personal development plan by sarita

Post on 12-Aug-2015






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For example:

- The courses I took

- Decisions I made

- What lead me into the decisions

- Outcomes

For this presentation I am going to talk about my experiences, in terms of education.






Level 3 90 credit MEDIA



For this personal presentation I have decided that I would like to talk about my experiences in terms of education and choices and the reason for this is because I generally believe I have a lot to say about what choices I have made in the past and how they have become a part of my present in terms of where I am now…

After when I did my gcse’s I decided that I wanted to take photography as the next step to education so decided to go to college and do a level 3 art and design photography diploma whilst I was in the course about up to 2 months I thought to myself is this what I really want to do is this the right choice to have because whilst doing the work I just didn’t seem to really enjoy it and I was confused because I always thought it would be something that id love. After the first year of photography I decided that maybe its not for me and maybe I should try something different so what I did was decided to get my 90 credits and finish the first year of the course and then after the first year do another course, so after looking through prospectus and going to college open days I decided that I was quite warming to the course public services I liked the idea that we’d lean about the policies of law and how it affects people and the course content seemed great so I thought I’m going to do this.

So I applied for the course, got through the interview and then I got my place at that point I was thrilled because I thought this is great now hopefully I’ll be better a this and be happier generally and enjoy it, so 6 weeks into the course I realised that that course was absolutely wrong for me in every way, the fact that I actually thought to myself that I’d enjoy it is now beyond me because subconsciously I don’t think I’ve ever been into that sort of career and still I have no idea why I chose it.

Whilst doing that course I started to see changes in myself as person, as an individual and it made me really complacent in terms of me not wanting to carry on with it, it made me in a way feel a bit helpless and I thought to myself I need to get away from this feeling, I thought at first it was just myself thinking that and maybe I’m just being silly and I will like it but then what really opened my eyes where my family and friends they said to me that they’ve started seeing changes in me as a person and they said I don’t generally seem happy. At that point my perspective hanged completely it made me re think everything, I looked at things in a different perspective and I thought and said to myself I’m not happy at all, I need to change something. It was so bad then, the way I felt, I always felt low all the time and I always had that nasty horrible feeling of dread of getting up in the morning and to me that was the worst thing because dread was something, which I couldn’t take.


After a long think and a long chat with my family I decided to go back to doing photography and finishing off the full diploma and getting the full level 3 art and design diploma , so I dropped out of public services and went back and carried on with the second year of photography.

That choice I made then was probably one of the best choices I had ever made at the time because it gave me a different perspective differently I thought that doing something different would be good for me but it really wasn’t and at that point when they let me back In to the second year It made me as a person more determined then ever to do my best, my work in the second year was something which I really worked at and my grades where great too at the end and what I learned from that experience is sometimes its okay to make wrong decisions because you never know what really is going to be good for you but once you don’t like something you need to change it because it can really affect you.

I’m really glad that I did that though and I wouldn’t change it ever because if I changed that experience I don’t think I would be where I am now and I think that making that wrong decision is has benefit me because its made me more aware and made me think logically for the other decisions I make.

After the course I didn’t want to go university because I realised as well as me being good at photography I had a real passion for writing so I thought I need to do something where I can write and be creative as well so then what I did was apply to this media course because this course involves just as much theory as practical and that’s what I liked.

I’m glad I took the year out to do this course and finally see what I wanted to do and I’m glad I took this media course because its made me really think deeply what I want to do in the future and the fact that I’ll be going to university next year is a good thing because its made me choose about what course is right for me and I know that I do want to pursue a career in writing and that’s why I have gone into a journalism course for university. 

What I learnt from that experience was that sometimes its okay to make mistakes and make bad decisions because at that time they might not be but when you look back you could realise what you need to do for yourself.

What I learnt from these sessions of personal development:I’ve learnt a lot about the skills you need to become a entrepreneur and why you need the skills but also why it's important to have those skills generally, I’ve also learnt a lot about myself.

From these sessions I can now say that knowing yourself as a person is much more important than anything, and I now strongly believe that knowing yourself is the basis to get you where you want to be and that’s what moves you forward.

I’ve learnt that entrepreneurship means a person who sets a business for themselves but I’ve also learnt that before that Its important to set up yourself and get really deep into yourself as a person and know what you want, why you want it and what it would do for you and what you're all about as a person because that will then will take you to the next steps of your life because the decisions you take are your moving points.

Another thing I’ve learnt is that passion for a subject or a business idea is key as well as being interested and really believing in yourself because if you don’t believe in yourself then at the end of the day truth is, no one will so I believe in that self acceptance and self appreciation is key. Just as in a business authenticity is key. And if your passion is real and it’s strong others will be able to see it and therefore that means it makes others believe in you because they see your passion.

On the whole I believe generally I can now make better decisions and I’ll only now focus on what I want and what it would do for me, and how it will help me grow. I won't give time to unnecessary thoughts, things or people anymore and as much as I can I will try and avoid negativity because I think negative people and influence around you is not good to have as it just drains you out, staying out of negativity is the best thing to do.

These are screen stills from when I gave my presentation about my life experiences

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