the worldshare platform: app-sharing at webscale … world’s libraries. connected. the worldshare...

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The world’s libraries. Connected.

The WorldShare Platform: App-Sharing at Webscale ALA Annual 2012

Kathryn Harnish Product Manager, WorldShare Platform

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Library systems: behind bars

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Data: locked up!

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Innovation: locked up!

The world’s libraries. Connected.

• Providing “raw materials” needed to build and enhance products and services via platforms

• Embracing external use of those platforms to create innovation

• Building communities and encouraging platform participation in creative ways

Recognizing the value of opening up…

The world’s libraries. Connected.

A move to platform solutions…

The world’s libraries. Connected.

What is a platform, anyway?

Phil Simon, technology consultant and author, “The Age of the Platform”

A platform [is]…an extremely valuable and powerful ecosystem that quickly and easily scales, morphs, and incorporates new features, users, customers, vendors, and partners. The most vibrant platforms embrace third-party collaboration…to foster symbiotic and mutually-beneficial relationships.

The world’s libraries. Connected.

• Scalable – “the single most important attribute of a platform is its ability to easily incorporate more”

• Heavy reliance on data and technology

• Tolerance, openness, and fairness toward partners • “Through collaboration, everyone wins.”

• Passionate users participating in innovative ways

• Borrowing/reusing/synthesizing what others have done

• “Coopetition”

Simon’s platform characteristics

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Dimensions of the platform age Attributes Pre-Platform Age Platform Age Ecosystems Stable. Primarily comprising

relatively few arms-length resellers and strategic partners.

Vibrant, robust, dynamic. Comprising individual developers and small partners. Partnerships and communities quickly form, change, and dissolve.

Collaboration “We’ll buy you or we’ll crush you.” Fixed pie. Competition-based.

“We want to work with you.” Grow the pie together. Cooperation-based.

Technology Mostly closed source or proprietary, sometimes available via expensive licensing.

Mostly open source and less proprietary. Often takes form of a free development kit or an API.

Innovation Top down. Internal or via acquisition. Usually slow.

Bottom up. External or partner-based or –assisted. Much faster.

Source: Phil Simon, The Age of the Platform

The world’s libraries. Connected.

The rise of the platform


2006 2008


Scalable technology for social activity

Facebook API

Facebook Platform and FBML

E-commerce and Microsites

Facebook Connect

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Platforms: The Facebook example

Facebook provides a scalable infrastructure through which the online community can share information.

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Apps on the Facebook platform

Using Facebook’s service-oriented architecture, the online community can build and consume apps through the site.

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Extending the Facebook platform

Spotify leverages the Facebook platform – I can see friends’ lists, comment back to my profile, and take advantage of ubiquitous authentication.

The world’s libraries. Connected.

The rise of the platform at OCLC


2000 2008


Cooperative cataloging

Integration with ILLiad

Developer Network WorldCat Search API

“Webscale” Management Services

WorldShare Platform

The world’s libraries. Connected.

The OCLC platform strategy

App Gallery

Platform Management



Web Services

Library Built Partner Built OCLC Built

The world’s libraries. Connected.

• The WorldShare Platform leverages OCLC’s infrastructure to deliver an externalized integration environment

• Exposes a suite of business- and data-level Web services for use by libraries and other industry partners, beginning with WorldShare Management Services

• Creates opportunities for collaborative innovation, making it possible to transform the relationships between libraries, their data, and their systems

OCLC WorldShare Platform

The world’s libraries. Connected.

What is the WorldShare Platform?

A developer “toolbox”, with Web service documentation, testing sandbox, and other resources necessary to build applications.

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Platform Service Catalog

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Developer’s Platform Workspace

The world’s libraries. Connected.

What is the WorldShare Platform?

An “App Gallery” to support sharing apps across libraries…and allow “single click” installation for even non-technical users.

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Sharing apps via the Platform Gallery

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Locating an app of interest

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Click-to-Install apps – easy for everyone!

The world’s libraries. Connected.

What is the WorldShare Platform?

A place to facilitate collaborative

innovation through online forums,

mashathons, etc.

The world’s libraries. Connected.

• Platform launched in December 2011

• Wide variety of Web services – bibliographic, item, acquisitions, and more – available, with more coming soon!

• Developers learning about the platform and OCLC Web services at mashathons

• Cool things are already being created…

The Platform today…

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Cool thing #1: New York Times Bestseller App…

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Cool thing #1: New York Times Bestseller App…

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Cool thing #1: New York Times Bestseller App…

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Cool thing #2: Find your library holdings for Netflix DVDs…

Developed by Karen Coombs, OCLC

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Cool thing #3: Find materials and get citations in Facebook

Developed by OCLC’s Office of Research

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Cool thing #4: Find materials about your current location…

Developed by Ed Summers, Library of Congress

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Cool thing #5: Direct users from “computer to shelf”…

Developed by Andrea Schurr, University of Tennessee Chattanooga

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Cool thing #5: Direct users from “computer to shelf”…

Developed by Andrea Schurr, University of Tennessee Chattanooga

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Cool thing #6: Mobile self-check app

Developed by George Campbell, Freelance Mobile App Developer

WMS API End Points • • •


Droid or iPhone

• Scan item bar code and check it in • Scan patron and item bar code and check it out • Scan patron and item bar code and reserve it • Retrieve a branch’s pull list • Check in pull list items

The world’s libraries. Connected.

The WorldShare Platform developer experience • Clearly documented APIs, code libraries, test

environments, and more • Consistency

• Standard query syntax and parameters which can be used to interact with all Web services

• Documented data output, including standard fields to be included • Content negotiation for different media types

• Stability and reliability • Documented SLAs for Web services • Monitoring tools • Versioning

The world’s libraries. Connected.

What we’ve learned with the WorldShare Platform…so far! • Services need to be designed with a variety of stakeholders

in mind • Include external developer use cases when planning for service


• Write services are hard! • OCLC on the cutting edge in terms of exposing write services to

external developers

• Authentication – necessary, but with a higher developer cost

• Policy (internal and external) often harder than technology • E.g., terms & conditions

The world’s libraries. Connected.

What we’ve learned with the WorldShare Platform…so far! • Too many barriers limit adoption of Web services

• Test accounts available to anyone

• Provide support for coders-in-training

• Develop code libraries and sample code

• Openness and third-party collaboration is essential • Coopetition and service neutrality

• It’s about community • “Open APIs…bring together like-minded individuals who often

share surprisingly similar goals.” (Phil Simon)

• Encourage experimentation and “small bets”

The world’s libraries. Connected.

Future opportunities with the Platform

WorldShare Platform

Exchange check

requests with ERP

Support fine/fee payment

with PayPal

Provide real-time budget

info in selector environments

Automate patron

notification calls with Skype

Embed analytics data in


Integrate with

course mgmt


The world’s libraries. Connected.

Kathryn Harnish

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