personal evangelism, the laity and lifegroups (lifeboats)

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Personal Evangelism, the Laity and LifeGroups (lifeboats). Leonard C. Albert. LifeGroups and Home Evangelism. Small groups in the early church brought revival and renewal and growth. Small groups in in the Bible. Moses Our Lord Jesus home ministry Acts (nine references) Lydia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Leonard C. AlbertPersonal Evangelism, the Laity and LifeGroups (lifeboats)

LifeGroups and Home EvangelismSmall groups in the early church brought revival and renewal and growthMosesOur Lord Jesus home ministryActs (nine references)LydiaPricilla and AquilaPhilemonThe disciples

Small groups in in the BibleActs 2:46-47So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.Churches want/need small groups!The essential place of spiritual growth, friendship and nurture. People care for each other in times of need. It is how we connect authentically with each other.

Small groups are vital9

Inward focusNo equipping to reach the lostNo plan to multiply groupsNo relationships being formedNo fun

3Why Small Groups Fail

Outward focusEquips the saintsEasy to multiply groupsRelationships formed naturallyGreat food, fun, fellowship!


PotentialFive Christian couples / singles can bring 25 unchurched/unsaved couples / singles to the local church in five months!11

It is a local church driven planIt is a home-based small group planIt is an evangelism teaching plan through deeds of kindnessIt is prayer focusedMeet only once a month

LifeGroupsTraining Christian couples and singles to reach the church-detatched

Equipping Christian couples or singles without a plan to reach the lost is like rowing a boat with one oar!Row with two oars! Train and equip Christianswith a plan to reach the lost in their communities

Five couples rotate homes Five months meet once per monthFive unsaved/unchurched focus couples


Monthly ScheduleEat togetherView a 20 min video teaching Engage in a 30 min discussion of the lessonClose with prayer for focus couplesShare action ideas for reaching themElementsSupper / Soul winning / SupplicationTime commitment3 hours monthly / 2 semesters each year17Four levels of study each with a Take Five Study Guide and Teaching DVD and a textbook (two year curriculum)


The multiplication factorThe Take Five Generator couple/singleThe Leaders

The leader hand-picks four couples or singles (future group leaders)

55555Each Christian couple or singleIdentifies five unsaved or unchurchedfocus couples25 focus couples/singles Up to 50 new people!1st Generation Training Five months

Leader and his four hand-picked couples (other church leaders)1st GenerationThe Take Five PlanStaff/LeaderStaff/LeaderStaff/LeaderStaff/Leader

Leader and his four hand-picked couples (other church leaders)1st GenerationStaff/LeaderStaff/LeaderStaff/LeaderStaff/Leader

Pastor and his new 4 hand-picked couples (other church leaders)1st Generation(End of year one)Staff/Leaders each have four new couplesStaff/LeaderStaff/LeaderStaff/LeaderStaff/Leader

Preparation for the 2nd Generation Pastor or staff leader hand-picks four couples (future small group leaders)

Pastor and his new four hand-picked couples (other church leaders)2nd Generation(beginning of year two)25 Christian couples reaching a total of 125 unreached couples/singlesStaff/Leaders each have four new couplesStaff/LeaderStaff/LeaderStaff/LeaderStaff/Leader

Third Generation(end of 18 months)45 Christian couples reaching a total of 1,125 unchurched/unsaved couplesFourth Generation(end of 24 months)65 Christian couples reaching a total of 1,625 unchurched/unsaved couples

5th Generation(Beginning of year three and beyond!)

Hundreds of Christian couples and singles reaching thousands of lost people!

Start growing today!

www.take5lifegroups.comClosing Scripture ThoughtA lesson from a great Old Testament Pastor!Numbers 11:10 - 17


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