collection processEvaluation building and district PBS efforts

Team defines regular meeting schedule and meeting process (agenda, minutes)

Establish a routine

Teams should meet regularly

Maintain record of planning, policy and decisions

Sample Agendas

Self-assessment and Action Planning

Complete on regular schedule (e.g. quarterly, semi-annually)Develop, review, and update annual action plans based on results of Self-assessment and other data souces (ODR,discipline data)Use to guide action plan activities

Team completes a 3-5 year action plan.

Action plan should emphasize coordination, coaching/facilitating, training capacity, evaluation, and school teamsEach area will have month by month activities

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