pd day

Post on 14-Jul-2015






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Not just for Starfleet Academy Anymore……

The students in 21st century classrooms need a myriad of skills to enter the global workforce. Keyboarding, project presentation, knowledge of how to use a technological device with ease and comfort, and understanding copyright infringement rules in the creative process are all part of the new employer wish list in prospective employees.

According to the 21st Century Workforce Commission National Alliance of Business..

“The current and future health of America’s 21st Century Economy depends directly on how broadly and deeply Americans reach a new level of literacy

… 21st century literacy… that includes strong academic skills, thinking, reasoning, teamwork skills, and proficiency using in using technology.”

Terms coined in recent years: digital natives and digital immigrants. Generations born with technology and adults who have had to learn it.

PBS featureFRONTLINE: Digital Nation…life on the virtual frontier

Statistics: 89% of 18-24 year old Americans online Ages 12-18 spend 4.5 hours day viewing media 82% of school age children media “multi-task” while doing homework

Factories that produce products in mass quantities run on automated systems. Knowledge of operating computerized machinery is a must.

Much of the business world has gone to webinars, training videos, and online progress monitoring. Information needs to be synthesized quickly and effectively for optimum performance.

The medical field relies on accessing information quickly and being able to cross reference records on databases.

Handwriting in cursive, calligraphy, and legibility vs. Ability to type well on keyboards or keypads, copy and

paste, and use office programs to create documents


Workbooks, worksheets, and traditional books vs.Paperless online assignments, tests, and e-books including

text to speech features

Interactive screen allows students to see, touch, and hear lessons.

Websites with flash animation, write on blanks, or the SMART Notebook have touch and drag capability

The large screen reaches a wider audience and often engages attention more so then a lecture type lesson


when will school be over.

YEA !!!!! I’m so excited to learn today…….

Student Centers for Interactive Reading or Math Activities. A small group of 4 can manage this with training.

Games that emphasize a core subject can be played by 1-2 students at the computer and interacted with by the class on the Smart Board.

Instructional videos that have a sidebar option for note taking, important points and class discussion

Large audience display in digital art and student created videos or collaborative projects for peer review

Uploaded power point presentations, videos, and other digital media creations can be shared school wide online.

Discuss Your favorite Smart Board tools with group


<- Wordle

Word Collage

Prezi ->

Graphic Organizer


K-2 phonics and math


Online resource for k-12 Smart Board lessons

<- Zac Zone Browser

Search engine specifically for special needs students

DO2Learn - >

Resource for special needs students with high interest materials

What are your favorite apps to use…


How can it be applied in the classroom?

An all in one device… internet, e-reader, and educational apps.

Touch screen technology allows students to tap,

drag, write, type and scroll with fingertips

Portable and light, IPAD’s can go anywhere. Learning can take place throughout the school grounds

IPADs can be connected to a Smart board ( through an HDMI cable)

Convenient and portable for learning anywhere

Work online or off


E - Readers

Angry Birds------>

He he he he

< ---- Camera feature…Digital stories… For writing“ My summer vacation”

Learning management systems personalized for individual needs on IPADS - > SCHOOLOGY

Ability to sync with calendars and internet resources at teacher discretion- TEST reminders !!!

Students can collaborate through texts, pictures, and email for assignments without interrupting class as a whole.

Assimilation of information through listening to personal choice of music to stimulate the brain while working

<- sync to school and class calendars

Exchange information for assignments without disruption ->

Technology in the classroom can :

1. Expedite lessons, 2. Address all learners needs 3. Engage students and create enthusiasm 4. Be part of the create process 5. Enable students to be better prepared for jobs

and careers in the 21st century


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