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THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2011. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41 ~ Ages 4-5

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Teacher’s Guide: Ages 4-5 God of Wonders Part 2: Genesis through Joshua

Unit 8, Lesson 41

Pharaoh Would Not Listen

Lesson Aim: To see how important it is to listen to God’s warnings.

THE WORSHIP Who God is: The God Who Speaks

THE WORD Bible Story: Exodus 8:20-32

What He has done: God sent the plague of flies when Pharaoh would not listen to His warning.

THE WAY Whisper Verse: “Be quick to listen.”

BIBLE MEMORY VERSE “I will listen to what God the Lord will say.” Psalm 85:8

Unit 8: The God Who Speaks

Bible Story What He Has Done Lesson Aim 38 Joseph and His Special Robe,

Genesis 37:1-3 God gave Joseph a father who loved him very much.

To know we can show our love to God and to others.

39 Joseph Forgives His Brothers, Genesis 50:17-21

God led Joseph to forgive his brothers.

To know God wants us to forgive each other.

40 The Burning Bush, Exodus 3:1-12

God speaks to Moses from a burning bush.

To know God speaks to us.

41 Pharaoh Would Not Listen, Exodus 8:20-32

God sent the plague of flies when Pharaoh would not listen to God’s warnings.

To see how important it is to listen to God’s warnings.

42 God Parts the Red Sea, Exodus 14:9-10, 13-16, 21-22

God parted the Red Sea to save His people.

To see how God speaks through His creation and His miracles.

TEACHER’S ENCOURAGEMENT This week, read Luke 10:16. Please join us in praying, “Forgive us, Lord, when we refuse to listen to You and Your messengers. Open the children’s hearts to accept Your directions. Amen.”

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THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2011. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41 ~ Ages 4-5

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Segment Minutes Activity Supplies Treasure Chest Stamp or sticker of a bug or fly THE

WELCOME Up to 15

Whisper Verse Sign language for “Be quick to listen.” Worship Sheet music and recordings for Bible Memory Verse Songs are available at

Unit 8 Bible Memory Verse Song: “I Will Listen” Other Bible Memory Verse Song Suggestions: “It’s Praise Time” “I Can Do Everything” “We Love” “Here Am I” “He Is Mighty to Save” “Be Still and Know” “Let Everything That Has Breath” “Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled” Additional Song Suggestions: “This Is My Father’s World” “Jesus Loves Me” Additional Song Collection Suggestions: Cedarmont Classics Sunday School Songs ABC’s of Praise; Mary Rice Hopkins

Offering Baskets


Up to 20

Worship Illustration The Adventures of Delbert and Lello puppet script or storybook: God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41


Up to 10 Watch the Word: Exodus 8:20-32

Teacher’s Bible with bookmark at Exodus 8:20b Visual: Fly swatter

Craft: Pharaoh and the Flies Sturdy white paper, standard-size sheet of light blue paper, washable inkpad or paint (black or brown), glue or glue sticks, black or brown crayons or markers

Game: Let My People Go! Chair for Pharaoh’s throne Game: Moses Says! None Snack: Buzzing Bugs Any bug-shaped snack such as raisins, chewy candy,


Up to 25

Circle of Prayer None


Final 5 Final Five Ponder, Pray & Play: Unit 8, Lesson 41 Color This Story: “Pharaoh Would Not Listen”

Up to 10 Say & Do: Exodus 8:20-32 None Up to 10 Game: Scripture Hopscotch Ten 8 inch x 8 inch colorful fabric squares or floor



Up to 10 Story Time Any story about listening

RESOURCES: Supplemental materials are available at

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2011. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41 ~ Ages 4-5

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Be quick to listen


Welcome each child as they arrive. Hello _____. I’m glad you are here! Come open the Treasure Chest to find today’s treasure. Child unlocks the Treasure Chest to receive a stamp or sticker of a bug or fly. Let this stamp (or sticker) of a bug (or fly) remind you that God spoke to Pharaoh by sending flies when he would not listen. Today’s Whisper Verse is “Be quick to listen.” Teach the Whisper Verse in spoken language and in sign language below. We call it the Whisper Verse so you can whisper it to others.*

SIGN LANGUAGE: “Be quick to listen.”

(For visual demonstrations, see Each time we say today’s Whisper Verse, let’s say it with two hand motions: “(Be) quick” The thumbs quickly snap out from chest to represent something being fast. “(to) listen.” The hand cups the ear in an effort to hear better. Allow children to enjoy free play until everyone has arrived. Let’s sing the “Clean Up Song” as we put toys away before Praise Time. Praise any child who helps. Allow several minutes for clean up. “Clean Up Song”: Clean up! Clean up! Everybody, everywhere! Clean up! Clean up! Everybody do your share! Gather and seat children in Praise Time area. *Today’s Whisper Verse: “Be quick to listen,” James 1:19. The Whisper Verse is a tool to help the children learn a major point in the lesson. It is coupled with sign language or hand motions as a memory aid. The verse is not necessarily chosen from today’s Bible story.

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2011. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41 ~ Ages 4-5

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The God who speaks


Teacher Tip: To help children identify time set aside for worship, designate a special corner or area for singing, collecting offering, and watching the worship illustration. Play “It’s Praise Time!” as children move to that designated area. It’s Praise Time–our time to sing praise to the God who speaks to us. God speaks to us through nature, through Bible stories, and through people who love Him. God loves it when we listen to what He says. That reminds me of today’s Whisper Verse, “Be quick to listen.” Let’s say it together. Review the Whisper Verse together: “Be quick to listen.” Include sign language.

As we give our offering, let’s thank God for speaking to us through His world. Play: “This Is My Father’s World” as background music while the offering is being collected. God speaks to us through people who love Him. In today’s story, God spoke through Moses to tell Pharaoh to let God’s people go, but Pharaoh would not listen. Let’s sing a promise to God that we will listen to what He says. Unit 8 Bible Memory Verse Song: “I Will Listen.” God speaks to us through friends like Delbert and Lello as they learn about God. Let’s see how well we can listen to what they have to say today. Perform The Adventures of Delbert and Lello puppet script or read storybook: God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41. When we know God wants us to do something, should we do it? (Yes.) Let’s march as we sing these songs to show God we will be quick to listen and do what He tells us to do. Sing: “Here Am I” and “I Can Do Everything”.

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2011. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41 ~ Ages 4-5

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Pharaoh would not listen


Before we begin our Bible Time, let’s say our Classroom Promise with the motions.

With my eyes on my teacher; Point to eyes. My mouth quiet as can be, Place index finger over mouth as quiet sign. I will listen to hear, Cup hand around ear. How God loves you and me. Hug self, point to others, and then self.

Last time, we learned how God spoke to Moses through a bush and Moses listened. Who remembers what was special about this bush? (It was on fire but never burned up.) Today, we will learn about someone who would not listen to the Lord as Moses did. It was the king of Egypt, the Pharaoh. Let’s open our Bible to Exodus chapter 8 to learn more about Pharaoh. Handle Bible as a special treasure, leaving it open to Exodus 8:20b.

WATCH THE WORD: EXODUS 8:20-32 Read the points below or retell the passage in your own words using the points below as a general guide. To illustrate the story, display a fly swatter and swat at imaginary flies as you tell the story. Other visual options include the craft sample, Color This Story picture, or any related picture.

The Lord, Himself, spoke to Moses one day. He said, “Tomorrow, go to Pharaoh and say, ‘Let my people go, so they can worship me. If you do not, many flies you will see.’” Pharaoh would not listen to God’s warning, So flies filled the land by the next morning. Pharaoh said to Moses, “Go and pray for me.” So Moses prayed, and the flies did leave. But Pharaoh’s heart was stubborn, you know. He would not let God’s people go!

What did God tell Moses to say to Pharaoh? (“Let my people go.”) Let’s find our answer in the Bible. Read Exodus 8:20b from the teacher’s Bible.

Was Moses quick to listen to God? (Yes. He followed God’s directions and went to Pharaoh.) Let’s say our Whisper Verse together: “Be quick to listen.” Include sign language or hand motions.

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2011. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41 ~ Ages 4-5

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Be quick to listen


Teacher Tip: Craft and games can be presented at the same time in different areas or one at a time depending on class size and teaching style.

CRAFT: PHARAOH AND THE FLIES Purpose: To illustrate God sent flies to punish Pharaoh when he would not listen. Supplies: Sturdy white paper, standard-size sheet of light blue paper, washable inkpad or paint (black or brown), glue or glue sticks, black or brown crayons or markers Prepare: Cut an outline of Pharaoh’s head from sturdy white paper. Across the top of the sturdy light blue paper, print:

“Pharaoh Would Not Listen” Exodus 8:20-32


1. Glue the outline of Pharaoh’s head onto sturdy light blue paper. 2. Draw an unhappy or angry face on Pharaoh to show he is upset. 3. Press your finger tip on a washable ink pad (or dip in paint), then press it onto the paper to

create a fingerprint “fly.” 4. Continue to create fingerprint “flies” all around Pharaoh’s head. 5. Use a black or brown crayon (or marker) to draw wings on the flies.

Craft Discussion:

What do you think it would be like to have flies fill your home and your land? (Children respond.)

If you were Pharaoh and God gave you that warning, would you have let God’s people go? (Children respond.)

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2011. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41 ~ Ages 4-5

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THE WAY continued…

GAME: LET MY PEOPLE GO! Purpose: To illustrate God sent flies to punish Pharaoh when he would not listen. Supplies: Chair for Pharaoh’s throne Directions:

1. Choose two children to be Moses and Pharaoh. 2. Seat Pharaoh in the chair in the center of the room. Moses stands near Pharaoh. 3. The remaining children are the flies, crouching down in the corner of the room. 4. Have the children act out the script below.

MOSES: God said, “Let My people go!” PHARAOH: I won’t listen. No! No! No! MOSES: Then flies will come, God told you so! FLIES: Buzzzz! The children march forward and circle around Pharaoh’s throne, continually buzzing and flapping their arms (wings). TEACHER: Moses prayed and the flies flew away! Flies flap, buzz, and return to their corner. But, Pharaoh would not let the people go.

5. Repeat until each child has a turn as Moses or Pharaoh.

GAME: MOSES SAYS! Purpose: This version of the game “Simon Says” reinforces the idea of being quick to listen. Supplies: None Pharaoh would not listen to what Moses said. Let’s see if we can be quick to listen and do only what Moses says! Directions:

1. Children stand in front of you at arm’s length from each other. 2. When I say the words “Moses says,” you obey the command right away. If you do not

hear “Moses says,” then don’t move. If anyone moves when they aren’t supposed to, then we will all buzz like the flies around Pharaoh’s head.

3. Lead children through a practice. Moses says, “Touch your toes.” Children touch their toes. Clap your hands. Children don’t move.

4. Play the game using some of the suggestions below or make your own. If child moves without “Moses says” then everyone makes buzzing sounds and the game continues.

Suggested directions from Moses: Swat at a fly. Cover your ears. Fold your arms. Jump like a frog. Croak like a frog. Moo like a cow. March in place. Stand on one foot. Clap your hands 3 times.

5. Play as long as you like. If time allows, let children take turns giving directions as Moses.

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2011. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41 ~ Ages 4-5

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THE WAY continued…

SNACK: BUZZING BUGS Purpose: To know God has a plan for us. Snack Suggestion: Any bug-shaped snack such as raisins, chewy candy, etc. Directions:

1. Serve snack and drink. 2. Let’s sing the “Blessing Song.” Sing to the tune of “Frere Jacques” or other familiar tune.

God our Father, God our Father. Once again, once again. Thank You for our blessings. Thank You for our blessings. Amen. Amen.

3. Lead discussion below while children enjoy their snack. Who remembers the Whisper Verse? (“Be quick to listen.”) Let’s say it together with

the hand motions. Was Pharaoh quick to listen to God’s warning? (No.) What are some warnings people have given to you? (e.g., If you are not careful,

you will fall. If you drop that, it will break.) God speaks warnings to us through His Bible, His world, and His people. Are you

quick to listen to His warnings? (Children respond.) How can we be better listeners? (Children respond.)

CIRCLE OF PRAYER God made you and He cares for you. He loves to hear you pray with private words or words you say out loud. Let’s fold our hands and close our eyes. As I lift up your name to God in heaven, I will lay my hand on your shoulder. Let’s pray together. Dear God, thank You for making us and loving us. We lift up to You a special prayer for ___, ___, ___ (read every name). We pray for our families and friends. Thank You for teaching us how to love one another. Amen.

When only 5 minutes remain, begin this segment.

FINAL FIVE MINUTES COMPLETED CRAFT: Take home your “Pharaoh and the Flies” craft. Tell someone how Pharaoh would not listen to Moses’ warning about the flies.

PONDER, PRAY & PLAY: Distribute Ponder, Pray & Play cards if available. Show this card to your family. Talk about ways we can “be quick to listen.”

COLOR THIS STORY: “Pharaoh Would Not Listen.” Discuss the Bible Story and play the Unit 8 Bible Memory Verse Song, “I Will Listen,” as children color.

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2011. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41 ~ Ages 4-5

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If time remains, choose from the connected activities below.


SAY & DO: EXODUS 8:20-32 Purpose: This pantomime version of the Bible Story helps children remember the story details. Supplies: None Directions: With each phrase, the teacher says the phrase and acts it out with hand motions; then repeats the same phrase and motions with the children.

The Lord, Himself, spoke to Moses one day. (Point to heaven.) He said, “Tomorrow, go to Pharaoh and say, (Point, as if showing where to go.) ‘Let my people go, so they can worship me. (Wag index finger as if scolding.) If you do not, many flies you will see.’” (Hands fan imaginary flies away.) Pharaoh would not listen to God’s warning, (Cover ears, shake head no.) So flies filled the land by the next morning. (Hands fan imaginary flies away.) Pharaoh said to Moses, “Go and pray for me.” (Fold hands in prayer.) So Moses prayed, and the flies did leave. (Smile and wave goodbye to flies.) But Pharaoh’s heart was stubborn, you know. (Place fist on heart.) He would not let God’s people go! (Fold arms, shake head no.)

BIBLE MEMORY VERSE ACTIVITIES “I will listen to what God the Lord will say.” Psalm 85:8

GAME: SCRIPTURE HOPSCOTCH Purpose: To have fun memorizing the Bible Memory Verse. Supplies: Ten 8 inch x 8 inch colorful fabric squares (or floor tape) laid in shape below

One way God speaks to us is through His words in the Bible. When we listen to Bible stories, it is as if we are listening to God. Our Bible Memory Verse says, “I will listen to what God the Lord will say.” Let’s all say the verse together as we give one clap for each word. Now, let’s play “Scripture Hopscotch.” Directions:

1. Choose one child as a volunteer “hopper.” Children chant “I” with one clap. Hopper jumps onto the first square.

2. Children chant “will” with one clap. Hopper jumps onto the next square. 3. Continue chanting the Bible Memory Verse one word at a time as the

Hopper hops. 4. Play until each child who wishes to be the hopper has a turn.

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2011. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ God of Wonders Unit 8, Lesson 41 ~ Ages 4-5

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GOT TIME continued…


Gather the children and read a favorite story. This can be a Bible Story, a chapter from The Adventures of Delbert & Lello, or a story about listening.

PONDER, PRAY & PLAY Unit 8, Lesson 41: Pharaoh Would Not Listen

PONDER! Read Exodus 8:20-32 with your family. Discuss what it would be like to have flies fill your home and your land. Even though he was warned about the flies, Pharaoh would not listen. Talk about times when you have not listened to warnings you were given. PRAY! Pray this prayer each day this week: “Thank You, Lord, for speaking to us through Your people as You spoke to Pharaoh through Moses. Help us listen to warnings from You. Amen.” PLAY! Play “Moses Says.” In this version of Simon Says, players follow the leader’s directions only if the leader begins with the command: “Moses says.” If any player moves without hearing “Moses says” before the command, all the players make a buzzing sound like flies and the game continues.

Unit 8 Bible Memory Verse: Psalm 85:8 “I will listen to what God the Lord will say.”

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