pcsir news bulletin sep 2015 to march 2016

Post on 16-Dec-2016






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Dr. Shahzad AlamAssumes Charge as

Chairman PCSIR

Dr. Shahzad Alam, Director General PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Lahore has assumedthe charge of Chairman PCSIR onSeptember 17, 2015. Dr. Shahzad Alamreceived his Ph.D degree from Universityof Leeds, UK in 1991 and did three Postdoctorates from Mechanical EngineeringLaboratory Tsukuba, Japan. His current fieldof specialization is nano materials, Laserand plasma hybrid sprayed functionalcoatings and biomaterials.

Bearing in mind the global advancementsin Science and Technology, Dr. Alamenvisaged the idea of creating aninfrastructure for Materials Research in thecountry and ultimately succeeded inestablishing Pakistan Institute of Technologyfor Minerals and Advanced EngineeringMaterials (PITMAEM) in 2002, under aPSDP project of the Ministry of Science &Technology (MoST). The establishment ofsuch a facility was indispensable for thecountry to keep abreast with thetechnological revolutions world wide. Theinstitute under his supervision is contributinga lot for industrial capacity building, exportenhancement, import substitution andhuman resource development in the variousfields of materials science.

Dr. Shahzad Alam has more than 100research publications published in thejournals, conferences/symposiums local andabroad and 22 technical reports. He is a co-author of three proceedings of internationalconferences and member of prestigiousnational and international societies andassociations engaged for the promotion ofmaterials science. He has supervised anumber of Ph.D and M.Phil students.

Pak Swiss Training Centre (PSTC), Karachiestablished in the year 1965 with SwissCooperation, celebrated this year as GoldenJubilee after completing 50 years of itsestablishment. The Institution is country’sone of the best vocational training centresworking under the control of PCSIR, Ministryof Science and Technology, which has sofar produced thousands of especially skilledprofessionals, all of them are now success-fully working in national and internationalorganizations, managing their ownbusinesses in Pakistan and abroad.

To celebrate the Golden Jubilee, a seminarwas arranged at PCSIR auditorium on

December 29, 2015. Federal Minister forScience and Technology, Mr. Rana TanveerHussain was the Chief Guest of theoccasion. On the occasion he said thattechnical education is the key to Pakistan’ssustainable development and the presentgovernment is committed to provide all itsmeans to provide technical training to theyoung Pakistanis. He said that in theforthcoming budget the allocation for thescience and technology will be increasedand all the needs of PCSIR and vocationaltraining institutes will be fulfilled. In thisregard, he advised to Dr. Shahzad Alam,

Federal Minister for Science and Technology Mr. Rana Tanveer Hussain, Chairman PCSIR Dr. ShahzadAlam and Swiss Consul General Mr. Emil Wyss addressing at the Golden Jubilee ceremony of PSTCKarachi.

As a part of interactive programmes withvarious Chambers and Industrial Asso-ciations, a delegation from PCSIR, headedby Dr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman-PCSIR,visited the Faisalabad Chamber ofCommerce and Industry (FCCI) on

PCSIR soon Establish a Textile Research Centre inFaisalabad: Dr. Shahzad Alam

December 14, 2015. During the visit, a briefpresentation about PCSIR and its activitiesrelated to textile industry was given to theExecutive Committee members of FCCI.Thereafter, Mr. Choudhry MuhammadNawaz, President, FCCI acknowledged theactivities of PCSIR to cater the industrialsector. He pointed out that Faisalabad isthe 3rd largest industrial city of Pakistan andcontributing its significant share in developingthe national economy. Unfortunately, PCSIRyet has not established its infrastructurefacilities in Faisalabad. He informed thatbesides Textile, Foundry & Food Sectorhave also flourished as major industries inFaisalabad. Moreover, the President alsorequested to establish a PCSIR's SampleCollection Centre at Chamber's premises

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Chairman PCSIR Dr. Shahzad Alam shakes handwith President FCCI Mr. Choudhary Muhammad

Nawaz after signing MoU.

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Government Keen to Develop SkilledManpower: Rana Tanveer

PSTC Celebrates its Golden Jubilee (1965-2015)

Chairman PCSIR (in the centre) addressing duringthe meeting of RCCI.

Thar: Future Power HouseA visit report ofThar Coal Field

Upon invitation from private companiesworking on Thar Coal Field the Director,Fuel Research Centre, Mr. Gulzar HussainJhatial visited the field with delegation ofPower China, Green Systems Pakistan andGIGA Group on December 20-21, 2015.

Two government institutions i.e., The Boardof Investment (BOI) and Thar Coal andEnergy Board are working there with differentnational and international companies.

The objectives of the visit were to discussand examine the opportunities of workingto utilize the huge reserves of Thar coal inan efficient manner.

In order to strengthen the research andindustrial linkages, a delegation from PCSIR,headed by Dr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman-PCSIR, visited the Rawalpindi Chamber ofCommerce and Industry (RCCI) onDecember 01, 2015.

A brief presentation about PCSIR and itsactivities were given to the members ofRCCI. It was also briefed that in WTOregime, PCSIR Laboratories had alreadyobtained the National and Internationalaccreditation enabling the national industry/exporters to compete in global market.

After the presentation, Mian HumayunParvez, President, RCCI acknowledged theactivities of PCSIR and offered their fullsupport. Both the entities agreed upon thefollowing points.

(1) A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)will be signed for collaboration in the areas

PCSIR Makes Efforts to Strengthen theResearch and Industrial Linkages

Chairman PCSIR visited Rawalpindi Chamber ofCommerce & Industry

of mutual interests. 2) Establishment ofPCSIR's sample collection centre at RCCI.3) PCSIR will conduct a series of trainingworkshops on medicinal plants. It was alsoagreed that 1st training workshop will be heldat Peshawar Labs. in the first week ofJanuary 2016. 4) RCCI offered one page oftheir monthly news bulletin to promote thePCSIR’s services/activities among thestakeholders. At the end of the visit, thePresident, RCCI presented a Souvenir toChairman, PCSIR and hoped that suchinteractions will be long lasting. TheChairman, PCSIR invited the executivecommittee members of RCCI to visit PCSIRDisplay Centre at Head Office which wasaccepted and it was also decided that duringthe said visit MoU will be signed by boththe entities.

Visitors at Thar Coal Field

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Chairman PCSIR visitsQuetta Labs.

Chairman PCSIR, Dr. Shahzad Alam paidan official visit to PCSIR Laboratories, Quettaon December 17-18, 2015. MemberTechnology, Dr. Naimat Ali Rizvi and ChiefAccounts Officer, Mr. Jan Mohammad alsoaccompanied him during the visit.

The Director PCSIR Laboratories, QuettaMr. Mujeeb-ur-Rehman briefed about theactivities and problems related to theshifting of Laboratories and PrecisionSystem Training Centre (PSTC), Quetta to

Chairman PCSIR, Dr. Shahzad Alam, DirectorPCSIR Quetta, Mr. Mujeeb ur Rehman and Engr.Mr. Nasir Ali Baloch, P.E. during a visit to PCSIRLabs. Quetta.

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Federal Secretary MoSTvisited LLC

Federal Secretary, Ministry of Science andTechnology, Mr. Fazal Abbas Maken, visitedPCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore onDecember 12, 2015. Dr. Shahzad Alam,Chairman PCSIR and Director General,Lahore Laboratories Dr. Sakhawat Aliwelcomed the Federal Secretary at PCSIR

Laboratories Complex, Lahore. Aftermeeting with heads of Research Centres,the Federal Secretary visited differentResearch Centres and saw the facilities/services offered in different industrial sectors.After visit Federal Secretary inauguratedthe PCSIR Cafeteria.

Chairman PCSIR, Dr. Shahzad Alam and FederalSecretary MoST in PCSIR Cafeteria

Chairman PCSIR, Dr. Shahzad Alam welcomingFederal Secretary MoST at LLC

Chairman PCSIR, Dr. Shahzad Alam in discussionwith members of RCCI.


Production and packing ofstamp pad ink for

Local Body Electionsat LLC

Scientists and technologists of PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Lahore prepared1400 Kg stamp pad ink for the local bodyelections held in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.These stamp pads were packed in 107000boxes and delivered to Election Commissionof Pakistan.

Zero form aldehyde syntandevelops at LRC

Scientists and technologists of LeatherResearch Centre have synthesized Zeroform aldehyde syntan on laboratory scaleat LRC. It was applied on leather to get crustleather in a variety of shades and resultswere found sat is factory on bothphysical/chemical grounds. Physicalproperties such as tear strength, tensilestrength, tearing load, elongation at break,colour fastness, (dry stain on felt, changein shade, colour fastness wet stain on feltand change in shade) were investigated.

Work on chemical parameters on wet blue,which was treated with different concen-trations of the prepared syntan, resulted invarious shades of colours on leather.Laboratory analysis for the free formalde-hyde present in resulting leather was carriedout which reflects limits from negligible orsafe, i.e. the fact that even at high concen-tration of syntan, free formaldehyde in leatherwas under safe limit and negligible at low

concentrations and also zero chromium wasfound.

Textile fashion designsdevelop on leather surface

Fashion leather is very famous in theinternational market. This technology isproduced as per requirement of fashion inleather. Scientists and technologists ofLeather Research Centre developed a newtechnology to introduce the textile fashiondesigns on the surface of leather.

Different techniques were used in finishingprocess to implement textile fashion on thesurface of leather without any plastic coatingand foil. Flower effect, star effect, ring effectand other designs were developed by thespray gun in finishing process. Many fashiondesigns can be produced on the surface ofleather by the Net Sheet of leather infinishing process with natural effect on thesheep/goat skin.

In processing the goat skin for dye crustwhite pigments are used in dyeing toimprove finishing appearance by drum (wetend process).

In another work the dyeing process wascarried out by using red dye on cut piecesof six crust leathers. After drying the pieceswere improved through finishing techniquesin box design on grain surface with whiteimpression. The test of rub fastness (dryand wet) was performed and foundsatisfactory results.

Manual finishing technique by spray gun

Significant R&D Activities

Scientists and commercialization team ofPCSIR Laboratories Complex Peshawar,attended two days “5th Invention to

5th Invention to Innovation Summit at University of HaripurInnovation Summit 2015” held at universityof the Haripur, on November 4 & 5, 2015,organized by Pakistan Science Foundation,

University of the Haripur & Institute ofResearch Promotion. The Summit includedvarious sessions to highlight emergingtechnologies, gaps in the industry anddiscussion on how to link university tech-nologies with industry. The session alsoincluded presentation on technological needsby industry gurus, technological potential byuniversity researchers and forward tomaterialize the technology commercialization.Apart from participation in Summit, PCSIRPeshawar R&D products/technologies weredisplayed at the event having potential forcommercialization and forwarded samplesof R&D products for promotion to Office ofResearch Innovation & Commercialization(ORIC), University of Haripur. Innovationawards were also presented to Mr. JehangirShah, Principal Scientific Officer and Mr.Faridullah, Principal Scientific Officer ofPCSIR Labs Complex, Peshawar.

has also been developed to introduce textilefashion designs on the surface of leatherwithout embossing any foil and plate. Thenew developed technology is compatible tofabric fashion designs by different finishingtechniques.

Quality assurance testingat LRC

Scientists and technologists of LeatherResearch Centre are working on the leatherand cotton samples of market and checkedthe use of banned Azo dyes in thesesamples.

In this connection different reducing trialswere carried out on these samples dyedwith direct blue 15. The sample clothes werecut into small pieces to check the releaseof banned aromatic amines. The exractswould be subjected to analysis on HPLCfor the screening of 3,3’-dimethoxy benzidine(banned aromatic amine). Linen cloths werealso tested, the samples showed very lessbleeding of the dye during washing stage.Further work is in progress.

Herbal products developfor the treatment of High

Cholesterol and BPHScientists and technologists of PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Peshawar (PLC)have developed herbal product for thetreatment of high cholesterol level in blood.The product “OLITROL” is prepared fromolive leaves and fresh ginger. Quantificationof active constituent “oleuropine” has been

R&D products/technologies developed by scientists and technologists of PCSIR Labs. ComplexPeshawar displayed at the stall of PCSIR during the summit.


carried out by HPLC. The new cholesterollowering herbal product was tested onexperimental animals (albino rats) for itscholesterol lowering activity. The productwas administered through oral route at doselevel 15 mg/kg body weight. It has beenfound that the herbal product possessedpositive cholesterol lowering activity againstinduced hypercholesterolemia. Anotherformulation for the treatment of BenignProstatic Hyperplasia (BPH) from sawpalmetto fruit has also been developed. Allthe activities regarding pharmacology werestudied. Clinical trials were also performedand patent of this formulation has beensubmitted.

HEC appreciated theanalytical work ofPeshawar Labs.

Scientists and technologists of PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Peshawar areworking on development of analyticalmethods for the quality evaluation of herbal,pharmaceutical and dairy products. Thesamples of cotton seeds, poultry meat anddairy milk have processed for the extractionof oils and these oils were further analyzedfor Fames profile (fatty acid profile) usingrecently installed GC-FID at PCSIR

Laborator ies Complex, Peshawar.Cholesterol contents in meat samples werealso determined and quantified on GC-FID.Besides, esterification of oil/fats extractedfrom poultry meat has been initiated andwill be analyzed on this instrument. This isa research work of M.Phil and Ph.D studentsenrolled at different universities. HigherEducation Commission (HEC) hasappreciated this work and an award letterfor funding to carry out this research studieshas been received from HEC. Recentlyanalysis of samples received from M.Philstudent has been initiated for amino acidprofile on amino acid analyzer. Task hasbeen assigned by Dr. S.S. Tahir (ChiefScientific Officer, NPSL) through DirectorGeneral, PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawar Wheat samples were alsoprocessed to determine amino acid profileon amino acid analyzer.

Special assignment forproduction of Inks for Local

Body ElectionsScientists and technologists of PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Karachi preparedtwo hundred forty seven thousand and threehundred and ten (247310) vials of indelibleink and two hundred twenty five thousand

(225000) standardized ink stamp pads forphase II and III of local body elections inthe country. These vials and stamp padsafter filling and packing processes weredelivered to Election Commission of Pakistanin the months of November and December2015 as per off ic ia l assignment.

Upgradation ofTemperature Control System

University of KarachiA referred Project “Up gradation of Temper-ature Control System for UoK” sponsoredby Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Karachi has been completedat PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi.The main achievements are; Integration ofGLCD-Display, Software and Hardware.Application development in “Lab view” is inprogress.

The Board of Management meeting ofPCSIR Quetta Laboratories (QL) andPrecision System Training Centre (PSTC)Quetta was held at Quetta Labs mainCampus on January 21, 2016. The meetingwas Chaired by Mr. Mujeeb Ur Rehman,Director of QL. Professor Dr. Rasool BakhshTareen, Dean Faculty of Biological andChemical Sciences, Universi ty ofBalochistan, Mr. Muhammad Abdullah,Managing Director, Ghazi Steel Mills (Pvt)Ltd. Quetta, Mr. Maqbool Ahmad, Assistant

Board of Management meets at Quetta Labs.Director (Planning) B-TEVTA Quetta,Mr. Nasir Ali Baloch, Principal Engineer QL,Mr. Farooq Ahmed, Principal PSTC, Quetta,Mr. Muhammad Ajmal, Industrial LiaisonOfficer, QL and Engr. Mr. Naseer Ahmad,Senior Instructor, PSTC, Quetta hadparticipated as member in the meeting.

Director of QL welcomed the members andparticipants of the meeting and briefed themabout the R&D, testing/analysis and otheractivities of the Lab. and PSTC. He also

discussed the future plans of QL. Thehonorable members took keen interest inactivities of QL and appreciated the effortsof the Laboratory for R&D and provision ofservices for evaluating the quality of variouslocal and imported products. The participantsalso gave valuable suggestions for furtherextension and improvement of testing andanalysis services. Later on, the membersof Board of Management paid visit todifferent Centres of the Quetta Laboratories.

Mr. Mujeeb ur Rehman, Director Quetta Lababoratories presiding over the BoM meeting


Pak Swiss Training Centre (PSTC), Karachipassed out students (Alumnis) working indifferent industries & organizations ofPakistan and some of them have their ownworkshops/business are really a source ofpride for PSTC. In token of contribution ofPSTC towards providing highly skilledmanpower which has a direct impact onnational economy, productivity and efficiencyof our industries, they are always keen toplay their role for the betterment and to upliftthe standard of training at PSTC.

Keeping close contact with the PSTCAlumnis and their trust on PSTCmanagement, four Vertical milling machineshave been provided by Ex-Students ofPSTC, Karachi as donation. These machineshave been received as donation to extendtheir cooperation as committed by them withChairman, PCSIR during his visit to PSTCKarachi on October 16, 2015. Thesemachines would be highly beneficial for PakSwiss Training Centre and will be

used for the practical training of the studentsof DAE in Dies & Mould Technology. Thisstep towards the betterment of this Institute

will chalk-out their particular requirementsfor the training programmes; 3) A series ofexchange visits will be arranged. In firstinstance, a delegation of FCCI’s StandingCommittee on Dyes & Chemicals shall visitPCSIR Labs. Complex, Lahore in the nextweek; 4) A possibility will be explored toestablish PCSIR's sample collection centreat Faisalabad. During this visit aMemorandum of Understanding (MoU)between PCSIR and FCCI was also signed.

and to conduct series of trainingprogrammes on standardization to facilitatethe local industrial sector. Dr. Shahzad Alaminformed that PCSIR is in process ofestablishing a textile research centre inFaisalabad under a PSDP scheme. Afterdetailed discussions both the entities wereagreed on the following: 1) PCSIR willexplore the possibility for setting-up a multi-discipline laboratory at Faisalabad; 2) FCCI

PCSIR signed a MoU with FCCI....

PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore incollaboration with Pakistan Association forthe Advancement of Science (PAAS)organized two days All Pakistan Science

37th All Pakistan Science Conference

Food safety and security challenges in Pakistan: A conference at Lahore Labs.Conference on Food Safety and SecurityChallenges in Pakistan held at PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Lahore on November16-17, 2015. During the conference two

days food exhibition wasalso organized,renowned industrial groups participated inthe exhibition and set their stalls within thepremises of PCSIR Labs. Complex, Lahore.

Minister for Science & Technology, Mr. Rana Tanveer Hussain, ChairmanPCSIR, Dr. Shahzad Alam and Director General, PCSIR LaboratoriesComplex, Lahore, Dr. Sakhawat Ali during the conference.

Dr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman PCSIR and Dr. Sakhawat Ali, Director General,PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore visiting stall at Exhibition.

PSTC Alumnis donate machines to PSTCis highly appreciated and hope that closecontact with them and cooperation will becontinued.

Chairman PCSIR Dr. Shahzad Alam, Federal Minister for Science and Technology, Mr. Rana TanveerHussain, Swiss Consul General Mr. Emil Wyss and Director General PCSIR Labs. Complex KarachiDr. Kaniz Fizza Azhar (R to L) inaugurating new machines at Pak Swiss Training Centre, Karachi.

Under the scope of the MoU, a joint workinggroup having suitable representation fromboth the entities, will be constituted to:-a) jointly explore demand driven projects.b) jointly organize seminars, trainings,awareness programmes and workshopsetc.c) participation of PCSIR in FCCI’sexhibitions on complementary basis.d) explore the possibilities to establish

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PSTC Golden Jubilee.....

The local participants of the visit were Mr.Haji Muhammad Amin GIGA, Chairman,Green Systems Pakistan and GIGA Groupof Pakistan, Islamabad; Mr. Zayed bin SultanAl Nahyan (Founder of United ArabEmirates) is the Founder of Green SystemsPakistan; Mr. RanaTahawar Ali Khan, ChiefExecutive, Green Systems Pakistan,Islamabad; Mr. Jamil Younas Khan Tanoli,Country Logistics Coordinator, Pakistan,Asia Power Group, London, UnitedKingdom; Mr. Ch. Zahid Raique, DeputyManager, Green Systems Pakistan,Islamabad; Mr. Shakeel Haider, Centre ofArchitecture, Urban Planning ProjectManagement, Karachi and Mr. GulzarHussainJhatial, Director, Fuel ResearchCentre, PCSIR, Karachi.

Foreign participants were Mr. Peter Liu,Deputy General Manager, PowerConstruction Corporation of China, Mr.Grace Zhao, Deputy Manager, PowerConstruction Corporation of China, Mr. ZhouXinwei, Deputy General Manager, PowerConstruction Corporation of China, Mr. ZhaoChumei, General Manager, PowerConstruction Corporation of China, Mr. LiZheng, Researcher, Institute of AgricultureResources and Regional Planning, CAAS,China; all of them belong to Beijing, China.

The participants visited Block-II of SindhEngro Coal Mining Company (40% SindhGovernment and 60% Engro) 2 X 600 MWand Block-III A-B of Cougar Energy (UK)and Asia Power Project 400 MW.

Mr. Sakhi Zaman, mine manager and Mr.Ahmed Naeem Aftab Pasha, ProductionManager, Sindh Engro Coal MiningCompany gave a detailed presentation aboutthe progress of their project.

Mr. Imam Bux, Deputy Manager, Securityand Administration and Mr. Abdul HameedSoomro, Manager Health Safety Environ-ment (HSE) were also present in themeeting. Sindh Engro Coal Mining Companyis doing open pit mining in Block-II. Thevisitors observed the open pit mining. The

Future Power house.....

team also visited Block-III of Cougar Energy(UK) and Block-IIIA and B of Asia PowerProject.

Mr. Gulzar Hussain Jhatial, Director, FuelResearch Centre explained about the R&Dand analytical work done in Fuel ResearchCentre for Thar Coal field and also describedabout his experience of R&D work onunderground coal gasification done in FRC.He offered services of FRC regardinganalytical testing services of coal. About thepresence of huge water content in Thar,water analysis may be a key aspect eitherin open pit coal mining or underground coalgasification. Director FRC offered servicesof PCSIR for water analysis and discussedthe matter in detail with Dr. Tahir Rafique,Senior Scientific Officer, PCSIR LaboratoriesComplex, Karachi. Dr. Tahir Rafique assuredfull cooperation in this project of nationalinterest.

Chinese experts from Institute of AgricultureResources and Regional Planning andPower Construction Corporation of Chinadeeply observed the site and took importantdata for further manipulation. They alsodiscussed past R&D work on Thar coal bydifferent entrepreneurs.

Mr. Haji Muhammad Amin GIGA, told aboutthe efforts made by GIGA Group and GreenSystems Pakistan in expanding possibilitiesin Thar region. He also informed about thejoint venture of GIGA Group, Beijing Sang-liang Technology Development Centre,China and FRC PCSIR. Mr. Rana Tahawardiscussed recent development made by theCompany. Mr. Jamil Younas told aboutgeneration of electrical power from thedevelopment of lignite coal resources.Hesaid that Asia Power is a UK companywhose flagship project is the developmentof the Thar Coalfields Blocks 3A & 3Blocated in the Sindh province ofPakistan.The Blocks contains over 3.4 Bntonnes of coal resources. Asia Power Groupis developing a mine mouth power stationproject with a capacity of some 1320 MWp.a. On completion, Asia Power Group willown and operate one of the largest coalmining and power producing complexes inthe world.

Mr. Peter Liu, Mr. Zhao Chumei, Mr. JamilYounas, Mr. Haji Muhammad Amin, and Mr.Rana Tahawar, jointly agreed andannounced that when coal work will beassigned, keeping in consideration theexpertise in coal research and analysis FRCwill definitely be taken on board.

Mr. Gulzar Hussain, Director, Fuel ResearchCentre assured the participants for anypossible cooperation. Mr. Jamil Younas helddetailed discussion with Director, FRCregarding coal analysis.

During the joint meeting session, all theparticipants gave their valuable input andtalked about different options for utilizationof Thar coal reserves. They unanimouslyagreed that these reserves can play a vitalrole in bridging the gap between productionand utilization of energy. As governmentalso declared Thar as future power houseof the country.

PCSIR Sample Collection Centre atchamber’s building.e) publication of PCSIR’s article/advertisement in FCCI’s monthly newsbulletin.

Later on, the President FCCI presented aSouvenir to the Chairman PCSIR andoffered their full cooperation to enhanceinteraction between PCSIR and localindustry. The Chairman PCSIR also thankedto the members of FCCI for their activeparticipation during the entire visit.

Chairman, PCSIR to send a summary tothe Ministry covering all the needs of PCSIR,so that an adequate amount in the budgetmay be allocated. Swiss Consul General inKarachi, Mr. Emil Wyss who was the guestof honour in this occasion shared that hehad visited this Centre and very muchinspired to see the students getting trainingare the real future of Pakistan. He said thatvocational education is the secret of successfor strong Swiss economy. While cherishingthe strong friendly bilateral relations betweenthe two countries, the Consul General saidthat Switzerland is offering scholarships toyoung Pakistanis and it is committed tofurther share its expertise in the field ofeducation. Dr. Shahzad Alam, ChairmanPCSIR congratulated PSTC Management,Faculty, Students and Alumni on GoldenJubilee of PSTC, Karachi. Dr. MuhammadTufail, Dean MME, NED University ofEngineering & Technology, Engr. Mr. AttiqBaig, Secretary, Sind Board of TechnicalEducation, 1st Batch Alumni Mr. LeslieD’Souza and on behalf of Alumni’s Mr. S.M.Noman also shared their views on theoccasion.

Earlier Engr. Mr. Ghulam Ali Shaikh, DirectorPak Swiss Training Centre (PSTC), Karachiwelcomed all the guests on the GoldenJubilee celebrations of PSTC, Karachi anda Documentary about PSTC was run whichwas highly appreciated by all thedistinguished guests. In the end of thisgraceful ceremony Mr. Rana TanveerHussain Federal Minister and Swiss ConsulGeneral alongwith the other guests visitedthe Centre and inauguration of machinesand renovation of class rooms by the Alumniswas arranged.

In the evening, a function were also arrangedwhere students of Pak Swiss Training Centreperformed various comedy plays, tablose,song performances and other entertainmentprogramme which was highly appreciatedby the audience. The Chief GuestDr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman PCSIR andMr. Emil Wyss the Consul General ofSwitzerland took keen interest and highlyappreciated the performances of the PSTCstudents.

PCSIR signed a MoU with FCCI....


03 and 04 years DAE coursesconducted

Under regular educational activities teach-ing, technical training and examinationswere held in Pak Swiss Training Centre(PSTC), Karachi for following Diploma ofAssociate (DAE) Programmes (a) 03 yearsDAE in Precision Mechanics & InstrumentTechnology (144 students/03 batches, 48each); (b) 04 years DAE in Dies & MouldTechnology (72 Students/04 batches, 18each); 03 years DAE in instrumentation &Process Control Technology (120 Students/03 batches, 40 each); 04 Years DAE in Dies& Mould Technology (evening program onself finance basis, 264 Students/04 batches,66 each).

Short professional coursesconducted

Besides regular DAE courses, shortprofessional courses in the evening for the

Academic achievements of PSTC, Karachinominees from industries and organizationswere conducted. The courses details areas follows (a) 08 weeks short professionalcourse on Basic of Control Technology forin-service engineers & technologists (03Courses conducted and 47 participantstrained) (b) 04 weeks short professionalcourse in Basic of Computer AidedMachining for In-service engineers &technologists (01 Course conducted and 10participants trained).

Admission inDAE Programmes

The annual admission process (2015-16)of selecting the 48 students for 03 yearsDAE in Precision Mechanics and Instru-ments Technology, 18 students for 04 yearsDAE in Dies & Mould Technology, 40students for Instrumentation and ProcessControl Technology and 66 students for 04years DAE in Dies & Mould Technology(evening programme) on self finance basis

commenced as per schedule from the monthof October, 2015. The admission test washeld on 17.10.2015 for 335 students appliedfrom all over Pakistan.

04 Years B.Tech coursecurriculum finalized by NED

Since 2009, Pak Swiss Training Centre(PSTC), Karachi is conducting 02 Years (01year teaching & 01 year industrial training)B.Tech. pass degree programme inmechanical technology with the affiliationof NED University of Engineering &Technology. So far 06 Batches have beensuccessfully passed out. In the result ofpresent policy of Higher EducationCommission (HEC), the said course hasnow been extended upto 04 years. Thecourse is going to be finalized by theacademic council of NED University ofEngineering & Technology schedule thismonth.

PBTE confers awards onPSTC students

Two students of Precision Systems TrainingCentre (PSTC) Lahore, MuhammadZaighum Javaid of Precision MechanicalInstrument Technology – PMIT (3 yearscourse) and Mubashir Nadeem of Dies &Mould Technology – DM (4 years course)have got 1st position in annual examination2015 throughout Punjab and on this achieve-ments Punjab Board of Technical Education(PBTE) awarded them gold medals andmerit certificates. Moreover, 12 students gotdistinctions in 1st annual examinations 2015and for their brilliant success PBTE awardedthem merit scholarships.

Training received in DAE coursesat PSTC

72 trainees for DAE in Precision Mechanical& Instrument Technology – PMIT and 63trainees for Dies & Mould Technology – DMhave completed their training in 2015. Theyare serving in different sectors of well reputedindustry and other organizations both localand foreign, like Atomic Energy Commission,oil & gas fields, fertilizer, automobile,plastic/polymer, agriculture, food andchemical etc.

Enrollment in DAE coursesat PSTC

160 students have been enrolled for thesession 2014 – 2015. 80 trainees (40 in

Academic achievements of PSTC, LahorePMIT) and 40 in DM course) in morning shiftand similarly 80 trainees (40 in PMIT and40 in DM course) in evening shift wereenrolled.

ME Level courses conductedat PSTC

PSTC – Lahore as an approved centre ofCity & Guilds, U.K. has offered MechanicalEngineering (ME) international level courses(Level 5, Level 6 & Level – 7) which arerecognized all over the world.

It is pertinent to mention that City & Guildsis UK’s leading provider of vocationalqualifications, offers over 500 awardsacross a wide range of industries andprogressing from entry level to the highestlevel of processional achievement. City &Guilds has developed not only its owncourse out l ine but also conductsexamination through registration ofcandidates. It approves those technicaltraining centers for affiliation which meettheir requirements.

Short courses conductedat PSTC

Twenty students have completed trainingon six short courses (duration 06 to 24weeks) conducted at PSTC Lahore. Thesecourses are 1) Dies and Mould technology(2) Basic machine techniques (3) CNCmilling/Lathe machine (4) Computer

application (5) Machine shop practice (6)Auto CAD (mechanical).

Free technical training providedunder PSDF at PSTC

Precision Systems Training Centre (PSTC)– Lahore has provided free technicaltraining to 60 students as CNC machineoperator, mechanist and fitter general during2015. It is important to mention that PunjabSkil ls Development Fund (PSDF),Government of Punjab in collaboration withdepartment of international development(UK) is providing skills and vocationaltraining opportunities to the poor andvulnerable population of different districtsof Punjab for improving their ability to findwork or progress in their current employ-ment or develop an enterprise, PSTC –Lahore is a training service provider ofPSDF.

Students receiving free technical training.


Chairman visits QL........

its main campus. The Chairman took around of PCSIR Laboratories, Quetta andPrecision System Training Centre, Quettawhere on spot briefing was also given tohim.

Later on, the Chairman along with MemberTechnology, Chief Account Officer, theDirector PCSIR Laboratories, Quetta andPrincipal, Precision System Training Centre,Quetta held meeting with Mr. Zamran AliMarri, Director B-TEVTA (BalochistanTechnical Education and Vocational TrainingAuthority) to discuss matters related toMemorandum of Understanding for mutualcooperation for revitalization of PSTCactivities. The Chairman PCSIR, Dr.Shahzad Alam offered the technical trainingfacilities at various units of PCSIR all overthe country.

On arrival at the city office, the Chairmanand other honorable senior members werewelcomed by the PCSIR LaboratoriesQuetta and Precision System TrainingCentre, Quetta employees.

While, addressing to the employees ofPCSIR Laboratories, Quetta, Chairmanhighlighted the aims, objectives andfunctions of PCSIR Laboratories and urgedthem to work hard for the betterment ofPCSIR and Pakistan. He also listened andpromised to solve the problems andgrievances of the employees.

Dr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman PCSIR visitedPCSIR Laboratories Hyderabad onDecember 30, 2015 along with Engr.Dr. Syed Naimat Ali Rizvi (MemberTechnology) and Mr. Tanveer Ahmed Khan,Director Marketing. Engr. Mr. MaqsoodAhmed Shaikh, D i rec tor, PCSIRLaboratories Hyderabad briefed theChairman about the Research andDevelopment activities, achievements andfuture plan in detail.

Chairman PCSIR assures to supportHyderabad Laboratories

During visit the chairman PCSIR appreciatedthe efforts done for the betterment of differentsections of laboratories inspite of very limitedmanpower and insufficient workshopfacilities. He had taken keen interest in waterdesalination unit and dehydrators for cashcrops and directed to fabricate 10 solarwater desalination units for demonstrationpurpose, he also extended his fullcooperation for resolving manpower issueand arrangement for workshop facilities.

After taking charge of Chairman Office, Dr.Shahzad Alam, Chairman PCSIR visited FuelResearch Centre, Karachi alongwith Dr.Naimat Ali Rizvi, Member Technology andDr. Khalid Jamil, Director P&D, PCSIR Labs.Complex, Karachi on October 15, 2015.

Chairman PCSIR visited FRCMr. Gulzar Hussain Jhatial, Director FuelResearch Centre gave presentation aboutR&D and analytical facilities of FRC. Duringb r i e f i ng Cha i rman PCSIR tookcomprehensive input regarding R&D andadministrative activities. He also discussed

the issues of upgradation of Fuel ResearchCentre, commercialization activities,utilization of coal, R&D projects, medicalfacilities, appointment policy, departmentalpromotions and policy for the provision ofloan for employees.

Dr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman, PCSIR addressing officers and staff ofPCSIR Fuel Research Centre (FRC), Karachi. Mr. Gulzar Hussain JhatialDirector-FRC also present at this moment.

Dr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman PCSIR along with Dr. Naimat Ali Rizvi,Member (Technology), PCSIR, Dr. Khalid Jamil, Director (P&D) PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Karachi, Mr. Gulzar Hussain Jhatial Director, andscientists of FRC in tree plantation ceremony.

Engr. Mr. Maqsood Ahmed Shaikh, Director HL briefing to the Chairman PCSIR, Member Technologyand Director Marketing about modified Solar Water Desalination Unit.


On the special directives of Federal Ministerfor Science and Technology (S & T), Mr.Rana Tanveer Hussain and FederalSecretary for Science and Technology, Mr.Fazal Abbas Maken, Chairman PCSIR, Dr.Shahzad Alam conducted a First – evermeeting between Heads of S & Torganizations, Pakistan Academy ofSciences and ECO Science Foundation atPCSIR Head office, Islamabad on January27, 2016. Dr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman

PCSIR being host, welcomed the honorableparticipants and briefed that the purpose oftoday’s meetig is to establish a closed liaisonbetween the S & T organizations and otherscientific entities as science and technologyare the key drivers to development, becausetechnological and scientific revolutionsunderpin economic advances, improvementsin health systems, education andinfrastructure. The participants of the meetingappreciated the idea of holding such

meetings and were of the view that thisforum will provide a strong platform forscientific organizations for sharing of theirresources and cooperation for executingbilateral projects of national interests.The participants agreed that next meetingwill be held in the last week of February,2016 followed by series of meetings onrotation basis in every respective S & Torganization to discuss the possible waysof collaboration.

Chairman PCSIR Dr. Shahzad Alam and Heads of S&T organizations, Pakistan Academy of Sciences and ECO Science foundation duringthe meeting at PCSIR Head Office.

Meeting of Heads of S & T Organizations,other Science Institutions at PCSIR Head Office

A meeting of the National Assembly StandingCommittee on Science and Technology washeld on January 26, 2016 at PCSIR HeadOff ice, Is lamabad to discuss theperformance of PCSIR. The meeting waschaired by Mr. Ch. Tariq Bashir Cheema.Mr Rana Tanveer Hussain, Federal Ministerfor Science and Technology and Mr. FazalAbbas Maken, Federal Secretary, Ministry

of Science and Technology also attendedthe meeting. Dr Shahzad Alam, ChairmanPCSIR gave a brief presentation highlightingthe progress and achievements of PCSIR.The participants expressed their satisfactionover the performance of PCSIR in variousfields of Science and Technology. Thecommittee also appreciated PCSIR for itsperformance despite of low/non allocation

of funds for Research and Development(R&D). Upon request of Federal Minister,the Chair recommended that the funds maybe provided for carrying out its R&Dactivities. The honorable members alsoendorsed the recommendations. In the end,the Chair along with the honorable membersvisited the display centre of PCSIR’sproducts.

Chairman PCSIR Dr. Shahzad Alam, Federal Secretary MoST Mr. FazalAbbas Maken and Federal Minister for Science and Technology Mr.RanaTanveer Hussain present during the National Assembly Standing Committeemeeting while Mr. Ch. Tariq Bashir Cheema in the chair.

National Assembly Standing Committee on S&T visited PCSIR Head Office

Chairman PCSIR Dr. Shahzad Alam briefing the Chairman Mr. Ch. TariqBashir Cheema and Members of NA standing committee at PCSIR HeadOffice.


Federal Minister for Science and TechnologyMr. Rana Tanveer Hussain inaugurated thePCSIR’s Common Facility Centre at Sialkoton March 24, 2016. This centre has beenestablished on the request of the SurgicalInstrument Manufacturers Association ofPakistan (SIMAP), Sialkot for which theSIMAP provided a covered space to PCSIRto house their analytical testing equipments.During the ceremony, the Federal Ministerappreciatd the joint efforts of PCSIR and

Federal Minister for S & T Inaugurated PCSIR’s Common Facility Centre at Sialkot

SIMAP for establishing “Common FacilityCentre” that will surely help the surgical andcast metal industry for quality manufacturing,better product design and development. Whileaddressing the SIMAP members andindustrialists, Chairman PCSIR Dr. ShahzadAlam highlighted the quality services of PCSIRand its contribution in socio-economic sectorsat national level. He said that PCSIR willleave no stone unturned for rendering qualityservices to the surgical industry and the same

will be extended to the other sectors in verynear future. At this occasion, Mr. MuhammadAshraf Raza, Chairman SIMAP appreciatedthe efforts of PCSIR for capacity building ofthe surgical sector and thanked for extendingthe PCSIR’s facilities at the door step ofsurgical industry. At the end, the ChairmanPCSIR and Chairman SIMAP endorsed theirsignatures on the Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) for the establishmentof “Common Facility Centre”.

Federal Minister for Science and Technology Mr. Rana Tanveer Hussain inaugurating the PCSIR’s Common Facility Centre at Sialkot.

Upgradation andUtilization of Kaolin ofNangar Parker, Thar

A joint venture research collaboration projectamong Mehran University of Engineeringand Technology (MUET), Jamshoro,University of Manchester, UK and PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Karachi as industrialpartner has been chartered. In thisconnection a research work on effectiveutilization and upgradation of Kaolin ofdesert, Nangar Parkar, Thar has beenselected. Engr. Razia Begum, PrincipalEngineer of Centre for EnvironmentalStudies, PCSIR, KLC participated asPrincipal Investigator of this project. Theobjective of this work is to convert Kaolininto value added market product. In thisregard one day international seminar on“Mineral Resources Uti l ization forSustainable Economic Development” wasalso arranged at MUET, Jamshoro onJanuary 20, 2016. She imparted presentationon role of PCSIR KLC in the effectiveutilization of mineral resources regardingtest/analysis, design of plants and

commercialization of synthesized zeolite inthis project.

Board of ManagementMeeting Convened atScientific Information

Centre, KarachiA meeting of the Board of Management wasconvened at the Scientific Information Centre(SIC), Karachi on January 19, 2016.Members from SIC, Academia, Public andPrivate Sectors participated in the meeting.The Director SIC, Dr. Muhammad Yaqubintroduced the aims and objectives of SICcomprehensively to the committee members.The achievements of SIC, the progress ofPakistan Journal of Scientific and IndustrialResearch (PJSIR) for the year 2015 andthe matters related to the progress werediscussed. The members appreciated theefforts of the staff of SIC. The Director SICassured them for compliance on theirvaluable suggestions.

FRC seeks InternationalCollaboration for

ResearchPCSIR Fuel Research Centre, Karachi hasbeen submitted a need based researchproposal entitled “Exploration of low costfuel for boilers of industries and power plants:co-combustion studies of some novelrenewable fuels/coal blands to a “EuropeanResearch and Innovation ProgrammeHorizon-2020” for the area of “clean energyfrom coal and waste biomass” on January26, 2016.

Besides this proposal Fuel ResearchCentre, Karachi also submitted followingneed based projects. Preparation ofactivated carbon from Pakistan lignite coal,potential utilization of chelating property ofHumic acid as a potent fertilizer, evaluationof parameters in different gasification modesto produce coal gas, production of coal tarand char from Pakistani lignite and its

utilization in the industries of Pakistan, aresearch study on treatment of Low gradecoal to control hazardous emissions duringcombustion.


PCSIR & IFANCA Jointly organized International Conference at LLC

Dr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman PCSIR giving away promotion letters to employees of KLC. Dr. Kaniz Fizza Azhar, Director General and Dr. Khalid Jamil,Director (P&D) PCSIR KLC are standing with him

Importance, Opportunities of Halal Products inGlobal Market Highlighted

International Conference on Halal Foods,Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics jointlyorganized by Islamic Food and NutritionCouncil of America (IFANCA) and PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Lahore (LLC) washeld at PCSIR Laboratories Complex,

Lahore on February 22, 2016. RanaTanveer Hussain, Honorable FederalMinister for Science & Technology was thechief guest. Dr. Shahzad Alam, ChairmanPCSIR, Dr. Muhammad MuneerChaudhary, President, Professor Dr. Javaid

Aziz Awan, Country Director IFANCA,renowned Scientists from the R&Dorganizations, Academia and Industryemphasized on the importance andopportunities of Halal products in the GlobalMarket.

Dr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman PCSIR, Dr. Sakhawat Ali, Director General,PCSIR Labs. Complex, Lahore receiving honorable chief guest, Rana TanveerHussain, Federal Minister for Science & Technology at the conference.

Honorable guests present during the conference at PCSIR LaboratoriesComplex Lahore.

Chairman PCSIR distributedPromotion letters to KLC Employees

Dr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman, PCSIR visitedPCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi(KLC) and held meeting with the Director

General and Senior Scientists. TheChairman, PCSIR also addressed theemployees and distributed promotion letters

up to the BPS-15 technical side employeesof Karachi Laboratories Complex onFebruary 19, 2016.


Patent ObtainedPCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore

§ Nighat Sultana and Musarrat Akhter(March 21, 2016) have obtained a patentfor a process: A process for the productionof non toxic phyto based termiticide forwooden objects”, Patent Application Number371/2011.

Patent SubmittedPCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi

§ Dr. Nighat Sultana has submitted apatent application #491 to the patent officefor grant of the process: A process for thepreparation of herbal shampoo (Resubmittedafter correction suggested by referee).

PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore

§ A patent entitled “Novel and naturalwater soluble red dye in paste form extractedfrom red beet roots (beta vulgaris)” has beenresubmitted after amendment.§ Alimun Nisa, Naseem Zahra, KhalidSaeed, Imran Kalim, Sajila Hina, SaniaMazhar, Dr. Ijaz Ahmad, Dr. Quratulain Syed,

Dr. Sakhawat Ali have submitted a patentapplication #862 to the Patent Office forgrant of the process: Extraction of Pink Dyefrom Atriplex hortensis.§ Dr. Khalid Iqbal, Dr. Rauf Ahmad, D.Sakhawat Ali, Dr. Amna Nadeem, Mrs.Tayyaba Aftab, Javed Iqbal have submitteda patent application #761 to the PatentOffice for grant of the process: An integratedprocess for ecofriendly low cost fuel fromMSW and biomass.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawar

§ The scientists of PCSIR Peshawarlaboratories have submitted a patentapplication to the Patent Office for grant ofthe process: Preparation of natural aflatoxinbinder as poultry feed additive.§ The scientists of PCSIR Peshawarlaboratories have submitted a patentapplication to the Patent Office for grant ofthe process: Herbal Composition for thetreatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia(BPH) and Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).§ The scientists of PCSIR Peshawarlaboratories have submitted a patentapplication to the Patent Office for grant ofthe process: In situ degradation ofValpotriates and process development fortheir extraction from Valeriana wallichii.

Papers PublishedPCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi

§ Uzma Salar, M. Taha, Nor HadianiIsmail, Khalid M. Khan, Syahrul Imran,Shahnaz Perveen, Abdul Wadood and M.Riaz. 2016. Thiadiazole derivatives as newclass of â-glucuronidase inhibitors,International Journal of Bioorganic &Medicinal Chemistry, 24(8): 1909-1918.§ Mehreen Akbar, Sobiya Pervaiz, BinaShaheen Siddiqui, Abid Azhar, Lubna Iqbal,Kaniz Fizza Azhar, Kauser Siddiqui, KanwalAbbasi, 2015. Antioxidant potential ofanthrarobin (1,2,10 trihydroxy anthracene)and its acyl derivatives, J. Chem. Soc. Pak.,37(05): 1015-1019.§ Riaz-ud-Din Qureshi and ZakiaKha toon , 2015 . B iod i ve rs i t y o fmesozooplankton and macrofauna in marinefish ponds at Gharo, Thatta. InternationalJournal Biology Research, 3(1): 41-43.§ Z. Masood, F. Iqbal, M.S. Haider, O.M.Tarar, L. Zehra, S. Saddozai, W.M. Achakzai,W. Razzaq, N. Din, N. Rafique, N. Jamiland H.G. Gharshee. 2015. Evaluation ofcrude protein and amino acid analysis inthe scales of a Rohu species, Labeorohitacollected from Korangi fish harbor, Pakistan.Global Veterinaria, 15(3): 328-331.

A group photo of Director Pak Swiss Training Centre, Karachi Engr. Mr. Ghulam Ali Shaikh, Swiss Consul General, Mr. Emil Wyss, Federal Minister forScience and Technology, Mr. Rana Tanveer Hussain, Chairman PCSIR, Dr. Shahzad Alam, Director General, PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi, Dr.Kaniz Fizza Azhar, Director (P&D), PCSIR Labs. Complex, Karachi, Dr. Khalid Jamil, and some guests after golden jubilee ceremony of PSTC-Karachi.


§ S.M. Saad, N. Ghouri, ShahnazPerveen, K.M. Khan, M.I. Choudhary, 2015.European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,108 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmch. 2015.11.016.§ S. Javaid, S.M. Saad, ShahnazPerveen, K. Khan and M.I. Choudhary, 2015.2-Arylquinazolin-4(3H)-ones: A novel classof thymidine phosphorylase inhibitors.B i o o r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y , D O I :10.1016/j.bioorg.2015.10.006.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore

§ Alim un Nisa, Naseem Zahra, YashaNazir Butt.2016. Comparative study ofaflatoxins in brown rice samples of localand import quality. International FoodResearch Journal, 23(1): 243-247.§ Faiza Rizvi, Sakhawat Ali, Umair ArshadBajwa, Naseem Zahra.2016. Alteration inPlasma homocyteine, vitamine D, Folateand vitamin C concentration in Schizo-phrenic patients due to gluten free diet WorldJournal of pharmaceutical and life sciences,2(1), 40-59. (IF =3.347).§ SaharAbbasiliasi, Joo Shun Tan,SaeidKadkhodaei, RubinaNelofer, engkuAzmi Tengku Ibrahim, Shuhaimi Mustafaand Arbakariya B. Arif.2016. Enhancementof BLIS production by Pediococcusa-cidilactici kp10 in optimized fermentationconditions using an artificial neural network.RSC Advances. (IF=3.84).§ Naaz Abbas , WardahSafdar, SakhawatAli, ShahnazChoudhry and Sana Ilahi.2016.Citric Acid Production from Aspergillusniger using Banana Peel. IJSER, vol. 7. No.1,pp.1580-1583.§ Zafar Iqbal and Amran Waheed. Fattyacid composition of lipid classes of silybummarianum seed oil, International Journal ofCurrent Research.§ Zafar Iqbal and Lubna Liaquat.Formulation of natural hair colaration fromherbs and dry fruit hulls from Pakistan, ,International Journal of Current Research.§ Naaz Abbas, Wardah Safdar, SakhawatAli, Shahnaz Choudhry and SanaElahi.2016. Citric acid Production fromA s p e r g i l l u s n i g e r u s i n g M a n g o(Mangiferaindica L.) and Sweet orange(citrus sinensis) Peels as Substrate.International Journal Of Scientific &Engineering Research, Vol: 7(2) pp. 868-872.§ M. Irfan, U. Asghar, M. Nadeem, R.Nelofer, Q. Syed, H. A. Shakir and J. I.Qazi.2016. Statistical Optimization ofSacchari?cation of Alkali Pretreated WheatStraw for Bio-ethanol Production WasteBiomass Valor, DOI 10.1007/s12649-016-9540-2.§ Muhammad Hammad Khan.2016.Ozonation of chlortetracycline in the aqueousphase: Degradation intermediates and

pathway confirmed by NMR., Jinyoung Jung,Chemosphere 152, 31-38.

§ Rubina Nelofer, Quratulain Syed,Muhammad Nadeem, Farzana Bashir, SaniaMazhar, Ammara Hassan, 2015. Isolationof Phosphorus-Solubilizing Fungus fromSoil to Supplement Biofertilizer. Arab Journalof Science and Engineering . DOI10.1007/s13369-015-1916-2.§ Saima Siddique, Zahida Parveen,Shaista Nawaz, Khurram Shahzad andZeeshan Ali, 2015. Chemical Compositionand antimicrobial activities of essential oilsof six Species from family Myrtaceae.Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants,18(4):950-956.§ Naaz Abbas, Zainab Abbas and IqbalEhsan Baig, 2015. Study on Enumeration,Characterization and Antibiotic Susceptibilityof Coagulase positive Staphylococci Isolatedfrom Hand Pump Water. InternationalJournal of Scientific & EngineeringResearch, 6(10):1228-1234. ISSN 2229-5518.§ A. Nisa, M. K. Saeed, Sajila H., NaseemZ., Sania M., I. Kalim., Q. Syed, 2015.Nutritional antioxidant, microbiological andtoxicological studies on red dye extractedfrom red beet roots (Beta vulgaris). Res. J.Chem. Sci., 5(4): 1-6.§ U. Asghar, M. Irfan M. Nadeem RubinaN. Q. Syed, 2015. Challenges in bioethanolproduction from lignocellulosic waste.Energy Education science and TechnologyPart C: Future Energy Resource 7(1): 7-16.§ Zahida N., Shaista J., Ammara Y.,Muafia S., Shumaila U. and Sakhawat A.,2015. Optimization of sub-merged cultureconditions for biomass production inschizophyllum commune, a medicinalmushroom. Int. J. Cur. Micro. App. Sci.,4(2): 258-266.§ Naaz a., M. Ajmal and Talat A., 2015.Primer designing for PreS region of HepatitisB virus from the most conserved patchesof HBV genome. J. Bioinformatics &Sequence Analysis, 1:1-7.§ Khalid R., Muni A., Salamat A., M. Z.Butt., M. Nafees, Alvina R. Butt, 2015.Comparison of Doxorubicin anticancer drugloading on di fferent metal oxidenanoparticles. Medicine, 94(11):617.§ Nadeem M., Ahmad M., Saleem MA.,Shaari A., riaz S., Naseem S. KhalidRasheed, 2015. Uptake and clearanceanalysis technetium labeled iron oxidenanoparticles in a rabbit brain. Nano-Biotechnology IET. 14:6.§ Alimun Nisa, Naseem Zahra, ImranKalim, yasha Nazir, Aman Imran, M. Zaheerand Quratulain Syed, 2015. Cleanuptechnology used in TLC determination ofAflatoxin in caudies for removing problematicartificial food dyes. Pak. J. Food. Sci.,

25(1):7-15.§ Farah Deeba, Naeem A. Tahir B. NazI. and Rauf A., 2015. Utilization of moringaOleifera seeds for treatment of canal andindustrial waste water, an alternativesustainable solution for developing counties.Journal of Biodiversity and EnvironmentalSciences, 7(1): 54-60.§ F. Deeba, N. Abbas, N. Hussain, R. A.Khan and M. Ahsan, 2015. Treatment of oilpolluted soil by chemical, biological andthermal methods. Asia J. Chem., 27(2):499-502.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawar

§ Aman Ullah Malik, Muhammad Adeel,Irfan Ullah, Musa Kaleem Baloch,Muhammad Mystaqeem and MuhammadAkram, 2015. Solubil i ty of 3-{3,5-Bis(triflouromethyl)phenyl} quinoline UsingMicellar Solutions of Surfactants. J. Solutionchemistry (Available online).§ Ghosia Lutfullah, Hina Tila, ArshadHussain, Abid Ali, 2015. Antioxidantproperties of agro-industrial waste and theiruse as natural preservative for sunfloweroil. Journal of Applied Environmental andBiological Sciences, 5(11), 10-16.§ Zafar Iqbal, Amran Wahee, MohammadAkram and Khalid Mahmood, 2015. Fattyacid Compostion of the Lipid Classes ofSilybum Marianum Seed Oil. World Journalof Pharmaceutical Research, 4(12).§ Zakir M., K.B. Sultan, H. Khan,Ihsanullah, M. A. Khan, H. Fazal and A.Rauf, 2015. Antimicribial activity of differenttea varieties available in Pakistan. PakistanJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 28(6),2091-2094.§ Syed M. Salman, Shaukat Ali, AshfaqAhmad, M. Siddique Afridi and AminurRahman, 2015. Preliminary Phytochemical,essential element analysis and antimicrobialactivities of ethanolic extract of LotusCorniculata. International Journal ofBioscience, 7(2), p.106-115.§ Khaliqur Rehman, Arshad Hussain andShafqat Ullah, 2015. Determination ofPhenolic Acids in Natural and farm Honeyof KPK, Pakistan. Asian Journal ofChemistry, 27(11):4067-4070.§ Mohammad Saqib Ishaq, MuhammadSiddique Afridi, Javed Ali, Muhammad MidrarHussain, Sohail Ahmad, Farina Kanwal,2 0 1 5 . P r o x i m a t e c o m p o s i t i o n ,Phytochemical screening GC/MS studiesof biologically active cannabinoid and anti-micribial activities of cannabis indica. AsianJournal of Tropical Disease, doi-101016/S2222-1808 V5(5) 60953-7.§ I. Hussain, S. Saleem, H. Khan andG.A. Marwat, 2015. Antioxidant activities ofselected medicinal plants. MDSRC, 253.


§ Muhammad Sohail, M. Ayub, S.A.Khalil, A. Zeb, F. Ullah, Shams ur RahmanAfridi and Rehman ullah, 2015. Effect ofcalcium chloride treatment on post harvestquality of peachfruit during cold storage.International Food Research Journal,22(6):2225-2229.

Fuel Research Centre, Karachi

§ Anila Sarwar, M. Nasiruddin Khan, SyedKabir Shah, 2015. Activation energydistribution in pyrolysis of Thar coal,Pakistan. Asia Pacific Journal of ChemicalEngineering, 10(2), 297-306.§ Gul-e-Rana Jaffri, S.A. Rehan ShahJaffri, 2015. Released of alkali species underhigh pressure gasification of Pakistani Coal.Journal of Advanced Material Research,1094, 141-145.§ Gul-e-Rana Jaffri, S.A. Rizwan ShahJaffri, S.A. Rehan Shah Jaffri, 2015.Thermodynamic Analysis of Some VolatileSpecies at elevated pressure andtemperature during Combustion of PakistaniLakhra and Thar Lignite Chars. AfricanJournal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 9(8),184-194.§ Tasawar Ali Chandio, M. NasiruddinKhan, Anila Sarwar, 2015. Fluorideestimation and its correlation with otherphysicochemical parameters in drinkingwater of some areas of Balochistan,Pakistan. Environmental Monitoring andAssessment, 187(8), 4753-6.§ M. Nasiruddin Khan, RedaSoherwardy,Anila Sarwar.2015.”Nutritional assessmentof olive fruit (Oleaeuropaea) available atlocal market”. International Food ResearchJournal, 22(2), 526-531.§ Dr. Zakiuddin Ahmed and Mr. NadirBuksh, 2015. An ultimate and artificeparadigm to achieve feasible andenvironment friendly coal, reducing sulphurduring conventional chemical methods.World Applied Science Journal, Paper Id:WASJ-201.§ Atiq Ur Rehman, M. Nasiruddin Khan,Anila Sarwar, Sadaf Bhutto, 2015.Physicochemical analysis of differentcigarettes brands available in Pakistan.Pakistan Journal of Analyt ical &Environmental Chemistry, 15(2), 26-38.

PCSIR Laborator ies, Quetta

§ Mujeeb ur Rahman, Shereen Gul,Mohammad Umair, Adeela Anwar, A.K.K.Achakzai.2016. Anticorrosive activity ofRosemarinus Officinalis L. Leaves ExtractAgainst Mild Steel in Dilute HydrochloricAcid. International Journal of InnovativeResearch in Advanced Engineering(IJIRAE), 03(03): 38-43§ Abdul Kabir Khan Achakzai, Samiullah,

Mujeeb Ur Rahman and Zahoor AhmedBazai. 2015. Occurrence and health hazardstatus of alflatoxin in human food and animalfeed of wheat from Pakistan. pure andapplied Biology, 4(4):611-619.§ Shereen Gul, Mujeeb Ur Rahman,Muhammad Ajmal, Abdul Kabir KhanAchakzai, A Iqbal, 2015. Effects of carbonand nitrogen sources on production ofprotease by bacillus subtilis C-5. BangladeshJ. Botany, 44(2), 285-292.§ Abdul Kabir khan Achakzai, Mujeeb UrRehman, Mohammad Yaqoob, AttaMohammad Sarangzai, Mohammad YounasBarozai, 2015. Stem and leaf response ofsunflower hybrids of salt stress. Pak J.Botany, 47(6), 2063-2067.

Analytical & TechnicalServices Rendered

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi

Testing, Analysis and Evaluation: 62samples were analyzed comprising of 42food samples and 20 water samples., 104samples were tested and analyzed, 3samples were analyzed by Plant TissueCulture Section, 93 samples comprising of72 food samples and 21 water sampleswere analyzed, 130 sample were analyzedat Analytical Mycotoxin Lab. HydrostaticPressure Test of HDPE pipes accomplishedfor M/s Euro Gulf Industries.Consultancy: Dr. Sofia K. Alvi (SSO) andMr. Sheraz Shafique, SO providedconsultancy regarding “Lithium BromideChiller solution” to M/s. FTC Mgmt. CoTechnical Report: A report on “In-vitroCytotoxicity and Intracutaneous ReactivityTest of Dental & Surgical Instruments forthe Compliance of ISO 10993-5 and ISO10993-10” submitted to M/s. MedisporexPrivate Limited. The report was preparedby Sameena Iqbal, Dr. Hina Imran, Dr.Saeeda Bano, Dr. Tehmina Sohail, Dr.Kauser Siddiqui, Dr. Lubna Iqbal and Dr.Zahra Yaqeen. § Technical Report on“Nat ional Workshop on Repair &Maintenance of Scientific and EngineeringEquipment” submitted by Arif Karim, SSOand Faisal Ghazanfar, SO to DirectorTr a i n i n g I s l a m a b a d C O M S AT S ,ISLAMABAD through DG-KLC. Theworkshop was held in Ghana Atomic EnergyCommission Accra, Ghana, October 12-16, 2015. § A report on Physical and opticalTesting of different Tissue paper submittedby Muhammad Tahir, SSO and Engr. RaziaBegum, PE to M/S Bikiya Industries, KIA,Karachi. § Microbiology Section submitteda detailed report of thirteen (13) samples ofdrinking water collected from the rural areas

of Gadap and Kathore. The samples weretested on the request of Prof. Dr. KhalidaMahmood from Department of Geography,University of Karachi.Technical Report on “Analysis of Ethylalcohol” submitted to M/s. Unicol Limitedby Dr. Shahnaz Perveen, Dr. Kamran AhmedAbro and Dr. Ghulam Fareed.Calibration Services Provided: Sixhundred and nintyseven (697) jobs werecalibrated during the period.Production & supply: Filling & Packing ofIndelible Ink Vials/Standardized Ink StampPad, Two hundred forty seven thousandand three hundred ten (247310) vials andtwo hundred twenty five thousand (225,000)Standardized ink Stamp Pad for Phase-II &III respectively were filled, packed anddelivered to M/S Election CommissionPakistan as per official assignment., Twothousand one hundred and sixty six (2166)bottles of 120 ml of fish protein syrup(EVRON) supplied to M/S. Auzre Pharma(Pvt.) and M/S. Paradigm Pharmaceuticals,One thousand and two hundred (1200) litersof Phytofix (Plant Hormone) supplied toM/S. STEDEC, Filling and Packing of 1000liters of Disinfectant for M/S. Karachi MedicalCompany, 60 liter of Z-Grow (Agrochemical)for M/S. Great Grow Queen, 300 larvae ofAedesagypti to Karachi University.. Sevenhundred (700) pieces of Clutch Lever wereproduced on CNC machine andconsignment delivered to M/S Techno PackIndustries (Pvt.) Ltd.., Four hundred andthirty two (432) pieces of Small Washerwere produced on CNC machine andconsignment delivered to M/S Ahsan & Co.,Three thousand eight hundred and sixty six(3866) bottles of 120 ml of fish protein syrup(EVRON) supplied to M/S. Auzre Pharma(Pvt.), M/S Blessings and M/S. ParadigmPharmaceuticals. Eleven hundred and eightyfive (1185) pieces of Small Washer wereproduced on CNC machine andconsignment delivered to M/S Ahsan & Co.,600 cans of 450 gm of nutritional supplementaccomplished for M/s Gold PharmaceuticalKarachi.Pharmaceutical Products: 50,000 vials ofCOLBID drops each accomplished for M/S.R.G. Pharmaceutical (Pvt.) Ltd.Repair & Maintenance: Three hundred andthiry (330) work orders have beensuccessfully completed, Atomic Absorptionfor M/S. Global Environmental Lab- Karachi,Flame photometer for M/s NDC, GoP, Flamephotometer for ACRC-KLC, BOSCH PlenaBooster Amplifier for Auditorium–KLC,Computer Repair for PRC-KLC, Repair ofMonitor for CES-KLC, Windows Installation& LCD repair for ESC-KLC, CPU for EstateBranch-KLC, Replacement of Ram & Mouseon E–Library’s Computers., Motherboardfor Accounts Branch-KLC, Computer Repair


for Budget Branch-KLC, Hard Drive DataRecovery for Import Section-KLC.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore

Consultancy: Consultancy servicesprovided to M/s National EngineeringServices Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd., 1-C, Block-N,Model Town, Lahore in terms of evaluationof performance characteristics of industrialpaint sample i.e. Epoxy zinc. § A consultancywas provided to M/s SB Foods Khanewal,Multan, regarding the Quality Assurance ofPickle Samples.Polymer Laboratory provided consultancyservices to Government of PakistanDirectorate of Intelligence & investigation-FBR, 358-Jehanzaib Block Allama IqbalTown, Lahore in term of Material evaluationof Plastic Dana.Technical Report: Final technical reporton the project “Eco-friendly alternativeEnergy Source from Municipal Solid Waste”Submitted to sponsored agency PSF,Islamabad.Production/supply: Shampoo & hand washsupplied for M/s Kuki Traders, AsmatChamber 68-Mozang Road Lahore.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawar

Testing, Analysis and Evaluation: Asmany as (1294) samples of different itemswere tested, analyzed and evaluated. Theseinclude: paper, soil, printing plates, fumiganttablets, query stone, sediment, lithiumbromide, steel bar, gypsum stone, sodiumbicarbonate, talc carbonates, SWM, graphiteore, soap stone, cube, PVC pipe,ciprofloxacin HCl, ghee, juices, PET plastic,opium, ispaghol, phthalic anhydride water, drinking water, plastic, snuff, colic drops,guar gum, bubble gum, formalin,methylediglycol, stone, match, G.I.wire,bentonite, coal, coarse aggregate, cubes,manganese, G.I. pipe, rock phosphate,bitumen, jute bags, empty gunny bags, sausurea lappa, copper wire, anti wrinklecream & conditioning shampoo, plasticscrap, podophyllum emodi roots, valarianaroots, vegetab, PE pipes, cloth & boot, cottonfabric, rifle oil, Plant Extract (Berberis),fungal and bacterial strains, Asphaltic BasedCorse, Medicine for Steroid (Dia HerbTablets), iron III hydroxide polymaltosecomplex, etc for different clients from publicand private sectors.Production/supply: 15525 tubes of GTNForte Hemorrhoid Ointment. § Two Kg freshMushrooms were harvested. § 73 Kg ofGrinding of Plant material. § Five (18)Packets of Polymucil. § Two hundred andseventy nine (279) Liters Jullie Solutionwere prepared and provided to the Recket’s

patients referred by the Khyber TeachingHospital, Hayatabad Medical Complex, LadyReading Hospital Peshawar. § 30 bottles ofGuava Nectar (3 Liters capacity) to welfareshop.§ Processing(Dry mixing) of Trucaland Trugen.

PCSIR Laboratories, Hyderabad

Testing, Analysis and Evaluation: Testingand analytical Services provided to M/sSapphire Textile Limited, Kotri, M/s MehranTobacco Products, Hyderabad, M/s Mr. JamAllah Bux, Shahdadpur, M/s BGPInternational, M/s H Water Hyderabad, M/sPak Fresh Water Hyderabad.

PCSIR Laborator ies, Quetta

Testing, Analysis and Evaluation: ThirtyEight (38) samples of Drinking water havebeen tested and analyzed. § Four (4) Oresamples were analyzed for copper, sulfurand Iron. § Three samples of Ghee wereevaluated and analyzed for their suitabilityfor human consumption.§ Seven hundredand seventy nine (779) samples ofChemicals i.e. Sulfonic acid rubberprocessing oil, Foots oil, Motor Oil, MonoEthyl Glycol, Slack Wax, Grease, Base Oil,Methyl Meta cylate monomer and Mixedcarbon Solvents etc were evaluated andanalyzed. § Four samples of fertilizers were evaluated and analyzed. § Three samplesof mineral ores were analyzed for Their Iron,Lead and Gold contents. § Five samples ofWhey Powder were also analyzed for theirfitness for human consumption. § Onesample of Barite was analyzed for bariumcontents. § One sample of melamine, onesample of skim milk, Analytical testingfacilities for coal, coke, and related materialswere provided to the following clients:Tufai l Chemical (Pvt) Ltd., SSJDBioprocessorPvt. Ltd.,Phoenix BriquettingCo. Ltd.,Global Environmental Lab (Pvt.)Ltd.,Najeeb Coal Co.,Losseum OrganicLtd.,Qualitest Laboratory Pvt. Ltd.,SGS Pvt.Ltd.

Leather Research Centre, Karachi

Testing, Analysis and Evaluation:Regarding physical testing of leather, 11for Abrasion, 01 Crown metal, 01 emptytube, 21 for Tear strength, 13 for Puncturestrength, 04 for sizing and Dexterity, 04 forwater vapours, 04 for water transformation,03 for burning behavior, 14 for blade cut,19 for Dry/Wet Rub Fatness, 06 for colourFatness to Perspiration, 08 for colourFatness to light(Xenon test), 06 for Burning,14 for Convective Heat, 14 for Contact Heat,08 for Radiant Heat, 08 for small & largesplashes. Chemical testing involves 11 for

PCP, and 03 for Mg, Ca, Na, SO4, SI, 17 forChrome VI, 02 for DMF, 16 for pH, 02 forpurity of Sodium Bicarbonate, 02 for purityof Zinc Oxide,19 for Fat content, 01 for SolidContent, 10 for Azo, 01 for waste water, 07drinking water sample for microbial/chemicalparameters and 05 for Iron in water.

Processes Developed/Leased Out/

CommercializedPCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore

§ “Processing of Silica Sand for useCement Clinker” by Scientists andtechnologists of Lahore Laboratories handedover to M/s Gharibwal Cement Ltd. 28-B/3,Gulberg-III, Lahore.§ “A formulation of Solvent for applicationof dyes in Industries” developed by Scientistsand technologists of Lahore Laboratorieshanded over to M/s Relaxo (Pvt.) Ltd. 395-Sunder Industrial Estate Raiwind Road,Lahore.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawar

§ The product “Polymucil” developed byScientists and Technologists of PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Peshawar washanded over to Trans-Continental Pharma(Pvt) Ltd. Peshawar.

PCSIR Laborator ies, Quetta

Production of Humic Acid: Bench Scaleprocess for the “production of Humic acid”has been developed by utilization of coal ofSharag, Balochistan. The quality of theproduced humic acid is comparable with thecommercially available humic acid. Theefforts are underway to test the process onpilot scale for commercial exploitations.§ One process has been developed forthe fabrication of high burning time fuel§ One process has been developed forthe fabrication of charcoal briquettes.

Visits by PCSIRScientists

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi

§ Syed Juniad Mahmood, S.O. (KLC)visited to M/s. Pak Arab Zaka Sons Karachi,on December 02, 2015, for confirming/witnessing the live load characterization oftheir new product i.e. Spiro PVC based pipe.


§ Arif Karim (SSO), Faisal Ghazanfar(SO) and Syed Junaid Hassan(JTO) visitedto “Global Environmental Lab- Karachi” forservicing and repair of Atomic Absorptionfor two days , November 10 & 12, 2015.§ Dr. Beena Naqvi (SSO) Plant TissueCulture Section visited the construction siteof commercial Plant Tissue Culturelaboratory construction at Khoski Sugar MillsBadin on November 07, 2015 under theagreement with Omni Group of Companies.§ Dr. SSH Naqvi, PSO, Mr.Zain-ul-Ibad,SSO, Mr. Zeeshan, SO and Mr. Ghazanfar,JE visited Patel Hospital on November 18,2015.§ Dr. Akhtar Shareef, SSO of CES visitedStandard Charter Bank for Air PurifierMaintenance on November 15, 2015.§ Mr. Niaz Ahmed, SSO and Mr. ShahidBhutto, SSO of CEs visited EPA forCollaboration of projects on November 05,2015.§ Mr. Niaz Ahmed, SSO of CES visited“Wazir Aqua International” Azam BastiKarachi for Solving Sterilization Process onNovember 15, 2015.§ M. Tahir, SSO visited IBM New officefor Tissue paper testing analysis at KorangiIndustrial area, Karachi on December 04,2015.§ Dr. Akhtar Shareef Visited StandardCharter Bank for the maintenance of “AirPurifier” installed in data centre of standardcharter bank at I.I. Chundrigar Road, Karachion December 20, 2015.§ Dr. Akhtar Shareef , SSO of AirMonitoring / Analysis Section of CES Visited“Pakistan National Shipping Corporation(PNSC)” to discuss the matter for calibrationSystem, March 07, 2016.§ Dr. Durdana Rais Hashmi, SSO andDr, Akhtar Shareef, SSO of Air Monitoring /Analysis Section of CES attended a meetingwith the officials of National Bank Pakistanfor “Air Quality Monitoring and CorrosionTest in Data centre of National BankPakistan”, at I.I. Chundrigar Road, KarachiMarch 09, 2016.§ Dr. Akhtar Shareef , SSO of AirMonitoring / Analysis Section of CES Visited“Standard Charter Bank for the maintenanceof Air Purifier” installed in data centre ofstandard charter bank at I. I. ChundrigarRoad , Karachi, March 15, 2016.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore

§ Mr. Irfan Ahmed Rabbani, Head EMTLvisited Islamabad to attend the meeting ofCDWP on December 02, 2015.§ Engr. Muhammad Irfan (Head) visitedSurgical Instruments ManufacturingAssociation of Pakistan (SIMAP), Sialkotand CM&FT, Daska as a Member ofdelegation nominated by MoST on

December 04, 2015.§ Mr. Irfan Ahmed Rabbani, Head EMTLvisited Islamabad to participate in theworkshop on Energy Efficiency Lighting andhis presentation also fixed on October 01,2015.§ Mr. Irfan Ahmed Rabbani, Head EMTLvisited Golden Pumps Gujranwala and GFCFans Gujrats on November 01, 2015 incoordination with official assignments.§ Dr. Khalid Iqbal visited Zarkam TextileIndustries, Faisalabad on December 15,2015 for introduction of RDF to developindustrial linkage with PCSIR.§ For environmental monitoring, Mr.Muhammad.Tariq, SO, CEPS visited on sitegenerator emission at 2 points requestedby M/s Atlas Copco Pakistan Pvt Ltd, AttariIndustrial Estate Lahore on November 23,2015.§ Mr. Irfan Ahmed Rabbani, Head EMTLvisited Islamabad in connection with themeeting on issues of energy efficiencystandards and labeling (EES&L) betweenPSQCA and EVERCON under thechairmanship of the secretary MoST heldat committee room of the MoST on August19, 2015.§ Mr. Irfan Ahmed Rabbani, Head EMTLvisited Islamabad in connection with thefinalization of PC-1 for certification IncentiveProgramme for SMEs Project at Office ofthe Chief (P&D) MoST on September 21,2015.§ Engr. Muhammad Ir fan, HeadPITMAEM and Mr. Ali Imran, JE fromPITMAEM, LLC visited Crescent TextileMills Ltd., Faisalabad on 28th January, 2016in continuation of previous visit of Crescentdelegate of PCSIR. In this visit PITMAEMteam was focused on surface modificationof different industrial parts by plasma andPVD coating.§ Dr. Ijaz Ahmad, PSO, FBRC visited thefollowing industries for collection of wheatflour samples to check the status of wheatflour fortification in Punjab province from01st January, 2016 to 16th January, 2016:Sargodha O i l and F lou r M i l l s ,Sargodha.,Khalid Flour Mills, Faisalabad.,Baba Muhammad Hussain Flour Mills,Sahiwal., Greens Mills, Multan.,LaghariFlour Mill, D G Khan., Asia Flour Mills, Batalaflour Mill, Maqbool Flour Mills, Bahawalpur.§ Pharmaceutical section ACRC visitedRemington Pharmaceutical and EnglishPharmaceutical industries to co-operationin research & development trouble shootingand analytical services in January, 2016.§ Dr. Ijaz Ahmad, PSO, FBRC visitedData Flour Mills, Lahore for QualityEvaluation of Wheat Flour Fortification on04th February, 2016.§ Engr. Muhammad Saadat Khan, PE,Head G&CRC and his team visited Aftab

China Ceramic industry and watched thevarious unit operations of manufacturing ofceramic materials and products also sawtheir own process of manufacturing ofsubstandard kiln furniture on 28th March,2016.§ For environmental monitoring, Mr.Farrukh Hussain, SO, CEPS conducted onsite Noise & Air Emission requested byKashmir Sugar Mills Ltd, Shorkot on 07th

March, 2016.§ For environmental monitoring, Mr.Farrukh Hussain, SO, CEPS conducted onsite Noise & Air Emission requested byIttefaq Sugar Mill Ltd Bahwalpur on 08th

March, 2016.§ For environmental monitoring, Mr.Muhammad Tariq, SO, CEPS conducted onsite Noise Emission of generator, requestedby Nova Med Pharmaceutical Pvt Ltd Lahoreon 21st March, 2016.§ Ms. Sumaira Nosheen (SO/TM) andMr. Salman Ahmad (Tech/ DTM) visitedCommon Facility centre, SIMAP, Sialkot on29th March, 2016 regarding the maintenance/calibration of Optical Emission Spectrometerand training to personnel.§ A group of 35 Students from PST Centrevisited PITMAEM on 28th & 29th March, 2016.They visited the facilities available relatedto course/practical work.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawar

Scientists have visited Haripur Universityfor an R&D exhibition

Leather Research Centre, Karachi

Mr. Shakeel Ahmed, Sr. Technician and Mr.Farrukh Hasan representative of LRCdeputed at PTA office at Korangi IndustrialArea Karachi (twice a week) visited theindustries viz M/s. VIP Wear, M/s. G.M.Leather, M/s. Jeaman Leather, M/s. HairmanLeater, M/s. PTA Office, Southern Zone,M/s. Omer Leather, M/s. Irfan Associates,M/s. Jaffery Enterprises, M/s. Y & SonsInternational, M/s. Dawood Manufacturer,Chamois Leather, M/s. Muneer Tennary,M/s. Blooming Leather, M/s. Gulf Chemicals,M/s. Mian International, M/s. Leather Con,M/s. Safety+International, M/s. RashidBrothers, M/s. Insaf Tennary, M/s. ShaikhBrothers to collected the samples fortesting/analyzing and handed over theliterature regarding the testing and othertechnical services of LRC.

Fuel Research Centre, Karachi

Scientists of FRC , Dr. Anila Sarwar, SSO,Syed Kabir Shah, SO/ILO and Amanat Ali,SO have visited the SoS Lab Complex of


Orient Oils (Pvt) Ltd. to establish aninteraction with other Labs. Working in thearea of Fuel and related sciences like lubeoil and to get the updates of latestinstrumental facilities adopted in fuel andallied fields in Pakistan by private industries.§ Director FRC, visited PCSIR HeadOffice, Islamabad on 14th to 17th Januaryto attend meeting for discussion of NeedBased Projects.

Visitors at PCSIRPCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi

§ A group of 26 students from school ofPublic Health, Dow University of HealthScience visited KLC December 15, 2015.§ Dr. Inayat-ur-Rehman, Director (P&D),PCSIR Labs Complex, Peshawar, Mr. JanMuhammad, Chief Accounts Officer & Mr.Sarfaraz A. Khan, Administrative Officer,PCSIR Head Office, Islamabad visited KLCand held meeting with the Director Generaland Project Directors regarding Audit ofPSDP Projects on November 5th, 2015.§ Engr. Dr. S. Naimat Ali Rizvi, Member(Technology), Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Member(Science) and Mr. Abdul Haleem Asghar,Secretary PCSIR Head Office, Islamabadvisited KLC and held meeting with theDirector General and Senior Scientists onmatters of mutual Scientific & Technologicalinterest on November 6 –7, 2015.§ Mr. Tariq Khan, Deputy Director,Department of Plant Protection, Karachivisited KLC and held meeting with theDirector General and Senior Scientistsregarding to acquire technical assistanceon November 12th, 2015.§ Engr. M. Tahir Qadri, Dr. MuhammadAsif, Prof. Noman A. Siddiqui and Prof.Muhammad Rehan of Sir Syed University,Karachi visited KLC and held meeting withthe Director General and Senior Scientistsregarding to promote the collaborationbetween Academia & Industries onNovember13th, 2015.§ A group of student from Institute ofBiochemistry, University of Sindh, Jamshorevisited KLC to acquire knowledge of Labtechniques on November 24 th, 2015.§ Mr. Abdullah Shahzad, Account Officer,PCSIR Labs. Quetta and Mr. Imtiaz Ahmed,Accounts Officer, SIC, Karachi visited KLCto conduct Internal Audit of KLC onNovember 16th, 2015.§ Technical Auditors from IndonesianAgricultural Quarantine Agency visited KLCand held meeting with the Director Generaland Senior Scientists regarding the technicalinspection of the Food Safety Labs. onNovember 17th, 2015.

§ Mr. Bernard Francoies, Head ofCooperation and Mr. Amaury Hoste,Development Adviser, representatives ofEuropean Union visited KLC and heldmeeting with the Director General and SeniorScientists regarding Accreditation of Dioxin& pesticide testing labs. on November 24th,2015.§ Twenty one (21) Nos. of Junior/ Non-Commissioned Officers from OrdinanceCollege, Malir Cantt., Karachi visited KLCand held meeting with the Director Generaland Senior Scientists regarding to imparttraining related with textile & paint testingon November 25th, 2015.§ Mr. Basharat Mehmood, DirectorGeneral, NIE & Mr. Faisal Paracha, SRO,NIE, Islamabad visited KLC and heldmeeting with the Director General and SeniorScientists regarding promotion of Energyefficiency & labeling standard (REESLN)on November 27th , 2015.§ Mr. Al i Akbar Mahesar, ChiefAdministrative Officer, PCSIR, Head Office,Islamabad visited KLC and held meetingwith the Director General and SeniorScientists to conduct DPC of BS-01 to BS-15 technical side employees of KLC onDecember 14th, 2015.§ Mr. Aleem Ahmed, Chairman ProtocolCommittee, HOC/PSO and Dr. Sofia K. Alvi,SSO managed the official visit of staff ofPakistan Navy Central Testing AuthorityNaval Headquarters at PCSIR Labs.Complex Karachi, March 3 rd, 2016.§ Mr. Aleem Ahmed, Chairman ProtocolCommittee, HOC/PSO and Dr. Sofia K. Alvi,SSO managed the official visit of staff ofClub Secretary DHA Creek Club at PCSIRLabs. Complex Karachi, March 15th, 2016.§ Two officials from Inspectorate ofArmaments Chaklala Rawalpindi visitedApplied Chemistry Research Center towitness the available facilities of PE sheets,Textile, Calibration etc, March 28-30, 2016.§ Muhammad Tahir, SSO of Paper testingsection of CES visited “IBM New Mill ofBrand Tux (Tissue Paper) at Landhi, March20, 2016.§ Chief Inspector of Naval Store alongwith Scientist of Pakistan Navy CentralTesting Authority visited KLC and heldmeeting with the Director General to discusstesting/analysis process for their products,March 2nd, 2016.§ Mr. Masroor Akhtar, Manager, M/s. PakArab Plastic (pvt) Limited, Karachi visitedKLC and held meeting with the DirectorGeneral and Senior Scientists to discusstesting/analysis process for their products,March 6th, 2016.§ Mr. Tariq Khan, Deputy Director, M/s.Quarantine Department of Plants ofProtection, Karachi visited KLC and heldmeeting with the Director General and Senior

Scientists to discuss testing/analysis processfor their products, March 11th, 2016.§ Mr. Rizwan Ullah Siddique, GeneralManager, M/s. Euro-Golf (Pvt), Karachivisited KLC and held meeting with theDirector General and Senior Scientists todiscuss testing/analysis process for theirproducts, March 11th, 2016.§ Mr. Muhammad Pervaiz, ExportManager, M/s. Kafi Commodities (pvt),Karachi visited KLC and held meeting withthe Director General and Senior Scientiststo discuss testing/analysis process for theirproducts, March 11th, 2016.§ The Secretary, Defance Authority CreekClub visited KLC and held meeting with theDirector General and Senior Scientists todiscuss testing/analysis process for theirproducts, March 2nd, 2016.§ Surveillance Assessment of PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Karachi accordingto ISO/IEC 17025/2005 by the PNACAssessors is held, March 16-18, 2016.§ Mr. Ghulam Qasim Palh, AssistantInspector & Mr. Muhammad Bashir,Research Assistant of Inspectorate ofArmament, GHQ, Rawalpandi visited KLCand held meeting with the Director Generaland Senior Scientists to discuss testing/analysis process for their products March28th, 2016.§ Mr. Mubeen, M/s. Engro Polymer (pvt),Karachi visited KLC and held meeting withthe Director General and Senior Scientiststo discuss testing/analysis process for theirproducts, March 31st, 2016.§ Representative from the M/s. HamdardUniversity, College of Oral Sciences visitedto KLC and discussed the feasibility in thedevelopment of dental materials and itstesting with A. F. K. Ifrahim & S. JunaidMahmood in the presence of HOC/ACRC.§ Mr. Faisal Lt. Cdr. Pakistan Navy visitedthe KLC regarding the physico-mechanical,chemical & thermal characterization of hisdeveloped material (MS studies at NUST,Karachi) i.e. impregnation of grapheme withpolyvinyl alcohol, discussed with A. F. K.I frahim and S. Junaid Mahmood.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore

§ A delegation of 04 executives fromCrescent Textile Mills Ltd., Faisalabad,visited PITMAEM on December 23, 2015regarding the hi-tech coating facilities of thecentre.§ M/s Descon Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd.,Lahore, regarding the mechanical testingof different materials at controlledtemperature environment.§ Mr. Irfan Sabir, M/s Rameel Traders,Lahore.§ Mr. M. Anwar Tahir from M/s Pak-ChinaChemicals, Lahore.


§ Mr. Muhammad Athar Rasool from M/sGlobal Marketing Company, Lahore.§ Mr. Muhammad Shamshad, M/s SitaraChemical Industr ies, Faisa labad.§ M/s MZ Enterprizes, Wazirabad.§ Mr. M. Bilal, Sialkot regarding the qualitytesting of surgical materials.§ Rao Asim Iqbal from Air CompressorTechnology, Lahore.§ Mr. Zahid Saeed from ARKAY PAKInstruments, Sialkot.§ Mr. Ali Nawaz Rana, from M/s A. N.Engineering Industries, Lahore.§ Air Weapon Complex (AWC),Islamabad.§ SNGPL, Lahore, regarding themechanical and chemical analysis ofdifferent samples.§ Mr. M. Tariq Solanki from M/s PakPlastic Industry, Kotlakhpat, Lahore,regarding the non-sticky coating on combdie parts.§ M/s MZ Enterprizes, Wazirabad.§ Rao Asim Iqbal from Air CompressorTechnology, Lahore.§ Mr. Shahid Ali, JWD Sugar Industry,Lahore.§ A delegation of officials from PakistanOrdinance Factory, Wah Cantt visited PCSIRLLC on 19th January, 2016 regarding the hi-tech development facilities of the centre.The meeting was organized on 20th January,2016 in which POF team showed that theyare interested to work mutually on differentdevelopment projects.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawar

§ Students from Nutrition Department,Agriculture University, Peshawar have visitedFood Biochemistry Section. R&D and testingfacilities were demonstrated.§ Agriculture Training Institute (ATI)Peshawar visited PLC. They were briefedabout food processing and preservationtechniques.

Fuel Research Centre, Karachi

§ Delegations of our valued clients Mr.Jameel Ahmed Khan Tanoli, Manager AsiaPower GroupThar Coal and M/s. Afzal AnwarAssociateshave visited FRC on 25th & 26thJanuary-2016 to get awareness about thelaboratory facilities available at FRC. In thenext visit on March 11, 2016 a foreignconsultant has discussed the geology,composition and technical details of Tharcoal (especially block IV). Mr. Tanoli hasdiscussed with Dr. Khaula Shirin on March16, 2016 at the foreign consultant iscompletely satisfied with the laboratory andanalytical testing facilities of FRC. Heshowed his keen interest to analyze 1000samples (approximately) of Thar Coal from

FRC.§ Mr. Muhammad IrfanBanduka (ChiefExecutive Officer, Colosseum Organic) hasvisited FRC and discussed the impacts ofHumic acid on plant growth with Dr. KhaulaShireen, Director FRC. He has showed hisintension to purchase the process /technology of Humic acid granulated onnon-exclusive basis.§ Mr. Shahid Hussain from Agro sectorhas visited FRC on March 16, 2016. He hasshowed his interest for the technologytransfer of coal briquetting and humic acid.


§ Mr. Andreas Aepli, Country Manager,M/s Buhler (A Swiss Company) visited PakSwiss Training Centre, Karachi on October27, 2015. He was referred by the SwissConsulate General at Karachi. He tookround seeing the teaching facilities of PSTCand held discussions with Director PSTC &senior staff members.§ Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmed Cheema, ExecutiveDirector, NAVTTC (Ex-IG Motorways) onNovember 11, 2015 visited PSTC forwitnessing the available facilities inconnection with the initiation of 06 monthsshort courses under Prime MinisterHunardmand Program at PSTC, Karachi.The visit was successful and PSTC hasbeen registered for Short Course in BasicElectronics. Ms. Nabeela Umer, DirectorNAVTTC Regional Office, Karachi was alsoaccompanied during the visit.§ The Executives of M/s. Aman Techvisited in PSTC on 27-01-2016.§ M/s. Sprint Oil & Gas visited in PSTCon 05-01-2016 for Job Interviews of PSTCpassed out D.A.E. Trainees.§ M/s. Sigma Gas (Iraq) visited in PSTCon 15-01-2016 for Recruitment Test &Interviews of PSTC passed out D.A.E.Trainees.


§ The Secretary, Government ofBalochistan, Labor and Manpower alongwith Director, Baluchistan VocationalTraining Authority (B-TEVTA) Mr. ZamuranMarri, paid a visit to PSTC Main CampusMian Ghundi, on 13th January 2016 to lookinto the possibility for MOU in betweenPCSIR/PSTC, Quetta for starting courses,Mr. Farooq Ahmed, Principal PSTC andEngr. Nasir Ali Baloch, PE PCSIR werebriefed the delegation/team and assuredfull support and co-operation in respect ofpropose MOU.§ A delegation /Team of PSTC paid avisit to Government college of Technology,Quetta to establish a liaison between GCTand PSTC/PCSIR.

§ A group of Students and Facultymembers of Sound Public School visitedPSTC City Campus , Mr. Khalid Hameed ,Training Coordinator given a brief presenta-tion to Student about activities and role ofPSTC courses /training Programme in futuredevelopment of the province.

Training ProvidedPCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi

§ Training was imparted to elevenstudents of Karachi University on “Polymeridentification using instrumentation”,December 21-31, 2015.§ Scientist of Air and Noise Section, Waterand Waste water section, Paper testingsection, solid waste section and pesticidesection of CES imparted training to 09students from Department of EnvironmentalStudies, Karachi University, December 14-31, 2015.§ Mr. Syed Junaid Mahmood & A. F. K.Ifrahim provided two days training on“Compositional analysis manually and byinstrument & preliminary identification ofHDPE sheets used for the packaging ofarmaments” to Mr. Abdul Rasheed & Mr.Asim from Inspectorate of ArmamentsChaklala Rawalpindi, March 28-30, 2016.§ Mansoor Iqbal, SO, Kamran Ahmed,EO and Munazza Sohail, SO, conducted trainingentitled “Training Course – Young Officer(Ordinance) Serial-39” for 36 officers ofOrdinance College Malir, Karachi, March31st, 2016

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawar

§ Mr. Amin ur Rahman,SSO and Mr. QaziMuhammad Sharif, SSO imparted trainingto Mr. Asif Shah of North West Minerals,Khyber Road Peshawar on chemicalanalysis of barite, fluorspar and talc§ Agriculture extension Peshawarimparted training to local ladies. Lab.Functions, Pilot plant machinery and solardryer of Food Technology Centre weredemonstrated.


§ 04 Weeks 160th Short Course in CNCMachine Programming & Operation wasconducted w.e.f. 04-01-2016 to 01-02-2016,in which, 11 participants were participated.§ 04 Weeks 161st Short Course in CNCMachine Programming & Operation wasconducted w.e.f. 17-02-2016 to 22-03-2016,in which, 12 participants were participated.§ 08 weeks 114th Short Course in Control


Technology was conducted w.e.f. 02-02-2016 to 06-04-2016, in which 18 participantswere participated.§ 06 months 1st Short Course in ElectronicTechnicians (introduced by NAVTTC) wascommenced from 15-02-2016, in which 50participants are participating.

Training ReceivedPCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi

§ Mr. Arif Karim, SSO & Mr. FaisalGhazanfar, SO received Training on“National Intellectual Property Awarenessin Pakistan” at PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore

§ Dr. Muhammad Nadeem, SSO/FBRCreceived training on “ Intellectual property,patent drafting, Licensing and evaluation”held at NTU, Faisalabad, December 21-23,2015.§ Dr. Ijaz Ahmad, PSO, FBRC, PCSIRLahore received training on “FSMS LeadAuditor” Dated Feb. 8-12, 2016 and “GMP-Good Manufacturing Practices” on 18th -19th

February, 2016 organized by UNIDO andPCSIR Lahore at Nishat Hotel, Lahore.

Talks/Papers/Lectures Delivered

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi

§ Ghazala Abid, Muhammad Iqbal andMuhammad Aijaz presented a paper on“Synthesis and characterization of bentonitecomposite with emphasis on its swellingbehavior and adsorption efficiency forselected heavy metals” in the 1s t

International Conference on AdvanceMaterials and Process Engineering (AMPE),December 14-15, 2015.§ Dr. SSH Naqvi, PSO/HOC, Mr. ArifKarim, SSO, Mr. Faisal Ghazanfar, SO &Mr. M. Mazharul Islam, EO managedSeminar entitled “National IntellectualProperty Awareness in Pakistan”, December28-31, 2015.The program was initiated,financially supported by the EU related toTrade Technical Assistance (TRTA–II) andimplemented by UNIDO in association withITC and WIPO at Auditorium, PCSIR Labs.Complex, Karachi.§ Mr. Arif Karim, SSO delivered apresentation on “Activities of PCSIR-KLCInstrumentation” to a delegation of Sir SyedUniversity of Engineering & Technology at

Committee Room, PCSIR-KLC, November13, 2015.§ Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Mirani, SSO, delivereda lecture through multimedia on “AntibioticResistance and Our Community” at theLecture Hall, PCSIR Labs. Complex,Karachi, December 2, 2015. The activitywas as a part of the series of lecturesorganized in the honour of Dr. Sleem-uz-Zaman Siddiqui, the founder and firstchairman of PCSIR.§ Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Mirani, SSO, delivereda lecture through multimedia on, “HealthMicrobiology” on December 17, 2015 at theDepartment of Microbiology, university ofPunjab.§ Mr. Shahid Bhutto, SSO of CESPresented a lecture on “Determination ofGreen Leaf Volatiles Effects on OzonolysisProducts from Monoterpens by PTR-ToFMS” at Lecture Hall, PCSIR Labs ComplexKarachi, November 12, 2015.§ Munazza Sohail, SO delivered lectureon “Textile Testing & Quality Control” for theTraining Course of young officers fromOrdinance College, March 31st, 2016.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore

§ Ms. Saima Nazir, SSO/FBRC delivereda lecture on “Nutrition- Food and water” atCivil Defense Academy (CDA), Lahore,dated 12-10-2015.§ Muhammad Shaheen Iqbal,, FarheenAnsari, Yasar Saleem, Muhammad UsmanQamar, Abida Hassan, Sania Mazhar,Quratulain Syed 2016. “Prevalence of mecAand lukS/F-PV gene in Staphylococcusaureus isolated from four tertiary carehospitals of Lahore City” presented inInternational Conference of Biochemistry,Biotechnology and Biomaterials held at Dept.of Biochemistry, University of Agriculture,Faisalabad on 22nd-24th February, 2016.§ Yasar Saleem, Abida Hassan, ShaistaNawaz, Khurram Shahzad, and QuratulainSyed, Salman Saeed, 2016. “Use ofLovastatin for Low-Cholesterol Poultry EggProduction: A Comprehensive Study”presented in International Conference ofB iochemist ry, B io technology andBiomaterials Dept. of Biochemistry,University of Agriculture, Faisalabad on 22nd-24th February, 2016.


A training session and lecture was arrangedat PSTC Karachi by Mr. Faheemur Rahmanon November 13, 2015. PSTC Alumni of26th Batch presently working at InnovativeCasting Technologies for the student of finalyear regarding interview methodologies,business process, etc.


Conferences attendedby PCSIR Scientists

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi

§ Dr. Zahra Yaqeen, Dr. Lubna Iqbal, Dr.Shahnaz Perveen, Dr. Aisha Nelofar, Dr.Nighat Sultana, Dr. Rashid Ali Khan, Dr.Amir Ahmed & Dr. Tehmina Sohail attendeda meeting with Member Technology, MemberScience and Secretary PCSIR for costingof test and R&D on 06-11-2015.§ Dr. Shahnaz Perveen had attended ameeting on “Economics and Public Policy”at HEJ Res. Inst. of Chemistry for theCelebration of Golden Jubilee (1966-2016)of ICCBS on December 21, 2015.§ Dr. Shahnaz Perveen had attended“Awareness seminar on Intellectual Property(IP) / IP Rights and Training workshops onPatent drafting, valuation and licensing”,November 23 – 26, 2015 at Islamabad.§ Dr. Shahnaz Perveen had attended aseminar on “Determination of green leafvolatile effect on ozonolysis products ofmonoterpenes by PTR-ToFMS onNovember12, 2015 at KLC.§ Dr. Zahra Yaqeen, PSO had attendeda seminar “Exper ience the NewTechnologies 2015” organized by FriendCorporation (Pvt.) Ltd. At Ramada Plaza,Karachi on December 08, 2015.§ Scientists of PRC had attended alecture entitled “Antibiotic Resistance andOur Community” by Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Mirani,SSO-FMRRC at Lecture Hall, PCSIR-KLC,December 2nd, 2015.§ Dr. Shahnaz Perveen had attended theinaugural ceremony of “Training Workshopon Patent Drafting, Valuation and Licensing”jointly organized by IPO-Pakistan, UNIDO,MoST and HEC at PCSIR LaboratoriesComplex, Karachi, December 28th, 2015.§ Dr. Shahnaz Perveen had attended theGolden Jubilee Ceremony of Pak-SwissTraining Centre (PSTC), December 29th,2015.§ Dr. Amir Ahmed, SSO and Dr. KauserSiddiqui had attended the “TrainingWorkshop on Patent Drafting, Valuation andLicensing” jointly organized by IPO-Pakistan,UNIDO, MoST and HEC at PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Karachi, December28-31, 2015.§ All officers of ACRC attended one dayseminar on “Intellectual Property Rights inPakistan” on December 28, 2015.§ Dr. Sofia Khalique Alvi (SSO) Dr. RaziaSultana (PSO) attended “National IntellectualProperty (IP) Awareness Seminar and


Training Workshop on Patent DraftingLicensing and Valuation” workshop at PCSIRLabs. Complex, Karachi December 28-31,2015.§ Ms. Rubina Saleem (PSO) attendedthe meeting on OIL, FAT, SOAP andDetergent at PSQCA on December 28, 2015.§ Mr. Aftab Ahmed (SSO/TM) MycotoxinSection attended the meeting regarding“Financial support through EU funded TRTAprogramme” at lecture hall of PCSIR.§ Mr. Muhammad Asif Asghar (SO)Mycotoxin Section attended the meetingregarding “Requirement of Chemicals forthe Implementation ISO-17025” atCommittee Room of PCSIR.§ Dr. Muhammad Samee Haider (SSO)and Dr. Omer Mukhtar Tarar (SSO) FoodTechnology Section held a meeting with Mr.Zaheer Ahmed, Gold Sure Enterprises,Karachi at PCSIR Labs Complex, Karachion November 19, 2015 regarding thedevelopment of nutritional supplements withthe support of Food Technology scientists.§ Dr. Muhammad Samee Haider (SSO)and Dr. Omer Mukhtar Tarar (SSO) FoodTechnology Section held a meeting with Mr.Amjad, CEO, Cantonment Dairy, Lily Road,Karachi at PCSIR Labs Complex, Karachion November 23, 2015regarding thedevelopment of fortified butter.§ Dr. Muhammad Samee Haider (SSO)and Dr. Omer Mukhtar Tarar (SSO) FoodTechnology Section held a meeting with Mr.Ismail, CEO Sana Industries, Karachi atPCSIR Labs Complex, Karachi regardingthe development of value added productsfrom potato on November 24, 2015.§ Scientist of CES attended a meetingwith Indonesian on November 17, 2015 forNew Regulation of Indonesia to beimplemented in February 2016.§ Engr. Razia Begum PE attended aWorkshop on “Home base Employment forWomen Engineers” at IEP ConventionCentre, Karachi.§ Engr. Razia Begum, P.E attended aconference on “Karachi Green Energy” atKMDC Auditorium Karachi on December17, 2015.§ Dr. Nusrat Jalbani SSO of CESattended 1st International Conference on“Life Sciences” at KIBJE in University ofKarachi , December 25-27, 2015.§ Dr. Nusrat Jalbani SSO, Dr. SohailShokat, SSO and Mr. Shahid Bhutto, SSOof CES attended Training workshop onPatent Drafting, Valuation, and Licensing,December 28-31, 2015.§ Dr. Zakia Khatton (SSO), AquacultureSection, attended a one day seminar“Chal lenges and Opportunit ies inMaintenance of Sustainable Fisheries inPakistan” on the occasion of World Fisheriesday on November 21st, 2015, organized byNational Centre for Maritime Policy Research

(NCMPR) at Bahria University CampusKarachi.§ The officers of FMRRC attended theseminar on “National Intellectual PropertyAwareness”, December 28, 2015, at theAuditorium of KLC, PCSIR. The seminarwas jointly organized by IPO Pakistan(Intellectual Property Organization ofPakistan) and UNIDO. It was supported bythe EU funded Trade Related TechnicalAssistance (TRTA II) Program.§ Mr. Faisal Ameer, SO, attended the 1stInternational Conference on Life Sciences''Emerging Trends in Biological Sciencesand Genomics'', 2015, jointly organized byA. Q. Khan Institute of the BiotechnologyGenetic Engineering (KIBGE) and M. A. H.Qadri Biological Research Centre, KU,December 28-30, 2015.§ Dr. Omer Mukhtar Tarar (SSO), Dr.Beena Naqvi (SSO), Dr. Zakia Khatoon(SSO), and Nida Saleem (SO) attended the4 days training workshop on “Patent Drafting;Valuation and Licensing”, organized byIntellectual Property Organization of Pakistan(IPO-Pakistan) in cooperation with Ministryof Science & Technology (MoST), HigherEducation Commission (HEC) and with theassistance of the European Union (EU) atPCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi ,December 28-30, 2015.§ Dr. Kaniz Fizza Azhar, Director Generalattended the Convocation of NED University,Karachi, March 10th, 2016.§ Ms. Rubina Saleem, PSO attended ameeting on “Oils & Fats” at PSQCA,Gulistan-e-Jouhar, Karachi, March 29th,2016.§ Director General Dr.Kaniz Fizza Azharand Engr Razia BegumP.E Held meetingwith Brig(R) Nasim A. Khan, SI(M) Osmani& Company & Mohd Babar from Saylaniwelfare regarding visit of Bio gas plant atPCSIR Karachi Lab, March 22, 2016.§ Mr. Muhammad Ejaz, SSO attended“National Training course on ChemicalIndustry Standard”, conducted by videoconferencing facility and via webinartechnology at H.E.J. National Science Centerat ICCBS, University of Karachi. This coursewas jointly organized a series of five webinarsby ICCBS, university of Karachi, SandiaNational Laboratories and CRDF Global,USA, March 7, 11, 12, 17 & 18, 2016.§ Dr. Tahir Rafique (SSO) attended twodays, The 11th International AnalyticalEnvironmental Seminar, organized byNational Center of Excellence in AnalyticalChemistry, University of Sind, Jamshoro.March 7–8th, 2016.§ Dr. Tahir Rafique, (SSO), presented atalk in the seminar Water Challenges &Opportunities for Pakistan held on theoccasion of World Water Day. The title ofthe presentation is “Water Quality Problemand its Management in the Thar Desert”.

This seminar was organized by the dailyRoznama Dunya (A Project of Dunya NewsTV) at Hotel Moven Pick, Karachi, March22nd , 2016.§ Dr. Shahnaz Perveen, PSO hadattended the seminar on “EmergingImportance of Intellectual Property Rightsin Knowledge Society, jointly organized byoffice of Research Graduate Studies, TheAga Khan University and Pakistan Scientificand Technological Information Centre, aunit of Pakistan Science Foundation, March9, 2016.§ All scientists of PRC attended a lecture“Natural product Chemistry: a solution tofind new cures of diseases technique: abrand of biotechnology” by Dr. Abdul HafeezLaghari, Scientific Officer at lecture Hall,PCSIR Laboratories Complex Karachi,March 30th, 2016

PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore

§ Dr. Rauf Ahmad Khan, Head CEPSheld meeting with Mr. Naveed Iqbal, A.Mmaintenance M/s Services Industries Ltd.G.T Road Gujrat on December 06, 2015 todetermine the Carbon Ratio from Ashsample.§ Dr. Rauf Ahmad Khan, Head CEPSheld meeting with Mr. Naveed Ur-Rehman,Deputy Manager, E.H.S M/s Interloop Ltd,Faisalabad for the waste water sample fromInterloop hosiery division II on December14, 2015.§ A meeting was arranged in the committeeroom of LLC regarding the exploitation of theproduct/technology “Bio-fertilizer” amongDr. Quratulain Syed, CSO/Head FBRC,Engr. Irfan Ahmad Rabbani, Director P&D,Dr. M. Nadeem, SSO/FBRC and variousstakeholders to discuss the application/exploitation and way forward of the technologyon December 30, 2015.§ Dr. Rauf Ahmad Khan, Head CEPSheld a meeting with Mr. M. Mustafa DMGprocurement M/s Style Textile (Pvt) Ltd forevaluation of textile dye house water samplon December 07, 2015.§ Dr. Rauf Ahmad Khan, Head CEPS heldmeeting with Mr. Tariq Qurashi, G.M Power,M/s Indus Sugar Mills Ltd, Rajanpur onDecember 12, 2015 to evaluation Bagasse,Ash and Raw Water samples for the projecton Bagasse based cogeneration Plant.§ Dr. Rauf Ahmed Khan, Head CEPSheld a meeting with Mr. Naeem-ul-Sadiq,M/s Al-Fazal Rice Mills, Sheikhupura RoadLahore on November 05, 2015 to discussevaluation of heavy metals and pesticidesresiduals in export quality rice and drinkingwater sample.§ A meeting was arranged in seminarroom of PITMAEM building on September01, 2015. In which a group of CCS officers


f rom d i f fe ren t depar tment wereoriented/introduced services/facilities ofPCSIR Lahore to local industry. Aftermeeting they visited PITMAEM to see theexisting testing facilities in the field ofadvanced engineer ing mater ia ls .§ Dr. Quratulain Syed, CSO/Headattended a meeting with Dr. Waheed Akhtar,Principal Investigator, PU, Lahore, Dr. Ikram-ul Haq, Principal Investigator, GC University,Lahore, Dr. Fahim A. Qureshi, SecretaryTechnical Sub-Committee, CIIT, Mr. AbidMahmood, Chief (P&D), MoST and Mr. TariqSaeed Haider, DEA (P&D), MoST regardingPSDP Project “Production of Bio-energyfrom Plant Biomass” at LLC committee roomdated November 06, 2015.§ Dr. Rauf Ahmad Khan, Head CEPSheld a meeting with Dr. M. Ishfaq,Entomologist Department of PlantProtection, Government of Pakistan, Multanon November 16, 2015 for quality evaluationof collected Citrus, Mandarin (Kinnow)Samples from different localities of SargodhaDistrict Pakistan for pesticides residues andheavy metal Lead.§ Scientists of FBRC attended 37th AllPakistan Food Conference on “Food Safetyand security Challenges in Pakistan”,organized by Pakistan Association for theAdvancement of Science (PAAS) incollaboration with PCSIR LaboratoriesComplex, Lahore on November 16-17, 2015.§ An Indonesian delegate had a meetingwith Dr. Quratulain Syed, CSO/Head, Foodand Biotechnology Research Centre, Engr.Irfan Ahmad Rabbani, CSO/Head, EMTL,Dr. Farzana Bashir, SSO, CEPS and Dr.Rabia Nazir, SSO, ACRC regarding “Therenewal of Pest Free Area of Kinnow Citrusand Registration of Food Safety Labs inPakistan” at LLC Committee Room and alsovisited Aflatoxin Lab, Microbiology Lab, DrugResidue Lab, Pesticide Residue Lab andHeavy Metal Lab November 18, 2015.§ Dr. Ijaz Ahmad, PSO, Food andBiotechnology Research Centre attendedCheese and Exotic Food Festival andInternational Conference “(Opportunitiesand Challenges) in Dairy Industry”Organized by NIFSAT, University ofAgriculture, Faisalabad. November 26-27,2015.§ Dr. Rauf Ahmad Khan, Head CEPSheld meeting with executive from SubDivisional Officer Wan Drainage, Sargodhaon October 14, 2015 for analysis os sixeffluent sample collected from M/s CrystalineChemical Industries and M/s Noon SugarMills (Pvt) Ltd before and after drainage intothe nearby L.B.N drain.§ One day “Training workshop on HalalFoods” was held on Tuesday, September01, 2015 at 9:30 am at PCSIR LaboratoriesComplex, Lahore. This training workshop

was chaired by Justice Khalil-ur Rehman,Dr. Mian Nadeem Riaz, Director-FoodProtein Research and Development TexasUSA delivered lecture regarding Halal Foodsand enlightened the presence of non-Halalingredients present in food.§ A conference on topic entit ledNanoscience & Nanotechnology wasorganized in PINSTECH, Islamabad fromSeptember 8, to September 10, 2015. Thiswas attended by Ms. Sumaira Nosheen andpresented a poster on topic “Synthesis andCharacterization of Polypyrolle andg r a p h e m e / p o l y p y r o l l e / E p o x ynanocompositites”.§ Dr. Naaz Abbas, PSO FBRC attendedInternational Symposium on “Advances inMolecular Biology of Plant & HealthSciences”, organized by Centre ofexcellence in molecular biology, 87-WestCanal Bank Road, Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore.§ Dr. Ijaz Ahmad, PSO, FBRC attendedCheese and Exotic Food Festival andInternational Conference “(Opportunitiesand Challenges) in Dairy Industry” Organizedby NIFSAT, University of Agriculture,Faisalabad on November 26-27, 2015.§ Dr. Naaz Abbas, PSO, FBRC attendeda CEMB Alumni Meeting at Centre ofExcellence in Molecular Biology, Universityof the Punjab, Lahore, 87-West Canal BankRoad, Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore on 01st

January, 2016.§ Dr. Ijaz Ahmad, PSO, FBRC attendeda meeting in the Office of Director Food,Punjab for recommendation to strengthenthe Flour Mills on 16th February, 2016.§ Engr. Muhammad Ir fan, HeadPITMAEM and Engr. Badaruddin Soomro(JE) attended a conference on topic entitled“Pakistan Coating Show (PCS-2016)” from15th January, 2016 to 17th January, 2016organized by Bin Rasheed Company (Pvt.)Ltd., Lahore in Expo Centre, Lahore. In thisseminar Engr. Muhammad Irfan presenteda technical talk on “Nano composite coatingsby Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)technique for Engineering Applications”.§ Engr. Muhammad Ir fan, HeadPITMAEM attended a Convocation ofPakistan Institute of Fashion & Design(PIFD), Lahore organized in Expo CentreLahore on 21st January, 2016.§ PCSIR LLC displayed a stall inConference “Pakistan Coating Show” atExpo Centre, Lahore from 15th January,2016 to 17th January, 2016.§ Ms. Saima Nazir, SSO, FBRC delivereda lecture on “Nutrition-Food & Water” at CivilDefense Academy, Lahore on 01st February,2016.§ Dr. Ijaz Ahmad, PSO/FBRC receivedtraining on “GMP-Good ManufacturingPractices” organized by UNIDO and PCSIR,Lahore at Nishat Hotel, Lahore on 18th

February, 2016.§ Engr. Muhammad Ir fan, HeadPITMAEM and Engr. Badaruddin Soomro(JE), Engr. Ali Imran (JE) and Ms SumeraNosheen (SO) attended a three dayscertified course on ISO 14485 MedicalDevices (QMS) under TRTA II programme,in Javson Hotel, Sialkot, from 22nd February,2016 to 24th February, 2016.§ Dr. Ijaz Ahmad, PSO/FBRC attended“Nutrition Mela & Festival of Flavor &Fitness” conducted at NIFSAT, Universityof Agriculture, Faisalabad on 9th & 10th

March, 2016.§ Engr. Muhammad Ir fan, HeadPITMAEM attended an InaugurationCeremony of Establishment of CommonFacility Centre by PCSIR at SIMAP, Sialkot.The chief guest was Rana Tanveer Hussain,Minister for Science & Technology, 24th

March, 2016.§ “An International Conference on GlobalTrend in safe & healthy Food and LyallpurFood & Poultry Products Festival, Instituteof Home Food Sciences” was organized byGCU, Faisalabad. In which PCSIRparticipated and exhibited stall. Engr. AliImran was deputed to attend and look afterexhibit ion on 7 th-8 th March, 2016.§ Dr. Farzana Bashir, SSO and Dr. KhalidIqbal, SSO attended two days conferenceon “5th invention to innovation Summit:Innovation: Expo to Buy and SellTechnology” at Alrazi hall PU, Lahore on02nd & 3rd March, 2016 with collaborativeeffort of Pakistan Science Foundation &University of the Punjab, Lahore.

PCSIR Laborator ies, Quetta

§ Mrs. Adeela Anwer(SO) Mr. JunaidAhmed (SO) and Miss Hiba Amanat Aliattended One day workshop on “Screeningof abiotic and biotic factors from theenvironment" on November 10, 2015”arranged and organized by Institute ofBiochemistry, University of Balochistan,Quetta.§ Mrs. Adeela Anwer (SO), Mrs. HumaAyub (SO) and Miss Hiba Amanat Ali (SO) attended One day consultative workshop on “Policies for creating enablingenvironment for encouraging problemsolving research” organized by Office ofResearch Innovation and Commercialization(ORIC) in collaboration with institute ofBiochemistry University of Balochistan.§ Six scientists / Engineers have attendedthe “International Conference on HalalFoods Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics” Jointlyorganized by FPCCI, Karachi, Pakistan &Islamic Food & Nutrition Council of America(IFANCA), held on Thursday, February 18,2016, at Federation of Pakistan Chamberof Commerce and Industry, Clifton, Karachi.




PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi

§ Dr. Zahra Yaqeen supervised Mr.Shahid Waheed (Ph.D student) fromDepartment of Food Science & TechnologyUniversity of Karachi for “Botanical Extractas natural antioxidant and antimicrobialsubstitute in feed and their effects on growthand carcass quality of broiler chicken”.§ Dr. Zahra Yaqeen supervised SyedNasir Asghar (Ph.D student) of BaqaiInstitute of Pharmaceutical Science for“Evaluation of antiemetic Activity of Menthaspicata, Mentha piperta and its comparisonwith allopathic drugs”.§ Dr. Zahra Yaqeen supervised threestudents of M.Sc (Final Year) fromDepartment of Biochemistry, University ofKarachi.§ Dr. Shahnaz Perveen supervisedMahwish Manzoor (Ph.D student) fromDepartment of Chemistry, University ofKarachi for “Microwave-assisted synthesisand bioactive evaluation of N-phenylantharanilic acid, acridone and acridinederivatives”.§ Dr. Shahnaz Perveen supervisedSumbul Ahmad (Ph.D student) ofDepartment of Chemistry, University ofKarachi for “Synthesis of dithin, disoimidesand hydantoin analogs in search of potentialtherapeutic agents”.§ Dr. Shahnaz Perveen supervisedNawab Sher (Ph.D student) of Departmentof Chemistry, University of Karachi for“Investigation on carbamate relatedcompounds”.§ Mr. Aijaz Muhammad (SSO) fromPlastic & Polymer section is supervisingMiss. Sabila Anjum M. Sc. final yearresearch project entitled “Compositesprepared from marble waste/silica andEPDM/NBR blends” , Department ofChemistry, University of Karachi.§ Mr. Aijaz Muhammad, SSO from Plastic& Polymer section is supervising Miss.Marvi Buksh M. Sc. final year researchproject entitled “Investigating on CRcompatibilized marble waste/silicacontaining EPDM/NBR blends” ,Department of Chemistry, University ofKarachi.§ Dr. Sofia K. Alvi, SSO, supervised Ms.Shagufta a Ph.D. scholar, Department ofZoology, University of Karachi.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Lahore

§ 116 students of M. Phil., M.Sc. and B.Sc. from different educational institutions

are being guided for completion of theirresearch work on different topics at differentcenters of LLC during July, 2015 toDecember, 2015.

PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawer

§ Dr. Inayat ur Rahman, PSO hasevaluated M. Phil research thesis of Mr.Fahimullah from Department of Chemistry,University of Science & Technology, Kohat.§ All the facilities available in laboratorieshave been given to Research Scholars ofM.S./M.Phil./Ph.D. from University ofPeshawar, Islamia College Peshawar, KPKAgricultural University, Peshawar, KohatUniversity, Quaid-e-Azam University, SarhadUniversity, Hazara University, Mansehra,University of Engineering & Technology,Peshawar.

PCSIR Laborator ies, Quetta

§ Mr. Sharif Jamali, Mr. Araz Muhammadand Mr. Jamal Abdul Nasir, MuhammadWakeel and Mr. Sohail Shehzad studentsof BS Chemical Engineering fromBalochistan University of InformationTechnology, Engineering and ManagementSciences (BUITEMS), Quetta were facilitatedto perform and accomplish their final yearresearch work titled “Study on calorific valueof rice husk, wheat bran and sugarcanebagasse for utilization in thermal powergeneration sector” Mr. Habibullah Sumalani(SO) and Mr. Khurram Shehzad Buzdar(SO) supervised the work.§ Mr. waqas Saeed, Mr. Siraj, Mr. IrfanAli and Mr. Adnan Ali students of BSChemical Engineering from BUITEMSQuetta have been facilitated to perform andaccomplish their final year research worktitled “Comparative study of NaturalCoagulant Moringa Oleifera and AlmondShell on synthetic turbid water for removalof turbidity” at PCSIR Laboratories Quetta.Mrs. Adeela Anwar (SO), Miss Hiba AmanatAli (SO) Mr. Junaid Ahmed (SO) and MrsHuma Ayub (SO) supervised them§ Mr. Hashim, and Mr Laqman studentsof BS Chemical Engineering, BUITEMSwere supervised for their final year researchwork titled” Desalination of water using solarEnergy”at PCSIR Laboratories Quetta. Mrs.Adeela Anwar (SO), Miss Hiba Amanat Ali(SO) and Mrs Huma Ayub (SO) supervisedthem.§ Mr. Ibrar Zahid student of BS ChemicalEngineering from BUITEMS Quetta wasfacilitated to carry out their final year researchwork titled “Municipal Wastewater TreatmentUsing Rice Husk and Kikar Charcoal asActivated Carbon” at PCSIR LaboratoriesQuetta. Mrs. Adeela Anwar (SO), Miss Hiba

Amanat Ali (SO) Mr. Junaid Ahmed (SO) MrKhurram Shehzad Buzdar (SO) and MrsHuma Ayub (SO) supervised him.§ Mr. Ali Denial, Mr. Arsalan Ahmed andMr. Asadullah, students of BS ChemicalEngineering from BUITEMS Quetta werefacilitated to carry out their final year researchwork titled “Microbial Desulfurization of coalof Balochistan by Pseudomonas sp” atPCSIR Laboratories Quetta. Mr. JunaidAhmed (SO), Mr Habibullah Sumalani (SO)and Mr Khurram Shehzad Buzdar (SO)supervised and facilitated them in theirresearch work.

InternshipPCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi

§ Fifteen (15) days internship trainingwas imparted to four students of Universityof Karachi, Ref. No. Trn-6524,6525, 6526,6527/2015.§ Internship provided to the B. E. Studentsof Department of Chemical Engineering &Technology, Dawood University ofEngineering & Technology, Karachi on SolarThermal Devices.

PCSIR Laboratories, Hyderabad

§ 02 numbers Students from Departmentof Environmental Engineering andManagement, Mehran University ofEngineering & Technology Jamshorocompleted their Internship on RuralDevelopment Technology at PCSIRLaboratories Hyderabad.§ Internship provide to a group of 05number Students of Institute of FoodSciences & Technology, Sindh AgricultureUniversity Tandojam on Rural DevelopmentTechnology.

Mr. Gulzar Hussain Jhatial, Director FRC, Karachiand Chinese visitors at Thar


Awareness seminar onIntellectual Property at KLC

A four days National Intellectual Property(IP) awareness seminar jointly organizedby IPO Pakistan, UNIDO, HEC and MoSTwas held in PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi from December 28-31, 2015. Thisseminar/training was conducted by panelof International and National experts andprovided awareness about Patent drafting,Valuation and Licensing. Dr. Shahzad Alam,Chairman, PCSIR, Engr. Dr. S. Naimat AliRizvi, Member (Technology), PCSIR, Dr. S.Shahid Hussain, Executive Director, MoST,Mr. Tanveer A. Khan, Director (Marketing),PCSIR Head Office, Islamabad, Dr. KanizFizza Azhar, Director General, PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Karachi, SeniorScientists of KLC and a number ofparticipants attended the seminar.

Director SIC attendedHEC meeting

Dr. Muhammad Yaqub, Director ScientificInformation Centre (SIC) attended a meetingfor the evaluation/recognition of NaturalScience Journals from Quality AssuranceDivision, Higher Education Commission(QAD, HEC) Islamabad on December 30,2015. Sixteen participants from differentorganizations from all over the country wereinvited to present the quality and progress oftheir journals. Dr. Yaqub gave a presentationabout Pakistan Journal of Scientific andIndustrial Research (PJSIR) to HEC.

BoM meeting held at FRC

The meeting of Board of Management (BoM)of PCSIR Fuel Research Centre was heldon December 16, 2015 at FRC. The

As a result of deligent efforts made forcommerc ia l izat ion of products /technologies developed by scientists/technologists and commercilaization teamof PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawar, an agreement has been signedbetween PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawar and M/S Trans-continentalPharma, Peshawar on November 5, 2015for non exclusive License of producingan R&D product " Polymucil" developedby PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Peshawar.

Officials of PCSIR Labs. Complex, Peshawar and M/s. Trans-continental Pharma during theagreement ceremony of the product Polymucil.

Technology Transfer agreementbetween PLC and

Trans-continental Pharma

members from industries, private sectorsand academia were participated in themeeting. The meeting was presided overby the Director FRC Mr. Gulzar HussainJhatial. The members of Board suggestedthat FRC should endeavor in the field ofmarketing to adopt modern scientificmarketing techniques to make deep impacton end users so they get aware with benefitsof R&D conducted by FRC in different fields.The efforts of FRC staff were highlyappreciated by the members.

Two MoUs signed at LLC

Two Memorandum of Understandings(MoUs) were signed at PCSIR LaboratoriesComplex, Lahore. First MoU was signedwith M/s Global Alliance for improvednutrition regarding to support fortification ofstaple food for addressing minerals andvitamins deficiencies in Pakistan onNovember 11, 2015. Another MoU withElectronic Engineering University of Serbiafor collaboration in R&D and scientificresearch exchange programme onNovember 30, 2015.

BoM meeting held at KLC

The Board of Management (BoM) meetingwas held in PCSIR Labs. Complex Karachion December 22, 2015. Professor Dr.Muhammad Iqbal Chaudhry Director,Hussain Ebrahim Jamal (HEJ), ResearchInstitute of Chemistry, University of Karachi,Dr. Abid Husnain, Chairman, Departmentof Food Science & Technology, Universityof Karachi, Mr. Zubair Riaz, Member, FPCCI,Karachi, Dr. Kaniz Fizza Azhar, DirectorGeneral, PCSIR Labs. Complex, Karachi,Dr. Khalid Jamil, Director (P&D), KLC andSenior Scientists attended the meeting.

Director of Fuel Research Centre Mr. GulzarHussain Jhatial, Scientists of FRC and membersof Board of Management during the BoM meetingat FRC.

Focus Group meetingheld at KPKCCI

The commercialization cell, Ministry ofScience and Technology and PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Peshawar organizeda Focus group meeting with representativesof food industries of Peshawar, Mardan andNowshera in collaboration with KhyberPakhtunkhwa Chamber of Commerce andIndustries (KPKCCI). The meeting was heldon September 15, 2015 at PakhtunkhwaChamber of Commerce and Industries andpresided over by Dr. S. Shahid Hussain,Executive Director, Commercialization CellMoST.

Dr. Shahid Hussain Executive DirectorCommercialization cell MoST presided the Focusgroup meeting at KPKCCI.

News Brief


P - 5

P - 3 P - 9 P - 12


P - 23PSTC Alumnis Donate Machines

NA Committee visited PCSIR HO Papers Published

Technology Transfer AgreementP - 10

P - 11 P - 23

Inauguration-Common Facility Centre

PCSIR & IFANCA Conference News Briefs

R&D Activities

P - 7Academic Achievements of PSTC

Compiled and edited by: Dr. Muhammad Yaqub (Director) and Miss Seema Iqbal (Senior Scientific Officer)Assistant Editor: S.M.Ziaur Rahman; Designed by: Mansoor Ghani; Composed by: Imdadullah Khan

July 2016

P - 2 P - 11Chairman visit RCCI Chairman Distributed Promotion LetterP - 9Meeting of Heads of S&T Organization

The 31st meeting of the PCSIR Council washeld under the chairmanship of Dr. ShahzadAlam, Chairman PCSIR on January 14, 2016.The Council reviewed and approved theRevised Budget Estimates of PCSIR for theyear 2015-16 and Budget Estimates for theFinancial Year 2016-17 under Non-Develop-ment grant. The inadequate allocations undermedical, employees related expenditure,pension and utilities especially remained themain focus of the meeting. While agreeing to

PCSIR Council approves Draft Financial Rulesand Revised Budget Estimates

KLC Scientist receivesPCST award

Dr. Shahnaz Perveen, Principal ScientificOfficer of PCSIR Laboratories Complex,Karachi has received Research ProductivityAward in category B from Pakistan Councilfor Science & Technology (PCST), Ministryof Science and Technology (MoST),Government of Pakistan.

Chairman PCSIRVisited KLC

Dr. Shahzad Alam, Chairman PCSIR visitedPCSIR Laboratories Complex, Karachi onFebruary 29, 2016 along with Mr. KhalidSiddique, JTA Ministry of Science andTechnology, Mr. Choudhary MuhammadSaleem, Member Finance and Dr. SyedNaimat Ali Rizvi, Ex-Member Technology,PCSIR. They held meeting with the DirectorGeneral Dr. Kaniz Fizza Azhar and SeniorScientists of KLC and discussed variousscientific and technical issues.

PCSIR Laboratories Quetta is providinganalytical services to Provincial DisasterManagement Authority (PDMA) Balochistan,to evaluate the nutritional qualities andsuitability of the relieved food items for humanconsumption that are stored in the warehouses of PDMA present in various districtsof Baluchistan. The food items evaluatedare rice, tea, various pulses, noodles andsalts. Services of PCSIR Labs. will beextended to other relief food items also.

Quetta Laboratories provideservices to PDMA

PCSIR Signed Memorandum of Understandingwith Engro Foods Limited

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)was signed between PCSIR & M/s EngroFoods Limited (EFL) on January 13, 2016in a ceremony held at PCSIR head Office,Islamabad. Dr. Shahzad Alam, ChairmanPCSIR & Mr. Babur Sultan, CEO, M/s EFLendorsed their signatures on the document.

Under the scope of the MoU, M/s EFL willprovide funding to PCSIR for Need BasedR&D Projects, Quality Testing/ Assuranceof their Dairy Products and to help inCertifications Systems, Accreditations andCalibration of Laboratory Equipment/Glasswares.

At this occasion, Mr. Babur Sultanappreciated the activities of PCSIR andassured his best possible cooperation to

identify the further areas of mutualcooperation.

Dr. Shahzad Alam Chairman PCSIR and Mr.Babur Sultan CEO M/s EFL signing MoU atPCSIR Head Office

all the demands of PCSIR for submission toMoST/ Finance Division, the Council alsorecommended to request for a lump sumEndowment grant of Rs.02.00 billion fromFinance Division which will in turn provideadequate fiscal relief to the starving R&Dactivities. Further, the Council also un-animously approved the Draft Financial Rulesof PCSIR for onwards submission to Ministryof Science & Technology for seeking approvalof Finance Division, Government of Pakistan.

PCSIR collaborateswith UoA

The Microbiology Laboratory of PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Karachi has providedtraining on the isolation and identificationof bacteria and yeasts from different waterand soil samples collected from heavilycontaminated ship breaking yard of GaddaniBeach to a student from Faculty of MarineSciences, University of Agriculture (UoA)Uthal Balochistan. This collaboration is beingdone under the Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) signed by the twoorganizations.

Engr. Mr. Maqsood Ahmed Shaikh, DirectorHyderabad Laboratories presenting theachievement report to Dr. Shahzad Alam,Chairman PCSIR about development of ParabolicSolar Cooker.

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