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1 Big List Module 1 - Step Up and Lead

© Christian Mickelsen & Future Force, Inc.

Christian: Welcome to Big List Everybody. My name is Christian Mickelsen and I'm going to lead you through building a massive email list of fans, followers and friends that quickly fill up every coaching or training program you offer. And I'm sure everybody already knows me by now but I'll just tell you I started off as a coaching client many years ago. Coaching changed my life so much that I thought maybe I should become a coach myself. I did.

I struggled for many years to grow my business, eventually cracked the code on how to get clients, where to find clients, how to signup clients, and also how to build a big email list. Eventually I was hired by a handful of other coaches to help them grow their business. I was able to help 4 out of 5 the coaches that hired me I was able to help them grow their business to over $100,000 a year within 18 months and one of them did it within 90 days. And that's when I realized that all the things I learned through trial and error and learned the hard way I could share with other people and they could take off and have much faster success than I did.

So about 50 years ago I decided to dedicate my life to helping coaches, get clients, and really to help spread coaching all around the world my mission is to get everyone coached. My mantra is People need our help let's get people coached. The Big List Program is probably one of the few programs I offer that translate well to most any other business. So if you're not even a coach but you just want to grow a Big List then you're in the right place as well because having a big email list help you any business.

With me today is actually one of my star students. His name is Mamoon and we met initially when I did my first big launch for Free Sessions that Sell 5.0 I think at the end of 2009. I think that's when it was. Was that when you joined?

Mamoon: Yeah Free Sessions that Sell 5.0.

Christian: And Mamoon became one of our star students right out of the gate. He got 20 new clients in his first month in our program and has really just been on a tier every since. He's created successful info product and he's grown his own list over 10,000 people in 18 months. So congratulations Mamoon. And now Mamoon joined my team and he's the coach for me and does a bunch of other things. He also helps me out with copywriting, he's part of our strategy team. So he's a super inner growth to our business and this is our first time kind of co-leading a program together. So I'd say hey let's give Mamoon a nice warm welcome to our program here. And I'm going to assume everybody's like clapping and cheering, but we've got everybody muted so we can't hear but we appreciate it.

Mamoon: Thank you.

Christian: So first I want to just congratulate you on stepping up. Not everybody signed up for Big List, not everybody decided to play big, a lot of people decided to stay small. So those of

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© Christian Mickelsen & Future Force, Inc.

you who did decide to step up congratulations on stepping up. I think anybody who does invest in themselves, invest in their business and then has a big vision and really wants to make a difference in the world to this special breed of person. And I commend you on being that kind of a person, being the kind of person that cares about other people, being the kind of person who wants to contribute.

Now this program is going to help you get clients. You're a coach and you want clients this program is going to help you do it. This program will help you sell coaching and training programs. The program is going to help you find or refine your tribe/niche. This program will help you make a list building machine, it will help you gather up subscribers, create raving fans, and make big money with your list. So here we are in Module Number 1. I'm trying to figure out where to put this because I didn't put it in my PowerPoint, but it's something that's integral to the program. I think we're going to save it to the end. So yeah we'll save that part for the end. It's a surprise that you'll love so stay tuned a little teaser for you.


The program overall is five modules and we're going to release that over six weeks. Module 1 is Step up and Lead. Module 2 is Make Your List Building Machine. Module 3 is Gather up Subscribers, Module 4 is Gone with Your List and Module 5 is Monetize Your List, Make Money from Your List. So today is all about Module 1 which is Stepping Up and Leading and so today we're going to talk about how to find or refine your tribe, how to become a leader, how to master your mindset, and really how to master your mind and emotions, and also $1 million dollar business branding. So this is what we're covering in Module 1.

Now we also have the bonus program Make Your Web site in Less Than a Day and that's something you can start working on even before Module 2. Module 2 we'll talk about how to setup the Web site a little bit but even more we're going to talk about how to create killer giveaways that attract subscribers like a magnet and also how to write marketing copy so that when you have that amazing giveaway that you also have a great way of describing it that's very enticing. So those are things that we'll be covering next week.

Okay so Step Up and Lead. Who are you suppose to lead? Now a lot of people struggle with it and if you have a niche market already and you think you're really all set with that and you're all fine and dandy that's okay. I could say "Hey, you know just hang in there and ignore this stuff so we can get to the other part." But I actually think that most people, even people who think they have a great niche, there's room to refine it. Even my own niche I've considered refining in different ways.

3 Big List Module 1 - Step Up and Lead

© Christian Mickelsen & Future Force, Inc.

When I work with coaches I'm one of very few people who people with big list market specifically to coaches. Most people market broader than just coaches, business professionals all kinds of different or just even small business owners, and I focus specifically on coaches. But I thought about going even narrower myself, maybe just working with just specifically business coaches or separate little narrow niche market for each different type of coaching that there is. So there's ways to go even deeper that you might consider that could help you even more.

So one of the biggest challenges people have with picking their niche is thinking that your niche is something inside of you that you were born to help people with. And in some cases that may be true. So if you know you were born to work with a group of people then hallelujah, but for the rest of us it may not be worked that way. And a lot of us wonder if there's one perfect niche market or tribe for you and then some people are why do I even need a niche market anyway?

Tony Robbins is really successful and he just focuses on general personal growth he doesn't have a niche like money or health or whatever he does everything. So why do we need one? Or there are other few successful authors that are just sort of general personal growth stuff. How come they're successful when we're not? Or why can't we just model them? And the truth is that when you're first to market and you define a category like Tony Robbins did, then there's some room to just be setup in that way and be successful. And not to say that no one could ever be successful kind of modeling that because certainly there have been other people who have modeled that but I think the fastest way to success and the shortcut to success is to pick a niche market.

So one of the things I do with my live events, right after lunch I'll say, hey who here is hungry or who would like some food? Raise your hand if you'd like some food. And I might get one or two people that want food maybe they missed lunch or just didn't get enough to eat. And then I'll say raise your hand if you'd like some dessert and then maybe 5% to 15% of the audience might raise their hand saying they want dessert. And then I'll say raise your hand if you'd like a dark chocolate covered strawberry. And then like 85% of the room is raising their hand with some of the people like jumping out of their seats wanting to get a dark chocolate covered strawberry.

So the difference between having a niche and not having a niche is just being specific. So why is a chocolate covered strawberry is dessert and a chocolate covered is food right. So when you just say food it's not as enticing as when you say chocolate covered strawberry. And when you say dessert it's not as enticing as when you say chocolate covered strawberry. And that's why I don't buy it as a coach if you say I'll help you achieve all your goals or I'll help you get from Point A to Point B or I'll help you go from where you are to where you want to be. That's very general.

The way I help women find their soul mate it's much more specific. I help men find a woman of their dreams much more specific. I help women lose all the weight they want and keep it off

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forever. Very specific and when people hear specifics, and I said 85% of people in the audience wanted a chocolate covered strawberry the other 15% didn't want a chocolate covered strawberry, maybe they don't like chocolate covered strawberries, maybe they just ate way too much for that moment and there wasn't even room for anymore dessert or anything. But when you try to appeal to everybody by being really vague and general you become as attractive as saying "Hey, do you want food?" When you become really specific you become as attractive as chocolate covered strawberries. That's why you need a niche. You need a niche so that everybody starts raising their hand and jumping out of their seat, maybe not everybody but the people who are interested will raise their hands and jump out of their seat.

So the truth is as coaches we can help anyone change anything. Some of us have amazingly powerful techniques helping people make changes. And that's one of the things I'll be sharing with you on today's call is how to master your mind and emotions. I'll be sharing one of my favorite most powerful techniques for overcoming fears and things that keep you from moving forward and taking action, so sharing a lot of my most powerful techniques with all of you guys today because we all get stopped by stuff. So the truth is many of us coaches already have really powerful techniques and we get really excited about it, but people don't buy techniques they buy results and when you talk about one specific result you become much more attractive.


So how do you pick a tribe or a market that a group of people could lead? It's about taking down a stewardship role over people, it's about leading people to their promise land whatever that might be, leading people to sin, leading people to love, leading people to happy, well-behaved children in household, getting people to hire sells, leading people to growing their business, leading people to whatever changes that they want. But what are you interested in? Are you interested in learning how to grow your business? Are you interested in love? Are you interested in relationships? Are you interested in health? What area are you already interested in? And also where do you have experience. So if you already have some background in sells so maybe you could lead a tribe of sales professionals. And the ultimate is what seems to be calling you.

Now I use to have a dilemma personally because I was a business coach for several years but I felt called to be a spiritual coach and I felt torn about that. And so one day I had an epiphany and that was that I didn't need to – spirituality can be infused into any topic and since I'm already good at business stuff why don't I just be spiritual instead of needing to teach spiritual. To be spiritual and let it ooze out through everything I teach without ramming any sort of doctrine down anyone's throat or anything or course. But a lot of personal growth stuff just oozes through and a lot of spiritual stuff oozes through everything that I teach just by being

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who I am. And so always listen to where you're being called but make sure you're being called in an area that makes sense as potentially a real target market.

Now you can find out if it's a real target market. One way to find out if you have a real target market is if people are meeting together up on the internet somewhere there's a good chance there's a target market about that. One other thing to consider is to go out on a date with a niche or with a tribe. And Mamoon you were going to say something about that right?

Mamoon: Yeah. At the very beginning I think a lot of coaches because the niche is really a niche as we call them, a niche is really important and you want to get the perfect niche the first time around and everything. But a way that I help coaches when I'm coaching them to develop their niche and to take action and get going is instead of looking at it as the ultimate business, and if your whole coaching business is based around your niche is very overwhelming when you're picking it.

So what I say is forget your whole coaching business just do a campaign. You get a bunch of coaching clients over the next couple of months and the campaign that you're going to do is the campaign for one particular niche. That could be helping single guys get dates. It's a campaign. So you have some people on your list and you get some coaching clients going and after a few months if you don't like it anymore you can change it and if you've fallen in love with it great and it's all good. With whatever niche you pick you got to go through certain steps in order to get it somewhere. So it's best to look at that for the campaign first.

Christian: Yeah. And you and your tribe will evolve over time. Very little in life is statistic or fixed most things change and flow and move. My business is alive, my niche, my tribe has changed over the years. I started off as a generalist coach myself I didn't have a target market at all, then I became a business and sales coach so kind of two tribes there, and then eventually just a business coach, and then eventually a coach for coaches and that process took six years.

So I was helping people and making money and getting clients the entire way. Your business is a living, breathing thing and you must flow with where you're being lead. So see if you are being led somewhere, but if you don't know if you're being led the only way to know to really get the best way to figure everything out is by taking action. You could sit back and think alright I'm going to keep meditating every day for the next year and a half until finally God comes and calls me up and says "You know what you are supposed to be coaching people on weight loss." And then once God tells me this I will start building my business.

Well it might take longer than 18 months. You might not ever get that call. The best way to figure everything out or the best way to figure anything out is by taking action. I do things all the time that don't get me the results that I want. I do things that fall on their face, I do things

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that don't work out, I do things that later on I'm like oh man I should have done it this other way or I should have done it differently or whatever. The only way to really figure things out is by doing things. You're only going to know if you pick the right niche is by picking a niche, a niche, a target market, a tribe. You're only going to know if it's the right one if you go for it and pick one. You can't figure it out by just waiting for divine inspiration. I mean maybe you can but I don't think that's the best way to go about it.

So your homework assignment is to pick a tribe, to date it and move forward as if this is the perfect group for you. Its way better to do a bunch of work that you end up throwing away than to do nothing waiting for God to call you up and tell you what to do. It's much better to do a bunch of work and end up throwing it away because guess what you're probably going to end up throwing everything away that you do eventually anyway. There's very little that I do that I don't either completely throw away or at least refine over time. Sales letters, opt-in pages, I always want to speak and improve everything that we've got. And I've written entire sales letters and thrown them away. I've written opt-in pages and scrapped them completely. I've written all kinds of marketing materials and just completely, I've written articles and even scrapped them, at least gotten maybe 70%, 80% all the way through an article and I was just like, this just isn't going to work.

Now you can be disheartened by that and be like, oh my God this is all alone, I'm going to do all this stuff and I'm going to throw it away, or whatever. Or you can just know this is part of being in business, what's the adult. It would be great if everything was easy. And trust me I'll be giving you guys throughout this program the shortest shortcuts that I think that maybe even exists, let alone the shortest shortcuts that I know, but these are the shortest shortcuts I think that even are out there. And we're going to cut the learning curve down from growing a big list dramatically for you.

That said there's still work to do. You're still going to have to do stuff to make things happen. I'm not just handing a list over to you and handing a tribe over to you, you've got to do it and it's rightfully so. You want to become the person that can build a big list you don't want to just – it's great to be given a list if that happens and there are certainly ways to induce those sorts of things to happen and you could even pay to have somebody give you a list. In fact I may even share with you guys ways to buy a list, I probably will share something with you on that at some point in the program, but building a list, growing a list you want to become the kind of person that, let's say God forbid something happens and your list was taken away that you could then just run out and build a whole other list.

If my whole business was taken away from me today, God forbid, I would not be happy about it but if that were to happen I think I could rebuild. It's taken me 12 years to get here I think I

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could do it in two. I could probably get right back around that in two. You know obviously it'll slow me down because then I would get back here in two years or where I would naturally be in two years, which would be bigger than here, but yeah I think I can get back here in two years. So anyway the point is about doing work and throwing it away. The point I'm making is you're going to learn from whatever you do.

So your assignment is you're going to have to have a tribe by our next meeting next Wednesday, you have to have one, you're not going to be able to move forward if you don't have one and instead of waiting for the perfect you could just roll the dice and pick one, you could flip a coin and pick one because even though it matters in a lot of ways it doesn't matter. Sometimes the only way to know what you want is to experience what you don't want. So since you're only going to know that you're experiencing something you don't want oftentimes by trying something. So maybe you start coaching business owners and you're like, oh you know I don't really like business owners. Okay great now you know you're closer to figuring it out than you were before. It's like inventing the light bulb only it’s not going to take a 1000 tries, a 1001 tries like it did for Thomas Edison.

So what else I want to say about this is even if you end up with a whole different tribe by the time we finish up this whole program you will learn by creating an opt-in page and writing copy, you'll become a better copywriter, you'll learn how to setup web pages if you decide to setup your own Web site and stuff like that with the training that we're providing here. You'll learn a lot of stuff and we can't do it without a niche you got to pick a tribe. Your homework assignment is to pick a tribe and to date it and move forward as if this is the perfect group for you, whether you know it or not the only way to know is to do it and even if you have a tribe already my guess is it's probably also refined over time.

It's all practice, it's all subject to change, and it's all subject improvement. You're not going to start off writing a first draft and add it to your final draft. That's just not the way it works. I mean so maybe a few people in a few situations that that happen for. And I probably sense they're off writing a rough draft to have it be my final draft but that's only after the 12 years of writing copy. So most cases even still I tweet things and reply things a lot of my time. And if you ever have a niche consider how you might refine it or narrow it, even if you don't end up doing it, even if you don't refine it or narrow it think of how could you. What could you do to make it even narrower, tighter, more refined, because the more refined and narrow and tight your tribe is the more powerful it is.

You may have if you watched my first video leading up to Big List, which was the Big List Secrets video I talked about when you have a tribe your grow your list it's not just about building a bigger list it's about building kind of a tighter list, a condensed list, you want to magnetize your

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list. When you have a narrower tribe you can all be in a mission together and you can be part of something and you can be part of transforming the health of the planet or helping everybody become in trend or help all parent's children behalf or whatever, you get out a bigger mission with a smaller group oftentimes.

And then your assignment is also to share your tribe with the group. So if you haven't joined the Google Group yet you're going to want to do that. If you're struggling get help from the rest of the group. If you see someone struggling give them help. So this is homework assignment Number 1. All right so I want to see if there are any questions or comments so far. You are already – I'll look on the GoTo webinar question boxes.

Somebody asked about can I listen online or do you need to dial in? I can't answer that out loud but I can say dial in.

Mamoon: I have a question which isn't on the webcast but people have been asking it in the Google Group so it might be worth addressing it. And the thing is it's very much related, basically if you're really attracted to two different niches what would you do? Do you do both at the same time? What do you do? So say you're going to be a career coach and parenting coach where do you go?

Christian: I flip a coin and pick one and one of them as it contains, so to speak like you said, look at which one. You could either flip a coin or look at which one you have the closest connection to building a list for. If you already know a lot of parents or you're already involved in a lot of parenting activities that if you said "Hey, you know what I help parents who have children that aren't behaving very well I help parents turn their child's bad behavior around."

So if you already are connected with a lot of parents and you belong to the PTA and you have friends that are pediatricians that could pass out cards or flyers or something at the doctor's office for you or if you already have some connections in a certain area then you might want to go with that one and that might be more prudent, or maybe you feel a little bit more called to one than the other, but definitely pick one. And you can always start another one build another tribe if you want to but its way easier to do one at a time than it is to do at the same time. Basically it's like trying to start two businesses at the same time. So I recommend picking one definitely one and you can always do a second one later but definitely pick one to start with.

Mamoon: And I'm going to add as well we're not just saying that to make you pick one, you actually can after a little bit of time when you've grown one you can move over into another. And I did that myself in my own business so I started off with the whole Karan coaching thing and about a year or a year and a half later I switched over to coaching single Muslim women. So

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it was kind of like a spinoff niche but totally different target market, totally different marketing materials and it's basically become its own thing. So yeah, totally doable.

Christian: Yeah absolutely. And by having one they can help you build the other one where you don't have to start from scratch. Like right now if I said "I want to become a relationship coach" I could send emails to my list of coaches and say "Hey are you struggling to find your soul mate, if so I've got a special call coming up and dah, dah, dah on how to find your soul mate." Now would that apply to my current list, no but I could then find the people from my list who are interested in that subtopic and get them on a whole other email list and start building that tribe from the tribe I already have. So its way easier, better to start with one and build one.

So a lot of people are wondering about the audio so let me just take a look here. Great. Somebody said I feel like we're being led. I like that awesome thank you. Wow they're so many comments. So I want to just tell people they can also use the webcast link.

Mamoon: And if you're actually in the Members area under Module 1 you'll see that there is a space for you to type in questions and they'll come straight through to me. And right now I have very few so if you ask any questions now you'll almost certainly get through.

Christian: Yeah I've got a gazillion over here. What's a business team if you are struggling with finding a niche mean to someone who doesn't have a team? Great we're actually going to talk about team. Great we're actually going to talk about team later on in the call. Your team is everybody else in the program but we're actually going to put you onto two separate teams. And the reason why I'm going to – now that I'm talking about it maybe we'll end up editing this little piece out but I wanted to have two versions of this program, one that we're going to use for the live version that you guys are all apart of and another version that we'll use when we turn it into a product that doesn't have a live component to it.

So what that means is I'm going to talk to you about the special thing we're setting up putting people on the team. We're going to put that at the end so that I can edit it out later easily but you're all going to have a team that's going to support you so get excited about that. And we'll tell you more about that in a little bit. Yeah.

Somebody said thank you Mamoon for last Friday.

Mamoon: Okay. I'm sure it's coaching related.

Christian: Definitely coaching related. Will the session be available on the Web site? Yes.

Is the niche called making your contribution Count narrow enough? I don't even know what that means make your contribution count. I don't know what that means. So why don't we do this if

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you're on the phone and you'd like to run some niche market ideas by Mamoon and I then press Star *2 on the phone and then we can unmute you. And Mamoon you'll handle the meeting that I'm leading.

Mamoon: Yeah. Okay we have a lot of people. All right so I'm going to unmute Kathleen 707 area code, no I'm not. So it's Sasha Hatcher 707 area code.

Sasha: Yes hi there. Can you hear me?

Christian: Hi yeah.

Sasha: Hi. So do you want to ask me a question or how should we start this?

Christian: Do you have a question about your niche?

Sasha: Yes I do.

Christian: Okay why don't you ask that?

Sasha: Okay thank you. Right now my best assessment of the people I serve are entrepreneurs who are committed to living and having their businesses be connected to their sense of sole purpose. That's one. Just sole purpose it doesn't matter the stage of their business just that theme. The other group is definitely entrepreneurs who have complex issues, both in their personal, confidence, self-esteem and self-management, time management, project management, functionality, relationships, just their personal orbit. And they need help with that so that they can even show up in their business in a way that they need to succeed and want to. And I'm attempting to marry those two needs.

Christian: Okay. So this is great this leads to an important conversation and I'm actually tethered to my computer for it because I'm quoting myself directly but also I'm recording the seminar. I was about to get up and walk because I love pacing when I teach.

Sasha: Yeah I do too.

Christian: You can't do that. So here's something that we talked about at the beginning, which I didn't tend to elaborate on but this is great that I get to bring this up, which is our we picking a niche based on, are we picking a tribe based on what we are interested in or are we picking a tribe based on the needs that are out there.

Sasha: Are you asking me that?

Christian: I'm putting that forth to all of us but I'm also asking you.

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Sasha: Okay. I have been observing who are magnetizing to me in the years that I've been coaching and having my healing practice and what I shared with you is my best analysis of who I am serving. And I present myself as an Entrepreneur Sole Purpose Specialist because the people that are drawn to me want to deepen their bringing the fullness of who they are into their business which would be their...

Christian: So this is great I'm so glad that you are the person that we're talking to her because I think so many people can relate to a lot of what you're sharing here.

Sasha: Christian can I just say one distinction that might even clarify the point that I'm making to add to that sure.

Christian: Sure.

Sasha: As distinct from a body of people who want a profession whether it's a doctor or a lawyer, real estate agent, insurance agent, because they feel that it's a practical industry to make money, I don't draw those people. I draw the people who have a burning almost aching call to bring out a particular message and skill, which I and they hold as a purpose driven desire in business. So maybe that explains it more.

Christian: Okay, great. Well so I want to share a couple of things. Number 1 is we have a whole extra video training that you guys are going to get which is my $1 Million Dollar Branding Secret. So that's probably already available online as of this morning if everything is going to plan. Alright, great. So after this call is over that's going to be one of your assignments is going to be to study the $1 Million Dollar Branding – I don't remember I'll get the name of it later when we get to that later in the slide show – but we're going to go even more in depth with picking your niche and naming things and really nailing who your customer avatar is or your client avatar. It's different than your ideal client. A lot of people teach ideal client which I don't subscribe to.

Alright, so a couple of things- Number 1 who we're attracting as clients. That's not necessarily a great way to decide who you should be working with. And I'm not saying that that's true for you specifically Sasha but in general people try to figure out who their niche should be based on who their clients already are. And the problem with that strategy is you're probably going to get who you're already attracting is going to depend on where you're already hanging out. If you're hanging out in very spiritual related places then you're going to attract spiritual related people. And not that there's anything wrong with that but – or you're just hanging out in random places and you're going to be a lot of random clients.

So basing your niche, picking your tribe based on who kind of you already happen to randomly attracted isn't necessarily the best way to go about it. It can be helpful and it can a start and it

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might be like, well hey I've got eight clients and five of them are business owners. All right great I'll be a business coach. Hey hallelujah great. Go for that that's fine you already got a shortcut there. But if you're more interested in relationships feel free to go ahead and start being a relationship coach. Once you start doing all the stuff that we're going to be teaching you in this program whatever you choose you will attract if it really is a clear and well-defined tribe.

Okay so back to the people who kind of define two different groups. One group of people are people who have to field calls and feel a mission to do some sort of work that they don't know what it is yet or they don't know how to turn it into making money making business. And then the other group – okay go ahead.

Sasha: I would say yes. I would say yes that they do not have the strategies. I believe its two mechanisms; they need more leading edge strategies on how to organize themselves to implement those strategies. The other is that they're personally blocked and they're just not making it happen. And they are aware of things they could do, they've taken many different courses, worked with other coaches, have many teleseminar recordings but they're not getting.

Christian: Okay let me stop you again for a second. I get where you're coming from with this group. So one of the things that needs to happen with any group of people that you're going to work with is you got to get clear on the results of the people who are in the group that are in your tribe are wanting. And we've got to come from the place where they're coming from. And also your tribe is not going to be who you think it is. So your tribe of people who are already aware that they're the ones stopping themselves and they've got these things and they've tried all sorts of stuff and they've hired a coach and they've gone to all sorts of teleseminars that's probably not who you'll ever, I mean you'll get some of the people on your list. But most people that get onto anyone's list tend to be unsophisticated, green, newbie sorts of people. And you could say "Well I want to attract these very successful"

Mamoon: You can still hear me right.

Sasha: I can hear you yes.

Mamoon: Okay. Well if Christian you can hear us we can't hear you. But it's kind of an interesting point Christian was making though, which is the people that get on your list are almost never turn out knowing the stuff that they need to know in order to get the result that they want.

Christian: Yes exactly. Thank you that's exactly what I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by phone dropping. So yeah most people on your list, most people in general are just not very sophisticated, they're not very experienced, they're green, and they’re newbies. Now we may think well we want to work with these super advanced people and that’s' where

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the ideal client comes in. And actually in the video training I share the difference between your ideal client and your customer avatar. So that's going to help you get a lot clearer Sasha.

But look you're already working in the domain of business so hallelujah. You've taken a big step in the right direction in a big way and now it's really getting clear in languaging things in a way that makes it attractive to people who you can help.

Sasha: Yeah. I think that why I feel the way I feel Christian is that…

Christian: What's the way that you feel?

Sasha: That the dot has not gone into the bulls-eye. I'm still hitting peripherally on the target and that shows up in the volume and the level that I want to be at not yet having gotten there. So what I'm seeing is that this piece about people's personal healing, for lack of a better word, is indeed a huge part of my ability to then connect them to the sheer power that occurs when a person really knows their purpose. And when they are there their businesses explode and they feel great. And I'm trying to capture that.

Christian: Okay. Like I said definitely watch the video on the $1 Million Dollar Branding Secrets video. That's absolutely going to help you refine it. Also let it refine over time you know what I mean. Hitting the bulls-eye would be great if we got it right now on this call. And I think honestly if I could spend another 10 or 15 minutes with you, maybe 20, 25 minutes I think we could get you to the bulls-eye honestly or pretty close to the bulls-eye. Maybe actually in the bulls-eye but not maybe in the center of the bulls-eye, maybe we can do right on the edge of the bulls-eye. But it doesn't have to – you're far enough along with what the group is as business owners, they want to grow their business and something's stopping them.

And maybe what is it that's stopping them is it their own fears, doubts standing in their way or showing up big that they're being called in different directions but they're afraid to follow it. If they've been trying to grow their business for awhile and even though they're using all the strategies that are supposed to work for so many people but they're not, or that they seem to work for other people and they're supposed to work for them but they just aren't working for some reason maybe there's some deeper underlining reason for that and your job is to help them figure that out. So I think you've got something here. I would like to say go through that video and take a look at what you come up with next week.

Sasha: Thank you Christian.

Christian: You're welcome. Okay I think we're going to actually move on. Go ahead and mute the line again Mamoon. I know there's a gazillion other people who have questions. Someone said so some of these people are running things by me here. Is the niche parenting with your ex

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is that specific enough? That seems pretty specific. I think it probably is. Yeah I think it is I think that would be great. I mean it feels like a good tribe to work with.

Here's something else to keep in mind. Mamoon works with people who want to learn how to read the Karan in Arabic. And you asked me if that was – you were on one of these calls with me and you said is that a good tribe, is that a good target market? And what did I say?

Mamoon: You were like uh I don't know. Your answer was I don't know but there's only one way to find out.

Christian: Yeah and it turned out to be a good one.

Mamoon: Yeah it turned out to be a great one.

Christian: There's certain groups that I absolutely know are going to work because you're a business coach, if you're a sales coach, if you're a parenting coach, if you're a weight loss coach, if you're a career coach, if you're a leadership coach, those are some that are tried and true that I know are going to work. And then there's some that I know are not going to work. Women in transition it's not going to work because transition is vague. Maybe you went from food to dessert but you definitely didn't go to chocolate covered strawberries.

So that one's easy to fix pick one transition that women are going through. Women in transition well pick a transition. Recently divorced, recently married, recently divorced, recently had a baby, recently retired, recently fired, recently rehired, recently promoted, pick a specific change and a goal. What's the problem, what's the goal? And then you went from dessert and chocolate covered strawberries hopefully.

All right let's take a look here. Women change agents and heart centered entrepreneurs does that work? Well here's something to keep in mind, are there women out there who think of themselves already as women change agent that if somebody said "Hey what do you do?" They would say "I'm a change agent." Probably not so you want to think of the words that people use for themselves. But I think your heart centered entrepreneur that's pretty good for sure. Heart centered entrepreneur. Heart centered I don't know it's actually gotten to be kind of a buzz word lately like almost overused. But I would just be heart centered and teach heart centered.

You might say heart centered entrepreneurs I think that might call to certain people. I think there's a lot of entrepreneurs that you could help that maybe aren't as necessarily drawn to being heart centered but would like to learn from you and then learn your heart centered nature and maybe become more heart centered. That's something that's really important to keep in mind. And one of the things that I hear in the branding video, the $1 Million Dollar

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Branding video series is that it's great to take people and grow them into. That's one of the things.

So I talked about customer avatar versus ideal client. You want to take your green customer avatar type person and you want to grow them into your ideal client, the kind of person you really would like to work with. And another concept that I teach is putting the meet in the medicine. Try to give a dog the medicine they need and you try to ram it down their throat they're going to bite your hand. So if you take the medicine and put it in the meat they're going to chow it right down. And so we need to think about what is the meat that those people are already looking for or the dessert that people are already looking for. I don't know how these all ended up being food analogies but the secret chef hidden inside me or something. But what if they already wanted or are looking for and then slip in the things that they need.

For me I don't say I teach client attraction or how to find clients or how to grow your list for hard-based spiritual coaches I teach list building, this program is really for anyone, but specifically my tribe as coaches. And I don't care if you're spiritual or heart based or whatever I'm going to teach, I mean that's just who I am, I'm going to teach that way and you're going to kind of probably be attracted to that or not. In my case most coaches, a lot of coaches are very heart based spiritual folks the perfect match anyway, and the ones who aren't maybe they'll become that way. So okay anyway I hope that was helpful Laura.

Mamoon: Can I throw out a niche?

Christian: Yeah.

Mamoon: Okay Mona has a niche which is Busy Professional Moms. I help busy professional moms find and live the life that they love and I'm the mom mentor. How's that? What do you think about that?

Christian: Okay.

Mamoon: Busy Professional Moms, Mothers.

Christian: Yeah so that's a good group of people. What's their problem and then what are the solution and the gain for busy professional moms? What is the thing they want?

Mamoon: That's a great question.

Christian: Yeah. So it might be they want life balance, which I'm not a big fan of the term life balance, although it appeals to women more than men I think. Me as a man I might want more time with my family and then okay I'll have more time with my family or I want more free time or I want more freedom to take vacations, freedom from my business to take vacations

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whenever I want or whatever, but life balance just doesn’t it's like I don't get that. Women kind of get it but I'm not a big fan of the term or an outcome. But maybe women do that's something you might want to test out. More time, less stress, more happiness, more clearly, I don't know, again that's something you'd want to ask the women. Ask your market what they want.

Mamoon: Yes. I have a feeling that somewhere in that there's probably going to be a lot of pain points that would make great marketing copy.

Christian: Sure yeah.

Mamoon: You really have to work a full time job but you need to spend time with your kids. I feel like there's something that we could...

Christian: Great. So I've got a couple of more questions that are here. Somebody said Where is the $1 Million Dollar Branding video located? They're right under Module 1 or Session 1 of the Big List Program. We just released it today so. Each week we're going to release – so I'm going to lead off the module with a live call like we're doing right now and guide you into the video training.

So we'll do some of the training on the call and then we'll guide you into the rest of the training that'll be videoed for you to work on. And we'll be releasing each new each model week's videos each Wednesday. And since Module 3 is going to be broken up into two sections we'll probably release half the videos one week and half the videos the next week. And again we'll do two calls for that.

And then someone said What about ending your war with food? Make friend with food stop dieting start living. Get clear about what they want. I mean this is great its good copy in their program but I think ending war with food isn't the ultimate outcome people want they want to be thin. Yeah maybe they will also want to end the war with food but I would focus on I make people think. Finely thin forever was a domain name or a free session offer name I came up with. So think about really ultimate outcomes. You're in the right direction though you got the right – this was just for finding the naming of the group. So weight loss is a super hot niche market and I highly recommend it.

Somebody said how about Get your kids to listen o you. Yeah get your kids to listen to you. Parenting coaching is a great niche. A great niche, a great target market, great tribe, etc., it's a great group of people to lead. Parents would be the tribe, getting children to behave or listen to you would be what their outcome is, what they want help with. Now they may want help with other stuff too. They might want help with some other things too but the main speaking point

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would be how to turn your child's bad behavior around in 24 hours or less or something like that?

Somebody's having trouble getting to the Big List site. Anything like that just email us and we'll take care of you. It's not something that I can jump in and help with on the call. So any support stuff just email my support team can handle most of those things. Okay so I'm going to jump off of the picking your tribe topic. Again there's more on this in the video so just go ahead and watch the videos it'll really help out and then you got to pick your tribe this week.


All right the next thing I want to talk about is embodying the leader. So what if you were the top leader in the world of your tribe? You were the top leader of parents. That would be huge. Memories, healthy happy children, see that's something interesting right. So helping them raise healthy happy children. The pain point is probably getting your child's bad behavior to stop or getting your kids to listen to you right. Those are where the pain points are. That's where you're going to get people on your list probably and then your ultimate outcome is helping parents raise healthy happy children.

You know I have a mantra let's get people coached people need our help let's get people coached. My mission is to get the world coached. My mission is really to evolve the planet through the power of coaching so we can get that meat into the medicine or get the medicine into the meat I should say. We can get that medicine of personal growth and personal responsibility and that anyone can change anything and that it's much more powerful than we think, all those things we can get that medicine infused into the meat that people are already looking for. Like coaching is the ultimate delivery system for my message and I think all of our messages of enlightenment and personal growth and responsibility and really all this stuff. So that's my mission but that's not what I market. I market how to get coaching clients or how to grow your lists right because that's where the pain point is.

So those are some distinctions there that I think is sort of surfacing. Now I want you to imagine if you were the top leader in the world of your tribe you could be that person. Why not? I made the decision to become the leader of the coaching industry and maybe that is subjective, maybe some people would argue that there's other people that are leaders of the coaching industry. And I would actually agree that there are definitely other leaders in a coaching industry. Maybe I am not the world's Number 1 only leader of the industry. But if I'm not the top leader I'm definitely one of the top leaders in my tribe and you could be the top leader in your tribe. You got to see yourself being highly successful. And what happens when you imagine yourself being the top leader in the world of your tribe does that push any buttons for you? We'll talk about

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that in a second. See yourself being a steward really fostering what does your tribe need? How can you help them?

And next I want to talk about mastering your mind and emotions. Stuff is going to come up for you as you grow your list that's part of life. Now this is not the part that most people talk about most people talk about oh if you want this to happen you do this stuff. So what happens when you try something and it doesn't work out and you feel like giving up? What happens when your clients try something and it doesn't work out what do you do for them? What happens when you need to take action on something but you're afraid? Anyone in this group afraid of public speaking, if so type in yes into the question or web cast box?

Let's find out if there's anyone who has a fear of public speaking or if you have a fear of selling or a fear of rejection or if you have a fear of networking and going out to networking events and promoting yourself in person. Anyone have any fears about that? Anyone have any fears about talking about your coaching fees with potential clients? Anyone have any fears about telling people you're a coach even and having your friends and family think who the hell are you? Anyone have any doubts about whether you can be successful? Anyone have any doubts about being good enough to coach people.

I think coaching is like the most mind testing business that you could ever start because it's like well can I coach somebody on dating if I'm single myself? Of course you can. Can I coach somebody to grow their business if I'm still growing mine? Yeah of course you can. Sure it would be better if you had a super successful business yourself already but if you know how to help people make changes and achieve goals you could have some coach training you know how to help people do stuff that no one else can do. You don't have to have all the answers. You don't have to be the perfect human being in order to be coaching other people. But we have a lot of that stuff come up.

Somebody says they have a fear about having a lifestyle that would be too overwhelming if I were to be a truly successful coach. That would be an interesting one to work through. Yeah otherwise you'll have to let yourself get through fear if you're afraid to go big. Fear of pricing properly not underselling, you're not overpricing, fear of responsibility of being successful. That's what comes up for me having a really big vision, awesome marketing that gets people to see if they can change their lives but then not being able to live up to such a huge promise. That's a good one to be aware.

We all have stuff and it's great to be aware of it. So I want you to write down your stuff, whatever it is, just go ahead and make a quick list of whatever your stuff is right now. Whatever you're aware of that could be your stuff that could keep you from going big in your business. Take a moment and write that stuff down. Life pushes our buttons. Have you ever had anybody

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in your family make you crazy? Well growing your business will also make you crazy. It's going to push your buttons things are going to come up there's no doubt about it. Stuff still comes up for me Mr. Super Successful Business Guy here stuff still comes up for me. I still need to work through stuff you know. Something doesn't go as well as I want to sometimes it pushes my buttons even still to this day. We're all human. Have doubts about getting us clients, pay your coaching rates.

So what I want you to do is whatever your stuff is coming up for you right now I'm going to take you through my Number 1 favorite technique for helping myself work through my stuff and it's called the Peace Process. It's very simple anyone can do it. I'm going to give you a little background to it and then I'll share with the five steps to do the peace process and then we're going to do it together on the call. Okay so first of all spheres are spheres of feeling. Everything we're afraid of they were either afraid of a physical feeling or an emotional feeling. We're either afraid of hitting your thumb with the hammer if you feel a little worried about that there's a fear of a physical feeling. Fear of rejection, fear of humiliation, fear of lost, fear of embarrassment, no emotional feelings.

Most of our fears in life were not in physical – maybe in caveman days it may have been reversed. Fear of not being able to find enough food, fear of having to battle the saber tooth tiger for dinner or to avoid being dinner. Back in those days it may have been the reverse I don't know, but in our modern society we're pretty safe and so most of our fears are fears of emotional feeling. So I don't want to go to this networking event or I don't want to go public speaking because I don't want to feel nervous, I don't want to feel embarrassed, I don't feel humiliated and small or weak or whatever.

So we can't solve our fears with our mind and that actually isn't true. We can but usually what we're doing is we're not actually resolving the real fear. What we're doing when we use mental techniques like NLT or hypnotherapy or other even like the work of Iron Katy these are all the things that I've studied personally and I've used personally. And they've all been helpful but the root cause of what's going on in our mind – now maybe some people will argue you can't feel something without first thinking something. You have to think it first and then you have the feeling. And I don't know which came first whether it was the chicken or the egg but it doesn't matter because when you use mental techniques to resolve your fears.

What's happening is you're kind of circumventing. Like right now this thing that, I'd say public speaking I'm just going to use that one, let's say public speaking pushes your fear of humiliation or your fear of embarrassment or your fear of shame or something, maybe all of those even right. So let's say the fear of public speaking pushes those buttons. You use mental techniques to resolve this then you're basically going to rewire so that other speaking no longer pushes

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those buttons. So that's great for public speaking but those fears of feeling all that stuff are still there and are probably still going to show up in other areas of their life. So I like to go right to this underlining emotion and feeling that we're afraid of and actually having the courage to face them.

We can only release them and become free. So we can't solve them with our mind we can actually only just – or we can solve them with our mind using certain techniques but I think the best way is to release them and become free. So I'm actually clarifying as I'm speaking. I'm clarifying what I had written. We attract people and situations into our lives to push our buttons so we can ultimately release these stuck emotions. One of my clients that I was talking to last week was talking about how one of her employees was causing problems in her business. And I said it sounds like you attracted somebody who's like your daughter. And I don't know what her daughter was like but I just felt like the way that they were enacting it feels more like mother/daughter than business leader/team member. And she was like oh my God you're so right I feel like it is my daughter.

So what happens is her daughter grew up and moved out. Her daughter was pushing her buttons her daughter grew up and moved out and then she found another person she attracted this other person in her life that will push those same buttons for her right because she didn't release all that stuff. We talked about it and she knows how to use a lot of these techniques like the peace process. And it happened just last week I don't know how it's all resolved itself yet. Ultimately until we release that stuff we're going to keep attracting people and situations that keep pushing buttons that are going to cause a field of stuff we don't want to feel. And so we ultimately surrender, feel it, release and then all of a sudden people show up differently. So even the person who she's having issues with right now might all of a sudden change just because we change we stopped attracting magnetically.

It's kind of like atoms and molecules how they bond and connect and work together. They're some positive ions on one side and negative ions on the other side and they just draw to each other but when you release your positive ions the negative ions on the other person maybe they still have that and maybe they're going to go attract somebody else who has the positive ion that's going to still be able to live out their drama and have all that stuff but it's not going to show up for you anymore. Or they just think, you know what I don't want to work here anymore, and they decide to quit and you find somebody else who's better and you never have these types of issues with them.

On the other hand, if this person just lets that person go maybe if they didn't release the stuff it's a good chance they're going to hire somebody else or at least attract someone else into their life that's going to keep pushing these buttons. So I think the peace process is still

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awesome because it really let go of the stuff once and for all and it makes your life magical. Not that you don't still attract stuff but it's different stuff and we're all still growing, but it's just great when something maybe that's going to challenge your entire just go away, very, very beautiful.

So let's go through the peace process. Here are the five steps. Let's do them together just so you can get an experience of it. And so what I want you to do is I want you to pick one thing from your list that is your stuff, whatever your stuff is right now. Think of a situation that's disturbing the peace. Maybe again if they're rejections, they're whatever it doesn't matter or self-doubt even. It doesn't have to be a fear specifically it can be any feeling that's coming up that you're disturbing your peace. It doesn't allow you to be peaceful right now.

And then notice where in your body you're feeling it. Is it in your chest get in your throat, get in your head, in your stomach, where is it, notice where it is. And give it love. It's tough sometimes to give it love. If you can't give it love at least give it acceptance. I can't love you I hate you fear of rejection. At least step away from hate. If you can't get the love at least get to acceptance. It's like alright you're here I may not allow you to be here. Not that I even have a choice I'll sort of just surrender and allow you to be here. So let go of judging it like this feeling's horrible go away.

Don't analyze it either it's like okay doing this it's because of this and try to solve it in our mind. Other times that feeling just instantly triggers an endless mind loop of trying to solve the problem and that it's really not going to go away that way. Don't try to make it go away. Sometimes it'll be like alright I'm going to be with the feeling, I'm going to love it or I'll accept it for just a moment just to try to make it go away. We don't want to try to make it go away we want to just be with the feeling. So Step 3 is giving it love but it’s also just being the feeling in an accepting way.

Step 4 is zone in on where it's most intensive. Let's look for the bulls-eye. So if it's in the chest, in the throat look in that area and look if there's a bulls-eye sort of spot. It wouldn't necessarily be in the middle like a dartboard where it's going to be right in the middle. It might be off to the side and down a bit. So just look for this spot of greatest intensity within the area of your body where you're feeling it and focus attention there and just stay present to it. You may notice that it's shifting a little bit. It may change, it may expand, and it might contract, but just be with it wherever it's most intense. It could move. Stay out of your head stay in your body.

One of the things I tell my clients as we're going through this process stay out of your head and stay in your body. Let the ceiling run its course. You don't need to do anything just let that ceiling be experienced. It might move. Follow this spot with greatest intensity. You might just release in one area completely and then show up somewhere else in your body or it could just

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actually make around and move around. So then when it seems like it may be gone then check back in with the original disturbing thought or situation like public speaking. If it was public speaking think back again imagine yourself public speaking and notice what it feels like now. If it feels peaceful then you got the other side; it's clear.

The ultimate proof is in the pudding because then I would say okay where can you go public speak in the next seven days to test it out for sure, but 90% of the time in my experience is that if somebody gets to the other side then they get back to imagining it and its gone then it really is gone. If you got the peace but then you check back in and you notice that there's still something else then just go back to Steps 2 through 4 which were, notice where it is in your body again, is it love, zoning on where it's most intense and stay present with it.

And this process can take a matter of seconds it could also take a matter of minutes. It could also take hours and in the toughest of situations it could take a matter of days where you might spend some time working on it for a couple of days, for a couple of long sessions, a couple of days in a row. I've only had a very few maybe like three or five things I've worked on I've ever been to that extent. I would say most takes a matter of minutes sometimes some are just a matter of seconds. And sometimes you work like in this case we may not be able to get all the way to the other side before we wrap up our session today.

So you can continue doing this on your own or you can buddy up with someone on your team and do this with each other. And you can really just do exactly what we're doing right now like hey, tell me what the situation is causing you angst and then ask them where do you feel it in your body? So just be present to that for a moment, be unconditionally accepting, you can even be loving towards that feeling. Now zone in on where it's most content within that area, so if it's in your throat they tell you it's in their throat and then you say where in your throat is most intent? And then stay present to that and I'll be with you while you're being with it.

Now if you've done this with me here and you've gotten to the other side and you now have peace when before you didn't then say "Yes", if you're still working on it say "Still working on it". Mamoon, what have you got going on here did you just unmute the line?

Mamoon: Can I just unmute the line?

Christian: Okay. No we want it muted.

Mamoon: Okay.

Christian: Yeah we'll just hear from people via typing in because there are too many people on the line to unmute the line.

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Mamoon: Okay.

Christian: So some people got through the site some people still working. Great. If you're still working on it you can still work on it as I share a little bit more on this call and maybe I'll even unmute one person to work with a little bit individually. So I want to wrap up this segment. We went through these peace process tips already. So your homework assignment is notice when you're feeling afraid, frustrated, doubtful, etc. Anything that's not peaceful or joyful and then use the peace process to get back to peace and get back into action.

Now there's nothing wrong with feeling the fear and doing it anyway but if you want long term sustainability of being in action all the time then this is really the way to do it. It takes a lot of energy to feel the fear and do it anyway. You got to really get up some courage, you got to get some momentum. It's kind of like having this thing that you got to fight again just to get into the game every time. But if you actually feel the fear all the way through until you get to peace then taking action consistently is going to be very easy. If I was afraid of public speaking yet maybe I was still doing it exhausting probably, dread it all the time, maybe I'd probably not manifest as many public speaking situations. Or on the other hand maybe I would manifest a lot to keep pushing my buttons, so maybe I would not accept as many of them or whatever, who knows what would happen. But it's much if you release stuff you perform better, everything's better when you're operating from a place of peace, joy, clarity and focus.

Share your experience with the group. Tell us about your peace process. If you did a peace process on yourself tell us about it. Tell us about what was blocking you and then tell us about how you feel now and if you actually took action on it. Maybe you have a fear of technology. Oh I don't know maybe I can't do my Web site in a day I don't know how to do all that stuff. It's too techie I'm overwhelmed by that. Well maybe you need to feel through some of that. Use the peace process and maybe you'll get to a place where it will be actually joyful and peaceful to have your own Web site and then just set it up yourself so that you can edit it and change it anytime you wanted to. Tell us about and then if you're struggling on something get help from your team. We'll talk about team in just a second here.

And then finally homework assignment Number 3 is to watch my $1 Million Dollar Branding Secret video series, $1 Million Dollar Business Branding or $1 Million Dollar Business. So those videos are fantastic it's going to help you take this tribe stuff to the next level and it's going to help you market to your tribe. It's going to help you with everything we do moving forward. When you have a customer avatar and you define your customer avatar, your niche down into one customer avatar that you're speaking to when you're writing all of your marketing materials. It's extremely powerful it makes everything else easier, more effective, definitely watch that.

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So those are your three homework assignments this week. Now there are actually homework assignments inside those videos and if you get those done then that's kind of bonus points I guess so to speak. But those homework assignments you absolutely want to do eventually but the thing that I require, so to speak, for this week are the pick your tribe and work through the peace process and watch these videos. See those three things this week and it'll be great.

All right so now I want to talk about team stuff. In fact I'm going to let Mamoon tell us about that.

Mamoon: Okay. So we were talking about how to get everyone into action as much as possible. And as Christian's already mentioned I have some success in using the stuff that Christian teaches to grow my business really rapidly. And the key thing that I did in order to make that happen was basically just too literally implement everything I learned from sessions like this one. So do all of your homework assignments.

So can I make everybody a little more pumped up and excited to get some kind of community feeling going on. We decided to split up into two teams. All right. So everybody in the Big List Program is going to be one of those two teams. And we setup a whole bunch of contest that is going to go through this entire program week-by-week and each contest kind of depends on you implementing what you learned during that session.

All right so which team are you in right? So the first team – shall I just tell everybody how to figure out what team that they're in?

Christian: Actually yeah. I'll tell you what I'll jump back in here for a second. So we're splitting everybody up into teams and you're competing against each other for cool prices. Basically we decided to divide people up into teams based on when your birthday is. I thought about trying to find other ways of dividing people but it felt like – I couldn't find anything else. So we had some other ideas but ultimately this is the way we're doing it. So if your birthday is in the first six months of the year, January, February, March, April, May, June, six months. January through June you're in Team Alchemist.

Mamoon: Yeah that's my team.

Christian: Yeah. And if your birthday is July through December then you're in Team Peaceful Warrior, you're a Peaceful Warrior. Now it just so happens that Mamoon's birthday is in the first six months and my birthday is in the second six months so if you want to feel that you're extra cool for being in my group that's okay you can do that, but actually we're going to be supporting both groups for sure. So if you're an Alchemist then say "Yeah", and if you're a Peaceful Warrior say "Woo-hoo". Okay good I know you guys probably didn't do that but I'll just pretend like you did.

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Mamoon: There's a roaring applause we just can't hear it right now.

Christian: Yeah. Okay.

Mamoon: I know Alchemist I don't know about the Warriors.

Christian: Yeah I know I'm sure the Alchemist went crazy there. Okay so first of all I picked those team names because those are two of my favorite books. If you haven't read them definitely read them at some point over the next six weeks or so that you're in this program.

So we have five prizes that you guys can win and your team has to win the prizes in this order. So the team that has the most implementers the quality of your work doesn't matter it's getting the work done that matters. And that's the truth about life in general it's more about getting – I have a couple of mantras for getting things done. Number 1 is done is better than perfect and perfected as we go. So get it done and perfect it later. And that's why I have this concept setup by who's actually completing things not who does the best stuff.

Now there's room for some individual prizes. If somebody really stepped up and shines in the group then we want to reward those people too. We're not going to talk about individual prizes on today's call but your team can win. We got five possible prizes that you could win. Now we only came up with five there are six weeks of the program, five modules six weeks, and five prizes because we're already in Module 1. So you'll earn a prize in Module 2. Now the only way to win all five prizes is if your team dominates and wins every week so that could happen. If you're in your team then maybe you should be thinking, hell yeah it is going to happen. Peaceful Warriors will destroy the ultimate. But wait Peaceful Warriors are Peaceful they're not going to destroy anyone and the Alchemist can make magic happen.

So who knows what will happen but here are the prizes. So for Week 1 if your team wins then you get a bonus group coaching session. So we'll add on an extra week just for your team. Now if later on if the other team wins then everybody will get that bonus week. So you can't get the next prize until you win the first prize. So the first prize yeah it's a whole bonus extra week, extra session, extra opportunity to get more hot seat coaching with me and Mamoon. Anything else you wanted to say about that?

Mamoon: Yeah it's really possible that the Alchemist are going to win like all of the first five weeks and then what we'll do is we'll let the others win one because otherwise I'll feel bad right. So that way we'll have the hot seat coaching at the end.

Christian: Yeah that could happen. It could happen.

Mamoon: Good.

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© Christian Mickelsen & Future Force, Inc.

Christian: So that's the first thing. So the homework assignment we've given you three. One is pick your tribe, Number 2 is use the peace process and Number 3 is watch the videos. Now just for simplicity sake we're just going to see who on the tribe, because this is the one thing that's absolute most important is just to pick a tribe. So who in the Big List tribe which team has the most people that pick their tribe. You're going to need to find team leaders so if you'd like to volunteer to be a team leader say type in team leader or leader or something like that because later on we're going to pick team leaders and we'll tell you what's involved for being a team leader. And the truth is everyone needs to be a leader.

So really this whole module is all about leadership leading yourself, leading your team and everyone's a leader whether you actually pick the designated leader or not everyone needs to be a leader. So we'll talk more about that in a second but let's go through all these prizes. So the first prize is a bonus week bonus group coaching session. That gets the most people. It's Prize Level 1 basically. So Prize Level 2 what's Prize Level 2?

Mamoon: The More Money Program.

Christian: Okay one of my favorite and most popular training is called More Money and in that program we actually help figure out what's going on and keeping you from maybe having a money lifestyle that you want, being able to track the kind of money that you want to have in your life. Have the kind of relationship with money that you'd like to have, if you have any angst about money? I know for me even though I had started making a lot of money I still found myself never ordering a beverage at restaurants just to save money. It was something that I did to save money.

Now I also did it partly to be healthy because most beverages aren't very good for you anyway but I noticed I still had like this little quirk about money and some of the stuff that we teach in the More Money Program to work through that. Now actually I still only drink water but now I only do it for health reasons. I got to start going crazy and buying drinks and then I'm like, oh yeah I think I'm better off not buying those, but at least the money part of it was gone. I mean I use to worry about money all the time a huge problem for me. And the underlining cause wasn't actually the money. So one of our most popular programs it's a $397 dollar value at I think three or four session training on money.

Mamoon: Three session trainings and it's…

Christian: Yeah do you have the full title for More Money? Do you have that?

Mamoon: Oh yeah I've got it in front of me but it is three different programs.

Christian: Okay.

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© Christian Mickelsen & Future Force, Inc.

Mamoon: It normally sells for $497 dollars.

Christian: Okay $497 dollars. Got it. So its $497 dollar program and the title, I'm going to try to remember off the top of my head, it's More Money How to Get More, Save More Money, Spend More Money, Give More and Live More Starting Right Now. That's the name of the program or pretty close to it. All right so that is a huge bonus three session program, three modules for that and its $500 dollar program, $497 I guess, $500 dollar program. So that's Prize Number 2.

Prize Number 3 the team that wins, basically you start off whichever week, you know you might win at Week 1 and you might win at Week 2 and you might win at Week 3, you start off with Prize Level 1, then Prize Level 2 is the More Money Program, Prize Level 3 is a behind the scenes you get to listen in basically on our team meetings. So we have I think like 10 people on our team four full time people and six part time people. And so we have team meetings every week. Most weeks it's just our top team which consists of my general manager Kim Bidwell, my Director of Business Development which is Rob Goyette, and then Mamoon and I. So the four of us get together every week and we strategize what's going on in our business, what are we working on, where are we headed. You can really hear how it works to work with a team.

Once a month we do an all hands team meeting where we have everybody on the team on a meeting and we kind of share a lot more bigger picture stuff and bigger picture of how things are going and stuff like that. So I think it would be very valuable on two levels to be able to be a part of that team meeting. Number 1 its vision for where you're headed in your business if we're going to go big. So you're going to grow a big list you're going to grow a big business. If you're going to grow a big business you're going to have a big team or at least you're going to have a team of some sort. And I think it will be very valuable to see how I work with my team and I guess how our team works together.

Mamoon: Yeah and I'm going to check in here.

Christian: Yeah go ahead.

Mamoon: Because I'm a relatively new team member and some stuff to watch out for is looking at what Christian actually prioritizes in his own business because it's really interesting and it's really different from what I expected. So we get to see a lot of really cool stuff like what's on Christian's actual calendar? Nothing quite like what I expected it would be.

Christian: What did you expect it would be?

Mamoon: I don't know I just – well I thought you'd always…

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© Christian Mickelsen & Future Force, Inc.

Christian: You can tell me later. Tell me later let's keep it a mystery. You tell me later.

Mamoon: I will.

Christian: So yeah in most every meeting we look at my calendar so you can see kind of whom I meet with and how I setup my day. That's also very valuable. There's so many insights I think you'll get to see being in the team meetings because you see how I interact with people, how I lead people. I'm shocked I've heard like a lot of big named people and I am shocked a lot of times at how they run their teams. I'll just leave it at that because I don't want to go super negative here. Yeah just really surprises me about how people run their teams and how either sloppy they run them or how they treat their team. It's interesting so okay.

Mamoon: Another really, really cool thing that you're going to want to watch out for when you win that prize is look at how Christian and Kim interact because it's just brilliant. That's all I'm going to say. I'm just going to leave it at that.

Christian: Great. Great. Well maybe at the end of the team meeting as people get to listen into you can share some of the things that you notice. Because honestly its weird hearing you talk about our team meetings, because I mean it's cool to hear it because I'm seeing that you're picking up on a lot of things that there must be things happening that I'm not even aware of. So yes.

Mamoon: There are.

Christian: Maybe I'll have you talk to me later and you can point out some of these things because I'm intrigued. All right so I don't know if we put a value on that. I mean it's not something we sell as this standalone product in any way. You'll be able to be live on the call. If you can't make the call live we'll give you a recording of that team meeting. And I don't know yeah did we put a value on that prize $800 dollars?

Mamoon: Priceless.

Christian: Okay priceless yeah. We'll go ahead and put it at $800 bucks. All right. So escalating up the scale the next level bonus contest that you guys will win is my Free Your Time, Free Your Life, Time Abundance Program. If you've ever struggled with managing your time or if you've ever taken time management training and you've kind of had a hard time trying to force yourself to do things that you don't naturally want to do – I always felt like trying to use time management techniques was all kind of putting my round self into a square peg you know it just didn't fit. I didn't like doing it, it was like trying to discipline myself and forced myself to do things and follow someone else's system. I just could never really do that.

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But you know what's interesting though is eventually I got myself to a place where I was extremely time abundant where I wasn't worrying about I got to go here, I got to there. I mean I just going on, I'm five minutes late, now I got to catch up and I just don't have enough time. I got myself to where I had amazing time abundance in my life. And with rare exceptions when every now and again things can come up and push my buttons when it comes to time but it's pretty rare. And even still when things get really crazy it's very rare that time stresses me out. So there's actually 7 Free Your Time Free Your Life Principles. Isn't that a $1000 dollar program, its nine modules and it's a $1000 dollar training that we tie end. I mean there's nothing else like it on earth that I'm aware of and I doubt even if there is anything like it; still probably nothing like that.

So it's about transforming how your relationship with time from the inside out and there's 7 Free Your Time Free Your Life Principles. I'll share a couple of them with you. One is loving everything you do. So when you love everything you do you're not really in a hurry to get things done to try to get something else. I hate this, I'm dreading this, and I want to get this over with. So I teach you how to love everything you do and how to do what you love. Another one is simplify everything. A lot of times we overcomplicate things and overcomplicate our lives.

Another principle is upgrade your energy sources because sometimes we create time drama for other reasons in order to get energy from it and creating drama gives us adrenaline, gives us excuses for not doing stuff we don't want to do. Like oh I can't help you move tomorrow because I don't have enough time. Oh no maybe it's being honest. Like oh I don't want to help you move because I don't like helping people move, but I'd be happy to chip in to help you with the mover or I'll provide the pizza party for everybody that does help you move or I'll help you pack, or whatever.

And then another one, this is actually the first one, is free mind of time scarcity. How much are we telling ourselves I don't have enough time, I don't have enough time, there aren't enough hours in the day.

So anyway this is a very powerful program. It's one of my most spiritual and most deep programs and that is, like I said, its $1000 dollar training and that will be the fourth level bonus I think we're at right?

And then the Level 5 bonus is a month of coaching with Mamoon, one-one-one coaching with Mamoon. If your team wins five times throughout this program, if your team dominates, and also just as a heads up I know some people may be like, well what if there's 80% of the people happen to have a birthday in the first six months. We'll make sure things get evened out even by evening people out or just going by percentage of people who complete the stuff as opposed to the number o people. We'll find a way to make sure it's a fair fight so don't worry about that.

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© Christian Mickelsen & Future Force, Inc.

So anyway you'll win a month coaching with Mamoon which will be three, is it half hour sessions is that what we came up with? Three 30 minute sessions with Mamoon and everybody will win that. So everybody in your team will win that if you win five times. So that's sort of the top, top prize.


Okay we've spent a lot of time talking about these prizes so why don't we wrap up here with a couple of things. Number 1 is we need to pick a leader. So I have people time in leader, leader, but what I didn't say, I should have said leader of your team. I don't even know what team you're in. So let me tell you what the leader is going to have to do. The leader is going to have to interact with people through the Google Group and find out who is on your team.

So you might send out an email that says "Hey, who's on Team Alchemist" and then collect the names of those people. And then you'll report into Mamoon the day before, so our trainings are on Wednesday so on Tuesday at some point before you go to bed on Tuesday so that when we wake up on I guess we're on different time zones, when I wake up on Wednesday morning we'll have all that stuff figured out. So on Tuesday let's just say Tuesday by 8:00 pm Pacific Time you'll get the results. You'll tell us all the names of the people in your tribe on your team and then you'll put down next to them what their tribe is, who their niche market is? And if they don't know yet just leave it blank or say "Don't know."

Now here's the scoop. You could start collecting that right away. Find out who doesn't have their tribe yet and then maybe start helping people and coaching people and helping them figure out what their tribe is we can get that ironed out. We want everybody we'd like to have 100% of the people in both teams having their tribe. And if that's the case then maybe – I had never thought about that – if there's a tie then both teams will win. But that's the assignment for this week.

Now each week is going to be a different thing that you'll have to do but your job will be to really get that information from the team, from your team. And then everybody on the team should really be helping each other to get things done because the next week homework assignment is to have an opt-in Web site built. I'll just tell you that right now so this way you can get a jumpstart on that you know. And if you don't have your site built then you need to ask for help from your team and if somebody needs help then you need to help your team. No one gets left behind here this is a community and we win these prizes together, we get the glory together, let's help each other. Committed to helping out in that big of way and you would like to lead your team and say Team Alchemist Leader or Lead Alchemist or Alchemist Leader or something like that, or Peaceful Warrior Leader.

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© Christian Mickelsen & Future Force, Inc.

All right so let's see what we got. So somebody asked a question about the homework. Don't worry about that. I guess since I'm giving you a heads up on what your homework is for the following week if you already have a Web site that already has an opt-in page on it then you don't have to build a whole new Web site. If you've got a Web site that's working based on what we'll be teaching you next week you won't have to create a whole new Web site so don't worry about it.

So I'm going to pick two leaders right now.

Mamoon: Are you going to know if they're on different teams?

Christian: Yes they have said. So Eve you want to be the team leader for Team Alchemist. So Eve go ahead and find Star *2 to raise your hand. Do we have still a bunch of people with their hands up from before?

Mamoon: Yes we do.

Christian: Okay. So lower everyone's hands and then after they're lowered then we'll go ahead and have Eve raise her hand. And then also Kim I don't know if you were saying – I think you're volunteering to be a leader and you would be the leader of the Peaceful Warrior Team. So raise your hand also Kim Star *2 and let's get you guys unmuted.

Mamoon: What is Kim's sir name?

Christian: Kirmsetah.

Mamoon: Okay got it.

Kim: Kirmsetah. Can you hear me?

Mamoon: Yeah.

Christian: Yeah. Hi Kim.

Mamoon: Eve and Kim you're both unmuted.

Eve: Oh great hi.

Christian: And Eve are you here?

Eve: I'm here.

Christian: Hi Eve. Your voices sound really a lot alike.

Eve: Hey we're good teammates.

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Kim: There you go.

Eve: Opposing teams but we're on the same side.

Christian: Yeah. Okay.

Mamoon: Exactly.

Christian: All right. So are you guys up for the responsibility of managing the teams, leading the teams over the next six to seven weeks depending if you guys both end up winning Prize 1.

Kim: Yes.

Christian: Are you ready for that?

Kim: Will you review for us again what exactly we need to do?

Christian: Yeah. So for this week specifically its make a list of everybody who's on your team based on just send an email to the Google Group and say "Are you on Team Alchemist?" If you're not sure dah, dah, dah, this is how you know and make a list.

Mamoon: You know what would be great is if both of you could email and then I'll tell you what you need to do.

Eve: Okay.

Kim: Can you spell your name?

Mamoon: Yeah so it's

Kim: Got it.

Christian: Yeah Mamoon's going to be your point man on running your teams, leading your teams. And also I just want to reiterate everybody really needs to be leading. Get your stuff done help other people get their stuff done. Maybe you've already got your tribe nailed, great go help other people. Right now you might be like hey I've got it all figured out, there's these other needy people I don't need to help anybody. Guess what two weeks for now you might be the needy person so we all need to help each other.

No tribe member left behind we got to help everybody. So something's going to be a sticking point for some of us somewhere along the line. Maybe you're really good at helping people with the peace process contribute in that way. Maybe you're really good at helping people with copy or helping people, whatever. Maybe you don't even know if you're good at anything but

33 Big List Module 1 - Step Up and Lead

© Christian Mickelsen & Future Force, Inc.

you just want to help so just be there and help coach each other. It'll be very, very helpful to do that.

So Mamoon will give you guys instructions but thank you for stepping up to lead your tribe. You might find a second in command for yourself and then let Mamoon know who that might be because who knows what could happen. Maybe something comes up one day and you can't make a call live or who knows it would just be good to have a second in command to have your back and maybe even help you reach out to more people and all that stuff. Sound good?

Kim: Sounds great.

Eve: Sounds great.

Christian: Okay. All right. You can go ahead and mute Kim and Eve. And I'm looking at my time here and our 90 minute call looks like we are about two hours right here. Is there anything else we needed to talk about on this call?

Mamoon: I think we covered absolutely everything.

Christian: Okay. I'll tell you the videos that you will want to watch this week on the $1 Million Dollar Business Branding Secret are from one of my other programs which is a $2500 dollar program when we first launched it is super hot. I think it's one of people's favorite trainings that I've ever done. It's a lot of fun, especially when you get to the naming stuff, and feel free to reach out to get help on naming your stuff.

Any additional homework assignments reach out for help from the team and reach out for help from us using the Google Group. And then also most of the people in the program also were bonus our six month of our Client Getting Secrets Monthly Group Coaching Program. And so that means we'll have another chance to be live on the call with me. And so that's actually this coming Tuesday is our next call. So actually on Tuesday evening, my time anyway in the west, Tuesday evening we have our nice Clients Getting Secret Monthly Call and it's an entire hot seat call so there's not really doing any training on that call I'm just coaching. So that's a great place to get help with your niche if you're still struggling with it. It's a great place to get help with anything that you want help with. So it will be all hot seat on that call and like I said almost everybody gets that bonus. And if you're not sure just email to let us know whether that's part of your package or not.

All right everybody you are already a huge step towards having a Big List. You're stepping up and leading and you're defining your target market, you're stepping up in a big way, you're embodying that leader, you're seeing yourself in a new way as a leader, and if you've got the tools using the peace process some of the stuff that comes up that could keep you from

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© Christian Mickelsen & Future Force, Inc.

showing up big in the world. I know for me stepping up could be the leader of the coaching industry pushed a lot of my buttons. So just thinking that that's what I wanted to do and then who am I to do that? And what are people going to think if I told people that. And so I had to use the peace process to go through a lot of that stuff that's why I wanted to integrate that into this first module. Plus it's something that's going to be valuable as we grow your business as we move along to growing your list.

And then of course using all the other video training on creating your customer avatar and naming your business and naming your programs and all that stuff that's in the video it's going to be super great for you and it's going to give you a great start as we move to Module 2 next week which is Making Your List Building Machine. And the next week we'll be talking about setting up your Web site in a way that will grow your list. Talking about how to create amazing giveaways that are shockingly valuable and also how to write great marketing copy so that you can describe your giveaway and any other of your marketing stuff in any of your programs or your coaching you can describe them in really compelling ways and that's what we'll be covering on Module 2 next week.

Go forth have your best week ever. Remember people need our help so let's get people coached. Take care everybody and thank you Mamoon for being here.

Mamoon: Thank you. Bye-bye.

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