pets of anceint egypt!

Post on 22-May-2015






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this is a power point about the anceient of egypt. made by me nile! it's totally awesome!



By me Nile!!!!!!!

The Egyptians had many kinds of birds like…. Falcons! They were important

because of their religious significance. I mean that’s cool. Falcons today don’t have any religious significance do they? NO! There was a hawk\falcon god that the Egyptians worshiped.

The Egyptians also had….

Geese! They were probably very popular with nobles. They say that they were the bird version of a watchdog! Meaning it honked a lot. Geese these days honk a lot but they’re not watch dogs!

The Egyptians also had turtle doves!

The Egyptians had some unusual animals like…… Gazelles! In the information I got it

says that the gazelles slept by your feet by the fire! Today they don’t sleep by your bed they probably sleep in a pen!

The Egyptians had unusual pets like…… Lions! The lions were probably

only for royalty! I mean today lions aren't pets they are wild animals!

They also had…

Monkeys! The Egyptians kept their monkeys on a leash. I mean today we don’t keep them on a leash. I don’t think we even keep them as pets!

And finally for the unusual pets of Ancient Egyptians are…. MONGEESE! These tiny little cute

guys went on hunting trips with the Egyptians according to my source. Today they don’t hunt with Egyptians; wait… not with humans at all!

The Egyptians had household pets too like…. The dog! The Egyptians would

have liked the dog for a bff aka Best Friend Forever! I know I would. And dogs made good hunting partners. Well today they still hunt with people and are good BFFs!

And finally they had…..

CATS! They were very popular with the Egyptians! They were used for religious purposes and had a connection with the cat god Ra. I know, poor kitties! They sacrificed them, I know sad.

Here’s a list of Egyptian animal gods

Deity Animal

Ptah Bull

Toth Baboon

Amun Ram

Horus\Ra Falcon\Hawk

Anubis Jackal\Dog

Sobek Crocodile

Hathor Cow

Sekhmet Lion



Whatdaya think? Is it good? Is it awesome? Wait I know ‘cause I made it! I’M SO HAPPY I FINSHED!

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