pcmci nokia d211 - telenor srbija

Post on 11-Dec-2021






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PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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Before making and initialising the Internet connection, install drivers for Nokia D211 PCMCIA card. You will find drivers on a disk that is in a card package, or can be downloaded from the official manufacturer's presentation. Do not insert the card in a computer before it is indicated.

By starting the installation programme, following windows appear:

PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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In the following window click Typical for setting predefined parameteres.

Next window offers a review of selected options and requests a confirmation to continue with the installation of necessary programmes for the use of Nokia D211 PCMCIA card as a modem.

PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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After necessary drivers are installed, the computer shall request from you to insert the card in the PCMCIA slot.

PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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The device installation process is completely automated. Windows already has all necessary drivers (installed in previous steps) and with several clickings on Next Nokia D211 PCMCIA Modem Card will be functional.

PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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The following dialogue box appears by driving the manager for Nokia D211 PCMCIA Modem card. Unless there are predefined profiles, the computer shall offer creation of the first profile:

The affirmative reply shall open a new dialogue box:

PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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Nokia D211 PCMCIA card can be used as GSM and GPRS modem, like the WLAN card. To connect to the Internet through GPRS, select the last option (GPRS connection):

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In the next window in the field "GPRS access point" write in internet:

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After this step the profile is created and by clicking on Finish the window is closed and the computer offers activation of the connection profile:

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PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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The affirmative reply shall open a new dialogue box where you select a connection that the Nokia D211 PCMCIA Modem will use. Select GPRS in the Connection profile and confirm by clicking on OK.

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After few seconds the computer records the GPRS network finding and shows data on coverage and accessability.

PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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Click Activate and a new dialogue box shall open, write in your user name and password for the Internet access. User name is telenor, password is gprs.

PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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The computer makes the Internet connection by clicking on Connect.

PCMCIA Nokia Card D211

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