pdf about propecia and minoxidil (second intro video of ... transcripts/pdf about propecia...

Post on 24-Feb-2018






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Pdf about Propecia and Minoxidil

(second intro video of the Full Program of Endhairloss.eu)

In this pdf you can have the proof of what has been said during the first part of the

second intro video about the side effects of Propecia.

Visit this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride

In the first line it says that “Finasteride (brand names Proscar and Propecia by

Merck, among other generic names) is a synthetic type-2 5α-reductase inhibitor.

This enzyme converts testosterone into di-hydro testosterone (DHT).

Then there is other info that you can just read for yourself if you want.

Let's go down to the section”Sexual Side Effects”.

“There are case reports of persistent diminished libido or erectile dysfunction, even

after stopping the drug.

In December 2008, the Swedish Medical Products agency concluded a safety

investigation of finasteride and advised that finasteride may cause irreversible

sexual dysfunction.

The Agency's updated safety information lists difficulty in obtaining an erection that

persists indefinitely, even after the discontinuation of finasteride, as a possible side

effect of the drug.

The UK's Medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) cites

reports of erectile dysfunction that persists once use of finasteride has stopped.

Similar labelling changes have been made by the Italian government.”

Further down, in the section “anxiety and depression,” it says that its use it even

“been associated with depression and anxiety in both men and women in at least

several reports in the medical literature”


If then we scroll down to the section of external links, and we click on the link of the Propecia official website:


Once there click on Prescribing & Patient Product Information and you will land on this page:


and then finally on the Patient Product Information, which will open this pdf:



which, as you can see it’s an official document.

We can read, scrolling down to the section of “What are the possible side effects of PROPECIA?,” a full list of the side effects of the drug:

The most common side effects of PROPECIA include:

• Decrease in sex drive • Trouble getting or keeping an erection

• A decrease in the amount of semen

And the list goes on and on…

Below you can see the actual screenshot of this document, which I am reporting here, because links from the internet can disappear any time:


So this is what you can expect if you are on this drug.

Oh, I just want to remind you that, “if its use is discontinued, any therapeutic

benefits reverse within about 6-8 months”, as you can read here in the section “Medical uses” of the Finasteride official Wikipedia page.

The other main product used to stop hair loss today is Minoxidil.

If we just visit very briefly the official Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil dedicated to this product, we can read in the first line that “Minoxidil” is an anti-hyper tensive vasodilator medication which also

slows or stops hair loss and promotes hair regrowth ”but“, when the medication is discontinued, the hair loss will return to normal rate within 30 to 60 days”.

Here we go back to the fact that you have to kind of become a slave of a pill, if you want the benefits you may have gotten using it, to persist.

This means that you have to use it all your life, and honestly it doesn’t sound to me

like a good solution at all considering the sooner or later you will have to discontinue its use, because of its side effects.

“Minoxidil side effects are not so bad like the ones of propecia, but one can still experience, burning or irritation of the eye, itching, redness or irritation at the

treated area, as well as unwanted hair growth elsewhere on the body,” and I know girls won't be happy hearing that..

Users should stop treatment and seek medical attention right away if they experience any of the following serious side effects: severe allergic reactions

including rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, chest pain, dizziness, fainting, fast heartbeat,

sudden, unexplained weight gain, swollen hands or feet as you can read in the section “side effects”.

“DHT has been shown to be deactivated in skeletal muscle through the actions of 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase..”

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3ADihydrotestosterone

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